The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
commentary on almost anything that seems interesting

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Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Cheap iPods!

Several people have reacted to my notes on my iPod over the past few months - generally noting that it was cool, but overpriced. For what it is worth, Macwarehouse is selling out their stock of 5GB and 10GB iPods for $249 and $299 respectively.
8:47:22 AM    

Fotokina is opening soon and Kodak is announcing a 14Mpel modified Nikon

At $4k this will probably replace film in the prosumer 35mm market. It should also signal a price competition on the high end of digital photography.

Digital Photography Review is one of the best spots on the Net for digital camera news. Its reviews are careful, detailed and unbiased. If you are following the technology or in the market, this is a great resource.
4:30:30 AM    

Ford is getting out of the electric commuter car business. It seems clear that hybrids are more palatable to current consumers. It isn't clear that electrics are clean if coupled to increased coal fired plants (of course if they are sufficiently efficient and the plants are clean they will win)

The current Scientific American (October 2002) has an article by GM technologists outlining their thinking about hydrogen fuel cell cars and what it will take to get there. Recommended reading if you have any interest in the subject. The online version of the magazine has a short piece on their skateboard chassis design for fuel cell vehicles.

Fuel cells are clearly some time off for applications ranging from PCs to cars, but if you want to follow the industry give Fuel Cell Today a read.

This is as good a place as any for finding up to date information if you aren't a specialist (I'm clearly not) - it leads the popular sources like SciAm ,Wired and the news magazines.
4:29:10 AM    

Most of my notes about our broken copyright laws reference music, but the same is true with other media. Steve sent a link that describes the latest exploits of Brewster Kale - the bookmobile. What a lovely concept!
4:28:43 AM    

I tend to have tshirts with messages on them as part of my uniform. Northern Sun is a highly recommended supplier. Try them at

but their physical catalog browses much better than their website. If you have a good idea, they may just print it. Their bumper sticker selection is huge, but one rarely sees bumper stickers these days.

one of my favorites:

"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." - Josef Stalin
4:28:21 AM    

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