Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Ars Technica
1. |
Cinematic 3D rendering in realtime. I haven't been fired up about gaming in a while, mainly because I don't have time for it unless I'm on a break. That's why I was into this article over at ACM Queue. By Hannibal. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
EBay Shareholders to Weigh Options Issues (Reuters). Reuters - EBay Inc. said on Wednesday it
will ask investors to vote on board proposals to expand the
pool of options it can award employees and a rival shareholder
proposal that the company expense such compensation. |
3. |
Sony Cancels Many Sports Video Games for '04 (Reuters). Reuters - The U.S. video game arm of Sony
Corp. (6758.T) said on Wednesday it would not update some of
its sports titles this year, mirroring a similar move by
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) amid intense competition. |
11:24:05 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft plans laptop tune-up with Longhorn. With the next version of Windows, the software giant is looking to add a number of laptop-specific features designed to make portable machines more powerful. |
New York Times: Technology
2. |
Designing a Smarter Shoe. Adidas's new shoe, named 1, is sleek and lightweight despite its battery-powered sensor, microprocessor and electric motor. By Michel Marriott. |
3. |
The Internet's Wilder Side. With much of the Internet beginning to resemble a pleasant, well-policed suburb, a little-known neighborhood known as Internet Relay Chat remains the Wild West. By Seth Schiesel. |
4. |
Cordless Phones as Cellular Look-Alikes. Relatively inexpensive cordless phones offer features unavailable a few years ago. A guide to choosing the right model (and frequency band). By Ian Austen. |
5. |
Playing Old Records (No Needle Required). Two physicists in California have developed a way to hear and preserve sounds without cranking up that old Victrola. By Anne Eisenberg. |
6. |
For the Viewer, No Escape Hatch in a Digital 3-D Film. A digital effects company has created a 3-D movie that not only gives the illusion of a world in front of you, but all around. By Eric A. Taub. |
7. |
A Zen Pond Puts Wheels on Ideas. Meet the Personal Pond, a waist-high device that looks like the offspring of a Weber grill and the Starship Enterprise. By Phil Patton. |
8. |
For Technology, No Small World After All. In the past, marketing teams attempted to make a product cross-culturally palatable. But culture is now being taken into account earlier, at the design stage. By Michael Erard. |
9. |
Let Down by Academia, Game Pioneer Changed Paths. Mary Ann Buckles, a message therapist, heard from a friend that her 20-year-old dissertation on a video game was now considered a classic. By Michael Erard. |
10. |
Lights Left On? A Virtual Valet Can Check. Like virtual valets, mobile phones and hand-held organizers are being put to growing use to check, fetch, inform and reassure. By Jeanette Borzo. |
11. |
For a Drab Mouse, Light Sculpture and Mood Lifter. Now that mouse pads can be decorated with any image you can squeeze into two dimensions, finding the most eye-catching one can be like trying to select the most alluring painting in a museum. (Indeed, some museums offer mouse-pad reproductions of their most familiar paintings). By Mark Glassman. |
12. |
A Minuscule Drive, Except for the Memory. U.S.B. drives seem to get ever smaller, but now a new model from Pretec claims to be the tiniest ever. Less than two inches long and weighing less than a quarter of an ounce, the folding iDisk Tiny 2.0 has a surface area slightly smaller than that of a United States quarter. Compatible with machines running the newer Windows, Macintosh and Linux operating systems, this diminutive flash drive requires no external power source and can pack away up to a gigabyte of data. By Andrew Zipern. |
13. |
Spammer, Homie or Hoi Polloi? The Gatekeeper Knows. No matter how recent the spam filter, a few junk messages are likely to sneak through your mailbox defenses amid the battle of programming wits between those who send spam and those who write software to block it. One alternative to filters is a By J. D. Biersdorfer. |
14. |
Take Your Music Files to a New Computer. Q. I have several gigabytes of music files in iTunes. How can I move my collection into the iTunes program on a new computer?. By J.d. Biersorfer. |
15. |
Spare the Rolling Pin, Spoil the Mother. For last-minute Mothers Day gifts, there may still be time to order online if you act (and read) fast. By Michelle Slatalla. |
16. |
From Sony, the Hits and Misses. Sony Connect, a new online music service from Sony, is an easy-to-use but almost embarrassingly crude imitation of the music services that preceded it. By David Pogue. |
17. |
X Prize Competition Gets New Sponsor, Amended Name |
Hack the Planet
18. |
MacCentral: New OmniWeb 5.0 Beta adds spring-loading function, more. This version is looking pretty good but it still has prefs and back button problems. |
InfoWorld: Top News
19. |
Cisco brings wireless into flagship switch. As issues such as security and roaming start to be solved, wireless LANs are moving toward greater integration with enterprise networks. Wireless is now set to work its way into Cisco Systems Inc.'s LAN flagship, the Catalyst 6500 switch. |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
L'Agence France Presse parmi les victimes du virus Sasser |
21. |
Chinese government is bracing for attack by Sasser worm |
22. |
Gates Promises Longhorn Beta In 2005 Despite Security Concerns |
10:23:46 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Uses for clothes hangers other than hanging clothes. Kirby sez: "Short page on an industrial design website that is soliciting ideas for reusing wire coat hangers. Worth visiting just for the picture of octopi drying on coat hangers in Indonesia." Link
CNET News.com
2. |
Group wants H-1B visa exemptions. Compete America argues that foreigners who have earned masters and doctorate degrees from U.S. universities should be exempt from the program's cap. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
REVIEW: New ITunes Boosts Features (AP). AP - A year after Apple Computer Inc. proved that commercial music downloads from the Internet can be both convenient and legal, its pioneering iTunes software has undergone a revision that offers a flurry of advances — but takes one step backward. |
4. |
Best PDA To Read e-Texts On? |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
Retail group calls SCO claims unfounded. A large retail trade association believes The SCO Group Inc.'s claim that it owns some of the intellectual property within the Linux operating system is "unfounded," according to a statement it released Wednesday. |
9:23:24 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
News.com lands National Magazine Award. CNET News.com wins an award from the American Society of Magazine Editors for general excellence in the online site category. |
2. |
Security firms team for new product. Antivirus-technology companies Network Associates and Check Point Software release an automated Internet and desktop security package designed for small businesses. |
3. |
New spin on search ads. Tacoda Systems, a little-known tech company, is testing a system that lets marketers bid against rivals to reach targeted audiences as they surf the Web. |
4. |
Intel's next challenge: mastering physical world. Company researchers hope a number of projects will help solve some of society's pressing problems--like finding a parking space. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
New Sony online music service ties to Walkman, airline miles (AFP). AFP - Electronics giant Sony has jumped into the online music fray with a new download service similar to those from Apple Computer and others, but linked to its Walkman music players. |
6. |
UPS Reaches Service Agreement With Yahoo! (AP). AP - UPS has reached a deal with Yahoo! Inc. to make it easier for shippers to process orders, track packages and calculate costs online. |
7. |
Apple Uncommunicative About Security Holes |
Hack the Planet
8. |
The Register: Intel's Whitefield goes Banias in 2006. What a confused article. |
9. |
ComputerWorld: Q&A: Red Hat's Szulik sees desktop Linux take off. "And when you look at the computing you and I will be using over the next 10 years, we won't have software resident on our hard drive. You'll go to somebody -- it may well be Red Hat -- and you'll get an e-mail package, a calendaring function, and it will be a subscription-based Web service." What a bad idea. |
10. |
MacCentral: New OmniWeb 5.0 Beta adds spring-loading function, more. |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
Shunra boosts distributed apps development. Looking to help developers find code issues early, Shunra Software on Wednesday introduced Shunra/Stratus 2.0, which provides performance unit testing for distributed application code. |
InfoWorld: Security
12. |
WINHEC - Microsoft revisits NGSCB security plan. SEATTLE - Microsoft Corp. is revisiting its Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) security plan because enterprise users and software makers don't want to be forced to rewrite their code to take advantage of the technology, the company said Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Blaster Worm Still Powering Through Systems |
14. |
Sybase Bolsters Mobile Security with $95M XcelleNet Buy |
15. |
Security Experts Warn of Nastier Sasser Worm (Reuters) |
16. |
Sasser Causes Users to Visit Antivirus Web Sites |
17. |
IRIX Networking Security Updates |
18. |
Multiple vulnerabilities in P4DB |
19. |
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:08.heimdal |
20. |
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:09.kadmind |
21. |
openaanval-1.46-stab..> |
22. |
4nalb.pl |
8:23:05 PM
Penny Arcade!
