Friday, May 07, 2004
1. |
Build Your Own Jet Engine |
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
exim1.html |
3. |
0401.txt |
4. |
waraxe-2004-SA027.tx..> |
11:23:24 PM
10:23:06 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Sun: trial set for Kodak suit over Java. Unable to settle the patent suit filed by Kodak over Sun's Java software, the two sides will have to work it out in court--starting Sept. 15. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Newspapers See Danger in Text Messaging (AP). AP - International editors and publishers warned Friday that nontraditional communications — such as cell phone text messages — are rapidly outflanking radio, television, and print media because of their immediacy and proximity to the public. |
3. |
Digital Cameras Change Perception of War (AP). AP - The explosive photos of abuse in an Iraqi prison drive home a defining fact of 21st century life — that the pervasiveness of digital photography and the speed of the Internet make it easier to see into dark corners previously out of reach for the mass media. |
4. |
Pizza From the Command Line |
Hack the Planet
5. |
Something in the Eclipse Web Tools Platform project proposal caught my eye: "The goal of this project is to support a vital application development market, rather than to 'commoditize' viable commercial product spaces with an open source alternative. Commercial vendors will use what this project delivers as a foundation for their own product innovation and development efficiency." |
6. |
The Register: Intel to 'ditch' Pentium 4 core after Prescott. BTW, the only thing worse than the Megahertz Myth is the backlash. All the scientific studies and real-world benchmarks show that the P7 microarchitecture is actually pretty good when implemented in classical CMOS. But now that the laws of physics aren't holding up their end of the bargain, a different design point is needed. |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Perens: Linux indemnification not for everyone. Hacker, open-source advocate, venture capitalist, company man, pundit: Bruce Perens has worn a lot of hats over the last few years, building up a unique combination of hacker credibility and business know-how. These days, when he's not fielding press queries about the ongoing dispute between The SCO Group Inc. and the Linux community, Perens spends his time speaking about Linux and open source software and providing consulting services for technology companies. |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
W32.Randex.AEV |
9. |
W32.Gobot.A |
10. |
W32.Axon |
11. |
DeleGate SSLway ssl_prcert Overflow |
12. |
ShopFactory Cookie Price Modification |
About Internet/Network Security
13. |
Book Review: Computer Security. Thomas Greene has written an excellent book to provide the home and small office users with a comprehensive introduction to computer security. Parts of the book, like quotes from Simple Nomad and references to the Matrix in Introducing The Dark... |
9:22:44 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
California county sues state over e-vote ban. Riverside County teams up with groups representing the disabled to sue California's secretary of state for banning voting machines that help the disabled vote anonymously. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Sprint to Lay Off Additional 550 Workers (AP). AP - Sprint Corp. announced it will lay off an additional 550 workers by the end of the year as a result of its ongoing restructuring of its wireless and traditional phone divisions, bringing the total number of job cuts to 2,550. |
3. |
PalmOne Lands at Philly Airport (PC World). PC World - Flyers can shop for PDAs and smartphones while they wait for their boarding call. |
4. |
NASA Funds Sci-Fi Technology |
InfoWorld: Security
5. |
FTC settles with alleged 'Married But Lonely' spammers. WASHINGTON - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled charges against two alleged spammers that used what the FTC called "deceptively bland subject lines," false return addresses, and other methods to lure unsuspecting consumers, including children, to sexually explicit material. |
6. |
Top 10 tools of the trade. Most of the time, InfoWorld zeros in on strategic technology decisions that affect the enterprise as a whole. But to keep your organization humming from day to day, it's vital that your IT department be equipped with the right tools. To that end, we polled our own Test Center analysts to find out what gets used on almost every job. ADVERTISEMENT IPSec or SSL? Free VPN Decision Guide Which is right for you? Download the “VPN Decision Guide” to learn how, often, the answer is “both”. Download now at: http://i.nl03.net/ltr0/?_m&.1034.u.mfm.4&k=sslnk404
