Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Freddie Mac's Former CEO Presses Lawsuit (AP). AP - Leland Brendsel, ousted as Freddie Mac's chief executive because of widespread accounting problems, is suing the company's federal regulator over $53.7 million in withheld compensation, charging the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight with overstepping its enforcement powers. |
2. |
Apple creates new iPod and Macintosh divisions (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple has reorganized its corporate structure into new iPod and Macintosh divisions. The iPod division will be led by Apple Senior Vice President Hardware Engineering, Jon Rubenstein, while Apple's Macintosh efforts will be led by Executive Vice President Worldwide Sales and Operations Tim Cook. Tim Bucher, who heads Mac system development, will head up the Mac's hardware engineering, according to a Reuters report. |
3. |
Old Economy Fed Up With Cyber-Security (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - In the 1976 movie "Network," a television anchorman famously implores his viewers to yell, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" Yesterday, in more measured tones, a high-powered business lobby said just that about computer security on the network of all networks, the Internet. |
4. |
Cellular Automata and Music Using Java |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
6. |
New Aust taskforce to chase online fraudsters |
7. |
Cisco to patent security fix |
8. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source databases |
9. |
Old Economy Fed Up With Cyber-Security (washingtonpost.com) |
10. |
11. |
Blind_XPath_Injectio..> |
12. |
ApplicationLevelDoSA..> |
13. |
SecureDevelopmentv06..> |
14. |
CookiePathBestPracti..> |
11:26:48 PM
10:26:27 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft adds disaster aid to volume licensing |
2. |
Cometa confirms closure |
3. |
Briefly: Cometa confirms closure |
4. |
Cisco to patent security fix |
5. |
Google defines good manners for adware |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
New version of Microsoft Office for Mac is well-Centered (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Office 2004 for Mac, which goes on sale today in Standard and Student/Teacher editions, is Microsoft's best effort yet to let everyone from Mac-centric corporate suits to students create documents, crunch numbers and design presentations that can be exchanged with folks in the Windows world. Beyond that, Office 2004 includes powerful new collaboration features that let teams work more productively – if they're all using Macs. |
7. |
Intuit Revenue Rises, Shares Fall (Reuters). Reuters - Intuit Inc. (INTU.O) reported record
quarterly revenue on Wednesday but its shares fell 7 percent
after the maker of small business accounting and personal
finance software issued an outlook below Wall Street
expectations. |
8. |
Broadband Adoption Urged (PC World). PC World - FCC considers wireless, new applications, and other technology to promote high-speed Internet access across America. |
9. |
Lavigne to Play Free New York Show on Monday (Reuters). Reuters - Pop singer Avril Lavigne, who
releases the follow-up to her multi-platinum debut album in the
United States next Tuesday, will play a free concert the night
before in New York, according to sponsor AOL Broadband. |
10. |
Apple Creates New iPod Division, Shuffles Execs (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) has
created a new division within the maker of the Macintosh
computer to sell its popular iPod, the market leading digital
music player, the company said on Wednesday. |
11. |
Microsoft Starts Selling Office for Mac (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) began selling
its latest version of Office for Apple Computer Inc.'s (AAPL.O)
Macintosh on Wednesday, one of the main products sold for its
rival's line of personal computers. |
12. |
Cometa WiFi Hotspot Network To Shut Down |
13. |
Security Holes in CVS and Subversion Found |
Hack the Planet
14. |
Wired News: Embracing the Art of Hacking. |
15. |
VIA Reveals Details of Next Generation C5J Esther Processor Core With Advanced Features For Securing E-Commerce Transactions. PC Watch has a report on Glenn Henry's presentation at EPF. |
InfoWorld: Top News
16. |
Open source software merits debated. Open source proponents and a Microsoft official had varying perspectives on the value of the open source model during separate discussions at the 2004 SIIA Enterprise Software Summit in San Francisco on Wednesday. |
17. |
Oracle president: Company perceived as annoying. SAN FRANCISCO -- The public's perception of Oracle, that the software vendor is a bit annoying, is disappointing to company President Safra Catz. |
SecurityFocus News
18. |
News: 'Patriot' hacker pleads guilty. Twenty-two-year-old faces two years or more in prison after publicly cracking government systems and warning of cyber terror risks. |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Lawmakers Push Agency to Develop ID Cards |
20. |
Hand-outs sought for alleged Sasser author |
21. |
How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Experts? |
22. |
News: 'Patriot' hacker pleads guilty |
23. |
Trend Micro Pattern File 891 |
24. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 15, 2004 |
25. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R304 16.05.2004 |
26. |
Norton Virus Definitions May 16, 2004 |
27. |
Norton Virus Definitions May 17, 2004 |
28. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 18, 2004 |
29. |
CacheSentry 1.60 Build 164 |
30. |
Ad-aware referencefile 01R305 18.05.2004 |
31. |
McAfee AVERT Stinger 2.2.7 |
32. |
avast! Virus Cleaner Tool 1.0.190 |
33. |
Microsoft Doles Out More Security Guidance |
34. |
McAfee SuperDAT 4361 |
35. |
McAfee DAT 4361 |
36. |
The Cleaner Database v3579 |
37. |
ST04-005: Understanding Anti-Virus Software |
38. |
ST04-009: Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends |
39. |
WS-I Releases Draft of Basic Security Profile |
40. |
Symantec to Buy Anti-Spam Firm Brightmail |
41. |
Bobax worm takes tip from Sasser |
42. |
New taskforce to chase online fraudsters |
43. |
[OpenPKG-SA-2004.022] OpenPKG Security Advisory (cvs) |
44. |
[OpenPKG-SA-2004.024] OpenPKG Security Advisory (neon) |
9:26:09 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Video games make the Baby Buddha cry. The new Pratimoksha (Buddhist Monastic Code) is out, and it has lots to say about spending too much time with the Interweb and ot enough with your Buddha nature:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.43251E-165; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 944
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
44. A bhikshu who has his private e-mail account with the result that he spends an inordinate amount of time in making unnecessary communications or communications which foster attachment commits an offence for which he must express regret...
46. A bhikshu who plays electronic games including those on the computer, commits an offence for which he must express regret.
(via Oblomovka) |
Penny Arcade!