1. |
The New Name Of Fear.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Wal-Mart Ranks Last in Video Game Pricing Survey (Reuters). Reuters - Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT.N), the
world's largest retailer, has built its reputation as the
discounting price-leader on a broad range of products, but a
new report suggest it is being undercut by rivals when it comes
to video games. |
3. |
First Java AP Computer Science Exam Complete |
InfoWorld: Top News
4. |
WINHEC - Microsoft revisits NGSCB security plan. SEATTLE - Microsoft Corp. is revisiting its Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) security plan because enterprise users and software makers don't want to be forced to rewrite their code to take advantage of the technology, the company said Wednesday. |
5. |
Rambus files antitrust lawsuit. Rambus Inc. continued its legal onslaught against computer memory vendors Wednesday by filing an antitrust lawsuit against four companies, accusing them of banding together to eliminate competition. |
6. |
IDC sees BPO spending, challenges increase. Spending on business process outsourcing (BPO) services will continue to increase in coming years, but so will clients' expectations for the quality and breadth of vendors' offerings, according to the results of an IDC study released Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
California Bans Insecure E-Voting Machines |
7:22:48 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
RIAA: Control your P2P kids!. The RIAA is sending out advisories to press-contacts at various media outlets about their "Are Your Kids Breaking the Law When They Log On?" campaign, which aims to scare parents into spanking their kids for file-sharing, and comes across as red-scare-era propaganda. It's funny: Hollywood fought the Red Scare and McCarthyism tooth and nail, but today, they're more than happy to appropriate its rhetoric and tactics.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.10888E-164; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 386
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
or "rock stars and movie stars make too much money anyhow" or
"the corporate entertainment scene is corrupt" is* *likely to be
what you'll hear.* * You'll need to arm yourself with the
counterarguments to these. Explain that most artists are not
super wealthy and that they are leaving themselves open to doing
something that is ethically wrong, could damage their computer
and have legal consequences.
*SET A GOOD EXAMPLE*. If you are currently using a peer-to-peer
network to obtain digital music and movies, understand that your
children will follow your lead. * *Let them see you buying your
entertainment legally and they'll follow suit.
(Thanks, Annalee!) |
2. |
Make your own WWII victory shoes. "Scrap materials, the end of an ordinary box, scraps of leather or canvas, are all you need to manufacture a pair of comfortable, serviceable play shoes." So says the introduction to this Sunset article from 1943 on how to make your own "Caterpillars." I'd rather have these than those embarrassingly smug Adbusters sneakers. Link (If the link gives you problems, use the access code KAYAK to gain admittance. What a dumb rule!)
CNET News.com
3. |
Briefly: Orbitz books a profit. Plus: Sun's Schwartz gets 1 million share options...HP doubles up Itanium server processors...Veritas pledges Solaris-x86 support...Best Western accesses Net via satellite. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Open Text Potential Open-Ended (The Motley Fool). The Motley Fool - When it comes to corporate software solutions, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) companies Oracle (Nasdaq: ORCL - News) and PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT - News), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) companies Siebel Systems (Nasdaq: SEBL - News) and soon-to-be publicly traded Salesforce.com, get all the attention. But collaboration tools and Content Management Systems (CMS) are increasingly important, though, much less talked about corporate software solutions. |
5. |
Wi-Fi Security Improves (PC World). PC World - New standards will be certified and products shipping this year, say developers. |
6. |
Security Experts Warn of Nastier Sasser Worm (Reuters). Reuters - Computer security experts
warned on Wednesday that the Sasser worm could merge with
earlier virus-like programs to wreak more havoc on the
Internet, just as companies and PC users clean up from the last
attack and authorities hunt for those responsible. |
7. |
Missing Matter... Still Missing |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: Multiple vulnerabilities in P4DB. Sender: Jon McClintock [jammer at weak dot org] |
9. |
BugTraq: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:08.heimdal. Sender: FreeBSD Security Advisories [security-advisories at freebsd dot org] |
10. |
BugTraq: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:09.kadmind. Sender: FreeBSD Security Advisories [security-advisories at freebsd dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Sasser is fastest written Windows worm |
12. |
Microsoft Shelves NGSCB Project |
13. |
Checkpoint ISAKMP VPN-1 vulnerable |
14. |
cvs(1) vulnerable |
15. |
FreeBSD local DOS vulnerability |
6:22:25 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Survey: DVD-recorder sales set to soar. One in eight Americans wants to buy a DVD recorder, meaning a boom in the U.S. market could be on the way, according to a new survey. |
2. |
Rambus files more antitrust suits. The chip designer's latest legal moves assert that Siemens and Micron Technology colluded to limit consumer choice and compete unfairly in the RDRAM market. |
3. |
Retail trade group calls SCO's claims baseless. The National Retail Federation has weighed in against the SCO Group's assertions that Linux users are violating its Unix copyrights. |
4. |
Microsoft speaks no evil at confab. At the software giant's annual WinHEC developers conference, plenty of buzzwords come up over and over again, but there's one word nary a Microsoft executive is uttering: Sasser, as in the recent worm. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Quovadx Cuts 8 Percent of Work Force (AP). AP - Quovadx Inc., a software maker that is under a Securities and Exchange Commission accounting probe, has cut 8 percent of its work force, or 44 employees. |
6. |
Qwest Sues AT&T Over Internet Phone Fees (Reuters). Reuters - Qwest Communications International
Inc. (Q.N) said on Wednesday it had sued long-distance giant
AT&T Corp. (T.N), claiming it avoided tens of millions of
dollars in fees for phone calls carried partly over the
Internet. |
7. |
AOL Launches Site for Video Games (Reuters). Reuters - America Online on Wednesday
unveiled a video game site for high-speed subscribers, a bid to
attract more customers toward the broadband service it sees as
key to its future growth. |
8. |
Zaurus SL-6000 Review |
9. |
Scanning the Horizon |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: IRIX Networking Security Updates. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