7. |
Vulnerability vigilence. It's a typical series of events for a major worm outbreak. First, the early reports from Symantec, followed by more detailed reports, changes in the security level, and the like. Close behind is a flood of e-mail from security companies bragging about beating the worm du jour. Finally, a flurry of e-mails from experts reminding you that they were right and knew this was going to happen all along. |
8. |
iPod clamor, Microsoft's spammer. As speculated here and elsewhere, Google is jumping on the IPO bandwagon. Yet some faithful readers say it will be an especially temperate day in Hades before Google names me its “Gman,” as I lobbied for last week. Reason No. 1? I just can’t keep Gsecrets. So much for that fortune in stock options. Gdamn! |
9. |
Sasser a warning of things to come. Just as they had with the Blaster worm in August and Mydoom in January, Microsoft customers found themselves digging out from the damage caused by another virus targeting Windows machines again in May. |
10. |
Netli bolsters application delivery. Netli this week enhanced its application delivery network services with the addition of performance monitoring and business continuity services. |
The Register
11. |
Intel says Adios to Tejas and Jayhawk chips. Dual cores jump the queue By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Eudora Has Buffer Overflow in Loading 'file://' URLs |
13. |
Check Point urges VPN software upgrade to close hole |
14. |
Sybase Bolsters Mobile Security with $95M XcelleNet Buy |
15. |
EarthLink Offers Security by Subscription |
16. |
Network Associates Is Now McAfee |
17. |
I.T. Security Has Never Been So Necessary |
18. |
Red Hat Delivers Desktop Linux |
19. |
Linux Growth Means Security Tests Ahead |
20. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
21. |
Longhorn: Microsoft's Security Bull? |
22. |
Report: Phishing Scam Hits 57 Million Users |
23. |
Cisco Warns of Wi-Fi Vulnerability |
24. |
Wi-Fi Security Still Poor |
25. |
Securing Wireless Connectivity Through Virtual Networking |
26. |
Worm Burrows Through Windows: Sasser Slowing Internet Traffic |
27. |
Sasser Fizzles Out as Search for Culprits Heats Up |
28. |
Longhorn: Microsoft's Security Bull? |
29. |
Computer Associates Offers Free Antivirus Protection |
30. |
Firewall Market Expected To Soar |
31. |
Top Networking Technologies for 2004 |
32. |
PCs Infested with 30 Pieces of Spyware |
33. |
FTC Treads Lightly as It Takes On Spyware |
34. |
Core Flaw Could Cause Internet Traffic Jam |
35. |
Red Hat Delivers Desktop Linux |
36. |
Worm Burrows Through Windows |
37. |
Sasser Fizzles, Search for Culprits Heats Up |
38. |
Microsoft Shakes Up Longhorn Security |
39. |
Sasser Costs Mount |
40. |
E-Postmark May Thwart Cyber Crooks |
41. |
Sasser, Netsky Work Of Same Hacker |
42. |
8:22:32 PM
7:22:06 PM
6:21:45 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Low-carbers beat up Krispy Kreme's bottom line. Krispy Kreme has reduced its earnings projections by 10 percent due to low-carbers' reluctance to eat donuts.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.60129E-178; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 485
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Our current guidance assumes a continuation of the low-carb phenomenon that is affecting the industry," Livengood said. "Needless to say, we are disappointed that external forces have caused us to revise our first quarter and fiscal 2005 earnings guidance."
Link |
2. |
Today's received wisdom about tomorrow. Strange Horizons magazine has published a list of the story cliches it's seeing too much of in its submissions-pile. This is a pretty good benchmark for the today's received-wisdom zeitgeist about tomorrow.
Someone calls technical support; wacky hijinx ensue.
1. Someone calls technical support for a magical item.
2. Someone calls technical support for a piece of advanced technology.
3. The title of the story is 1-800-SOMETHING-CUTE.
(via Making Light) |
3. |
Floppy RAID. 
I love the idea of building RAIDs out of floppy drives -- I just with this guy had built a BIGGER RAID. If he'd clustered 256 old iMacs with four floppy drives each, he would have had a gigabyte floppy RAID -- all the power and reliability of a Jaz cartridge, in a package that fills a roller-rink. In fact, you could employ kids on roller-blades (like Kozmo did!) to wheel around the shelves, replacing dud floppies with fresh ones.
(via MeFi)
4. |
Pirate radio workshops. Radio Free Berkeley is giving workshops on how to build your own pirate^H^H^H^H^H^H^H low-power FM radio station, and what to do when the radio cops come a-knockin'.