2. |
German Words Are Scary.  |
CNET News.com
3. |
Symantec to buy Brightmail |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
Street Maps in Political Hues. If you are curious about your neighbors political donations, a new Web site follows the money in your hometown, address by address. Not everyone is pleased. By Tom Mcnichol. |
5. |
Mac Office: Windows All Over. Microsoft software for Macintosh computers has regularly inspired Windows versions. Will the same be true with their new version of Office for the Mac? By David Pogue. |
6. |
Want to Charge It? You'll Have to Talk to Your Credit Card. A company has designed a credit card with an unusual security feature: it works only when it recognizes the voice of its rightful owner. By Anne Eisenberg. |
7. |
Digging Up the Past at 45 R.P.M.. Downloading digital music turns out to be a route into the realm of memory. By James Gorman. |
8. |
A Design Epiphany: Keep It Simple. A professor has spent eight months putting forward his own one-word vision of the future: simplicity. By Jessie Scanlon. |
9. |
Buried Treasures and Pictures for the Taking. Buried Treasure. By Pamela Licalzi O'connell. |
10. |
'Cheese' and Thank You, Wirelessly. AT cheerleading competitions, when Encore Photo of Sarasota, Fla., may take group, action and individual photos of up to 800 teams in two days, the goal is to transfer images as quickly as possible from the cameras' memory cards to computer servers, and then to viewing stations where family members can purchase photos. By Glenn Fleishman. |
11. |
Overcoming Obstacles to Sharing Your Files. Q. I tried to send a file to a friend using America Online's stand-alone Instant Messenger program, but it wouldn't work. Why not?. By J.d. Biersdorfer. |
12. |
To Woo Impatient Novices, Google Tweaks Its Blogger. You might call it the Yahooing of Google. Seeking to build on the popularity of its Web search tool, Google has added features and worked to make others more appealing to non-techies. It recently rolled out a streamlined version of Blogger (www.blogger.com), one of the most popular services for publishing the online journals known as Web logs. By David F. Gallagher. |
13. |
At the Ready, Sheet Music Minus the Sheets. Specialized software turns tablet computers into 21st-century sheet music. By Adam Baer. |
14. |
In the Era of Cheap DVD's, Anyone Can Be a Producer. Even the most specialized video can find a niche audience, thanks to easy-to-duplicate discs and the U.S. mail. By Peter Wayner. |
15. |
With a Digital Slide Show, You May Upstage the Bride. You can easily create a slide show that can be displayed on the computer screen, projected onto a wall or large screen, or shown on a TV. By Larry Magid. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
16. |
Symantec to Buy Anti-Spam Firm for $370M (AP). AP - Security software maker Symantec Corp. announced Wednesday it is acquiring the anti-spam firm Brightmail Inc. in a cash deal valued at about $370 million. |
17. |
OD2 Cuts Download Price to Foil Napster UK Launch (Reuters). Reuters - Europe's top digital music service OD2
slashed the price for song downloads in half on Thursday in a
bid to steal the PR thunder and woo would-be music customers
away from archrival Napster. |
18. |
Utah Sees First Spyware Case |
InfoWorld: Top News
19. |
IBM, HP, MS discuss autonomic computing strategies. IBM Corp., Microsoft Corp. and Hewlett-Packard Co. set aside their rivalry Tuesday to share the stage at the first International Conference on Autonomic Computing in New York, at which representatives from the three companies mapped out fairly similar and harmonious strategies for working toward self-managing IT systems. |
Help Net Security
20. |
Police lack skills to tackle cyber-crime |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Mac OS X URI Handler Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerability |
22. |
CVS Remote Entry Line Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
7:22:35 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mark's Japan Journal. (I went to Tokyo for a couple of days. I'l be posting excerpts from my journal here.) It's 4am in Tokyo (noon LA time). I just went downstairs to call my wife. First, I had to get change for my 5000 Yen bill. I like the way the desk clerk spread the 1000 notes in a pretty fan shape and offered them to me on a tray. What other country gives you that kind of service?
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 943
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The flight from LAX to Tokyo was 11.5 hours and uncomfortable. I can never sleep on planes. I tried to nap, but I just fidgeted.
The good news about being stuck in an aluminum tube for hours on end is that I managed to write four pieces for my upcoming book. I used a Moleskine notebook (thanks, David!) and a Pilot Gel pen, which works well with the Moleskine. I'd be interested in hearing about other pens that are good on Moleskine's paper.
I had a window seat on the plane. The 20-year-old guy next to me was really tall for a Japanese and gangly. He was a nice guy, but his elbows and knees frequently crossed the line into my side and bumped me, especially when he was playing Grand Theft Auto on his IBM ThinkPad. He slept a lot, the luck son of a bitch. The Japanese girl sitting next to him in the aisle seat cried silently and drank cans of Miller beer. She kept her eyes closed and I saw tears falling down her cheeks.
Once we landed in Tokyo, it was smooth sailing. I hadn't checked any luggage, so I breezed through customs. Fortunately, the day before, I went on the Web to find the best way to get to the Shinagawa station from Narita airport. I used the Narita Express. You have to buy a reserved seat from a stall on the main floor before taking the escalator down to the train station under Narita. The girl working at the Narita Express counter was wearing a neat little uniform with a matching cap. She, like all the counter workers I've seen so far, was impeccably groomed, polite, and professional. It's fun to make transactions here!
At the train station, I asked a guy in a uniform to look my ticket and tell me where to go. He said "Car two." I walked to car two sat down in my assigned seat. The train left the station. At the next stop, a guy walked on and said I was in his seat. I showed him my ticket, and he said "you are supposed to be on car seven." I looked at my ticket, and he was right. I blame it on sleep deprivation.
I got my bag from the storage area and carried it through all the cars. The smoking car was pretty rowdy, and smoke was hanging thick in the air. A middle-aged salaryman, drunk, was standing in the aisle, laughing with a seated friend. His eyeglasses were enormous, and his comb-over was a work of art. Another guy had his shoes and socks off and his fee were dangling in the aisle. I manuevered around them and got to the first class car, number six. It didn't seem much different from the other cars. Less crowded. Slightly nicer seats. You pay to keep other people away from you.
When I got to the end of the car, I couldn't open the door to car seven. I looked through the window and discovered that there wasn't any way to get to the car. I stood there for a moment, wondering what to do. I finally went back through the first class car and the smoking car and sat in an unoccupied 2nd class non-smoking seat. When the conductor came through the car and checked my ticket, he didn't say anything about me being in the wrong seat.
My hotel was right across the street from the station, a nice surprise. The room is tiny. Six feet wide and about 15 feet long. The bathroom is molded from one piece of plastic. There's a tiny desk, a chair, a bed, and a TV. I like it, but it smells like stale cigarettes.
I went to sleep close to 4am Pacific time (8 pm in Tokyo), and woke up at around 10:30 am Pacific (2:30 am in Tokyo). I think I'll try to sleep a little more. |
2. |
Tongue-controlled Game-Boy. The Tongue-Boy SP is a tongue-based controller for use with the GameBoy targetted at people with quadroplegia.
The NewAbilities Systems TTK or Tongue Touch Wireless Keyboard Transmitter looks like an orthodontic retainer with nine membrane buttons
We add a new jack for the Tongue Boy SP TTK receiver input. We also add a second micro-controller computer chip inside the case to decode the TTK signals from the receiver and activate the Game Boy SP buttons.