The Register
11. |
Veritas cluster roadmap raises the ceiling. Veritas Vision 256 mixed nodes and beyond By Ashlee Vance . |
12. |
Intel's Whitefield goes Banias in 2006. Exclusive Four core mobile chip for low-power servers By Ashlee Vance . |
13. |
Everything you never wanted to know about the UK ID card. A pub bore's guide Don't know anything about it? Bad luck, here comes everything about it... By John Lettice . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Elsewhere: Chinese government is bracing for attack by Sasser worm |
15. |
Elsewhere: Speed Limits Could Slow Viruses |
16. |
News: MS opens Hotmail to bulk mailers |
17. |
BBC News: Hunt is on for Sasser worm writer [Video] "The search has begun for the creators of th... |
18. |
Macworld: Boffins beef-up WiFi security "Security has been one of the biggest obstacles to the g... |
19. |
Microsoft chooses IronPort for anti-spam |
20. |
HP Tweaks Storage, Servers for Adaptive Work |
21. |
Bush to seek $25 billion more for Iraq, Afghanistan |
22. |
Scanning the Horizon |
23. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
5:22:07 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft kills Next-Generation Secure Computing Base. Microsoft rethinks its Next-Generation Secure Computing Base project, stating that their developers don't want to rework APIs to support it. It's also likely that consumer attitudes and questions about Microsoft's security record came into play. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Coke's new cellphone fits in a can of pop.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.36576E-244; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 365
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Coke has received FCC approval for a GPS-equipped cellphone that fits in a can of soda and which will instantly connect those who discover it to an operator who will tell them that they've already won an SUV. The GPS then allows the Coke prize-patrol to home in on them and get a reaction shot.
(via Engadget)
3. |
Songs the Cramps covered. 
The stand-out track on the Kill Bill 2 soundtrack is Charlie Feathers's "Can't Hardly Stand It, a song best known today as a standard of the Cramps, the greatest sludge-a-billy act of all time. It's expecially keen to hear this old, unironic rockabilly version performed, and realize that this was indeed "bad music for bad people."
Enter the Born Bad CD series, from Australia. These (screamingly expensive, hard-to-find) discs consist of nothing but originals of songs that Cramps later covered, including classics like "The Crusher," "Goo-Goo Muck" and "Her Love Rubbed Off." I've put together a little Amazon list with the SKUs of the five discs in Amazon's catalogue.
CNET News.com
4. |
Sun's Schwartz gets 1 million stock options. Jonathan Schwartz, Sun Microsystems' newly appointed president and chief operating officer, has been awarded 1 million stock options over five years. |
5. |
Microsoft still tinkering with secure-computing design. The software giant warns developers at its WinHEC conference that changes continue to be made in the security technology it plans to make a basic component of next-generation PCs. |
6. |
Microsoft's show-and-tell at WinHEC. A planned security architecture for Longhorn hasn't fallen into place, but elements will make their way into the new OS. Also: Bill Gates touts 64-bit computing. |
7. |
CA pins hopes on open source. The software company will announce a financial and development commitment to open source at its user conference later this month. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
How to Care for CDs and DVDs (AP). AP - Handling tips for CDs and DVDs, including the recordable versions, from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. |
9. |
Orbitz Posts Profit, But Shares Fall (Reuters). Reuters - Internet travel site Orbitz Inc.
(ORBZ.O) on Wednesday posted a first-quarter profit, reversing
a year-ago loss, but its shares fell on a disappointing
second-quarter forecast. |
10. |
Microsoft Drops Next-Generation Security Project [updated] |
11. |
NRF Calls SCO's Claims 'Meritless' |
12. |
Kinetic Sculpture Race 2004 |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
13. |
NTL losses cut by new subscribers. The leading UK cable company reports a sharply reduced net loss thanks to new subscribers and reduced debt servicing costs. |
14. |
Lastminute founder in UK hospital. Lastminute.com founder Martha Lane Fox has been flown back to the UK after being seriously injured in a car crash in Morocco. |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
BlackPearl launches predictive analytics. Predictive analytics, still the domain of a few giant vendors such as SAS Institute and SPSS, is also finding support with smaller niche vendors such as BlackPearl, who announced this week BlackPearl B4 for the financial services industry. |
16. |
Mobile Showcase whets wireless appetite. PALM SPRINGS, CALIF. -- Here at Mobile Showcase 2004, 50 enterprise-focused mobile computing vendors have six minutes to strut their stuff on stage. A variety of corporate wireless devices and software have been demonstrated, illuminating the latest and greatest in wireless enterprise offerings. |
17. |
IBM introduces WebSphere Business Integration Server Express . IBM on Wednesday put another piece of its integration strategy in place for SMBs (small and midsize businesses), unveiling a new WebSphere-based server that helps users better integrate both business processes and people. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Coppermine Multiple Vulnerabilities |
19. |
PaX Linux Kernel 2.6 Patches Denial of Security Vulnerability |
20. |
AppleFileServer Remote Command Execution Vulnerability |
21. |
Cisco to Host Innovative Industry Session at 2nd Annual Branch Banking Symposium Detailing IP Security, IP Communications Branch Banking Issues |
22. |
webrampscan.tar.gz |
23. |
ltcc-1.0.2.tar.gz |
24. |
hping2.0.0-rc3.tar.g..> |
25. |
Sasser Infection Plateaus, Drops |
26. |
Gartner: Worms Jack Up the Total Cost of Windows |
27. |
Bush to seek $25 billion more for Iraq, Afghanistan |
28. |
Police net 12 phishing suspects |
29. |
Bugwatch: The new nasties |
30. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
31. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up (NewsFactor) |
4:21:46 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Xeni on NPR: "E-Girl -- Hack your way to Hollywood".
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.42942E-158; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 364
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
On today's edition of the National Public Radio program "Day to Day," I report on a young woman who, as a former employee of America Online, used the company database to access the accounts of celebrity members. She then formed relationships with these celebrities, and sold the story of her life to Hollywood. At left, snapshot I took in LA of Mark Ebner, co-author of the book Hollywood Interrupted, which includes a chapter on the story of "E-girl."