Building your own station is also illegal. Dunifer advises his students to enlist the help of an attorney before hopping the airwaves. But he describes microbroadcasting as "electronic civil disobedience" rather than a typical criminal act.
"As far as I'm concerned, the real pirates are the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) and their member stations," Dunifer said, referring to the powerful lobbying group. "They've stolen the airwaves with the full complicity of the FCC and Congress."
Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
SAP to add 500 software jobs in India. Hiring plans this year will also give the German company 500 more workers in the United States, where sales are on an upswing, an SAP representative says. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Qwest Plans to Sell Pay Phone Business (AP). AP - Qwest Communications International Inc. said Friday it is selling its pay phone division because it is no longer a good fit in the fast-growing wireless industry. |
7. |
Bush campaigning by bus? In the Internet age? (AFP). AFP - US President George W. Bush courted voters in two heartland states Friday on a bus -- a state-of-the-art, specially equipped, run-a-war-from-the-road bus, but a bus nevertheless. |
8. |
Microsoft Appoints New Chief Information Officer (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O), looking to
save more than $100 million off its own internal technology
costs, on Friday appointed a new chief information officer
responsible for managing one of the most complex information
technology systems in the industry. |
9. |
Comcast Plans Cable Boxes with Integrated Wi-Fi and Snooping |
10. |
Royal Bank of Canada Cashes Out of SCO; SCO Begins Layoffs |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
IBM to inject consistency into middleware. IBM on Monday will outline an ambitious plan to establish greater technical consistency within its line of middleware products. The end goal is to increase the portability of both data and applications across many different environments, including proprietary IBM operating systems, Linux, and Windows and, ultimately, to make that data easier to manage. |
12. |
FTC settles with alleged 'Married But Lonely' spammers. WASHINGTON - The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has settled charges against two alleged spammers that used what the FTC called "deceptively bland subject lines," false return addresses, and other methods to lure unsuspecting consumers, including children, to sexually explicit material. |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
Guide :: Kerberos Implementation, Part 2 |
14. |
Sasser Costs Mount (NewsFactor) |
15. |
Eudora file URL buffer overflow |
16. |
[CLA-2004:840] Conectiva Security Announcement - lha |
17. |
Re: Titan FTP Server Aborted LIST DoS |
18. |
Small Biz Puts Protection Before Continuity In Survey |
19. |
Phishing Emails Breaks 3 Billion Mark In April |
5:21:30 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Sneak peak at Longhorn's Aero "Jade" interface. To date, Longhorn builds available on MSDN and other semi-public outlets have been built to hide the Aero interface. Crafty users of the most recent build of Longhorn (4074) have found a way to enable the Aero interface. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Friends finale and NBC Tivo-b0rking -- TiVo Strikes Back, episode for sale on Amazon.... Following up on yesterday's post about NBC's apparent attempts to b0rk potential TiVoers of the Friends finale, BoingBoing reader Douglas Clark says, I am a loyal Tivo user and Tivo did send out a message alert to users about the Friends episode. It was more along the lines of "if you manually extend the time of a recording, you may miss the beginning of the friends final episode." I find that Tivo is pretty good about catching unusual start times and other wonky tricks the networks play. The previous comment about HUT and ratings was right on the money...
Link to previous BoingBoing post.
Tech maven Meg Hourihan adds, "Even weirder is that I got a message on my Tivo warning me that the finale of Friends would have abnormal times. The message warned that if I wasn't just using the automatic "start on time" and "end on time" settings (i.e. I manually set the start time as 8 PM) that I might miss some. What makes things weirder and worse is that Tivo still didn't record the whole show! I made sure my settings were what the message instructed, and happened to watch the show live. Tivo kicked in to record at 8:59 PM (which is what it listed the start time as) but stopped at 9:59! According to the time on my digital cable box, the program didn't end until 10:03 PM. So if I hadn't watched it live, I would have missed the last four minutes. Seems like a major screw-up on Tivo's part, especially after sending out that message!"
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 483
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Mindjack's Donald Melanson wonders, "This is just a thought, but since NBC was selling 30 second ad spots during the Friends finale for $2M (the same as the Superbowl) is it not possible that they were just trying to squeeze in a few more by starting the show a minute early and ending it a few minutes late? An extra four minutes of advertising would be an extra $16M for NBC."
