Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, 5 March 2004

Dreaming Music
Music: F-1 Qualifying on Speed TV
Mood: relaxed
I recorded a guitar solo for one of the "La Semana" songs this afternoon. Then I started dreaming....

It would be lovely to travel with a guitar and a laptop and, armed with a microphone and percussion loops of all kind, create music on the fly. A musical travelogue, recorded in a train compartment, in an old amphitheater, in a rented apartment on the third floor, in a tunnel or an unused subway station, in a cave, in a clearing in the woods...working by myself mostly, maybe recording this or that song with a musician I might meet along the way...then I might mix a song in a cafe, in a hotel room or on a park bench, find a Wi-Fi connection and upload each song as it comes together. Forget commercial distribution, forget radio and charts...this radical concept would be the best argument for a subscription service.
11:13:05 PM    comment [];

Enough art. How about some balls? Shiny mud balls. Shiny Japanese Mud Balls. Hikaru dorodango

Inside his office at the university, Kayo keeps a dorodango in a wooden box, wrapped in cloth. The shiny ball of dried mud is eight centimeters (about three inches) in diameter and is amber colored with a touch of dark green. Professor Kayo developed his own scale for measuring a dorodango's luster, and this one rates a "4." The shiniest dorodango rates a "5," and Kayo keeps one of these at home.
[Ben Hammersley's Dangerous Precedent]

9:49:31 PM    comment [];

Considerations of copyright balance appear everywhere in the decision. For example, when working to develop a legal definition for originality in a work, the court expresses concern that too low a threshold tip[s] the scale in favour of the author's or creator's rights, at the loss of society's interest in maintaining a robust public domain that could help foster future creative innovation.

Similarly on the issue of fair dealing, the court notes that fair dealing is a user's right. In order to maintain the proper balance between the rights of a copyright owner and users' interests, it must not be interpreted restrictively. As Professor Vaver, supra, has explained, at p. 171: User rights are not just loopholes. Both owner rights and user rights should therefore be given the fair and balanced reading that befits remedial legislation.

It seems obvious to me that a balance needs to be struck. I just hope it will be a balance that works for musicians as well.
9:47:45 PM    comment [];

cb8100 writes "Fox News is reporting about a new bar game called "Movieoke" in which participants act out scenes from their favorite movies -- karaoke style." ... [Slashdot]
Everybody is a star...
9:32:51 PM    comment [];

Toyota Prius
My silver Prius is on its way to Los Angeles by ship. I am told it should make it to Santa Fe sometime this month. I hope so, because I am selling my TT on Tuesday. Guess I'll hitchhike until I get my new car.
2:35:40 PM    comment [];

Elevator doors in an airport (Denver, I believe)
A picture named Airport04.jpg
2:32:57 PM    comment [];

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