Link to archived audio online (available after 12PM PT today), and Link to earlier Wired News piece. |
2. |
Thousands of Afghani POWs brutally executed, CBC alleges US military complicity. This CBC documentary on war-crimes committed against Afghani prisoners with the complicity of the US military is shocking. It alleges that thousands of Taliban POWs were murdered -- most by being locked in baking shipping containers in the middle of the desert, with the survivors brought to a remote place and executed with 30-50 US soldiers in attendance. The source -- the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation -- is hardly known for alarmism or irresponsible journalism. The UN has offered to investigate, but only if the safety of the investigators can be guaranteed, something that the US-allied Afghani warlord has refused to consider -- and since the making of the documentary, many of the sources have been tortured or disappeared.
52MB Quicktime Link
(Thanks, Mark!) |
3. |
Nutty social network tool/dating service with funny-ass copyright warning. Clay Shirky has just blogged an high-larious deconstruction of SocalGrid, a FOAF-meets-dating-service social networking tool where users rate their physical attributes (5'10" blonde with "model looks") and the social attributes of their ideal mate and the service does the rest. The service commits every socially retarded gaffe imaginable, has attracted 9 men for every woman who's signed up, but the very best part is the "warning to copycats:"
SocialGrid has retained one of the top intellectual property law firms in America. Everything on this site is copyrighted and trademarked, including our search and coding system. Our patent application claims coverage on searches for all complex objects using Internet search engines. Our goal is to ensure a search system that will be free to our members and keep individuals and corporations from profiting by charging for searches. We will marginalize every profit margin. There is no money to made in creating another ID coding system. The world needs only one system. If necessary, we will give SocialGrid and the patent to Google to insure one standardized coding system. Any copycats and clones will have to answer to Google. Please be advised that any copyright, trademark, and patent infringement will result in legal action.
Link |
CNET News.com
4. |
Components maker gives PC a TV makeover. SnapStream Media on Thursday plans to launch Firefly, a remote control that lets people manage the media and entertainment functions on their PCs. |
5. |
HP doubles up Itanium server processors. In June, Hewlett-Packard begins shipping its mx2 technology, code-named Hondo, which lets two Itanium processors be plugged into a single socket. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft Readies Enterprise IM Server (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is close to release of a beta version of its enterprise instant messaging and presence-awareness server, called Live Communications Server 2005. The company calls it a major step in the construction of a comprehensive solution offering real-time connectivity for businesses. |
7. |
Microsoft Adopts IronPort Anti-Spam Tech (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) has adopted anti-spam whitelist technology designed to
distinguish desired mass e-mailings from unwanted spam. The company
will use software from IronPort Systems
to combat spam on its MSN and Hotmail e-mail services. |
8. |
Nextel Crosses Borders with Direct Connect (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Nextel (Nasdaq: NXTL) is pushing the envelope with its push-to-talk service, expanding walkie-talkie communications across international borders through partnerships with wireless operators in South America and Canada. |
9. |
Product Review: Dell Latitude D600 Corporate Notebook (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Weighing in at 4.68 pounds,
Dell's (Nasdaq: DELL) Latitude D600 notebook for corporate applications is based on
Intel's (Nasdaq: INTC) Pentium M
processor (1.3, 1.4, 1.6 or 1.7 GHz) and 855PM chipset, which are designed specifically with battery-powered mobile computing applications in mind. |
10. |
There Must be a Pony in Here Somewhere |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: [waraxe-2004-SA#027 - Once again - critical vulnerabilities in PhpNuke 6.x - 7.2]. Sender: Janek Vind [come2waraxe at yahoo dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Worm damage could have been reduced |
13. |
Boffins beef-up WiFi security |
14. |
Student hacks iTunes for compatibility |
15. |
Cyber-crime fight may need new laws |
16. |
Worm crashes Coastguard computers |
17. |
Security funds dry up |
18. |
Hunt on for Sasser worm culprit |
19. |
UK police arrest 12 phishing mule suspects |
20. |
Security has its privileges |
21. |
Sasser is fastest written Windows worm |
22. |
Re: Crystal Reports Vulnerabilities |
23. |
RE: Crystal Reports Vulnerabilities |
24. |
remote root exec vulnerability in omail |
25. |
Re: (HOAX) Dameware Mini Remote Control Version 4.2 ? Weak Key Agreement Scheme |
26. |
Vulnerabilities In PHPX 3.26 And Earlier |
27. |
[slackware-security]lha update in bin package(SSA:2004-125-01) |
28. |
UnixWare 7.1.3 Open UNIX 8.0.0 UnixWare 7.1.1 : apache multiple vulnerabilities, upgraded to apache-1.3.29 |
29. |
SMF SIZE Tag Script Injection Vulnerability |
30. |
Corsaire Security Advisory - Verity Ultraseek path disclosure issue |
31. |
Fuse Talk Vunerabilities |
32. |
[OpenPKG-SA-2004.019] OpenPKG Security Advisory (kolab) |
33. |
Platform, UD, DataSynapse Unveil Grid Offerings |
34. |
35. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
36. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
37. |
Red Hat Delivers Desktop Linux |
38. |
Sasser Fizzles, Search for Culprits Heats Up |
39. |
Expert Says E-Voting Is 'Terrible' (AP) |
40. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up (NewsFactor) |
3:21:25 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
No health insurance? "Date-a-Doctor". On Joz's blog, a word to America's uninsured. "If you can't move to Canada or Cuba, I recommend the date-a-doctor route." Here's a form letter you can use.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.72267E-164; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 363
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Dear Queer, Gay, Bi-curious, or even Female Doctors, I would like to date you. I don't just want to date you for your sparkling personality and your good looks, but also because I am an accident-prone person with no basic health insurance. In exchange for you fixing me when I break, I will pretty much do anything: cook, clean, pet-sit...
Link |
2. |
Xeni on NPR: "E-Girl -- Hack your way to Hollywood". On today's edition of the National Public Radio program "Day to Day," I report on a young woman who, as a former employee of America Online, used the company database to access the accounts of celebrity members. She then formed relationships with these celebrities, and sold the story of her life to Hollywood.
Link to archived audio online (available after 12PM PT today), and Link to earlier Wired News piece. |
3. |
Record companies forced by court to pay royalties. Record companies love to make a big deal about how file sharing deprives artists of their royalties. Too bad the record companies themselves must be forced, by court order, to pay the royalties they owe to artists instead of keeping it for themselves.
A two-year investigation by New York state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer's office found that many artists were not being paid royalties because record companies lost contact with the performers and had stopped making required payments.
The artists that were too hard for the record companies to find include unknowns such as Sean Combs, Gloria Estefan, and Dolly Parton.
Link |
4. |
Japanese vending-machines. 
Great page with photos and notes on vending machines that can be found in and around Tokyo.
(Thanks, Infospigot!)