BoingBoing reader Ran Li says, "I'd like to point out that this new NBC strategy is reminiscent of how Japan ended up with its crazy TV schedules. This is from the Japan SAQ:
Q. Have you ever noticed that Japanese TV shows start at odd times?
One show starts at 6:58, another at 7:00, and another at 7:05. Why is that?
A. Until several years ago, most Japanese TV shows did start exactly on the hour, but because of the TV ratings war, some stations decided to get the jump on their competitors and start their programs a little earlier. The networks realised that because most programs ended a little before the hour, people would often start channel surfing, but they would be more likely to start watching a station that wasn't airing commercials at that time. Similarly, if a program runs until a little past the hour, viewers are more likely to watch the next program because they have missed the beginning of programs that have already started on other stations. Now that every station (except NHK) does it, there is nothing to be gained from starting programs earlier or later, and the stations have become trapped in a vicious circle where starting times are getting earlier and earlier.
I really hope American TV doesn't end up like this because of some dumb execs who think this is a good idea."
BoingBoing reader Duane says, "This isn't really new...NBC has been doing it for weeks now, and Tivo sends out a message every time. The real killer is not wonking with the times -- it's simply providing bad times. Just because NBC puts into the guide that Friends would end at 9:59, that doesn't mean they can't run over to 10:01, which I believe it did last night. So even though I had 'manually record nbc from 8-10' I still almost missed the actual last scene. Had something else been in my todolist for 10, something on a different channel, I would not be writing you today because my wife would have killed me."
Matt Goyer says, "Don't worry -- if you missed the last 5 minutes of Friends, on May 11th you can buy the DVD from Amazon. Is setting the time a little later a way to get all those Tivo/DVR users to buy the DVD?" |
3. |
McMansionization of suburbia.  Heart rending photos of cute little houses being demolished and replaced with generic monster boxes. What kind of creep enjoys living in these giant houses? I sure don't want to know them. Link
4. |
Jenna Jameson, Internet IP law activist. Our copyright-obsessed pals at Fleshbot say:
AVN reports that "gigastar" (we love that term) Jenna Jameson is using her considerable talents and energy to fight an ongoing lawsuit against the adult industry by Acacia Research, who claims that porn sites which utilize streaming media technology are guilty of patent infringement. Quoth Ms. Jameson: "Acacia is making a blatant attempt to target the adult industry in its effort to extract unwarranted fees for alleged infringement of its patents ... If Acacia succeeds in intimidating adult site owners, they will move to mainstream sites and begin charging fees that will have to be passed on to everyone who uses the Internet." You can read more details on the case at the Internet Media Protective Association website; we really just wanted an excuse to post some pictures of Jenna we've had lying around in our bookmarks for a while.
"Jenna Joins The Acacia Challenge" (AVN)
"Stream This: Acacia, Net Companies at Odds Over Patents" (AVN Online, 2/2003) |
5. |
Louisiana to ban saggy, butt-crack-exposing pants. File under "only in Louisiana" -- snip:
Wearing sagging or baggy pants that expose your underwear or buttocks would make you a criminal under a bill approved by a House panel Thursday. "I don't relish the idea of seeing the beginning of people's pubic hair," Westwego City Councilman Glenn Green told the House Criminal Justice Committee on Thursday. "I don't relish seeing the beginning of the crease of people's buttocks. And I don't enjoy watching young men letting their sexual organs show through their red or black silk underwear," Green said.
Link (Thanks, Jonno) |
6. |
WiFi waiting room at the doctor's. Jason's doctor has open WiFi in his waiting room to make those long waits less insufferable.
He has figured out that a lot of his patients (and their partners) spend a heck of a lot of time waiting around in his lobby. While pop-cult magazines and baby toys are still popular for minding the time, he realized there's an unlimited resource of entertainment he can make available with a simply $30 WiFI AP -- The Internet. Now I can work/surf/play online all I want while I wait for Tara to finish her appointment. There's even an abundance of power outlets near the seating area.
Anyway, I know I'm being nerdy, but I still think its pretty cool. If I decide at some point to consider switching doctors, I'll definitely inquire about wireless access in the waiting room.
