Book review alert.
It turns out that a group of five very interesting residents of Birmingham England got together once a month on the Monday nearest the full moon for interesting talk. The chat was sufficiently interesting, and the roads were dark as the 19th century had not yet arrived, that the full moon allowed them to find their paths home in the early hours of the morning and this calendaring gave rise to the name of their group - "The Lunar Society."
The members of this club happen to be seriously interesting - Joseph Priestley, James Watt, Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton and Erasmus Darwin (he had a grandson named Charles). They managed to have a jolly good time and created a "democracy of knowledge." Among other things they came up with the name hydrogen to apply to something Priestly was working on, created bizarre inventions and schemes.
If you have the slightest interest in the history of technology find a copy of "The Lunar Men: Five Friends Whose Curiosity Changed the World" by Jenny Uglow. The book is a bit slow at times, but the great period detail makes the read enjoyable.
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