Thursday, May 20, 2004
1. |
Accused Spammer to Debate SpamCop Founder |
Hack the Planet
2. |
The mirrors unclogged enough that I could update to Fedora Core 2. There aren't a lot of AMD64 packages available outside the base distribution, but it looks like Red Hat included enough i386 libraries that you can install i386 applications. Epiphany just crashes on startup. I'm surprised that different versions of Sun's J2SE RPMs aren't parallel-installable. The J2SE 1.5.0 beta for AMD64 crashes when running "java -version". Helix Player shows Xs where all of its icons should be. |
11:25:08 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Porn spam must now be labeled. New labels are required for sexually oriented email, but the new rule may do nothing to decrease the amount of sexually explicit emails from reaching inboxes. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
CNET News.com
2. |
States, feds headed for VoIP clash |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Sony's LCD TV Goes Portable (PC World). PC World - LocationFree models get programs, Web access via wireless
technology. |
4. |
Everaldo and Jimmac On Linux Art and Usability |
10:24:47 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Wasabi adds heat to NetBSD marketing |
2. |
IBM asks for quick rejection of SCO claims |
3. |
Briefly: Wasabi adds heat to NetBSD marketing |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Dell's Portable Player Likes Linux (PC World). PC World - Linspire's Lsongs digital music management program now supports Dell DJ
player. |
5. |
E-Mail 'Phishing' Scams Soared in April -Report (Reuters). Reuters - "Phishing" attacks -- e-mail
scams designed to fool people into handing over credit card
numbers or other valuable financial data -- numbered 1,125 in
April, nearly tripling from March, the Anti-Phishing Working
Group said on Thursday. |
6. |
Google, Microsoft Take Battle to the Desktop (Reuters). Reuters - Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp.
(MSFT.O) are staking claims on each other's core markets. |
7. |
Slashback: Fairness, Radioactivity, Recovery |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
IBM seeks to force SCO's hand in lawsuit. IBM has filed new documents in its legal dispute with Unix vendor The SCO Group, accusing SCO of having no evidence to back up its copyright infringement claims, and asking the judge to throw a major component of the case out of court. |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
Update: More details surface on Cisco's stolen code |
10. |
VeriSign faces setback in ICANN suit |
11. |
Symantec to acquire Brightmail |
12. |
Microsoft adds to licensing, Software Assurance pot |
13. |
Phishing Attacks on the Rise |
14. |
Symantec Buys Brightmail, and the Pieces Fit Perfectly |
15. |
Symantec Norton AntiVirus Modified MIME Email Scan Bypass |
16. |
Symantec Norton AntiVirus CE Windows XP Floppy Scan Bypass |
17. |
Symantec Norton AntiVirus CE Help File Privilege Escalation |
18. |
Symantec Norton AntiVirus Email Header Case Scan Bypass |
19. |
PHP-Nuke article.php Arbitrary SQL Query |
20. |
Netscape Client Detection Tool (CDT) plugin (npcdt.dll) Attachment Filename Overflow |
21. |
FBI plans spammer smackdown |
9:24:28 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Erik Davis consults on A Scanner Darkly. Boing Boing pal Erik Davis sent along this inside scoop on the film adaptation of Philip K. Dick's "A Scanner Darkly":
"Well, I got some tasty news for all your Dickheads out there. Richard Linklater is indeed making PKD’s A Scanner Darkly. And this, I suspect, will be it: the first “real” “authentic” PKD movie. Having read (and advised on) two versions of Linklater’s script, I can say that, while the film updates the historical vibe from paranoid 70s to paranoid 00s, the script is dark and tart, funny and faithful.
As has been reported, the cast is topped with Keanu Reaves as Bob Arctor, the Orange County narc who is assigned to spy on himself. Linklater has been planning this project for years; it was Reaves’ interest in the story that finally got the ball rolling. (One cannot fault the guy’s taste.) With an appropriateness at once amusing and touching, the rest of the cast includes some of Hollywood’s more notorious dopers: Winona Ryder, Robert Downey Jr., Woody Harrelson, and Rory Cochrane. (OK, I don’t know anything about Rory’s personal dispositions, but he sure looks like he’s scraped the barrel of party.)
As a special treat, the film will be animated by the same genius team whose digital rotoscoping helped make Waking Life one of the few American film masterpieces of the new millennium. These are definitely the guys you want to bring Bob Arctor’s scramble suit to life. PKD wrote a lot of great books, but A Scanner Darkly is the one I would hand to a literary professor. It’s atmosphere of surveillance, creepy drugs, and what you could call “scopo-phrenia” is where we are. Hats of to R. Linklater for making sure that PKD’s peculiar posthumous sojourn in Hollywood will not end with Paycheck."
CNET News.com
2. |
FBI plans spammer smackdown |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Analysts: iPod division could lead to other devices (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple Computer Inc. confirmed on Thursday a Reuters report stating that a new iPod division had been set up at the company, splitting the Macintosh and iPod hardware segments. While Apple said this would allow the company to focus resources on the iPod, analysts believe that it solidifies the importance of the iPod within Apple and could be the start of something bigger for the company, such as the release of other digital devices. |
4. |
Firefox/Thunderbird Plugins: Is Less More? |
Hack the Planet
5. |
Evan Williams has redefined RSS as a synonym for "syndication", so when people ask "Why is Google supporting Atom instead of RSS?", they'll just answer "Atom is a form of RSS". What a great way to attack RSS and co-opt its publicity at the same time. |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Oracle, Microsoft forge tool ties. Microsoft and Oracle on Thursday announced an agreement intended to result in tighter integration between the Oracle database and the Microsoft Visual Studio .Net 2003 development platform. |
InfoWorld: Security
7. |
Phishing scourge prompts calls for change. The sentencing this week of a Texas man was a notable victory for the U.S. government in its fight against a form of online fraud known as "phishing." However, a recent surge in such scams highlights the need for more than customer education, with some computer security experts calling for major changes in the way sensitive information is exchanged online. |
8. |
CAN-SPAM law: Little impact so far. WASHINGTON - The chairman of a U.S. Senate committee called for more federal enforcement of a new antispam law amid reports Thursday that the amount of spam sent to U.S. consumers may be rising, not dropping, since the law went into effect in January. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
Vulns: Microsoft Outlook 2003 Media File Script Execution Vulnerability. Microsoft Outlook is reportedly prone to a media file script execution vulnerability. This issue is due to a design error that would allow for the execution of scripts l... |
10. |
Vulns: LibUser Multiple Unspecified Vulnerabilities. Libuser implements a standardized interface for manipulating and administering user and group accounts one Unix systems.