CNET News.com
5. |
IT execs: Spending to rise this year. U.S. and Canadian companies expect to bump up spending on information technology by almost 4 percent this year, according to an IDC survey. |
6. |
WebMD's response to HIPAA-related complaints |
7. |
Sun, Microsoft wrangle for TV turf. Sun gained a Java foothold in set-top boxes, but Microsoft is trying to outflank the move, showing that the companies only partially buried the hatchet in April. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Electronic Voting Hearings Set to Start (AP). AP - Concerned about the reliability of electronic voting, a federal panel is examining ways to safeguard polling from hackers and bad software to avoid another disputed presidential election this November. |
9. |
CPUBuilders Offers Low-Cost Linux PCs (TechWeb). TechWeb - CPUBuilders by Stratitec announced Monday the availability of two new Linux PCs
with a street price of less than $600. |
10. |
Xerox Rolls Out Multifunction Printers for SMBs (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Xerox unveils two new monochrome multifunction machines for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and small workgroups. |
11. |
Assets: Unwanted Stuff Finds Market in EBay Drop-Off Stores (Reuters). Reuters - Buying on eBay may be simple, but
selling your coin collection, old videotapes or Grandma's
Hummel figurines on the online auction site takes some work. |
12. |
Microsoft Drops Next-Generation Security Project |
The Register
13. |
Fear of phishing hits e-commerce. US consumer confidence slumps By John Leyden . |
Help Net Security
14. |
Security funds dry up |
15. |
Hunt on for Sasser worm culprit |
16. |
UK police arrest 12 phishing mule suspects |
17. |
Security has its privileges |
18. |
Sasser is fastest written Windows worm |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Times Online: Coastguard offices hit by Sasser internet worm "The worm struck in the early hours... |
20. |
Cellular News: Security flaw threatens SMS "enable messages to be sent from a handset without th... |
21. |
Security Focus: Student hacks iTunes for compatibility "allowing non-iTunes clients to connect t... |
22. |
5 May Troj/Agobot-HZ |
23. |
5 May Troj/Agobot-IB |
24. |
Microsoft choses IronPort for anti-spam |
2:21:05 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
FCC creates wireless task force. The FCC will launch a task force dedicated to studying wireless broadband. The primary areas of focus will be spectrum management and using wireless to get broadband access to places it currently isn't. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
What is torture?. I was driving east down Sunset Boulevard with a friend last night. We stopped to let some AMWs (actress-model-whatevers) cross the street from SkyBar toward Chateau Marmont, and my friend turned to me and said, "What exactly is torture? How do you define it? Does hooking up fake electrodes to a prisoner's hands, and telling them they're real -- is that torture?" When the be-botoxed cosmetic engineering specimens reached the other curb, we drove on. "Yes," I replied, but I couldn't provide the more thorough answer he wanted.
So, coincidentally, BoingBoing reader Tony sends in this timely reminder that real definitions of torture do exist. Here is one of them --
the UN Convention Against Torture, which the US government ratified along with 70 other countries. Tony says, "Every time I turn on the TV or radio, the media and the government itself is talking about US military 'abuses.' Let's be clear: what's happening at Abu Ghraib is not 'abuse' but 'torture.'"
If I were thinking clearly last night, I'd have told my friend, "It's torture when they do it. It's abuse when our guys do it."
Link |
3. |
Anti-Porn hillbilly propaganda song -- "Please Don't Go Topless, Mother".
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.34855E-310; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 362
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Continuing on our series of posts about anti-porn art, I am proud to present this gem of hillbilly countersmut psy-ops. "Please Don't Go Topless Mother" is a sort of country-western paean to prude pride by Troy Hess. Google doesn't reveal much about Hess, or this song, but the Cliff's Notes version of the plot is basically "four-year-old boy begs his stripper mom to stay home from work, keep her shirt on, and start going to church."
Link to 2MB MP3 file (Thanks to Leonard Lin for his righteous hosting generosity! Thanks to Jonno for finding this! He won't tell you where, so don't ask).
Photo: 1974, Susan Meiselas, from the series "Carnival Strippers." Link |
4. |
Russ Kick's "Disinformation Book of Lists". BoingBoing guestblogger Russ Kick has a brand new book out, The Disinformation Book of Lists. It's a bunch of really subversive data wrapped up in a user-friendly "book of lists" format -- politics, current events, business, history, science, art and literature, sex, drugs, death, and more good stuff. For instance:
* 9 Visitors Who Died at Disneyland
* 12 Strange Drugs, like carbogen, arsenic, and salamander brandy
* The CIA's 25 Tips for Interrogating a Prisoner
* 13 Nuclear Tests That Spread Radiation into Civilian Areas
* 63 Gay Animals
* 12 Things to do With Your Body After You're Dead
* 44 Substances That Soup up Your Brain
* 32 Famous People in Threesomes, including Lord Byron, Lenin, John Stuart Mill, Mary Shelley, and Picasso
Link |
5. |
VW Bus Ball. 
I'm not sure whether this "VW Bus Ball" sculpture is made out of an actual VW Bus, but who cares. It is wicked-cool.
(via Gizmodo)
CNET News.com
6. |
Sun, Capgemini partner on RFID package. The companies are offering a collection of applications and services designed to help companies meet the RFID technology mandates issued by major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Target. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Internet Helping Artists Manage Careers (AP). AP - Let's say you're a small theater company and you want to tour the Southwest on a shoestring budget, or you want to find theaters in rural New England that are interested in experimental dance. The solutions to your performance problems are a double-click away. |
8. |
Tools to Find PC Data Faster (PC World). PC World - Forget Windows' Search: New tools can find keywords on PCs in seconds. |
9. |
Apple Sells 3.3 Million Songs on ITunes (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) on
Wednesday said it has sold 3.3 million songs on its iTunes
online music store since that platform's relaunch one week ago,
with nearly as many downloads of the new version of its music
player software. |
10. |
Nokia Flaunts Camera Phones at McDonald's in India (Reuters). Reuters - Would you like a family snapshot from
a mobile phone to go with that Happy Meal? |
11. |
Ask the Egyptian Installfest Organizers |
12. |
Will Novell Adopt The LTSP Project? |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
13. |
Africans rush for mobile phones. Africa is the world's fastest-growing market for mobile phones, a new report says. |
14. |
Hunt is on for Sasser worm writer. The FBI has started the search for the creator of the Sasser web worm that wrought havoc this week. |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Voice recognition without the voice. And now, from the people who gave you the I-mode Internet phone, we bring to you a speech-recognition system so revolutionary that it is, in fact, speechless. NTT DoCoMo Inc. showed the prototype system during a rare tour of its Yokosuka, Japan, R&D center. |
16. |
MS opens Hotmail to bulk mailers |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
BugTraq: Fuse Talk Vunerabilities. Sender: Stuart Jamieson [stuart dot jamieson at active-outdoors dot co dot uk] |
18. |
BugTraq: SMF SIZE Tag Script Injection Vulnerability. Sender: Cheng Peng Su [apple_soup at msn dot com] |
19. |
BugTraq: Titan FTP Server Aborted LIST DoS. Sender: Aviram Jenik [aviram at beyondsecurity dot com] |
20. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.019] OpenPKG Security Advisory (kolab). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
21. |
Vulns: Emacs flim Library Insecure Temporary File Creation Vulnerability. Emacs is a widely used, freely available text editor, maintained by the Free Software Foundation.