Link |
CNET News.com
7. |
Canadian bank backs away from SCO. The Royal Bank of Canada sells two-thirds of its investment in the SCO Group to BayStar, giving the hedge fund a boost in its search for changes at the Unix company. |
8. |
Microsoft struggles in emerging markets. The software maker's sales model in Asia and other emerging markets isn't working, and executives are searching for an elusive fix. |
9. |
Microsoft names new CIO. Call center head Ron Markezich takes over as chief information officer, responsible for managing the software giant's internal information systems. |
10. |
Apple: 99 cent music price tag stays, for now. Wholesale costs for digital music are beginning to fluctuate, but iTunes and others are holding the line on singles prices. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Intel Junks Two Chips, Readies Dothan Launch (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - A major change of plans is in the wind at Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), as two chips seem doomed
to oblivion: Tejas, a desktop chip due for release in late 2004 or early
2005, and Jayhawk, an entry-level Xeon server chip. |
12. |
Novell Targets .NET with Mono Beta (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Novell (Nasdaq: NOVL) is putting its Mono platform to the test with a beta release of the open-source version of Microsoft's (Nasdaq: MSFT) .NET development
architecture. The company wants to help Linux and Unix developers create
cross-platform .NET applications. |
13. |
Newspapers See Danger in Text Messaging (AP). AP - International editors and publishers warned Friday that nontraditional communications — such as cell phone text messages — are rapidly outflanking radio, television, and print media because of their immediacy and proximity to the public. |
14. |
Ray Lewis to Take on 'Madden Curse' for EA (Reuters). Reuters - Linebacker Ray Lewis, one of the
toughest and most-feared players in the National Football
League, will have to tackle an unlikely nemesis this season:
the threat of a digital jinx. |
15. |
SuSE 9.1 Available for Download |
16. |
Small Biz Puts Protection Before Continuity In Survey |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
BugTraq: Re: Will a smart worm be made in the near future?. Sender: Jose Nazario [jose at monkey dot org] |
The Register
18. |
Apple: iTunes prices not rising. 'Rumours untrue' By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Elsewhere: Net watchers wary of Sasser fallout |
20. |
Elsewhere: Wi-Fi security standard to require new hardware |
21. |
Report: Phishing Scam Hits 57 Million Users |
22. |
News: Sasser ups cost of Windows - Gartner |
23. |
News: Mystery of MS's missing AV software |
24. |
Report: Phishing Scam Hits 57 Million Users |
25. |
ffingerd .nofinger Remote User Enumeration |
26. |
Will a smart worm be made in the near future? |
27. |
Fwd: [Re: cvs commit: src/sys/vm vm_map.c] |
28. |
Security issue with Trend OfficeScan Corporate Edition |
29. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 501-1] New exim packages fix buffer overflows |
30. |
Remote DoS IE Memory Access Violation |
31. |
Re: Titan FTP Server Aborted LIST DoS |
32. |
Windows IPSec Vulnerabilty |
33. |
Microsoft Details DRM For Consumer Devices |
34. |
University Hack Places 380,000 At Risk For ID Theft |
35. |
Dozen Phishers Nabbed In The U.K. |
36. |
Jerusalem Post Article Predicts Virtual Jihad |
4:21:06 PM
3:20:44 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Intel drops Pentium 4 development, changes focus to dual-core and Pentium M. Intel is scrapping its plans for Tejas and Jayhawk, planned revisions to the Pentium 4 and Xeon respectively. At the end of March we reported that Intel was abandoning the Pentium 4 architecture in favor of the Pentium M. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
New SAP products aim for easy solutions. The enterprise applications maker is hoping that its SAP Direct line of software and services will provide quicker fixes to users of its larger applications. |
3. |
HP brings OpenVMS to the SuperDome. The venerable operating system gets its first European airing on the Itanium 2-based SuperDome, proving there's life in the old dog yet. |
4. |
Week in review: No wimpy worm. After a slow start, successive versions of the Sasser worm slithered around the Net, crashing hundreds of thousands of computers thanks to unpatched systems. |
5. |
Luminary joins open-source protection firm. Bruce Perens, a living Linux legend, is onboard, literally, with Open Source Risk Management, which provides insurance-like protection to Linux users. |
6. |
PalmOne continues with retail strategy. Pursuing a strategy that has brought mixed results for hardware makers, the handheld specialist opens its 11th retail store, this one at the Philadelphia airport. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Opera Software Posts Narrower Loss (AP). AP - Opera Software, maker of the No. 3 Web browser, said Friday it posted a narrower loss of 1.8 million kroner ($272,600) for the first quarter as revenue climbed. |
8. |