It has been reported that several vulnerabilitie... |
11. |
Vulns: Mandrake Linux passwd Potential Vulnerabilities. Two potential security issues reportedly affect the implementation of passwd included with Mandrake Linux, according to Mandrake advisory MDKSA-2004:045. According to th... |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
RE: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure |
13. |
Re: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure |
14. |
RE: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure |
8:24:08 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
New ban for DVD copying software |
2. |
Briefly: New ban for DVD copying software |
3. |
Lawmakers weigh in on effects of Can-Spam |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Cheap-Tech Guru (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Fail to heed the cheap revolution and it will kill you. Try selling a server for $30,000 at a time when Dell sells a pair for $5,000 and you're toast. Ask Sun Microsystems about it. Sun has suffered declining revenue for 12 consecutive quarters. |
5. |
Newswire: One Show Awards Interactive Prizes (AdWeek.com). AdWeek.com - A NEC Corp. Web site that invites consumers to comment on environmental issues took home Best of Show at the One Show Interactive awards last Wednesday. |
6. |
Microsoft's Gates Touts Blogging as Business Tool (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O)
Chairman Bill Gates often takes the stage to talk about the
future of software technology, but on Thursday he also told top
corporate executives that Weblogs and the way they are
distributed can be used as business communication tools. |
7. |
Berners-Lee on the TLD Explosion |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: RE: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure. Sender: Kevin E dot Casey [kcasey at nanoweb dot com] |
9. |
BugTraq: Internet explorer .clsid vulnerability. Sender: roozbeh afrasiabi [roozbeh_afrasiabi at yahoo dot com] |
10. |
Vulns: osCommerce File Manager Directory Traversal Vulnerability. osCommerce in an open source e-commerce package used to setup and maintain online stores.
It is reported that osCommerce has a directory traversal vulnerability that all... |
11. |
Vulns: PHP-Nuke Modpath Parameter Potential File Include Vulnerability. PHP-Nuke is a freely available, open source web content management system. It is maintained by Francisco Burzi, and available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Operating... |
12. |
Vulns: Alt-N MDaemon Remote Status Command Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. MDaemon is a mail server for Microsoft Windows operating systems. It includes WorldClient, which is a web-based email client.
Alt-N MDaemon is reportedly prone to a remo... |
13. |
Vulns: PHP-Nuke Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. PHP-Nuke is a freely available, open source web content management system. It is maintained by Francisco Burzi, and available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Operating... |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Abuse suspect's Colo. lawyer fired |
15. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source repository |
16. |
Le 29 mai, un Mur du Son contre Le Mur des lois liberticides |
17. |
FTC Says Explicit Spam Must Carry Labels |
18. |
Cisco Confirms Source Code Theft, Downplays Threat |
19. |
Terrorist Scoring System Sparked Investigations And Arrests |
20. |
Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure |
21. |
Auditor security collection released - a swiss army knife for security assessments. |
22. |
Internet explorer .clsid vulnerability |
7:23:48 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
"Back-to-Iraq" blogger is back in Iraq. Clive sez: "Chris Allbritton has begun blogging from Iraq. He's the writer who raised $13,000 last year from his blog readers to fund an indie-reporting trip to Iraq during the war. His readers have asked him to go back, and he raised another $11,000 in the last few months. He just arrived in Baghdad, and has begun writing more of his excellent stuff -- slices of everyday life in one of the most fraught places on earth. The first post describes the crazily harrowing landing you have to endure when you fly into Baghdad, as the plane corkscrews down to avoid shoulder-mounted missiles:"
After a normal flight, we went into a tight, corkscrew dive that sent your stomach up into your throat and in the case of two passengers, out their mouths and into their laps. Its a vomit-comet experience. But if you like roller coasters in a sealed container where you cant really see anything, its a lot of fun. Just dont think about the very real threat of shoulder-mounted SAMs. Link |
2. |
Mark's Japan Journal: Day 2. 6am in Tokyo (2pm LA time). I'm even sleepier today than I was yesterday. I can't sleep here, even though I've been downing Benadryl, which usually knocks me out. I got about 4 hours sleep last night. I was awakened after an hour by someone in the hall outside my door. He was drunk and angry. I'm not sure if he was talking to himself or to someone on his mobile phone, but I didn't want to open my door to take a peek. (The last time I opened a hotel door to investigate a noisy person in a hallway, years ago in Copenhagen, I was greeted by a young guy out of his mind on drugs who made a beeline to my door and tried to force his way in, spitting and screaming. His eyes were rolled back in his head. After I finally got the door shut and locked, he pounded on the door and howled.) Anyway, this Japanese guy just kept going on and on about something. He'd start mumbling, then build up to loud ferocious staccatto bursts. Then he'd start over. I heard some other guy, maybe another hotel guest, speak to him in a low reproachful voice. It took a while, but he shut the jerk up. Thank you, whoever you are.
I was awakened a second time by the sound of power machinery. It took me a minute or two that it was actually someone in the next room snoring. So now I'm in the cafe, drinking a $6 not-very-good espresso in an attempt to rest my circadian clock. I don't know if it'll help or hurt, but I need to try something.
It's been raining steadily since I got here. From what I've been told, a typhoon is headed this way. I'm upset, because today is my day to go exploring around the city. I'll try to keep a good attitude about it. Tokyo is such a wonderful place, I can't let lack of sleep and lousy weather ruin it. |
3. |
Robots revolt in Madison, WI. 
