Heli's Heaven and Hell Radio : NEWS AND VIEWS on art, literature, politics, Bush.
Updated: 1/11/08; 11:00:36 AM.


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Sunday, September 12, 2004

A picture named Risk.jpg Doonesbury gives an explanation of the color coded threat levels (click thumbnail).
4:06:42 PM    

History will judge about Bush and Blair. No president is documented better than Bush. It did not come as a surprise that a known psychiatrist was able to publish a psychiatric study of Bush on the basis of all the information that was available (maybe more than a psychiatrist would be able to collect on any other patient).
We know the tricks of the neocons and how they corrupt language. George Lakoff has written a book: Don't Think Of An Elephant in which he explains the power of framing.
It's easy for the flip-flopper in chief, who 'invented' the pre-emptive ideology, to prefer attack to defense, and to accuse his opponent of flip-flopping. This is a trick known by any bully from the age of five. It's a matter of projecting the evil in themselves onto other people.
Neocons have a dislike for language and education, Bush certainly has, he stumbles over his words. And to falsify reality, the facts, they resort to word corruption. The vain talk about freedom, justice only serves to hide the breaking down of freedom and justice.
And when neocons find themselves trapped and accused, they cry wolf, such as in the case of the Bush memos. The White House refuses to comment on those memos, which is as good as admitting they are authentic. Even literate blogs like Kuro5hin fall into the trap of the 'typographical inconsistencies'. The trick is always to divert from the facts by pointing out something else so that everybody forgets about the issues.
Another trick is to tell us they didn't have the information, never heard about the detainee abuse for instance.
Recent polls suggest Bush has an advantage over Kerry. Moreover, the war in Iraq seems to have no effect on the poll results. Which means people do not get the correct information on this war or do not care at all about all those deaths. The Bush deaths should normally work negatively on his ratings. Does this mean a large part of the American people are sadists and enjoy the Bush deaths like the Abu Ghraib soldiers enjoyed their abuse of the prisoners, like Bush enjoyed executions?
Fact is that Bush gets his support from the fundamentalist section of the American society, from those who do not have the correct information and who do not want to have that information. People who have replaced the harsh reality with soothing words without meaning are dangerous people.
Yesterday I read this on BBC World Ceefax: "...the average reading age of people in the UK is equivalent to an educated nine-year-old" (the UK is above average in Europe). What would the average reading age be in the US, I wonder.
And there is also the advantage of the moron and the criminal: they don't feel they have to stick to the rules and laws, which gives them an immense advantage.
2:21:40 PM    

BoingBoing about the US Secret Service harassing Indymedia: "The Department of Justice has opened a criminal investigation and is demanding records related to an indymedia.org post which expressed anti-RNC sentiment and listed the names of some 2,200 individual RNC delegates."
11:36:09 AM    

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