Linux Offers Better Windows Apps Without the Wait (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Many of today's Windows applications will break on high-end Longhorn tomorrow, but why bother with Longhorn when you can run Windows apps better on Linux today? |
9. |
NTT DoCoMo's Group Net Profit Triples (AP). AP - Japan's top mobile phone carrier, NTT DoCoMo Inc., said Friday its group net profit more than tripled for the last fiscal year as subscribers to its advanced generation mobile phone service rose sharply. |
10. |
Digital Cameras Change Perception of War (AP). AP - The explosive photos of abuse in an Iraqi prison drive home a defining fact of 21st century life — that the pervasiveness of digital photography and the speed of the Internet make it easier to see into dark corners previously out of reach for the mass media. |
11. |
R.E.M. Miami-Bound to Finish New Album (Reuters). Reuters - R.E.M. is heading to Miami for "the
final phase of recording and mixing" of its next studio album,
according to a report from manager Bertis Downs on the group's
official Web site (http://www.remhq.com). |
12. |
Interview with ATI's soon-to-be CEO Dave Orton |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
JVC to enter U.S. PC market in June with ultra-portable. Victor Co. of Japan Ltd. (JVC) will take its first steps into the U.S. personal computer market next month when it launches an ultra-portable PC aimed at corporate users on the move. The launch comes at a time when many PC makers are moving in the opposite direction and devising strategies to take on companies like JVC in the audio-visual sector. |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Net watchers wary of Sasser fallout. Although the damage wrought by Sasser failed to reach the levels of MSBlast and other major infections, security experts are warning that there could still be more troubl... |
15. |
Elsewhere: Wi-Fi security standard to require new hardware. In June the IEEE is expected to finally ratify the 802.11i security standard that uses for the first time AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) technology, a powerful 128-bi... |
16. |
News: Sasser ups cost of Windows - Gartner. Gartner is advising its customers to budget for extra security spending on Windows desktops in the wake of the raft of problems caused by the Sasser worm this week.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.47494E-304; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 463
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The influential analyst group reckons the appearance of another - and perhaps even more devastating - worm is only a matter of time. In the meantime, Users should batten down their security hatches. |
17. |
News: Mystery of MS's missing AV software. Microsoft's plans to improve the security of Windows through the purchase of an anti-virus company almost a year ago appear to be stuck in limbo. The software giant entered the AV market with the surprise acquisition of little known Romanian AV firm GeCAD Software for an undisclosed sum in June last year. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
18. |
Vulns: Titan FTP Server LIST Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Titan FTP is an FTP server for Microsoft Windows.
It has been reported that the Titan FTP server is vulnerable to a remote denial of service condition, whereby the serve... |
19. |
Vulns: Midnight Commander Multiple Unspecified Vulnerabilities. Midnight Commander is a popular file management tool for Unix systems. Among other features, Midnight Commander is provided with a code layer to access the file system; t... |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Sasser Costs Mount as Fears of New Worm Grow |
21. |
Benefits of BCC |
22. |
Sasser ups cost of Windows - Gartner |
23. |
Blunkett risks ID card battle with EU |
24. |
Big names line up for major UK ID debate - but will Blunkett? |
25. |
Mystery of MS's missing AV software |
26. |
New PKWARE Products Feature Secure Data Transfer |
27. |
Microsoft Modifying 'Palladium' |
28. |
Mac virus fears grow |
2:20:25 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Apple bows to studio pressure and raises prices on music. Or do they?. In early April we hinted at the coming price war in online music sales, but this was no ordinary price war. Most people think of price cuts and competition when it comes to price wars, but this one is heading in the other direction: up. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Friends finale and NBC Tivo-b0rking -- TiVo Strikes Back, BB readers respond.. Following up on yesterday's post about NBC's apparent attempts to b0rk potential TiVoers of the Friends finale, BoingBoing reader Douglas Clark says, I am a loyal Tivo user and Tivo did send out a message alert to users about the Friends episode. It was more along the lines of "if you manually extend the time of a recording, you may miss the beginning of the friends final episode." I find that Tivo is pretty good about catching unusual start times and other wonky tricks the networks play. The previous comment about HUT and ratings was right on the money...
