It's a fantastic day
The seemingly endless winter appears to be over and we are in a virtual heat wave. Yesterday we had a wonderful whine and dine road ride. It was great riding in a jersey and shorts. We didn't even have to put a jacket on for the burrito feed after. The ride was so pretty. It is hard to describe how neat the ride was. I saw Mike and Vicky. They came to dinner with us. They are such a nice couple it was really good seeing them.
Speaking of cycling
More specifically speaking of frustration. I have noticed more than the normal share of aggressive drivers lately. I was almost ran over today three times, twice by a young woman in a Civic who had blaring music. Is it because the economy sucks and we are at code orange again? I don't think it is directed solely against cyclists. I think it is general anger and frustration and anxiety that folks are venting on the road. Their cars are weapons of their frustration, their excuse to be bullies in a world they feel little control over. Mac Frustrations!
Mac OS 10.2.6 has a memory leak that is really bad. I checked my logs and this system has had about 60K pageouts and it has about a gig of RAM. It's really slowing down the system. They need to hire some testers and get these fixes right! It seems like everytime they post a fix it creates a new problem.
5:03:56 PM