Salon: "Under order from U.S. District Court Judge Harold Baer Jr. to find and make public any of President Bush's military records that had not already been released, the Pentagon late on Friday released yet another batch of documents. None of the new paperwork addresses the lingering questions surrounding Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard during the height of the Vietnam War, how Bush's own records indicate he missed mandatory duty for months at a time, or how he managed to go unsupervised for nearly two years.
His public records paint a portrait of a Guardsman who, with the cooperation of his Texas Air National Guard superiors, simply flouted regulation after regulation (more than 30 by Salon's count) indifferent to his signed obligation to serve."
11:26:53 AM
Antiwar: "We must keep marching ... before the elections and after the elections ... until we win justice for the homeless, the unemployed and we bring the troops home now ... Come out on Oct. 17th."
Danny Glover, actor
11:03:38 AM