Link to previous BoingBoing post.
Tech maven Meg Hourihan adds, "Even weirder is that I got a message on my Tivo warning me that the finale of Friends would have abnormal times. The message warned that if I wasn't just using the automatic "start on time" and "end on time" settings (i.e. I manually set the start time as 8 PM) that I might miss some. What makes things weirder and worse is that Tivo still didn't record the whole show! I made sure my settings were what the message instructed, and happened to watch the show live. Tivo kicked in to record at 8:59 PM (which is what it listed the start time as) but stopped at 9:59! According to the time on my digital cable box, the program didn't end until 10:03 PM. So if I hadn't watched it live, I would have missed the last four minutes. Seems like a major screw-up on Tivo's part, especially after sending out that message!"
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 462
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Mindjack's Donald Melanson wonders, "This is just a thought, but since NBC was selling 30 second ad spots during the Friends finale for $2M (the same as the Superbowl) is it not possible that they were just trying to squeeze in a few more by starting the show a minute early and ending it a few minutes late? An extra four minutes of advertising would be an extra $16M for NBC."
BoingBoing reader Ran Li says, "I'd like to point out that this new NBC strategy is reminiscent of how Japan ended up with its crazy TV schedules. This is from the Japan SAQ:
Q. Have you ever noticed that Japanese TV shows start at odd times?
One show starts at 6:58, another at 7:00, and another at 7:05. Why is that?
A. Until several years ago, most Japanese TV shows did start exactly on the hour, but because of the TV ratings war, some stations decided to get the jump on their competitors and start their programs a little earlier. The networks realised that because most programs ended a little before the hour, people would often start channel surfing, but they would be more likely to start watching a station that wasn't airing commercials at that time. Similarly, if a program runs until a little past the hour, viewers are more likely to watch the next program because they have missed the beginning of programs that have already started on other stations. Now that every station (except NHK) does it, there is nothing to be gained from starting programs earlier or later, and the stations have become trapped in a vicious circle where starting times are getting earlier and earlier.
I really hope American TV doesn't end up like this because of some dumb execs who think this is a good idea."
BoingBoing reader Duane says, "This isn't really new...NBC has been doing it for weeks now, and Tivo sends out a message every time. The real killer is not wonking with the times -- it's simply providing bad times. Just because NBC puts into the guide that Friends would end at 9:59, that doesn't mean they can't run over to 10:01, which I believe it did last night. So even though I had 'manually record nbc from 8-10' I still almost missed the actual last scene. Had something else been in my todolist for 10, something on a different channel, I would not be writing you today because my wife would have killed me." |
CNET News.com
3. |
Intuit expands QuickBase collaboration service. The hosted service is picking up a growing number of business functions and appealing to big companies as much as to small businesses. |
4. |
Intel hastily redraws road maps. update The company's decision to drop two chips and move to a technology that promises better performance is seen as a major shift, but the new plans are short on detail. |
5. |
Protectionism never helps. With the political season heating up, J. William Gurley offers numerous reasons why Silicon Valley should be alarmed about protectionism. |
New York Times: Technology
6. |
Intel to Shelve New Desktop and Server Chips. Intel plans to announce today that it has shelved its next chips for desktop and server computers. By Reuters. |
7. |
Evoting in the News |
8. |
Record Labels Push for iTunes Price Hike |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
9. |
Illegal film downloads triple. The number of internet users who illegally download films and TV series triples over the past year. |
10. |
Benefits of BCC |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: IPMenu Log File Symbolic Link Vulnerability. ipmenu is a terminal based interface for Netfilter, iptables and linux policy routing or traffic control. It is freely available for Unix and Unix variants.
It has been... |
12. |
Vulns: Apple Mac OS X CoreFoundation Unspecified Large Input Vulnerability. The Apple CoreFoundation is a set of Objective-C classes implemented in the Cocoa developer library; all Cocoa applications are built on these libraries.