Photos of "robots" carrying signs written in binary code. They're marching to support underpaid and overworked teaching assistants in Madison, Wisconsin. Such thoughtful 'bots. Correction: BoingBoing reader Ryan Whaley says, "They weren't supporting the teachers' union, it just happened to be going on at the same time. They planned it weeks ahead of time. They're all members of the somethingawful forums."
Link (Thanks, Noah) |
4. |
Reviews of pens. Illustrator Danny Gregory has reviewed a bunch of pens, accompanied by his drawings of the pens.
"Rotring Rapidoliner: I am really in love with this pen these days and I never would of thunk it. I first tried Rapidographs when I was a teenager but they always clogged and leaked and were a pain to fill. I was forever dismantling the nibs and washing them in the sink and finding ink blots on my shirts. This pen is perfect. My nib is the finest they make and the pen just won’t clog or skip. The guts are disposable, for $4 you get a fresh new nib and supply of Indian ink. I have been drawing with this pen every day for two months and am still on my original cartridge. The pen’s feeling is ultra smooth, a little creamy and a little brittle, like icing on a cupcake. The best $10 I ever spent." Link (Thanks, Beleg!) |
CNET News.com
5. |
Democrats push for privacy officers |
6. |
Briefly: Democrats push for privacy officers |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Database Firm Listed 120,000 'Likely Terrorists' (Reuters). Reuters - The company that runs the multistate
MATRIX law enforcement database gave the U.S. government a list
of 120,000 people who scored high on a computer profile it said
was designed to identify likely terrorists, a civil liberties
group said on Thursday. |
8. |
Cell Phone Directory Coming Soon |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
CAN-SPAM law: Little impact so far. WASHINGTON - The chairman of a U.S. Senate committee called for more federal enforcement of a new antispam law amid reports Thursday that the amount of spam sent to U.S. consumers may be rising, not dropping, since the law went into effect in January. |
10. |
New biometric approach secures ID cards |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: Re: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure. Sender: T dot J dot [tjtoocool at phreaker dot net] |
12. |
BugTraq: RE: Question About Ethics and Full Disclosure. Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eeye dot com] |
The Register
13. |
US airport fake ID study 'was found in al-Qaida cave'. Mica wants biometrics, fast By John Lettice . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Security Focus: Old Economy Fed Up With Cyber-Security |
15. |
Linux Pr: Open Source Users Unaffected by Sasser Worm "Australian computer users have suffered m... |
16. |
Silicon: Security flaws could corrupt open source databases "Is this part of the trend of securi... |
17. |
News Factor: How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Experts? "Ten years ago, you needed good pro... |
18. |
Click2Houston: Hacker Uses Webcam To Spy On Family "Secret Service Investigates 'Computer Takeov... |
19. |
Computer World: Wireless Hacking Techniques "excerpt, from Chapter 6 of their new book Maximum W... |
20. |
[ GLSA 200405-14 ] Buffer overflow in Subversion |
21. |
[ GLSA 200405-13 ] neon heap-based buffer overflow |
22. |
[ GLSA 200405-12 ] CVS heap overflow vulnerability |
23. |
[ GLSA 200405-15 ] cadaver heap-based buffer overflow |
24. |
cvs_linux_freebsd_HE..> |
25. |
cvs_solaris_HEAP.c |
6:23:28 PM
5:23:09 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wireless vs. Rush Hour. My latest article for TheFeature.com is online:
"Each year, Los Angeles drivers spend a combined total of 9,000 years stuck in traffic. Cell phones make it much easier to suffer through the brutal traffic jams that are the bane of city life around the world. Fortunately, wireless technology can also shorten the waiting game of freeway commuting.
From Los Angeles and Seattle to Berlin and Tokyo, city planners and researchers are deploying a slew of wireless sensors, smart street signs, and real-time data services for mobile devices to help manage traffic flow and inform drivers about what they'll face on the road ahead." Link
CNET News.com
2. |
Study: Ethernet switch market on comeback trail |
3. |
Gates courts CEO crowd |
4. |
Study says 100 million PCs to be replaced in 2004 |
5. |
Oracle joins Microsoft developer program |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft Launches New Office for Mac (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft has started to sell its newest Office software for Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL)
Macintosh computers -- and already, it is garnering high praise for its
advanced capabilities. But enterprise customers still may find it
lacking in some small but crucial feature sets. |
7. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry (AP). AP - Chief executives from some of the largest U.S. companies are criticizing the technology industry in a lobbying campaign, accusing them of selling software vulnerable to hackers and too difficult for consumers to use safely. |
8. |
BEA Builds Beehive for Open-Source Community (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - BEA Systems (Nasdaq: BEAS) is delivering software code for its WebLogic framework, with
an eye to drawing more developers to the platform and speeding the
creation of more Java-based enterprise applications. |
9. |
What RFID Can Do for Consumers (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Wireless tags that can track the arrival and departure of pallets from a manufacturer. Security devices that can alert authorities when a shipment has been tampered with. Cell phones that can read and transmit RFID data, thus stepping up the functionality of mobile sales-force systems. |
10. |
Sirius in Distribution Deal with Dish Network (Reuters). Reuters - Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. on
Thursday said it will be carried on the Dish Network satellite
television service, in a deal it hopes will vastly increase
distribution for the company. |
11. |
New spam law gets mixed reviews at hearing (AFP). AFP - A new US law aimed at curbing unwanted e-mail, or "spam," got mixed reviews at a congressional hearing, with some calling it effective and others highlighting a host of problems. |
12. |
WWW Conference Mulls Web as Personal Memory Store (Reuters). Reuters - Imagine being able to record every
interesting conversation you have ever held in your life, not
to mention all the photos and writing you have done. |
13. |
71% of Spam Servers are Located in China |
InfoWorld: Top News
14. |
Interview: John Mutch, CEO of Peregrine Systems. PARIS - When John Mutch took over as president and chief executive officer of Peregrine Systems Inc. last August, the service and asset management software developer had just emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Forced to restate results for 11 consecutive quarters up to Dec. 31, 2001, Peregrine is still working on its accounts for the year to March 31, 2004, as the effects of the restatements and its reorganization plan ripple through. |
15. |
IS execs tell how emerging technologies make the grade. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - Sorting out the buzzword of the day from those technologies that will make a difference to one's business requires a well-defined process and criteria, according to a couple of IS executives speaking at Wednesday's CIO Symposium, sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management. |
InfoWorld: Security
16. |
VeriSign faces setback in ICANN suit. Afederal judge has dealt a preliminary setback to VeriSign Inc. in its lawsuit against the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the non-profit corporation responsible for managing the Internet's Domain Name System (DNS). |
17. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source repository |
SecurityFocus Vulns
18. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200405-15 ] cadaver heap-based buffer overflow. Sender: Thierry Carrez [koon at gentoo dot org] |
19. |
Vulns: Microsoft Windows XP Self-Executing Folder Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been reported in Microsoft Windows XP that may result in execution of malicious code in the context of the currently logged in user. The flaw exists i... |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Elsewhere: Microsoft Plans Email Caller ID Standard |
21. |
Elsewhere: Virus help fund gets closed down |
22. |
News: Old Economy Fed Up With Cyber-Security |
23. |
SGI ProPack v2.4: Kernel Update #4 - Security and other fixes |
24. |
[slackware-security]cvs (SSA:2004-140-01) |
25. |
SGI ProPack 3: Kernel Update #1 - Security and other fixes |
26. |
[security bulletin]SSRT4696 rev. 0HP ProCurve Routing Switches TCP Denial of Service (DoS) |
4:22:48 PM
3:22:27 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Napster becomes the first big music store to cross the Atlantic. Napster Thursday announced that it was open for business in the UK. Downloads are priced at £1.09 each, and they plan on continuing rollout on to the Continent. By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Oracle joins Microsoft developer program |
3. |
Briefly: Oracle joins Microsoft program |
4. |
Vonage vows to fight New York ruling |
5. |
Intel sued for patent infringement |
6. |
Open-source group says no to SCO |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
TradeWeb to Launch Corporate Bond Trading Platform (Reuters). Reuters - Fixed-income trading network TradeWeb
said on Thursday it plans to launch an online corporate bond
trading platform in June in a bid to extend its multi-dealer
platform into a new market. |
8. |
Spamming for Dollars (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Fighting spam has turned into such a big business that anti-spam companies are becoming a hot commodity of their own. |
9. |
Verizon to Sell Video Over Fiber in 2005 (Reuters). Reuters - Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ.N)
will begin selling video over fiber optic lines to homes and
businesses in 2005, part of a long-term strategy to fight cable
companies on their own turf before they erode too much of
Verizon's traditional telephone business. |
10. |
Indiana First With Computerized Grading |
11. |
Fedora Core 2 Review |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
Elsewhere: Microsoft Plans Email Caller ID Standard. On Wednesday, Microsoft announced that it will submit a proposal to the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to make its Caller ID for Email technology an industry stan... |
13. |
Elsewhere: Virus help fund gets closed down. Supporters of the man who wrote the Sasser web worm have been forced to stop raising funds for him.
The effort ended when the organisers of the fund raisers found it dif... |
14. |
News: Finance houses struggling against hackers. Financial institutions are losing the war against hackers, according to a new survey out this week. The majority of finance houses (83 per cent) quizzed by management consultant Deloitte acknowledged that their systems had been compromised in the past year, compared to only 39 per cent in 2002. |
15. |
News: Old Economy Fed Up With Cyber-Security. In the 1976 movie "Network," a television anchorman famously implores his viewers to yell, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Yesterday, in more measured tones, a high-powered business lobby said just that about computer security on the network of all networks, the Internet. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
Vulns: WGet Insecure File Creation Race Condition Vulnerability. wget is a freely available, open source file transfer utility. It is included with many Unix and Linux operating systems.
wget has been reported prone to a race conditi... |
17. |
Vulns: VBulletin Index.PHP Remote File Include Vulnerability. VBulletin is a commercially available web based bulletin board application. It is implemented in PHP and may be run on Unix and Unix like operating systems as well as Mic... |
The Register
18. |
'Not the sharpest of knives' - praise heaped on Linux study author. Tanenbaum speaks By John Lettice . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
NEW: More prison photos aired |
20. |
NEW: Bush defends policy at Capitol |
21. |
U.S. raids Iraq leader's home |
22. |
How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Security Experts? (NewsFactor) |
23. |
EMC Crafts Entry-Level Windows NAS Gateway |
24. |
OpenBSD Procfs Memory Disclosure Vulnerability |
25. |
More Halo 2 Multiplayer Impressions |
26. |
HALO 2 Clan Support To Be Free |
27. |
Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords |
28. |
Infocus: Malware Analysis for Administrators |
29. |
Elsewhere: Peter Cochrane's Uncommon Sense: The ever-evolving virus |
30. |
Elsewhere: Board members warned over security shortfalls |
31. |
News: Symantec acquires Brightmail for $390m |
32. |
News: Finance houses struggling against hackers |
33. |
W32.Donk.Q |
34. |
Backdoor.Leniv |
2:22:09 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Mac.Ars takes on Security. Mac.Ars looks at recent developments in Mac OS X security. Does Apple need to do a better job with security on OS X? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Terra.com teams up for online radio service |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
EMC Unveils NAS Gateway for Windows SMB Market (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The Windows Storage Server-based NetWin 110 is aimed at the entry-level NAS market. |
4. |
Microsoft Office Focuses on Collaboration (AP). AP - The latest Macintosh edition of Microsoft Corp.'s Office suite does text, e-mail, spreadsheets and presentations with aplomb. Then again, so did its previous versions. |
5. |
New Video Games Dazzle, Demand PC Power (AP). AP - Video game manufacturers often resort to techno-lingo to explain what they've done to make "Half-Life 2" more lifelike and "EverQuest 2" graphically stunning. |
6. |
Napster Beats iTunes to Europe with UK Launch (Reuters). Reuters - Digital download service Napster
scored a major victory over archrival iTunes by launching in
Britain Thursday, the first of the high-flying Internet music
stores to make their European debut. |
7. |
HP's No Gloating Zone (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - To a tee, Hewlett-Packard followed the script yesterday that any good technology firm should use when announcing strong quarterly earnings -- downplay the good news and stress the many, many challenges still to be faced. |
8. |
Can Star Wars Episode III Be Saved? |
9. |
FTC Porn Spam Regulation Now in Effect |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
10. |
Slow Hitman sales sink Eidos. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
11. |
Napster launches UK service. The former file-sharing pioneer Napster returns to the UK with a paid-for music download service. |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
Replacement cycle expected to spur PC shipment spike. Worldwide PC shipments are set to bound 13.6 percent this year over last, driven by a Y2K replacement cycle and the loosening of corporate purse strings amid signs of economic growth, Gartner Inc. said Thursday. |
13. |
Cisco to patent security fix |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Mac Hole Has Users, Hackers Abuzz. Malicious script kiddies are reportedly rushing to exploit the first serious security hole discovered in Apple Computer's Mac OS X.
