Jim's Pond - Exploring the Universe of Ideas
"Beware when the great God lets loose a thinker on this planet. Then all things are at risk. It is as when a conflagration has broken out in a great city, and no man knows what is safe, or where it will end." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Respecting the Individual, Making Work Easier

Yesterday driving around the District I had "Work 2.0" in hand, reading. My Uncle asked me about the book. He has rarely seen me without it since I arrived Saturday. So I read the Work 2.0 contract to him. Then we talked.

One of the differences a western boy first notices about driving in the east is toll roads. Since we were in Art's personal vehicle and on our own, we were responsible for paying the tolls. But I asked Art how his company reimburses him? He keeps the receipts and turns them in each month. Once he neglected this for 4 months and his company rejected the claim, paying him for just 2 months and shorting him about $90. Their logic. Non, really. He was told, after the fact, that two months was the most they would go back. Arbitrary management. I thought about this in the context of "My Work, My Way". How would an extreme leader handle tolls?

Sure, it's a simple thing. But critical. Art drives all around the District of Columbia and Northern Virginia doing the work of his employer. He's paid, but only a fraction of what he earns for the company. And the company makes it difficult for him to get paid back for his "investment" in tolls. I think that with a large number of technicians the company managers figure that in some way the employees are taking advantage of them. And with that attitude they insure that this is the case.

I asked Art if it would work for him to have his employer figure a monthly average for tolls, increase it by $5 and include that amount in his first paycheck each month. He laughed. He snickered. He said, "ain't gonna happen, no way." Then I asked if he would like working for a company that reimbursed his tolls that way? A definite and emphatic "yes."

But he also pointed out that the company was doing everything it could to steal money from him. I bit. How so? Well,,,,,,,,

The company expects everyone to take a half hour lunch. Fair enough. But when Art works through lunch the company automatically docks him 30 minutes of pay. No matter what. No explanations are entertained. Then, without fail, the company bills the customer for the full bill, including Art's time that he wasn't paid for. Now, how can this company expect any loyalty from it's staff?

I wonder about what it will take to become a Work 2.0 organization. I worry that we might be engaged in such obvious stupidity in dealing with our staff. And I can't wait to uncover these niches of craziness and eliminate them..........
8:12:55 AM    comment []

© 2005 Jim Stewart
Last Update: 2/8/05; 4:48:07 PM

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