A Symbolic link vulnerability has been reported within the Emacs flim l... |
The Register
22. |
UK pub quiz text cheat scandal. Most certainly not cricket By Lucy Sherriff . |
23. |
Veritas gratifies itself, users and Sun with new product. Veritas Vision i3, services and Solaris x86 By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
24. |
Energis puts frighteners on UK biz |
25. |
Biometric recognition gets right in your face |
26. |
Glitches in ID card kit frustrate Blunkett's pod people |
27. |
MS opens Hotmail to bulk mailers |
28. |
Sasser creates European pandemonium |
29. |
UK police arrest 12 phishing mule suspects |
30. |
Guarded Memory Move (GMM) |
31. |
Whitelist und Kaution gegen Spam |
1:20:46 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
What is torture?. I was driving east down Sunset Boulevard with a friend last night. We stopped to let some Beautiful Gucci-clad People cross the street from SkyBar toward Chateau Marmont, and my friend turned to me and wondered aloud, "What exactly is torture? How do you define it? Does hooking up fake electrodes to a prisoner's hands, and telling them they're real -- is that torture?" When the be-botoxed cosmetic engineering specimens reached the other curb, we drove on. "Yes," I replied, but I couldn't provide the more thorough answer he wanted.
So, coincidentally, BoingBoing reader Tony sends in this timely reminder that real definitions of torture do exist. Here is one of them -- from the UN Convention Against Torture, which the US government ratified along with 70 other countries. Tony says, "Every time I turn on the TV or radio, the media and the government itself is talking about US military 'abuses.' Let's be clear: what's happening at Abu Ghraib is not 'abuse' but 'torture.'"
If I were thinking clearly last night, I'd have told my friend, "It's torture when they do it. It's abuse when our guys do it."
Link |
2. |
Anti-Porn hillbilly propaganda song -- "Please Don't Go Topless, Mother". Continuing on our series of posts about anti-porn art, I am proud to present this gem of hillbilly countersmut psy-ops. "Please Don't Go Topless Mother" is a sort of country-western paean to prude pride by Troy Hess. Google doesn't reveal much about Hess, or this song, but the Cliff's Notes version of the plot is basically "four-year-old boy begs his stripper mom to stay home from work, keep her shirt on, and start going to church." Link to 2MB MP3 file (Thanks to Leonard Lin for his righteous hosting generosity! Thanks to Jonno for finding this! He won't tell you where, so don't ask). |
CNET News.com
3. |
Veritas pledges Solaris-x86 support. Veritas Sofware extends its cooperation to support the server maker's Solaris OS running on x86 chips. |
4. |
Briefly: Veritas pledges Solaris-x86 support. Plus: Best Western accesses Net via satellite...Survey exposes holes in antispam armor...RSA teams with Oracle on security...Gateway nabs Best Buy exec. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Quovadx Cuts 8 Percent of Work Force (AP). AP - Quovadx Inc., a software maker that is under a Securities and Exchange Commission accounting probe, has cut 8 percent of its work force, or 44 employees. |
6. |
New Sony online music service ties to Walkman, airline miles (AFP). AFP - Electronics giant Sony has jumped into the online music fray with a new download service similar to those from Apple Computer and others, but linked to its Walkman music players. |
7. |
Sony Launches Online Music Service (AP). AP - Sony Corp. entered the bourgeoning digital music market Tuesday, launching an online music download service that the electronics and media conglomerate is banking will also generate sales for its line of portable audio players. |
8. |
A Public Library's Linux Success Story |
InfoWorld: Security
9. |
Microsoft choses IronPort for anti-spam. Microsoft Corp. has tapped IronPort Systems Inc. to provide anti-spam protections for its MSN and Hotmail e-mail services, the companies announced Wednesday. |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: Chinese government is bracing for attack by Sasser worm. The Sasser computer worm, which has disrupted thousands of businesses in Asia and Europe, is set to attack computers in China on Saturday, after a seven-day holiday, beca... |
11. |
Elsewhere: Speed Limits Could Slow Viruses. Despite programs designed to detect and delete them, computer viruses and worms are using up an increasing amount of network resources and computer user time.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.30656E-217; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 361
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Computer ... |
12. |
News: MS opens Hotmail to bulk mailers. Microsoft said yesterday it had introduced a white list scheme to allow well-behaved email marketing firms to reach its customers without falling foul of its spam filters. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: remote root exec vulnerability in omail. Sender: Thijs Dalhuijsen [thijs at dalhuijsen dot com] |
14. |
BugTraq: Re: (HOAX) Dameware Mini Remote Control Version 4.2 ? Weak Key Agreement Scheme. Sender: DameWare Support [support at dameware dot com] |
15. |
BugTraq: Vulnerabilities In PHPX 3.26 And Earlier. Sender: JeiAr [security at gulftech dot org] |
16. |
BugTraq: [slackware-security] lha update in bin package (SSA:2004-125-01). Sender: Slackware Security Team [security at slackware dot com] |
The Register
17. |
Pfizer sues online pharmacies. US patent infringement allegations By Jan Libbenga . |
18. |
Offshore to New Zealand, say Kiwis. Safe destination for UK data By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
L'open source leader du logiciel anti-spam |
20. |
Security experts lament laggardly pace of patches |
21. |
Home Networks Vulnerable to Wireless Hackers |
22. |
Cyber-crime fight may need new laws |
23. |
Home users learn virus lessons |
24. |
Sasser Worm Still Wiggling into PCs |
25. |
New Firewall Service Available Now from Bluewin |
26. |
Overclockers' wet dream comes true |
27. |
The Difference Between GNU/Linux Distributions |
28. |
Sasser is fastest written Windows worm |
29. |
Off Shoring: Companies determined to retain 'secret sauce' |
12:20:26 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft to employ pro-merchant whitelist technology for validating spam. Microsoft will begin using a whilelisting service for spam filtering. Marketers will have to post a bond with IronPort to send to Hotmail and MSN inboxes. Will it work? By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Europe's ruling on Oracle shifts to June. European antitrust regulators aren't expected to make a final decision on Oracle's $9.4 billion takeover bid for PeopleSoft until at least mid-June. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Microsoft Updates MSN Messenger for Mac (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Version 4.0 of the instant-messaging client adds greater integration into the upcoming Office 2004 for Mac. |
4. |
HP Services Unit Gains On Rivals EDS And IBM (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Hewlett-Packard's (NYSE:HPQ - News) Tuesday deal with BT Group is the latest in a series of moves the Palo Alto, Calif., tech firm is making to take on services leaders IBM and EDS. |
5. |
Wireless Works up a Willing Following (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Wireless Internet access keeps getting more popular as consumers and businesses look for affordable ways to free computers and other gadgets from the confines of the desk and office. |
6. |
Math And The Computer Science Major |
The Register
7. |
NTL ups broadband numbers. Improves financial figures By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
W32.Netsky.P@mm!enc |
11:50:15 AM
10:19:45 AM
9:19:26 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Auctorial ego-search, driven by Web Services. Ben Hammersley once again demonstrates that he is the Mastah of Web Services. He's developed an auctorial "ego page" that takes the name of an author, retrives her/his bibliography, then lays out a page with all the recent blog entries regarding each title, timestamped for convenience.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.33369E-108; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 357
