Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Wednesday, 17 March 2004

New Contract
A picture named Executive.jpg
A record company executive came to visit. He had a new contract for me. He smoked a fat cigar. He was short, but powerful, and his hands and head were glowing. I sent him away.
8:54:23 PM    comment [];

Music: La Semana work mixes
Mood: cheerful - picking up my Prius in the morning!
A wall-wart is one of those annoying little AC adapters that powers everything from our cell phones to hard drives, tons of studio gear and basically anything that is too small, like a cell-phone, or that somebody did not want to spend time or effort to design a power supply for.

A lot of people don't know that they draw current even when our stuff is not plugged into them. They draw current all the time - unless they are unplugged of course....

I was just wondering how much electricity all of our combined wall-warts draw, while useless - i.e. not powering or charging anything...I imagine this could be a huge number.

I am also sick of hunting down the specific wall-wart that works with this particular item, because none of the other ones will ever fit...or often a clever engineer has reversed the polarity so that using a different wall-wart will actually blow up your gadget...

I want a charging matt that I can lay any device on over night and charge it up. No plugging in, no finding the correct wall-wart...
8:53:44 PM    comment [];

Last Bass track
Jon is coming by in a few minutes to record what should be the last bass track for La Semana.....
9:53:00 AM    comment [];

Isn't this clever?
My email was down yesterday, because Earthlink has this really stupid system: since they had to re-order the DSL that Quest disabled when they were working in the neighborhood, they cancelled the whole account instead of keeping me on Dial-up as they promised. I called this morning and they acted as if it was normal procedure to kill an account when the DSL has to be re-activated...which was Quest's fault in the first place. I think Earthlink today is a very far cry from what they were ten years ago, which is how long I have been using them....
9:52:11 AM    comment [];

Comcast installed a cable modem yesterday. It seems to be a bit faster than my Earthlink DSL, which is still down....but I can't get it to work with my Airport (Wi-Fi router).

Does anybody have experience with this set-up: cable modem (Motorola Surfboard) and Airport Extreme? I heard that by placing a simple wired router between the cable modem and the Airport Extreme I can Jerry-rig it.
9:46:37 AM    comment [];

Luthier Shop
A picture named LuthierShop1.jpg
I picked up my Vizcarra strat at Keith's shop after he made some modifications to the set up and while I was there and we chatted I snapped this pic.
9:34:54 AM    comment [];

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