First discovered in February by a Ge... |
15. |
Elsewhere: Peter Cochrane's Uncommon Sense: The ever-evolving virus. The fight against viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other digital pests may seem futile. But Peter Cochrane has a plan for eradicating the latest computer security threat... |
16. |
News: Symantec acquires Brightmail for $390m. Symantec is to buy email filter firm Brightmail for approx. $370m cash. It is to integrate Brightmail's anti-spam software into its own line of gateway appliances to create hybrid defences against junk mail and viruses. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
Vulns: GNU LibTASN1 Undisclosed Vulnerability. GNU Utils Libtasn1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) is an open source library developed for ASN.1 structures management.
Libtasn1 has been reported prone to an undisclosed... |
18. |
Vulns: WebCT Campus Edition HTML Tags HTML Injection Vulnerabilities. WebCT Campus Edition is a course management system. It is used by colleges and universities to deliver course material and assessments via the web. It also provides a web... |
19. |
Vulns: TurboTrafficTrader C Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and HTML Injection Vulnerabilities. TurboTrafficTrader C is a CGI traffic-trading program for Linux and FreeBSD. It is used to setup link referer trading agreements between webmasters.
It has been reported... |
The Register
20. |
Universe very big: official. 78bn light years and growing By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Early database project yielded 120,000 suspects |
22. |
New Worm Spreads By Replying To All Mail |
23. |
'Patriot' hacker pleads guilty |
24. |
Plug and Play port scan reveals new worms |
25. |
Lovgate worm variant has A-V vendors worried |
26. |
How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Experts? |
27. |
New evidence points to Cisco network hack |
28. |
Open Source Users Unaffected by Sasser Worm |
29. |
New York classifies Vonage as phone company |
30. |
Matrix - The Trilogy, information released |
31. |
Is Torvalds really the father of Linux? |
32. |
Guide :: Linux Forensics Software |
33. |
Guide :: PC Forensics Software |
34. |
Guide :: PDA Forensics Tools and Techniques |
35. |
Guide :: Kerberos Implementation, Part 3 |
1:21:49 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Holy Bestseller, Holy Sequel. The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown says he considered including another theory in the book that would have inflamed Christians even more than the notion that Jesus married Mary Magdalene and made babies. What if Jesus survived the crucifixion? According to this AP Article, "Brown said the theory is backed by a number of 'very credible sources,' but that he ultimately decided it was too flimsy." I'm burned out on the whole Holy Blood, Holy Grail trip though. Brown's next book, set in Washington, revolves around the Masons! Apparently, the dust jacket of The Da Vinci Code contains a clue about the sequel.
2. |
The Physics of Baseball |
InfoWorld: Security
3. |
Symantec to acquire Brightmail. Utility software vendor Symantec Corp. Wednesday announced that it's acquiring anti-spam vendor Brightmail Inc. in a deal worth about $370 million in cash. |
4. |
Microsoft adds to licensing, Software Assurance pot. Microsoft Corp. Wednesday made another move to improve the value of its controversial volume-licensing program with two updates that add disaster recovery features and hosted services to corporate contracts. |
SecurityFocus News
5. |
Infocus: Malware Analysis for Administrators. The purpose of this article is to help administrators and power users use behavioral analysis to determine if a binary is harmful malware, by analyzing it in a lab environment without the use of anti-virus software, debuggers, or code disassembly. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
6. |
BugTraq: SGI ProPack 3: Kernel Update #1 - Security and other fixes. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
7. |
BugTraq: SGI ProPack v2.4: Kernel Update #4 - Security and other fixes. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
8. |
BugTraq: [slackware-security] cvs (SSA:2004-140-01). Sender: Slackware Security Team [security at slackware dot com] |
9. |
BugTraq: [security bulletin] SSRT4696 rev. 0 HP ProCurve Routing Switches TCP Denial of Service (DoS). Sender: Boren, Rich (SSRT) [rich dot boren at hp dot com] |
10. |
Vulns: Apple Mac OS X Help Protocol Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. A vulnerability has been identified in Mac OS X that may allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary script code on a vulnerable system. This issue may allow a remote a... |
11. |
Vulns: Midnight Commander Multiple Unspecified Vulnerabilities. Midnight Commander is a popular file management tool for Unix systems. Among other features, Midnight Commander is provided with a code layer to access the file system; t... |
12. |
Vulns: Apache Mod_SSL SSL_Util_UUEncode_Binary Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. mod_ssl provides an interface for accessing the OpenSSL libraries from within Apache.
A stack-based buffer overflow has been reported in the Apache mod_ssl module.