(via /.) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
FTC Requiring Labels on Explicit Spam (AP). AP - Sexually explicit Internet spam must now carry a warning label. A Federal Trade Commission rule went into effect Wednesday requiring that unsolicited commercial e-mail that contains sexually oriented material include the words "SEXUALLY EXPLICIT" in the subject line. |
4. |
SBC CWA Strike Imminent |
5. |
Newsflash: Gourmet Coffees Have Lots Of Caffeine |
6. |
Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends |
The Register
7. |
Brocade narrows loss, whacks workers. Valued employees affected By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
9. |
Gentoo update for kdelibs |
10. |
Mandrake update for libneon |
11. |
Mandrake update for cvs |
12. |
Fedora update for subversion |
13. |
Fedora update for libneon |
14. |
Fedora update for cvs |
15. |
Fedora update for tcpdump |
16. |
[FLSA-2004:1546] Updated utempter resolves security vulnerability -- Reissue: updated 8.0 version numbers |
17. |
[ GLSA 200405-09 ] ProFTPD Access Control List bypass vulnerability |
18. |
Advisory 06/2004: libneon date parsing vulnerability |
19. |
Advisory 07/2004: CVS remote vulnerability |
20. |
FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:10.cvs |
21. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 506-1] New neon packages fix buffer overflow |
22. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 505-1] New cvs packages fix remote exploit |
23. |
A new Sanctum paper: "Blind XPath Injection" |
24. |
SUSE Security Announcement: cvs (SuSE-SA:2004:013) |
25. |
Advisory 08/2004: Subversion remote vulnerability |
26. |
Idea for proactive worm protection |
27. |
Non-logged Brute Force Attack Vulnerability for Fantastico-Created Databases on cPanel Based Hosts |
28. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 507-1] New cadaver packages fix buffer overflow |
29. |
Re: Buffer Overflow in ActivePerl ? |
30. |
Re: Buffer Overflow in ActivePerl ? |
31. |
[ GLSA 200405-10 ] Icecast denial of service vulnerability |
32. |
Reporting a Security Vulnerability in a Microsoft Product |
33. |
MDKSA-2004:048 - Updated cvs packages fix remotely exploitable vulnerability |
34. |
[ GLSA 200405-11 ] KDE URI Handler Vulnerabilities |
35. |
MDKSA-2004:049 - Updated libneon packages fix heap variable overflow issues |
36. |
[OpenPKG-SA-2004.023] OpenPKG Security Advisory (subversion) |
37. |
Sicherheitslücke in Apples Mac OS X |
38. |
Bobax und Kibuv reiten auf Sasser-Welle |
39. |
AirDefense: Wireless Security for Enterprises |
40. |
Defense In Depth |
41. |
Phorum Sessions Can Be Hijacked By Remote Users |
42. |
Gentoo update for kdelibs |
43. |
Mandrake update for libneon |
44. |
Mandrake update for cvs |
45. |
Fedora update for subversion |
46. |
Fedora update for libneon |
47. |
Fedora update for cvs |
48. |
Fedora update for tcpdump |
49. |
lovegate.Z spreads |
50. |
advisory13.txt |
51. |
57560.txt |
52. |
082004.txt |
53. |
062004.txt |
54. |
Zone-H - Defacement: amsc.belvoir.army.mil |
55. |
Identifying Hoaxes and Urban Legends |
56. |
German police raid five more homes in Sasser Netsky computer worm investigation |
57. |
New Worm Spreads By Replying To All Mail |
6:22:15 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Apple to slow down the pace on Mac OS X. Apple has decided to increase the gaps between major OS X updates. After Tiger (10.4) ships, there will be a longer interval before 10.5 comes out. By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Intel shareholders vote to expense options. Fifty-four percent of Intel shareholders vote to have the company expense stock options, despite an aggressive campaign by Intel to veto the measure. |
3. |
New iTunes tools spur Windows developers. Programmers are busy trading ideas about how best to use Apple's development kit to build add-on features for iTunes music software. |
4. |
Intel to expand Irish manufacturing facilities. The company is putting $2 billion into erecting a building and buying equipment for making chips on the 65-nanometer process. |
5. |
Flaws drill holes in open-source databases. Vulnerabilities in two popular applications used by developers to store program code could allow attackers to corrupt open-source projects. |
6. |
Bobax worm takes tip from Sasser. A new worm that turns infected computers into launch pads for spam and other attacks is making the rounds, using the same Microsoft security vulnerability Sasser took advantage of. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
IBM CEO Sees Growth Topping Industry Rate (Reuters). Reuters - IBM expects to grow more quickly than
the overall technology market as it taps into new markets, its
top executive said on Wednesday, countering concerns about
slowing growth. |
8. |
Intuit Revenue Rises, But Shares Fall (Reuters). Reuters - Intuit Inc. (INTU.O), maker of No. 1
U.S. personal tax preparation software TurboTax, on Wednesday
reported record quarterly revenue but shares in the company
fell 7 percent after it issued an outlook below Wall Street
expectations. |
9. |
BlackBerry Links to Palm, LANS Improve (PC World). PC World - RIM readies integration with Palm OS and more secure communication with corporate networks. |
10. |
Star Wars Episode III : Birth Of The Empire |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
BEA tries open-source tack with Workshop Java tool. BEA Systems Inc. plans to release the source code for part of its WebLogic Workshop Java development environment, a move that it hopes will spur wider use of the product and eventually steer more customers toward its WebLogic family of Java server software, the company said Wednesday. |
12. |
Red Hat: cvs Buffer overflow vulnerability |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.022] OpenPKG Security Advisory (cvs). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
14. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.023] OpenPKG Security Advisory (subversion). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
15. |
BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2004.024] OpenPKG Security Advisory (neon). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
The Register
16. |
SBC workers use four-day weekend to taunt management. Onshore strike By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Experts? (NewsFactor) |
18. |
Top Executives Call for Better Cybersecurity (Reuters) |
19. |
adv-desktopini.txt |
20. |
21. |
052004.txt |
22. |
zencart112d.txt |
23. |
Kurczaba: SecuriScan "free online security tool that identifies which TCP/IP ports are open, clo... |
24. |
Informatics Online: Hackers penetrate global finance firms "Frozen security budgets leave compan... |
25. |
ZDNet: Plug and Play port scan reveals new worms "Two good reasons for having the latest Microso... |
26. |
phpMyFAQ Local File Inclusion Vulnerability |
27. |
Zen Cart login.php SQL Injection Vulnerability |
5:21:56 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Heisenberg's waterfowl: tagged penguins breed less. Tagging a penguin's wing with a research tag changes their drag coefficient, resulting in altered social behaviour, most notably less success in breeding.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 7.63336E-297; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 941
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As well as hindering conservation efforts, the penguins' poor breeding success may also mean that birds tagged in previous experiments have yielded misleading scientific data.
"We may have to reconsider our present knowledge on the life-history traits of penguins, such as breeding success and chick survival, which over the years has been drawn almost entirely from flipper-banded birds," warn Gauthier-Clerc and his colleagues in their paper in Biology Letters.
Link |
2. |
Fantastico 1920s Spanish stapler and pencil-sharpener. 
El Casco is a Spanish company that has been supplying desk-accessories and office products to the Spanish rail company since the 1920s. They have a line of premium reproductions of 1920s-era office tools, including a heart-stoppingly lovely stapler and pencil-sharpener (the pencil sharpener has a little window so you can peer into its guts and watch your pencil transformed).
3. |
DMCA on (public) trial May 21 in LA. On Copyfight, Donna writes,
This just in: the California Institute of Technology and Loyola Law School are presenting a mock trial this Friday, May 21st, to play out a scenario in which a student creates a distributed computing application to crack DRM systems, leading to the criminal prosecution of everyone involved under the DMCA.
The trial will have many realistic touches: a real federal judge will hear the case, the prosecution will be advised by real federal prosecutors, and the defense by EFF 's Fred von Lohmann. Brad Hunt of the MPAA will provide expert testimony for the prosecution, while EFF Staff Technologist Seth Schoen will provide testimony for the defense.
Even cooler: the event is free and open to the public. If you're in the Los Angeles area and can get away from work or study mid-day, stop by and check it out.
