Ford is getting out of the electric commuter car business. It seems clear that hybrids are more palatable to current consumers. It isn't clear that electrics are clean if coupled to increased coal fired plants (of course if they are sufficiently efficient and the plants are clean they will win)
The current Scientific American (October 2002) has an article by GM technologists outlining their thinking about hydrogen fuel cell cars and what it will take to get there. Recommended reading if you have any interest in the subject. The online version of the magazine has a short piece on their skateboard chassis design for fuel cell vehicles.
Fuel cells are clearly some time off for applications ranging from PCs to cars, but if you want to follow the industry give Fuel Cell Today a read.
This is as good a place as any for finding up to date information if you aren't a specialist (I'm clearly not) - it leads the popular sources like SciAm ,Wired and the news magazines.
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