Th... |
The Register
13. |
Wanadoo UK offshore threatens 200 jobs. Tech support off to Mumbai By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
20 May W32/Agobot-IX |
15. |
USB Key Enables Access To Microsoft Exchange Data from Any PC |
12:21:28 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
New law would let parents sue funnybook sellers for mentally scarring kiddees. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund raises the flag about this profoundly stupid new proposed law:
H.B. 4239, also called the "Parents' Empowerment Act," would allow the parent or guardian of a minor to sue in federal court anyone who knowingly disseminates any media containing "material that is harmful to minors" if the material is distributed in a way that "a reasonable person can expect a substantial number of minors to be exposed to the material and the minor, as a result to exposure to the material, is likely to suffer personal or emotional injury or injury to mental or moral welfare." The bill has been referred to the House Judiciary Committee.
(Thanks, Mike!) |
2. |
New issue of NeoFiles. The latest issue of RU Sirius's NeoFiles is online. This time, RU mindmelds with net.culture theoretician Clay Shirky, Brainwaves blogger Zack Lynch, and Will Block, the CEO of Life Enhancements Products. Block's company sponsors the NeoFiles, a fact RU honorably discloses at the top of the interview with his boss:
"If this is an infomercial site, it’s a pretty fucking outrageous (and informative) one. I’ve sat for many hours with my friend Will Block and one thing is certain: his knowledge, enthusiasm, and integrity (not to mention expansiveness) around these topics are impeccable. My readers also, by-and-large, are not idiots, and they can make up their own minds about whether to buy products or simply steal the precursors from Auntie Grizelda’s garden."
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Tellabs to buy AFC for $1.9 billion |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Could Your PC Run Mac OS? (PC World). PC World - PearPC translates PowerPC into x86 instructions, but more work is needed. |
5. |
Vietnam orders crackdown on Internet dissent (AFP). AFP - The Vietnamese government has ordered a crackdown on "bad and poisonous information" being circulated over the Internet just months after tough new rules regulating the use of the web came into force. |
6. |
Internet Lowers Real Estate Commissions (AP). AP - Real estate and mortgage brokers have less of a hold on clients from the start of the home-buying process, according to a national study which researchers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock helped organize. |
7. |
Andy Tanenbaum on 'Who Wrote Linux' |
8. |
Video T-shirts |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
9. |
Holiday warning on fake CDs. Holidaymakers going to Greece this summer are warned they could be jailed for buying pirated CDs. |
10. |
Virus help fund gets closed down. Plans to collect cash for the man who wrote the Sasser web worm have come to nothing. |
11. |
Conference Wireless LAN is Hacker Heaven |
The Register
12. |
Italy approves 'jail for P2P users' law. Download songs and spend up to three years in prison By Tony Smith . |
13. |
Jail terms for tourists buying pirate CDs in Greece?. Crackdown on the low tech stuff By John Lettice . |
14. |
USAF in secret garage door jamming trials. Motorola RF madness By Lester Haines . |
15. |
EMC goes low with new NAS head. Cheap path to Windows By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
US lubes passports with RFID snake oil |
11:21:08 AM
10:20:47 AM
9:20:29 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry (AP). AP - Chief executives from some of the largest U.S. companies are criticizing the technology industry in a lobbying campaign, accusing them of selling software vulnerable to hackers and too difficult for consumers to use safely. |
2. |
AT&T Wireless Rejects Rogers Bid for Unit (Reuters). Reuters - Rogers Communications Inc. (RCIb.TO),
Canada's No. 1 cable company, said on Thursday it has been
unable to reach an agreement with AT&T Wireless Services Inc.
(AWE.N) to buy AT&T Wireless's 34 percent interest in Rogers
Wireless Communications (RCMb.TO). |
3. |
AudioLunchbox indie music service adds 100 new labels (MacCentral). MacCentral - AudioLunchbox.com, a music download service that features independent artists and labels, announced Wednesday that it has added 100 new labels and plans to have 250,000 additional tracks online by mid-July. The service features higher music downloads encoded at higher bitrates than is available at the iTunes Music Store, available in the user's choice of either MP3 or Ogg Vorbis formats. |
4. |
Black Sabbath to Reunite for Ozzfest (AP). AP - Black Sabbath will reunite for Ozzfest, which begins July 10 in Hartford, Conn., according to the Ozzfest Web site. |
5. |
Pricey Parts Threaten Profits of New Game Machines (Reuters). Reuters - Videogame giants Sony and Nintendo,
gearing up to launch hotly anticipated handheld gaming devices,
face a shortage of key parts, which could crimp profits and
sales of the rival products when they hit stores later this
year. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
Internet helps lift BT earnings. BT Group says its strategy is working as the phone company reports a better-than-expected rise in annual earnings. |
7. |
Napster launches UK music service. The former file-sharing pioneer Napster returns to the UK with a paid-for music download service. |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Software organization rebuffs SCO subpoena. The nonprofit organization that created the software license that governs Linux says that it will not produce all of the material requested in a November subpoena it received from The SCO Group Inc., as part of SCO's multi-billion dollar lawsuit against IBM Corp. |
9. |
Open-source project to offer Mac OS on PCs. A team of open-source developers has released software which emulates the PowerPC processor architecture and enables users to run Mac OS and some Unix OSes on PCs powered by Intel Corp. x86-architecture processors. |
The Register
10. |
'Spot the terrorist' system was pitched to Cheney by Jeb Bush. Is MATRIX really deloaded? By John Lettice . |
11. |
Patriot missile: friend or foe?. RAF Tornado downed, questions unanswered By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
20 May W32/Rbot-M |
8:20:08 AM
7:19:49 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Jobs in store for Amazon centre. Online retailer Amazon announces plans to create up to 300 jobs at a a new facility in Scotland. |
The Register
2. |
Apple creates separate iPod business unit. Expects big things from little player By Tony Smith . |
3. |