Link |
4. |
PlaNetwork Conference, June 5-6 in San Francisco. Axil Comras of Green Home points us to PlaNetwork, a conference June 5-6 in San Francisco on technology and social change. Presenters from MoveOn, the Dean Campaign, LinkedIn, and dozens of other outfits will discuss timely topics like e-voting, social networking, and grassroots digital activism. At $100 per day, it's not cheap. However, if you get three other people to list you as the referral when they pay, you get in free. So do a bit of pre-planning with three friends and all four of you can cut 25 percent off the admission cost! Link
CNET News.com
5. |
'PearPC' looks to mix Apples and Wintel oranges. A new open-source program lets PCs built around chips from Intel and AMD emulate a computer running the Mac's PowerPC chip--bringing Mac-centric software to Microsoft-minded machines. |
6. |
BEA hopes to start open-source buzz with Beehive. The Java software maker plans to release portions of its WebLogic Workshop development tool to an open-source project, with the hope of making its technology more broadly available . |
7. |
Microsoft to submit antispam standard. The company becomes the latest tech giant to seek industry approval of a technique to prevent spammers from hiding unwanted e-mail behind legitimate addresses. |
8. |
Oracle: Too good for its own good. Forget the Department of Justice probe, the lawsuits and Microsoft. Just what does Oracle think is its biggest problem? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
AMD Delivers New Opteron Processors (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Chipmaker AMD (NYSE: AMD) continues to tweak its Opteron line, announcing three new
additions to its 32/64-bit processor family for servers and workstations
that boost performance on two-way and four-way platforms. |
10. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry (AP). AP - Chief executives from some of the largest U.S. companies are criticizing the technology industry in a lobbying campaign, accusing them of selling software vulnerable to hackers and too difficult for consumers to use safely. |
11. |
Novell Continues to Buy Open Source (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - To win battles for enterprise hearts, minds and dollars, Novell will have to do more than open some of its code. |
12. |
Wireless Internet Co. Cometa Closes (AP). AP - A company that equips coffee shops and bookstores for wireless Internet offerings is shutting down, casting doubt on a business niche many analysts had considered a sure bet. |
13. |
Top Executives Call for Better Cybersecurity (Reuters). Reuters - Chief executives of some of the
largest companies in the United States on Wednesday called on
the technology industry to make products that can better
withstand hackers, viruses and other online threats. |
14. |
Verizon to Sell Video Over Fiber in 2005 (Reuters). Reuters - Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ.N)
will begin selling video over fiber optic lines to homes and
businesses in 2005, part of a long-term strategy to fight cable
companies on their own turf before they erode too much of
Verizon's traditional telephone business. |
15. |
High Integrity Software |
InfoWorld: Top News
16. |
Berners-Lee extols Semantic Web at WWW Conference. NEW YORK - World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee would like to see the global content network he helped develop turn into a giant transactional database. |
17. |
RIM improves BlackBerry management Palm OS support. The latest version of Research In Motion Ltd.'s (RIM's) BlackBerry Enterprise Server software will make it easier for users to connect to their corporate networks and will also improve the security of those connections, RIM said Tuesday at its Wireless Enterprise Symposium in Chicago. |
18. |
Gentoo: Pound Format string vulnerability |
19. |
Gentoo: ProFTPD ACL bypass vulnerability |
SecurityFocus News
20. |
Elsewhere: How Are Script Kiddies Outwitting I.T. Experts?. "Ten years ago, you needed good programming skills to write a virus, but today there are ready made virus-writing programs on the market so you can write a virus and not ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
21. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:048 - Updated cvs packages fix remotely exploitable vulnerability. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
22. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:049 - Updated libneon packages fix heap variable overflow issues. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
23. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200405-11 ] KDE URI Handler Vulnerabilities. Sender: Thierry Carrez [koon at gentoo dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
24. |
Embracing the Art of Hacking |
25. |
Gaim Jabber Plugin Buffer Overflow |
26. |
Via Processor Upgrade Targets 'Digital Home' |
27. |
Yahoo Releases Anti-Spam Authentication Standard |
28. |
Executives Complain About Software Vulnerability To Hackers |
29. |
adv-desktopini.txt |
30. |
31. |
052004.txt |
32. |
zencart112d.txt |
33. |
34. |
Scanning at the Point of Entry |
4:21:35 PM
3:21:16 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Google set to announce desktop search utility. The Google Deskbar, which we told you about last November, is just a prelude to dance party that Google would like to host on your hard drive. Meet Puffin. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Children of etoy.
etoy, the infamous tech-prankster art collective, is after our kids!
"etoy.CORPORATION's education & training services are preparing for a major upgrade of its social division. 8 etoy.AGENTS in close collaboration with local experts will convert 500 individuals (max.age: 10 years), providing them with an entry point into art production, identity design and electronic authorship.
The etoy.DAY-CARE education program equips etoy.JUNIOR-AGENTS with the tools necessary to out-produce today's most relevant social and technological problems. etoy researches identity issues, group behavior patterns and the creativity potential of children in digital environments.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.58996E-065; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 939
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Each little test pilot will be outfitted with a protection suit, various etoy.TOOLS, its own identity tag (an individual encrypted 2D-barcode) and a customized etoy.DATA-TANK online to grow a subversive identity-extension and a long term relationship with etoy.CORPORATION.
Care personnel and in-house software agents will actively monitor the condition of each child and will stay in close contact with parents and human rights organizations.
etoy.SHAREHOLDERS and an international audience can follow the operations. Invest in the code of tomorrow!" Link
CNET News.com
3. |
AMD settles in for China business. The chipmaker has set up a new subsidiary in China to handle and consolidate all of its businesses there. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Sony chief sees electronics shift by 2006 (AFP). AFP - Global consumers will soon demand personal choice in cross-functions among TVs, computers, digital cameras and mobile phones, ending the era of mass production by 2006, Sony's chief said. |
5. |
Music buyers gravitate toward legal downloads: survey (AFP). AFP - US music consumers are sharply increasing their interest in legal downloads and diminishing their use of free song-swapping over the Internet, a survey showed. |
6. |
HP's No Gloating Zone (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - To a tee, Hewlett-Packard followed the script yesterday that any good technology firm should use when announcing strong quarterly earnings -- downplay the good news and stress the many, many challenges still to be faced. |
7. |
Measuring Fragmentation in HFS+ |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Gric changes name, updates software suites. Remote access provider Gric Communications changed its name on Wednesday and updated tow product suites. |
9. |
Safe and insecure |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: Google defines good manners for adware. In an attempt to cut down on misbehaving adware and spyware, Google has released a set of suggested principles for software makers to follow when writing programs that em... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: Idea for proactive worm protection. Sender: Peter Surda [shurdeek at routehat dot org] |
12. |
BugTraq: Non-logged Brute Force Attack Vulnerability for Fantastico-Created Databases on cPanel Based Hosts. Sender: Michael Curtis [email at curto dot us] |
13. |
BugTraq: Re: Buffer Overflow in ActivePerl ?. Sender: David Ahmad [da at securityfocus dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Êàê êðàäóòñÿ øàïêè ó âîðîâ, èëè P-p-p-powerbook. |
15. |
072004.txt |
16. |
Biometrics and mistaken identity |
17. |
Razor blades |
2:20:56 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