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Offshoring: Companies guarding 'secret sauce'. Digital Agenda Many U.S. tech businesses say they are adamant about keeping IP at home for now, even if they are considering some form of foreign outsourcing. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Spanish Telefonica Moviles says first-quarter profit up 17.9 percent (AFP). AFP - The biggest Spanish mobile telephone operator Telefonica Moviles said that first quarter profit jumped 17.9 percent as it gained a record total of 2.3 million new clients. |
4. |
Hunt for Sasser Worm Culprit Starts in Earnest (Reuters). Reuters - Security experts began the daunting task
Wednesday of trying to track down the authors of "Sasser," a
tenacious computer worm expected to infect millions of machines
before it runs its course. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Sony unveils online music service. Sony enters the digital music market by launching an online music download service in the US. |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
HP to release dual-processor Itanium module. Hewlett-Packard Co. next month will begin shipping a new multiprocessor daughtercard that will double the number of Itanium 2 processors supported by its Integrity servers. |
7. |
Microsoft calls for 64-bit driver support. Microsoft Corp. executives urged hardware makers on Tuesday to build drivers for the upcoming 64-bit releases of Windows, lest the adoption of 64-bit computing be held back by hardware incompatibilities. |
8. |
Web services find way to devices. Microsoft Corp., Intel Corp., Lexmark International Inc. and Ricoh Co. Ltd. on Tuesday detailed new Web services technology designed to make it easier for users to connect devices such as printers, digital cameras and digital music players over a network. |
The Register
9. |
France bans Intel-only IT contracts. Specific brands may not be included in tenders By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Corporate VoIP to challenge Skype. Europe in Brief Welcome Voipster By Jan Libbenga . |
11. |
Energis puts frighteners on UK biz. Security scare stories By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
Biometric recognition gets right in your face. 3D imaging technology By John Leyden . |
13. |
Healthcare IT spend on the up-and-up. 2004 European budgets set to rise By Lucy Sherriff . |
14. |
419ers crack cold fusion. Unlimited energy yours for $10k By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
8:19:06 AM
7:18:45 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Gawker Hollywood "Defamer" launches today. Say hello to another citadel in Nick Denton's growing blog-empire. A Hollywood-centric blog called "Defamer" will launch today according to a sekrit source. Said sekrit source says the "Hollywood Reporter Meets Gawker" site will be penned anonymously -- "no, it's not Rance," but a Rance-id post is said to be in the works. Link to Gawker home.
Update: LA Observed has more info: Link.
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
McCaw fixates on wireless (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - An entity controlled by Nextel's co-founder acquired a 7.8% stake in Canada's Microcell Telecommunications. |
3. |
Sasser Worm Takes Down UK's Coastguard |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Home users hit by Sasser worm. Only 20% of worm's victims are businesses as home users bear the brunt of the Sasser infection. |
The Register
5. |
EC Oracle probe faces further delay. Mario Monti hits pause... By John Oates . |
6. |
FCC chairman hails VoIP. Doomed, you're all doomed, I say... By John Oates . |
7. |
Russian 5c MP3 site 'unlicensed'. Analysis But protected by legal loopholes By MusicAlly . |
8. |
European healthcare 'online by 2008'. Technology will make everything easier. No, really By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
VIA plans chipset price rises. Passing on higher fab costs By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
10. |
Babies Born With a Mission. A Chicago lab helps parents create five healthy babies to provide stem-cell therapy for their diseased older siblings. The burgeoning practice raises concerns about the ethics of pre-implantation genetic screening. |
11. |
Sasser Plays Havoc Worldwide. The latest worm to rip a hole in Windows has affected nearly a million computers, disrupting banks, travel agencies and even Britain's coast guard. Sasser differs from its predecessors in that no e-mail attachment need be opened. |
12. |
Blogs Counter Political Plottings. Most political consultants work to suppress people from voting -- at least those who might vote against their candidate. But activists are using the Web to counter those conventions, say panelists at a conference about virtual communities. By Kim Zetter. |
13. |
Frank Gehry's Geek Palace. It's eye-popping! It's brand-building! It's a boundary-busting intellectual free-trade zone! Come inside the research center that could remake MIT, if they can just get those damn researchers in line. By Spencer Reiss from Wired magazine. |
14. |
Record Industry Wants Still More. It's not enough for the music industry that legal music downloads are gaining popularity. Company honchos want to raise song prices, gain more control of distribution and collect higher royalties. Michael Grebb reports from the Future of Music conference in Washington, D.C. |
15. |
Mo' Better Blogging With Newton. Moblogs are the latest in cutting-edge personal publishing. To partake, users tend to require a pricey smartphone or fancy handheld, but several are using ancient technology -- Apple's orphaned Newton. By Leander Kahney. |
16. |
Bunker Holds a Mountain of Movies. A secret hideaway designed to protect American currency in the event of a nuclear attack is being transformed into an archive that will protect cultural treasures. Original music and films will be stored in the vault. By Katie Dean. |
17. |
Business Buys Into Fuel Cells. California businesses are taking advantage of government incentive programs to use renewable energy sources like fuel cells and solar panels, but independence is still a way off. By John Gartner. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
UnixWare / Open Unix update for Apache |
19. |
Slackware update for LHA |
20. |
Fedora update for mc |
21. |
Sasser infections hit Amex, others |
22. |
Enhanced Wi-Fi security, quality on tap for 2004 |
23. |
Ansturm auf Anti-Sasser-Tool bei Microsoft |
6:18:25 AM
5:18:05 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Marshmallow-based speed-of-light measurator. This physics HOWTO explains a technique for verifying the speed of light using a microwave oven and a bunch of marshmallows.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.03636E-213; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 337
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
[P]ut the dish of marshmallows in the microwave and cook on low heat. Microwaves do not cook evenly and the marshmallows will begin to melt at the hottest spots in the microwave. (I leaned this from our Food Science teacher Anita Cornwall.) Heat the marshmallows until they begin to melt in four or five different spots. Remove the dish from the microwave and observe the melted spots. Take the ruler and measure the distance between the melted spots. You will find that one distance repeats over and over. This distance will correspond to half the wavelength of the microwave, about 6 cm. Now turn the oven around and look for a small sign that gives you the frequency of the microwave. Most commercial microwaves operate at 2450 MHz.
All you do now is multiply the frequency by the wavelength. The product is the speed of light.
(via Making Light)) |
2. |
Funny trompe l'oeil costumes. 
These trompe l'oeil costumes are pretty goddamned funny, but I don't think I could walk around bent double for very long.