US boffins charged with parity violations. Seeking lost bosons By Lucy Sherriff . |
4. |
Symantec acquires Brightmail for $390m. Hybrid defences, market dominance play By John Leyden . |
5. |
MS ships Mac Office 2004. A few good mendings By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
6. |
NASA Could Be Safe ... and Sorry. The space agency has so many workers focused on the safety aspects of the space shuttle that it may have created a shortage of people available to work on the operational side of the program. |
7. |
EU OKs Import of Canned GMO Corn. Breaking its controversial five-year ban on new genetically modified foods, the European Union opens supermarket shelves to Syngenta's sweet corn. |
8. |
1st Nat'l Bank of Stem Cells. It isn't often that President Bush doesn't like a bank, but he won't like this one: Britain opens the first embryonic stem-cell bank, and the anti-abortionists are livid. |
9. |
Execs Seek Cybersecurity Boost. Irritated by a steady stream of hack attacks and viruses, the heads of big U.S. companies call on the tech industry to grab the security bull by the horns. What do they want? Bulletproof products and better tech support. |
10. |
Gmail Bug Sparks Storage Rumors. Google is not offering users of its Gmail service 1 terabyte of storage, the company says. It's all the fault of some buggy software. By Amit Asaravala. |
11. |
Lobbyists Feel the Tech Love. Tech firms spent heavily on lobbyists last year, according to recently released filings. This year -- with bills affecting digital rights, spyware and other industry issues on the horizon -- they're likely to spend even more. By Joanna Glasner. |
12. |
Is a Moog Renaissance Nigh?. Fans gather at a Moogfest to celebrate the 40th birthday of the Moog synthesizer. Surprisingly, the analog Moog sound -- created by a tub of knobs and wires -- is making a comeback. Noah Shachtman reports from New York. |
13. |
Mac Hole Has Users, Hackers Abuzz. The first major security flaw in OS X was publicized Tuesday, and it has already inspired a burst of cracker creativity. But according to a German Web designer, Apple knew about the problem in February. By Leander Kahney. |
14. |
My Left Arm for a Gmail Account. An e-mail account on Google's upcoming Gmail service is so coveted that people are willing to trade the darndest things for one. Check out the gmail swap site to see what's up for offer. By Daniel Terdiman. |
15. |
XXXchurch Wants No More XXX. Two young Christian ministers set up the XXXchurch to stop people from watching porn and engaging in self-gratification. Their edgy approach has won a lot of attention, but no love from fellow Christians. By Julia Scheeres. |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Readers Say It's OK To Strike Back At Hacker Attacks (TechWeb) |
17. |
Symantec To Buy Anti-Spam Vendor Brightmail (TechWeb) |
18. |
Security Focus: News - 'Patriot' hacker pleads guilty "Florida man pleaded guilty in federal cou... |
19. |
CNet: Flaws drill holes in open-source repository "Flaws in two popular source code repository a... |
20. |
Channel Zone: Cisco Needs to Come Clean "Cisco needs to tell us what really happened to its code... |
21. |
Security Focus: TCP/IP Skills Required for Security Analysts "Breaking into the network security... |
22. |
eWeek: Skype Creator Promises Official VOIP Program Release "will soon be expanded to include a ... |
23. |
Dev Shed: Regaining Control of a Hacked PHP-Nuke Site "you should immediately bring down your si... |
24. |
Security flaws could corrupt open source databases |
25. |
Open Source Users Unaffected by Sasser Worm |
6:19:28 AM
5:19:07 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 20 May 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
BEA Turns To Open Source To Boost Sales (TechWeb). TechWeb - It plans to work with the open-source community to develop a better framework for building software. |
3. |
U.K. Cyber Church Tightens Security (AP). AP - Britain's first three-dimensional cyber church has been forced to tighten security after a slew of abusive visitors ranted from the pulpit and swore in the aisles. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Marconi sees annual losses narrow. The UK telecoms equipment maker - which is struggling to rebuild itself after near collapse in 2000 - cuts its losses and forecasts a slim rise in sales. |
5. |
BT sees 10% rise in annual profit. BT Group says its strategy is working as the phone company reports a better-than-expected rise in annual profits. |
4:18:48 AM
3:18:28 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Video games make the Baby Buddha cry. The new Pratimoksha (Buddhist Monastic Code) is out, and it has lots to say about spending too much time with the Interweb and not enough with your Buddha nature:
44. A bhikshu who has his private e-mail account with the result that he spends an inordinate amount of time in making unnecessary communications or communications which foster attachment commits an offence for which he must express regret...
46. A bhikshu who plays electronic games including those on the computer, commits an offence for which he must express regret.
(via Oblomovka) |
2. |
Troy in 15 (very funny) minutes. After the sixth hour of Troy, the new Arm Pitt Men in Skirts epic, I started to remember just how friggin' big that copy of the Iliad I had was. Big. Big, big book. Loooong movie.
So it's a good thing that this blogger has produced a Troy-in-fifteen-minutes abridgement. You know, I like it as much as the original!
AGAMEMNON: Look, there's no reason for me to slaughter thousands of your men. You pick out your best soldier, and I pick out mine.
KING OF THESSALY: Deal. [turns to his army] SOME GUYYYYY!
Some Guy breaks through the crowd. His neck resembles an Easter ham and his spear is the size of a telephone pole.
AGAMEMNON [turning to his army]: ACHILLEEEEEES!
Hut of Wanton Nudity, Some Village
BOY: OMG Achilles you're late you gotta get up Achilles OMG!
ACHILLES: Dude, I just nailed twins. Call me in the morning.
(via Electrolite) |
3. |
Celebrity uglification photoshopping. 
Today on Worth1000's daily photoshopping contest: "detouched" celebrities with all the blemishes taken out by glossy-mag photo-editors put back in.
4. |
Universities banning servers, harming education. My cow-orker Jason Schulz is at the DC EDUCAUSE conference, talking about the ways that universities can use computer networks to improve or detract form the educational experience. Some of the current higher-ed thinking is abysmal:
Penn State now has an absolute ban on any student running a server in a residential dorm. Period. The only possible exception is if you swear to only use it for "educational" purposes and get written permission from a faculty member and get approval from the Vice Provost.