NX fever seizes Intel, Transmeta, guy in local pub. The No Execute bit, known more intimately as the NX bit, is being quickly picked up by CPU manufacturers. The NX bit is designed to help the CPU decide whether or not to execute code. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
More CD buyers try out digital song stores. Digital song stores and subscription sites appear to attract music lovers who buy more CDs than the average consumer, a study shows. |
3. |
ICANN to double budget, raise fees. Travel costs, litigation and other expenses drive the decision, which is upsetting domain registrars that will face higher fees from the body that oversees Internet site names and addresses. |
4. |
Microsoft ships Office 2004 for Mac. The newest version of Microsoft's productivity suite for Apple computers is out in English, with editions in other languages to follow. |
5. |
AT&T Wireless shareholders approve buyout. Cingular's purchase of the company wins the approval of shareholders eager to see a payoff that CEO John Zeglis describes as "handsome." |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft, IBM to Testify in Oracle Case (Reuters). Reuters - The Justice Department will call
executives from Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) and a dozen other
major corporations to testify against Oracle Corp.'s (ORCL.O)
hostile bid to buy rival software company PeopleSoft (PSFT.O),
according to court documents. |
7. |
PlayStation Shipments Hit 100 Million (PC World). PC World - As Sony prepares PSP portable device, original PlayStation console reaches sales milestone. |
8. |
Internet Lowers Real Estate Commissions (AP). AP - Real estate and mortgage brokers have less of a hold on clients from the start of the home-buying process, according to a national study which researchers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock helped organize. |
9. |
Show Wrap-Up: E3 Serves Up Fun (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - PC Mag editors defy gravity, war games, redheads, and Playboy bunnies at this year's expo. |
10. |
Tongue-Controlled Gameboy Advance SP Launched |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Elsewhere: Lovgate worm variant has A-V vendors worried. A mass-mailing worm known as Lovgate.AB has been upgraded to a medium-level threat by anti-virus company Network Associates.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.1044E-111; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 938
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
This follows the receipt of over 100 sample... |
12. |
Elsewhere: Plug and Play port scan reveals new worms. Two good reasons for having the latest Microsoft patches have emerged in the form of Bobax and Kibuv
Investigations into recent increases in port 5000 scans have reve... |
13. |
News: Utah sees first spyware case. Overstock.com is set to become the first company to take action under Utah's new anti-spyware law. The company has filed a complaint against online retailer SmartBargains in the third district court in Salt Lake City. Utah's spyware law, the world's first, only made the statute book on 3 May. Utah is the only state with current spyware legislation, although California and Iowa are considering their own versions of the law. |
14. |
News: E-Mail Scammer Gets Four Years. An Internet scammer who used e-mail and a fraudulent Web site to steal hundreds of credit card numbers was sentenced to almost four years in jail Tuesday, one of the stiffest-ever penalties handed down for online fraud. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: A new Sanctum paper: "Blind XPath Injection". Sender: Amit Klein [amit dot klein at sanctuminc dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: SUSE Security Announcement: cvs (SuSE-SA:2004:013). Sender: [krahmer at suse dot de (Sebastian Krahmer)] |
The Register
17. |
Inkra preaches consolidation to UK. Virtualise security and ye shall save By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
WS-I Clears Basic Security Hurdle |
19. |
Internet Support Jobs Should Continue to Grow |
20. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry |
21. |
Fiorina Cautious as H-P Releases Record Earnings |
22. |
Risks Digest: Banks don't understand phishing social risks "The Coop bank is engaging in marketi... |
23. |
ZDNet: Mac OS X vulnerable to one-two combo attack "when used together could let attackers place... |
24. |
APC Mag: Do you trust this penguin? "Does Linux have what it takes to break away from its geek r... |
25. |
Deux nouveaux vers orientés spamming et relais d'attaques |
26. |
NEW: Congress grills generals |
27. |
NEW: Sivits sentenced in abuse |
28. |
Brutal interrogation in Iraq |
29. |
30. |
Gentoo update for proftpd |
31. |
FBI untersucht Quellcode-Diebstahl bei Cisco |
32. |
Bobax und Kibuv reiten auf Sasser-Welle |
1:20:35 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
FBI joins in Cisco code theft investigation. At Cisco's behest, the FBI is now investigating the source code theft as more details emerge. The question remains as to how severely the security of Cisco's products has been compromised. By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Yahoo spam-blocking standard released. Yahoo's DomainKeys technology for blocking spam at the server level has been submitted to a standards-setting body for approval. If widely adopted, it would kill most spam containing spoofed headers. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Unwiring an apartment complex. Fun online piece about setting up free wireless broadband access for a small apartment complex -- and how the unwiring paid for itself by helping fill empty units. Link |
4. |
Guatemala -- Xeni's snapshots. I've uploaded some of the snapshots I took during a recent trip through indigenous communities in Guatemala. Here they are, come have a look. Link |
5. |
Giving the finger to an animal. A man got too close to a jaguar at the Rio Grande Zoo and lost a finger. Before zoo employees realized what had happened, the guy fled the scene. Apparently, it's illegal to pet the predator. After the finger was found outside the jaguar's cage, police took a print from the detached digit and tracked the guy down through his zoo pass. Sadly, the frequent visitor who came to the zoo almost daily is now banned. I bet the jaguar will miss him. "They're not your friends, they're not your pets," the zoo director said. "They're wild animals." Link |
CNET News.com
6. |
Google offers advice to writers of adware. The search giant, in a set of new guidelines, says that software should follow common-sense rules of politeness: It should admit what it's doing, permit itself to be disabled and refrain from leaking private data. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
IBM CEO Says Technology Spending Improving (Reuters). Reuters - The chief executive of International
Business Machines Corp. (IBM.N) on Wednesday said spending on
technology is improving and that IBM expects to grow more
quickly than the overall market as it taps into new markets. |
8. |
Chandra Provides Support For Dark Energy |
9. |
A Snag For Verisign's Suit Against ICANN |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
News: Powergen awarded whistleblower's domain. Powergen has won a domain name dispute against a critic who has become a thorn in its side since he highlighted a serious breach in consumer security at the utility more than three years ago. A WIPO panel has decided to transfer ownership of the domain PoWergen.tv from John Chamberlain to the utility. Chamberlain told El Reg he had no plans to appeal the decision. "Looks like I've lost my domain name powergen.tv," he conceded. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200405-09 ] ProFTPD Access Control List bypass vulnerability. Sender: Kurt Lieber [klieber at gentoo dot org] |
12. |
BugTraq: [FLSA-2004:1546] Updated utempter resolves security vulnerability -- Reissue: updated 8.0 version numbers. Sender: Jesse Keating [jkeating at j2solutions dot net] |
The Register
13. |
Online church smites sinners. Excommunication for rowdy congregation By John Oates . |
14. |
RLX tempts yet another investor. Keep the meter running By Ashlee Vance . |
15. |
DVD streamers deploy royalty-dodging ruse. Cunning Dutch plan By Jan Libbenga . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Boekrecensie: Exploiting Software |
17. |
cycle A uses also lssa exploit |
18. |
Kibuv family of worms |
19. |
Lovgate risk increases |
20. |
Police lack skills to tackle cyber-crime |
21. |
Hackers penetrate global finance firms |
22. |
23. |
Gentoo update for proftpd |
12:20:18 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Heisneberg's waterfowl: tagged penguins breed less. Tagging a penguin's wing with a research tag changes their drag coefficient, resulting in altered social behaviour, most notably less success in breeding.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.71938E-107; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 936
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As well as hindering conservation efforts, the penguins' poor breeding success may also mean that birds tagged in previous experiments have yielded misleading scientific data.
