The Crandall Surf Report 2.0
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Friday, May 9, 2003

Salon and the current issue of the New Yorker magazine area both running articles on Karl Rove.

I find this guy frightening -- the puppet masters (Rove, Cheney) are always more frightening than the puppets (Bush). The concept of continual war as a cornerstone of Republican politics is disturbing.

At some point the economy has to become important. We are angering our trading partners, our own economy isn't exactly robust, important psychological events that might damage the economy may be in the wings (SARS, terrorists) and increasing debt can't go on forever.
4:57:54 PM    

While searching for some ferret related information I came across this....

I have always wondered what happens to the very serious trekkie/trekker.
6:54:19 AM    

Security is hard, but do you really trust Microsoft to protect you?

Microsoft has posted Steve Ballmer's note on digital rights management. As Microsoft moves towards creating what may amount of a walled village it may be reasonable to give some thought to which side of the fence you want to be on...
6:21:25 AM    

The past few days have seen quite a bit of chatter about Google's upcoming blog search tool. It seems that the large amount of incestuous linking common to blogs creates a source of noise that can down out other sources.

Google has clearly taken steps to deal with this in the past (try searching on items in this blog on Google vs the Atomz search link on this page ... Google seriously underperforms Atomz). Their final solution is to have a separate search for blogs, excluding them from standard searches (or so go the rumors). We've seen this before -- newsgroups are a separate search in Google.

I haven't been terribly impressed by the current crop of blog search tools.

Feedster (once Roogle) is one of the better tools - at least it has improved quite a bit since I tired it last.

rssSearch was better than Roogle, but Feedster now seems to perform better on my (very limited) test set.

daypop is an example of a search tool used within a group of submitted sites.

6:02:14 AM    

Notes on how artists get paid from Dan Bricklin. There isn't anything new here, but it is worth the read if you don't worry about this sort of thing on a regular basis.
4:54:09 AM    

I don't know what to make of the Motorola IMfree. The idea is to link small portable keyboard/displays via a 900MHz link to a home's broadband PC for IM. In theory kids can walk all over the house and yard IMing their friends. Most of the people I know with kids and broadband have multiple computers and this seems expensive at $100 (you could get a working used PC for not much more than that). It will be interesting to see if there is a market.
4:53:05 AM    

This is probably the smallest commercial RC helicopter I've seen. If you really really really need to have one, japan direct can get one to you for about $650 in the US.
4:52:48 AM    

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