Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Thursday, 4 March 2004

Here's a chart showing the Pantone, Hex, CMYK and RGB values of the colors used in Lego bricks.
I still have four large wooden boxes of Legos which my dad sent to Santa Fe when he was cleaning up his garage...My absolutely favorite childhood toy!
8:30:38 PM    comment [];

SoundCover is an app for your mobile phone that adds custom background noise, including a circus parade or a dentist's drill, to your conversation, so that you can fool people into thinking thaat you're talking to them while having a tooth removed under the big top.
I just never answer the phone, and the message on my answering machine says: "I rarely check my messages, you have a better chance calling back."
8:29:40 PM    comment [];

Timothy Prickett Morgan's Lean, Mean Green Machines is the best thing I've ever read about the energy crisis computerization is causing, and how we could... [Another World Is Here]
Oh my!!!
8:25:44 PM    comment [];

Thursday - more snow
More snow-rain-snow this morning. And the mist makes Santa Fe look very mysterious.
11:19:20 AM    comment [];

Continuing the series of Ben's Guide to the Painters of the Renaissance and How They Mostly Got Pissed and Shagged Around and How This Sort of Thing Should be Taught More in School, today it's Filippo Lippi.
Filippo Lippi! Top! Man! Born in 1406, his mother died after childbirth, and his father two years later, leaving him with his aunt, in Florence. (Just round the corner, actually. There's a cat that lives in that house that terrorises my dogs. Just asking for it, I tell you.) Anyway, when he was fourteen, the aunt had had enough, and enrolled him with the Carmelite monks around the corner. Tomorrow, the story of Uchello, and the surfeit of cheese.

[Ben Hammersley's Dangerous Precedent]
Continued at above title-link. Another brilliant history lesson from Ben Hammersley....funny!
11:19:02 AM    comment [];

Wednesday Blues
Music: La Semana work mixes
Mood: down
Well, not a great day for me.

Took my big male dog Arko for X-rays this morning, because he had trouble walking and it appears that he has severe arthritis in one of his front legs in addition to having terrible hips - I have known about the hips for a few years already. The pox on all irresponsible dog breeders and the pox on the AKC for allowing 25% in-breeding. Arko's days are numbered and I hate to go on tour this Summer not knowing whether he will be alive when I get home.

Instant karma's gonna get you...Higher Octave is closing their offices at the end of this month...EMI, who own Higher Octave and thus my old Higher Octave catalog, will give those records to Narada to handle...

Still no DSL, but the cable modem will be installed tomorrow....

Oh, and regarding the two record labels I talked to last month: I think record companies still don't get it! I'd rather release the new CD myself this year and then take a few years off, than sign another stupid deal. Maybe in a few years the music industry will figure itself out.

Maybe I should travel around Europe for a while, check out all those coastal regions that might be under water in a decade...
11:16:49 AM    comment [];

Belkin has announced its Universal Microphone Adapter, which allows you to connect any external microphone (with a 3.5mm plug) to your iPod for capturing high quality recordings...

11:16:01 AM    comment [];

It's been snowing a lot this past week and the air is more humid than usual. I can tell from playing my guitar - the strings feel like rubber bands. They don't snap the way they normally do. The guitar sounds much more clear and pure when the air is dry.
11:15:45 AM    comment [];

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