Wednesday, May 28, 2003
From the really stupid idea department ...
Among the problems, imagine the huge amount of noise that would be passed on to the authorities.
1:27:41 PM
When I first heard about the failing capacitor story I thought it was the beginning of an urban legend. Now a reputable source has an article on it.
Is your motherboard affected? Will the supplier make good? The profit margins are so low on motherboards that I imagine many people will be out of luck.
7:46:03 AM
The Sun has been very active lately with beautiful auroral displays - some of them would have been visible over New Jersey, but we've had cloudy/rainy weather lately.
In any event some flares have recently errupted and one might expect auroral actively over the next three days.
7:04:35 AM
A decade ago many of us worried about putting antennas 20km in the sky on special aircraft to provide broadband to areas where installing fiber was impractical. There are many issues associated with this practice and it has defeated the likes of Paul MacCready to date.
And now we have a company working on net from tethered aerostats. A bit of searching shows some impressive platforms made for the war on drugs. Even more impressive a design for a balloon-borne radio telescope design - here is an analysis of stability issues.
5:42:46 AM
A few days ago I mentioned being thrown out of a mall when I tried to use a camera and the changes that I thought might come as cameras become smaller and ubiquitous.
Several people sent email noting that heightened security drive camera use in the other direction - also any move to a police state tends to put cameras in the hands of the police and out of the public (Ashcroft would like this). Fred sent a link to one lawyer's view on what your rights as a photographer really are. This is worth reading (although I don't know how valid it is ... I suspect it is more valid than what the average security guard or policeman believes).
5:42:28 AM