"We may have to reconsider our present knowledge on the life-history traits of penguins, such as breeding success and chick survival, which over the years has been drawn almost entirely from flipper-banded birds," warn Gauthier-Clerc and his colleagues in their paper in Biology Letters.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry (AP). AP - Chief executives from some of the largest U.S. companies are criticizing the technology industry in a lobbying campaign, accusing them of selling software vulnerable to hackers and too difficult for consumers to use safely. |
3. |
AT&T Wireless Approves Cingular Buyout (AP). AP - Shareholders of AT&T Wireless Services Inc. have approved Cingular Wireless LLC's $41 billion offer to buy the Redmond, Wash.-based company. |
4. |
Cometa Says Will Shut Down Wi-Fi Business (Reuters). Reuters - Cometa Networks, a joint venture set
up to wholesale high-speed wireless Internet access, said on
Wednesday it would close because of a lack of funding. |
5. |
Calif. Bill Requires 'Spyware' Notice (AP). AP - Consumers would have to be told before information-reporting "spyware" was added to their computers if legislation approved Tuesday by the California Senate becomes law. The measure by Sen. Kevin Murray, a Democrat, was sent to the Assembly by a 36-2 vote. |
6. |
Yahoo Submits DomainKeys Draft To IETF |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Via details features of next-generation processor core. Via Technologies Inc. provided a glimpse on Tuesday of features that will be offered with the company's upcoming next-generation processor core, called Esther. |
The Register
8. |
MS' anti-virus bounty success. Opinion But does industry encourage culprits? By Tim Mullen . |
9. |
Napster to announce 'partnership' with NTL. UK launch date to be revealed tomorrow By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Utah sees first spyware case. Online retailer sued for pop-ups By John Oates . |
11. |
NTL email suffers 'complex failure'. Must be catching By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
Intel-backed Wi-Fi network calls it quits. Cometa crashes By Tony Smith . |
13. |
ESPN faces baseball score theft rap. Stole stats from rival, lawsuit claims By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
De beste anti-spam oplossingen bekeken |
15. |
Tipgeld Microsoft helpt bij bestrijden virussen |
16. |
RFID Tag Market Up For Grabs, Says ABI Research |
17. |
Police lack skills to tackle cyber-crime |
18. |
Building a Practical Framework for Enterprise-Wide Security Management |
19. |
Powergen awarded whistleblower's domain |
20. |
Barcelona nightclub chips customers |
21. |
MS' anti-virus bounty success |
22. |
Three agencies, supplier certified for security bridge |
23. |
FreeBSD update for cvs |
24. |
SuSE update for cvs |
25. |
Debian update for cadaver |
26. |
27. |
TCP/IP Skills Required for Security Analysts |
28. |
FreeBSD update for cvs |
29. |
FreeBSD update for cvs |
30. |
SuSE update for cvs |
31. |
SuSE update for cvs |
32. |
Debian update for cadaver |
33. |
Debian update for cadaver |
11:19:58 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
JBoss Under Fire, Accused of Bogus Postings (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The professional open-source company and CEO Marc Fleury are taking heat in the Java and open-source communities for allegedly posting fake messages around the Internet promoting JBoss and its business model and blasting competitors. |
2. |
Gmail Users Get A Storage Boost [updated] |
3. |
KernelTrap Interviews Andrea Arcangeli |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Playstation hits 100 million mark. Sony says it has shipped 100 million Playstations worldwide, making it the biggest selling console ever. |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
Oracle puts IBM, Microsoft execs on witness list. Oracle Corp. plans to enlist IBM Corp.'s software head, Steve Mills, as a witness when the U.S. Department of Justice's (DOJ) case against Oracle's PeopleSoft Inc. takeover plan moves to trial in June |
6. |
No Longhorn at Microsoft's Tech Ed conference. While Microsoft has been beating the Longhorn drum at recent events, at Tech Ed next week the vendor will concentrate on current and soon-to-be-launched products, and will have little to say about the next major Windows release expected in 2006. |
7. |
BEA ponders SOAs. BEA Systems at its BEA eWorld 2004 show in San Francisco next week is expected to tout its strategy for services-oriented architectures, which provide a computing paradigm based on a set of loosely coupled, inexpensive services. |
8. |
Slew of third-party announcements planned for TechEd. Microsoft won't be alone in seeking the attention of technology buyers at Tech Ed next week. Several vendors are taking advantage of the technical education event in San Diego to detail new or updated products. |
9. |
TCP/IP Skills Required for Security Analysts |
The Register
10. |
MS's anti-virus bounty success. Opinion But does industry encourage culprits? By Tim Mullen . |
11. |
US engineers perfect butt-kicking machine. I get a kick out of you By Lucy Sherriff . |
12. |
EU patent law dies, software law lives. Years of work down the drain By electricnews.net . |
13. |
IBM locks in VMware through 2007. Embrace and extend with EMC By Ashlee Vance . |
14. |
House of the future to feature talking mirror. Does my bum look big in this? By John Oates . |
Help Net Security
15. |
Embracing the art of hacking |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Red Hat update for cvs |
17. |
Debian update for cvs |
18. |
19. |
Newest Pattern: 893 |
20. |
osCommerce Directory Traversal Vulnerability |
21. |
osCommerce Directory Traversal Vulnerability |
22. |
CVS Entry Line Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
23. |
CVS Entry Line Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
24. |
Red Hat update for cvs |
25. |
Red Hat update for cvs |
26. |
Debian update for cvs |
27. |
Debian update for cvs |
10:19:35 AM
9:19:16 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Schroedinger's waterfowl: tagged penguins breed less. Tagging a penguin's wing with a research tag changes their drag coefficient, resulting in altered social behaviour, most notably less success in breeding.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.76724E-150; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 933
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As well as hindering conservation efforts, the penguins' poor breeding success may also mean that birds tagged in previous experiments have yielded misleading scientific data.