(via Geisha Asobi)
3. |
Mid-calorie sodas coming from Coke and Pepsi. Coke and Pepsi are debuting "mid-calorie" drinks that contain a mix of high-fructose corn-syrup and Splenda. These are meant to sit between the hyper-sugared normal stuff and the diet stuff with the funky aftertaste.
The new drinks contain the standard high-fructose corn syrup that sweetens regular soda but in smaller amounts. The corn syrup is supplemented with Splenda, a no-calorie, no-carbohydrate sweetener made from sugar.
The result is a soda with fewer calories than regular but more than no-cal. For instance, Pepsi says a 12-ounce can of Edge has 20 grams each of sugar and carbohydrates, and 70 calories, compared with regular's 41 grams each of sugar and carbohydrates, and 150 calories.
(via Fark) |
4. |
Dilbert for 05 May 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Electronic Voting Hearings Set to Start (AP). AP - Concerned about the reliability of electronic voting, a federal panel is examining ways to safeguard polling from hackers and bad software to avoid another disputed presidential election this November. |
6. |
CPUBuilders Offers Low-Cost Linux PCs (TechWeb). TechWeb - CPUBuilders by Stratitec announced Monday the availability of two new Linux PCs
with a street price of less than $600. |
7. |
Red Hat Unveils Linux for Desktops (AP). AP - In a sign that demand is growing for alternatives to Microsoft Corp.'s Windows software, Red Hat Inc. will release a version of the Linux operating system and other programs tailored for desktop computers in corporations, universities and government agencies. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
8. |
Lastminute founder in UK hospital. Lastminute.com founder Martha Lane Fox has been flown back to the UK after being seriously injured in a car crash in Morocco. |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
Computer World: Disks spin an alternative to tape "Backing up data to disk-based storage systems... |
10. |
Computer World: Enhanced Wi-Fi security, quality on tap for 2004 "Security has been seen as a st... |
11. |
The Register: We've seen worse than Sasser - MS "Microsoft is considering automating the process... |
12. |
GA Tech: Wireless Intrusion Detection and Response (pdf) |
13. |
Email Battles: Hijacked Users Repackaged, Sold As Timeshares "Need an inexpensive way to do bad ... |
14. |
Security Tracker: Apple Mac OS X RAdmin Bug in Processing Large Requests "Has Unspecified Impact... |
15. |
Microsoft Joins Bonded Sender Program to Stem Spam |
16. |
Wanadoo gaat poort 25 blokkeren |
17. |
Intel's Bid to Speed 10 GbE Data Center Adoption |
18. |
January 1st 2004 - Rootsecure.net site v2 official launch - Featuring: Improved loading times, i... |
19. |
If you have any issues, problems, suggestions please use the contact page. |
20. |
For those that prefer the old black / white style homepage for viewing news, the old template is... |
21. |
Problems have been reported with the mailing list, if you are not receiving it as expected (ie H... |
22. |
Issues with the mailing list since January 1st are now believed to have been rectified. If you a... |
23. |
Short news section link added to the side menu. Features news items / observations posted by Roo... |
24. |
Are you receiving the daily mailing list at roughly the same time as you used to? - If not pleas... |
25. |
Electronic Voting Hearings Set to Start (AP) |
26. |
Fair Trading minister joins debate over RFID |
27. |
Aweb Exposure of Sensitive Information |
28. |
Check Point VPN-1 Products ISAKMP Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
4:17:45 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Disney buries Moore's new movie to save its tax-breaks. Disney has killed the distribution of Michael Moore's new movie, Farenheit 911, which traces the links between the Bush family and Saudis like Osama bin Laden.
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Mr. Moore's agent, Ari Emanuel, said Michael D. Eisner, Disney's chief executive, asked him last spring to pull out of the deal with Miramax. Mr. Emanuel said Mr. Eisner expressed particular concern that it would endanger tax breaks Disney receives for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where Mr. Bush's brother, Jeb, is governor.
"Michael Eisner asked me not to sell this movie to Harvey Weinstein; that doesn't mean I listened to him," Mr. Emanuel said. "He definitely indicated there were tax incentives he was getting for the Disney corporation and that's why he didn't want me to sell it to Miramax. He didn't want a Disney company involved."
(Thanks, JP!) |
2. |
Camera-phone barcode reader. 
Semacode is a Symbian barcode reader that works with your cameraphone. Point the camera at the "two-dimensional barcode" you find on some products and services in the wild and the phone will decode it into its component URL and open the URL in its browser.
(Thanks, Simon!)
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Apple deleting criticism on 15" PowerBook issue. Thomas sez, "I'm in the market for a new laptop, and was just about to buy one when I saw your story from earlier in the week about the 15" display problems. So I said as much in Apple's display forum, and they squashed my post."
Your post titled "Won't buy until they own up. Anyone else?" has been removed from Apple Discussions.
Link |
4. |
Kitsch destinations of Lynchburg, VA. This collection of kitsch things to do in and around Lynchburg, VA is very, very good -- who knew the region had so much to offer? My favorite is the Gilligan's Island themed bed-and-breakfast:
Accommodations on the island include your very own bamboo hut, similar to those seen on the classic 60's TV series. You will also enjoy only the best in fine dining and libations. (Hint: Don't miss Mary Ann's coconut cream pie for breakfast!)
While on the island, sit back and enjoy the show, as the friendly cast members perform any number of skits from the show. You probably know all the plots, so feel free to join in the fun. And don't be surprised or frightened to see an angry native warrior or two from one of the nearby islands!
Link |
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Everyday objects photoshopped into different materials. 
Worth1000's photoshopping contest-du-jour is "Alternate Materials: Objects created with unexpected materials." Some very nice entries here, like the iron banana, the paper handcuffs and the baloney CD-ROM.
6. |
Sign language video glossary. Michigan State U hosts his enormous archive of quicktimes of common American Sign Language words and phrases.
(via Making Light) |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Windows Roadmap, PC Design in Spotlight at WinHEC |
8. |
Microsoft: Almost 1.5M download Sasser cleanup tool |
3:17:26 AM
New York Times: Technology
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Canada's Phone Giants Face Internet Threat. Canada's telephone services are threatened by rivals offering an increasingly popular technology known as voice-over-Internet protocol. By Bernard Simon. |
2. |
Technology Briefing. TELECOMMUNICATIONS. By (cnetnews.com). |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Sun Microsystems Opens Smart-Tag Plant (AP). AP - Sun Microsystems Inc. is opening a Dallas-area facility on Wednesday to test radio tags for tracking consumer products and improving inventory control in stores. |
4. |
FBI Shows Fake Mexican Police ID Photos (AP). AP - Photographs of 75 people believed to have phony Mexican law enforcement credentials were posted online Tuesday by the FBI, which said criminals have used them to commit murders and other crimes. |
5. |
WiFi On Two Wheels |
2:17:06 AM
12:09:15 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
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6/1/2004; 12:29:03 AM.
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