So this is part of Penn State's solution to copyright infringement: Take away computing tools from students. As Ed Felten pointed out in our later panel discussion, this is a very dangerous approach for educational institutions to take. Computer science students often learn best through hands-on experimentation and tinkering with technology, and as Jamie Boyle noted in his plenary talk, unplanned experimentation often bears the biggest educational fruit. To paraphrase: "How many times do we learn more from the book next to the book we originally went to find on the shelf, or from the article after the article we looked up in the journal?" Hence, restricting access to content and technology out of fear for infringment can have a very real and direct impact on the ability of students to learn. [Note: Both Yahoo! and Google began as "unauthorized" Stanford student experiments with servers -- should those had been banned as well?]
Link/a> |
CNET News.com
5. |
Is Torvalds really the father of Linux? |
6. |
Microsoft's Real Plan For XNA Gaming Domination? |
Help Net Security
7. |
VIA paves path to enhanced processor security |
8. |
Cisco to patent security fix |
9. |
How are script kiddies outwitting I.T. experts? |
10. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source repository |
11. |
Google defines good manners for adware |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
OpenSSH buffer_append_space() Heap Corruption |
13. |
OpenSSH Client ssh-agent Forwarding Information Disclosure |
14. |
PHP-Nuke modules.php Recursive File Inclusion DoS |
15. |
Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall SMTP Header Removal |
16. |
Sidewinder G2 Firewall RTSP Proxy Invalid Traffic DoS |
17. |
Sidewinder G2 Firewall T.120 Proxy Invalid Traffic DoS |
18. |
Top execs urged to zero in on security |
19. |
VIA paves path to enhanced processor security |
20. |
Cisco to patent security fix |
21. |
How are script kiddies outwitting I.T. experts? |
22. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source repository |
23. |
Google defines good manners for adware |
24. |
ST04-009: Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends |
25. |
26. |
27. |
28. |
29. |
Slackware update for cvs |
30. |
OpenPKG update for cvs |
31. |
Slackware update for cvs |
32. |
Slackware update for cvs |
33. |
OpenPKG update for cvs |
34. |
OpenPKG update for cvs |
35. |
OpenPKG update for neon |
36. |
OpenPKG update for neon |
37. |
Fedora update for kdepim |
38. |
Fedora update for kdepim |
2:18:09 AM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Chairwoman Pulls Lucent Back From the Brink, but Not Out of the Woods. Having staved off a financial freefall, Patricia Russo is racing to develop products that will allow Lucent to survive as the entire industry changes around it. By Ken Belson. |
2. |
A Palm-Size Bridge Eliminates the Computer as Middleman. Digital cameras, MP3 players and tiny U.S.B. flash-memory drives have made it easier to transport pictures, music and data. But they have limited capacities, forcing users to transfer their files to a computer to make room for more snapshots or a different album. By Adam Baer. |
3. |
Vanquish Opponents, Then Find Your Way Home. Even the thought of counting the revolutions of a spinning top is enough to leave one's head, well, spinning. But the i-Top can keep track of the number of spins and more. Its maker, a Toronto company called Itoys, hopes the new toy will become the basis of a new game. By Ian Austen. |
4. |
The Humble Laptop Tote Gets a Fashion Upgrade. If, as the old fashion saw goes, what separates humans from animals is the ability to accessorize, then it simply won't do to complement a Chanel suit with a humdrum black nylon computer case. For the laptop-toting woman who has everything but can accommodate more, Talene Reilly offers fashionable computer bags in exuberant purple wool tweed or pomegranate or lime cotton-polyester. Even the linings add fun to function, with purple flowers, aqua dots or Popsicle-bright stripes. But these bags don't rely on good looks alone: they have multifunctional pockets for power cords, discs and a cellphone. By Francine Parnes. |
5. |
Mining the Campaign War Chests. Fundrace.org tracks contributions made by from individuals to Democratic and Republican presidential candidates since January 2003. It does not include contributions to third-party candidates or Congressional campaigns, or the far larger amounts given by political action committees, companies, unions and other groups. But other sites enable you to follow the money further and deeper. By Tom Mcnichol. |
6. |
In a Pinch, PowerPoint Loads the Carousel. If you have a PC that runs an older version of Windows, you don't have the built-in slide-show software available to XP users. But there could well be another sophisticated slide-show program on your computer: PowerPoint. While Powerpoint is commonly thought of as a business tool used to display mundane graphics like sales charts, it works quite well for showing off photos. And millions of people already own the software because it was bundled into their versions of Microsoft Office. By Larry Magid. |
7. |
Intel Balks at a Request to Expense Stock Options. Intel will continue to report stock options in a way that does not show up as a direct cost on its profit-and-loss statements. By Gary Rivlin. |
8. |
Narrow Path for New Biotech Food Crops. The time and money involved in clearing regulatory hurdles make it uneconomical to apply biotechnology to any but the most widely grown crops. By Andrew Pollack. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Internet Lowers Real Estate Commissions (AP). AP - Real estate and mortgage brokers have less of a hold on clients from the start of the home-buying process, according to a national study which researchers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock helped organize. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: Microsoft UPnP NOTIFY Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Universal Plug and Play, or UPnP, is a service that allows for hosts to locate and use devices on the local network. UPnP support ships with Windows XP and ME. For Window... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Mac OS X Security Holes |
12. |
Submit Hacker News |
13. |
OpenSSH Portable AIX linker Privilege Escalation |
14. |
OpenSSH Root Login Timing Side-Channel Weakness |
15. |
OpenSSH Client X11 Forwarding Information Disclosure |
16. |
OpenSSH Username Validity Timing Attack |
17. |
OpenSSH buffer_init, buffer_free, channels.c Multiple Buffer Overflow |
18. |
Defense In Depth |
12:27:08 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:21 AM.
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