"We may have to reconsider our present knowledge on the life-history traits of penguins, such as breeding success and chick survival, which over the years has been drawn almost entirely from flipper-banded birds," warn Gauthier-Clerc and his colleagues in their paper in Biology Letters.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Executives Criticize the Tech Industry (AP). AP - Chief executives from some of the largest U.S. companies are criticizing the technology industry in a lobbying campaign, accusing them of selling software vulnerable to hackers and too difficult for consumers to use safely. |
3. |
Cell Switch Rules Expand to Entire Nation (AP). AP - Starting next week, millions of people in small cities and rural areas will be able to take advantage of federal rules allowing cellular users to keep their phone numbers when switching to new wireless carriers. |
4. |
Sega, Sammy to Join Their Operations (AP). AP - Sega Corp., the video-game maker famous for Sonic the Hedgehog, and pinball-equipment maker Sammy Corp. said Tuesday they will integrate their operations under a new holding company that will become Japan's biggest video game software company. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
City to become wireless hotspot. Anyone in the centre of Cardiff will be able to surf the web or pick up e-mails on their laptop under a new broadband scheme. |
6. |
Poll suggests ID card backlash. A survey suggests that some people would be prepared to go to prison rather than register for an ID card. |
The Register
7. |
CSC secures $110m in UK contracts. Beer, fags and DIY - it's all here By John Oates . |
8. |
AMD preps revitalised value CPU line. Duron endures? By Tony Smith . |
9. |
Fur flies in animal rights domain dispute. Carcass and Marcus not 'confusingly similar' By Lucy Sherriff . |
10. |
My chip is bigger than yours. It was five years ago today... 19 May 1999 By Team Register . |
11. |
'Large spam attack' hits BT Yahoo! email. Delays will be sorted today, apparently By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
HP preps 4 July iPaq launch. Bluetooth links to offer 'independence day' from desktops, no doubt By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Embracing the art of hacking |
14. |
bobax family of trojans |
15. |
lovegate.w (level alert 2) |
16. |
Hackers penetrate global finance firms |
17. |
The World of Privacy Does Not Exist |
18. |
Project details for Osec |
19. |
Osec |
20. |
Editorials- Privacy's mine fields Limit and verify government's data-grabbing projects |
21. |
How Apple's Mail.app Junk Filter Works |
22. |
L.L. Bean Suing Competitors For Spyware-Linked Ads |
23. |
Safe and Insecure? |
24. |
Neon Date Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
25. |
Subversion Date Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
26. |
Zen Cart SQL Injection Vulnerability |
27. |
Debian update for libneon |
28. |
neon Library Heap Overflow in ne_rfc1036_parse() Date Parsing Function May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
29. |
CVS Entry Line Heap Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
30. |
Subversion Date Parsing Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
31. |
PHP-Nuke NukeJokes Module jokeid Variable SQL Injection |
32. |
PHP-Nuke NukeJokes Module Multiple Variable XSS |
33. |
PHP-Nuke NukeJokes Module Path Disclosure |
34. |
PHP-Nuke index.php file Variable Path Disclosure |
35. |
Multiple Vendor Fragmented Email Virus Scan Bypass |
36. |
Neon Date Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
37. |
Neon Date Parsing Heap Overflow Vulnerability |
38. |
Subversion Date Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
39. |
Subversion Date Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
40. |
Zen Cart SQL Injection Vulnerability |
41. |
Zen Cart SQL Injection Vulnerability |
42. |
Debian update for libneon |
43. |
Debian update for libneon |
8:18:56 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
BEA aims to turn it around. After a disappointing quarter, BEA next week will detail its plan to stay ahead of rivals with an expanded product set that reflects its long-term technology vision. |
2. |
Who owns your e-mail address?. Standpipe Studios CEO Mark Phillips says the implications of increasing rates of spam pose a threat to the continued use of e-mail. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
New version of Microsoft Office for Mac is well-Centered (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Office 2004 for Mac, which goes on sale today in Standard and Student/Teacher editions, is Microsoft's best effort yet to let everyone from Mac-centric corporate suits to students create documents, crunch numbers and design presentations that can be exchanged with folks in the Windows world. Beyond that, Office 2004 includes powerful new collaboration features that let teams work more productively – if they're all using Macs. |
4. |
AT&T leaps back into wireless service (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - In a bid to fill a big gap in its bundle of telecom services, AT&T (T) said Tuesday that it has reached a deal to use Sprint's (FON) wireless network to offer mobile phone service. |
5. |
Farmers strike pay dirt with Web (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Royal Oak Farm Orchard in Harvard, Ill., offers old-fashioned fun for the family. But the "U-pick" apple and peach orchard wouldn't draw as many visitors without the newfangled Internet. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
6. |
Poll suggests ID card backlash. A survey has revealed that some people would be prepared to go to prison rather than register for an ID card. |
The Register
7. |
Marconi back in the black. 'Turned the corner...' By John Oates . |
8. |
Logica warns on wireless profits. Management to walk plank? By John Oates . |
9. |
ID card backlash: is the poll tax effect kicking in?. Large numbers prepared for demos, even prison By John Lettice . |
10. |
IBM to fab next-gen VIA CPU. 90nm process to take Esther beyond 2GHz By Tony Smith . |
11. |
Powergen awarded whistleblower's domain. WIPO rules on PoWergen.tv By John Leyden . |
12. |
BEA posts mixed quarter. Little bit ooohhh, little bit aaaahhh... By John Oates . |
13. |
UK DSL coverage reaches 90%. 'Bout time too By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
TTT-C Multiple Vulnerabilities |
15. |
phpMyFAQ Arbitrary File Inclusion Vulnerability |
16. |
OpenSSH Reverse DNS Lookup Bypass |
17. |
Multiple Browser Telnet URI Handler File Manipulation |
18. |
PHP-Nuke modules.php bio Variable SQL Injection |
19. |
Plus de détails sur le blocage des pirates pour l'accès au SP2 de XP |
20. |
Lovgate.AB : une nouvelle étape dans la dangerosité des virus |
21. |
Mise en garde suite au vol de code source chez Cisco |
22. |
neon Library Heap Overflow in ne_rfc1036_parse() Date Parsing Function May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
23. |
CVS Entry Line Heap Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
24. |
Subversion Date Parsing Buffer Overflow Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
25. |
TTT-C Multiple Vulnerabilities |
26. |
TTT-C Multiple Vulnerabilities |
27. |
phpMyFAQ Arbitrary File Inclusion Vulnerability |
28. |
phpMyFAQ Arbitrary File Inclusion Vulnerability |
29. |
Criminelen willen Cisco broncode mogelijk verkopen |
30. |
Mitnick: Sasser slachtoffers moeten zich schamen |
7:18:35 AM
1. |
100% Open Source Helix Player 'Alpha' Available |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
BT forges Vodafone mobile tie-up. Britain's telecoms giant teams up with mobile phone rival Vodafone to offer a seamless joint-calls service. |
The Register
3. |
Marconi back in the black. "Turned the corner..." By John Oates . |
4. |
Baltimore directors face second coup. Major shareholder moves to oust board By John Oates . |
5. |
AOL UK in sub £20 broadband offer. No cap for 'Silver' service By Tim Richardson . |
6. |
AT&T back on the mobile road. Virtual network deal with Sprint By John Oates . |
7. |
IBM dishes out Power tools for Linux. Penguin incentives By Datamonitor . |
8. |
EU software patents: how the vote was won. No hanging chads, but still a close call By Lucy Sherriff . |
Wired News
9. |
New Standard Could Reduce Spam. Yahoo releases a new e-mail standard called DomainKeys that could stop spammers from using legit e-mail addresses to disguise their evil mass mailings. |
10. |
FBI Wants Answers on Cisco Theft. The feds are probing a possible theft of source code from Cisco Systems. The networking equipment maker says software code used to run its gear that directs Internet traffic may have been swiped. |
11. |
Sharman Presses for Evidence. Sharman Networks, maker of the Kazaa file-trading application, demands in court proceedings that the music industry provide the names and addresses of people who allegedly infringed copyright. The industry rep balks. Patrick Gray reports from Melbourne, Australia. |
12. |
Japanese to Be Next Space Tourist. The company responsible for putting millionaires Dennis Tito and Mark Shuttlesworth into space says the next space tourist will be a 'prominent Japanese figure.' By Amit Asaravala. |
13. |
Embracing the Art of Hacking. If you can avoid some of the tedious bits, Paul Graham has some good points to make about the relationship between art and coding. Michelle Delio reviews Hackers and Painters. |
14. |
Mac SE Alive and Kicking on Web. Nostalgic for the simplicity of System 7? Or just curious? You can relive the experience, thanks to a pair of Germans who have created a loyal rendition of the classic Mac on the Web. By Leander Kahney. |
15. |
New Drill for Tomorrow's Dentists. The dentist office of the future will not emit the squirm-inducing whir of a drill, nor will tomorrow's tooth doctors wield Novocain needles. Instead, patients will grow replacement teeth and vaccines will keep cavities at bay. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
16. |
How to Get Gamers to Play Online. Online multiplayer games that came after EverQuest haven't been as popular as hoped. Industry executives say the genre may need to be tweaked significantly to attract mainstream players. By Daniel Terdiman. |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
LEN : la loi du Net divise |
18. |
Dominique Bayle (Ubisoft) : « Nous ne sommes pas un centre de coûts » |
6:18:16 AM
5:17:55 AM
4:17:35 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Spoony photoshoppery.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.28986E-125; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 923
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Today on Worth1000's photoshopping contest: creative use of spoons.
2. |
Fix for critical MacOS X vulnerability. If you use an OS 10.3 Mac with Safari or MSIE, you absolutely must follow the instructions in this post to block a really serious attack that Apple hasn't patched (though they've reportedly known about this since February). Alternatively, you could always run Mozilla or one of its variants -- a free, open source browser in which vulnerabilities are corrected as soon as they're discovered (not when Apple decides to get around to it).
(via Electrolite) |
3. |
HOWTO: strip access-control from iTunes music. Today on Engadget: a HOWTO for using the open-source hymn utility to strip the access-controls out of iTunes Music Store tracks so that you can play them on devices that Apple hasn't approved.
(via /.) |
4. |
Unitarianism: good enough for two presidents, not good enough for Texas. The state of Texas has denied Unitarians tax-exempt religious status because the church "does not have one system of belief." As Julia notes, Presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams were sufficiently convinced of the Unitarians' religiosity that they actually were Unitarians.
Never before -- not in this state or any other -- has a government agency denied Unitarians tax-exempt status because of the group's religious philosophy, church officials say. Strayhorn's ruling clearly infringes upon religious liberties, said Dan Althoff, board president for the Denison congregation that was rejected for tax exemption by the comptroller's office.
(via Electrolite) |
5. |
Low-carb blog. CarbWire is a great new low-carb blog.
(via Dan Gillmor) |
CNET News.com
6. |
Cloud over Apple's harvest. The company grapples with reports of a vulnerability in OS X, as it announces that tweaks will come less frequently. Meanwhile, the company files for a patent to protect a translucent feature. |
7. |
Google tests waters with 1,000GB e-mail limit. The Web search giant escalates the e-mail storage arms race by a factor of 1,000 by quietly raising storage limits to 1 terabyte for some users. |
New York Times: Technology
8. |
Google Moves Toward a Direct Confrontation With Microsoft. Edging closer to a direct clash with Microsoft, Google is preparing to introduce powerful search software directly on PC's. By John Markoff. |
9. |
2 PC Makers Favor Bigger Recycling Roles. Hewlett-Packard said it is supporting a proposal that places more of the financial burden for recycling used computers on the companies rather than consumers or local governments. By Laurie J. Flynn. |
10. |
Salesforce.com Is Said to Delay Its Public Offering. Salesforce.com, the business software company, has delayed its initial public offering, according to an executive close to the process. By Laurie J. Flynn and Andrew Ross Sorkin. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Global shipments of Sony PlayStation top 100 million units (AFP). AFP - Global shipments of Sony Computer Entertainment's series of PlayStation consoles have exceeded 100 million units, record high for household computer games. |
12. |
Google Planning Desktop Software Search Tool - NYT (Reuters). Reuters - Google, the Internet search company,
is planning to release a file and text software search tool for
finding information stored on a computer, The New York Times
said on Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
3:17:15 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Duct-tape messenger bag II.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.60552E-251; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 922
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Gregr sends us this pointer to his deluxe, two-tone duct-tape messenger bag, with a cellphone pocket and everything -- wish he'd posted build-notes!
(Thanks, Gregr!)
2. |
Google's spyware best-principles proposal. Google has posted a list of proposed best-practices for Internet software, such as toolbars, which aims at separating spyware from other apps.>Link
(Thanks, David!) |
3. |
Jack in the Box yuppified is JBX. San Diego-based blogger Joe Crawford brings news of "JBX," a new experiment by San Diego-based fast food giant Jack in the Box.
[N]ot exactly fast food. The look of the stores is quite different -- Chipotle meets Starbucks, but they still have the classic tacos. There are two of these stores in San Diego - pilot stores. They're like concept cars, but restaurants.
Non sequitur:>Link |
4. |
Hands-free panda. 
This hands-free panda is>Link
(Thanks, Jed!)
5. |
WiFi provider Cometa is kaput, but the sky is not falling. Glenn Fleishman says, "Cometa shuts down. This doesn't show the model of for-fee Wi-Fi is broken, but rather that a company with hype and high expectations can fail to execute and then shut down." Link |
6. |
SMSes recovered from SIM in murder trial. A Swedish cult-leader implicated in serial murders is in trouble because of the damning, deleted SMSes recovered off his mobile-phone's SIM.
The case has been creating headlines for months in the Scandinavian media and the latest thrilling development is that computer forensic company Ibas has been able to recover 13 of the messages from the SIM card in the nanny's mobile. Here's a quick translation of some of the messages from the minister (just like the Bible they can be interpreted in any old way):
* 5 December 2003 04:53. You need to make a decision and not wither. Find a safe solution. You prove your love by liberating him. His limit is soon reached.
* New Years Eve 2003 15:21. It's not your fault, there is still time. For his sake and because of his message to you it will not be too late. Finish it now!
(Thanks, Halvard!) |
7. |
"Please Don't Go Topless, Mother" singer Troy Hess found!. The mystery of the boy voice behind cult antiporn anthem "Please Don't go Topless, Mother" has been solved. Troy Hess has a web page. Please don't go blogless, mother! Link, and link to previous BoingBoing post. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Microsoft Office 2004 released; Test Drive available (MacCentral). MacCentral - While some users have reported receiving their copies of Office 2004 for several days now, Microsoft Corp.'s Macintosh Business Unit (MacBU) will officially announce availability of the application suite on Wednesday. Microsoft will eventually offer Office in three configurations and are going ahead with the launch despite the fact their high-end configuration will not be available until Virtual PC 7 is ready later this year. |
9. |
How Apple's Mail.app Junk Filter Works |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: Re: Buffer Overflow in ActivePerl ?. Sender: [noderat at hotmail dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Variable Arbitrary Account Modification |
12. |
Blue Coat ProxySG May Disclose Private Key to Remote Users |
13. |
Sun Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) Authentication Flaw May Validate Invalid Certificates |
14. |
More reasons to patch |
15. |
PHP-Nuke index.php Arbitrary Command Execution |
16. |
Trend Micro InterScan VirusWall HELO Overflow |
17. |
Secure Wireless Hotel Network Installation |
2:16:57 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Scammer nets 4 year sentence for phishing. Phishing scammer sentenced to 4 years in jail. While the DOJ says this sentence sends a strong message to others, phishing scams continue to proliferate. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
2. |
Ars Technica review: Dell Latitude D800 laptop. In the latest in our series of laptop reviews, we take a look at the Dell Latitude D800. This model features a 15.4" 1920x1200 display along with a 1.6GHz Pentium-M CPU. By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
3. |
EarthLink hooks up to wireless broadband. The Internet service provider is tapping Digitalpath Networks to offer WiMax access in a few areas, a sign that it is exploring alternatives to cable and DSL. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
AT&T Back in Wireless Business (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - AT&T Corp. announced yesterday it is again going to sell mobile-phone service, rebuilding a business it spun off three years ago and potentially giving new life to the AT&T Wireless brand name. |
5. |
'Painkiller' Is Homage to Shooting Games (AP). AP - Simple yet unnerving, "Painkiller" is a splendidly horrific homage to classic first-person shooters like "Quake" and "Doom." |
6. |
A Look At Intel ISEF 2004 |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Intel to Turn Off Wireless Tech in Grantsdale Chipset |
12:31:46 AM
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Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:19 AM.
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