It has been rep... |
13. |
Vulns: Apple Mac OS X AppleFileServer Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Apple Mac OS X supports AppleShare, a proprietary network file sharing protocol. The AppleFileServer is a server that implements this protocol. AppleFileServer provides ... |
The Register
14. |
Big names line up for major UK ID debate - but will Blunkett?. We shall see... By John Lettice . |
15. |
1.67m Brits download films illegally. £45m cost to video industry By Lester Haines . |
16. |
Boffins slow neutrons to 15mph. Handy, if you're looking for supersymmetry By Lucy Sherriff . |
17. |
Mystery of MS's missing AV software. Wherefore art thou, GeCAD? By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Peer-to-peer : l'étau se resserre |
19. |
Peer-to-peer : l'étau se resserre |
20. |
Peer-to-peer l'étau se resserre |
21. |
Rumsfeld plans to apologize to Congress |
22. |
Al-Sadr: Bush's apology not good enough |
23. |
Failles sur Apache2, AppleFileServer , IPSec et Radmin pour Mac OS X |
24. |
Sasser ein Schnippchen schlagen |
25. |
Microsoft Setails DRM For Consumer Devices |
26. |
7 May W32/Sdbot-IH |
27. |
Rumsfeld offers 'deepest apology' |
28. |
Bush admits 'tough times' for U.S., apologizes for prisoner abuse |
29. |
SUSE LINUX Live CD Configuration Error Yields Root Access to Remote Users |
30. |
Kolab Discloses LDAP Server Password to Local Users |
1:20:06 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Hotmail appears unreachable. Microsoft's e-mail service appears to be down, an outage that would potentially affect millions of people. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
HP, Quark Unveil Digital Publishing Alliance (Reuters). Reuters - Quark Inc., the large maker of
desktop publishing software, and Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ.N),
the computer and printer giant, on Friday announced an alliance
to offer software that would let Quark customers generate more
personalized marketing materials using HP printers. |
3. |
Sony Cancels Many Sports Video Games for '04 (Reuters). Reuters - The U.S. video game arm of Sony
Corp. (6758.T) said on Wednesday it would not update some of
its sports titles this year, mirroring a similar move by
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O) amid intense competition. |
4. |
CIA says bin Laden likely the voice on Internet message (AFP). AFP - The US Central Intelligence Agency has concluded that the voice on an Internet audio message offering gold for assassinations of top US civilian and military officials is "likely" that of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, a CIA official said. |
5. |
Intel Focuses on 'Dual-Core' Chips (Reuters). Reuters - Intel Corp. (INTC.O), the world's
largest chip maker, has scrapped plans for two new products and
is shifting focus to making chips that contain the cores of two
microprocessors, a spokeswoman said on Friday. |
6. |
Interview: Xandros and KDE |
7. |
Excel Clone for Linux Now in Beta |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Intel's dual-core push leads to discontinuation of two chips. By the end of 2005, Intel Corp. will have shifted all of its processor designs for everything from notebook chips to SMP (symmetric multiprocessor) servers to dual-core chips, resulting in the discontinuation of two single-core processors on its current road maps. |
InfoWorld: Security
9. |
Check Point urges VPN software upgrade to close hole. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. is advising all customers not using the latest version of its VPN software to upgrade immediately following the discovery of a security hole that could allow remote system access. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: Leon J Breedt Pam-PGSQL Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability. Leon J Breedt's 'pam-pgsql' is a PAM authentication module to be used with PostgreSQL.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.54889E-160; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 461
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
'pam-pgsql' is prone to a vulnerability which will allow SQL queries to be manipul... |
11. |
Vulns: DAWKCo POP3 with WebMAIL Extension Session Timeout Unauthorized Access Vulnerability. DAWKCo POP3 Server Hosting Version with WebMAIL Extension is a POP3 server with Webmail capabilities for Microsoft Windows systems.
It has been reported that DAWKCo POP3... |
The Register
12. |
UK.biz gets tough on IT suppliers. I want 10% off, and a free cuddly toy By Lucy Sherriff . |
13. |
Big names line up for major UK ID debate - but will Blunkett?. Put up or shut up isn't a choice that usually confuses him By John Lettice . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Experts see era of insecurity |
15. |
New Security Administration Tool Launched by ArticSoft |
16. |
DVD Copying Software Tries to Skirt Law |
17. |
Hackers Access Data on Nearly 400,000 |
18. |
P2P Firms Join Child-Porn Fight |
19. |
ADV: Check out the Ziff Davis Channel Zone! |
20. |
Microsoft Modifying 'Palladium' |
21. |
Netsky essaie d'utiliser la peur de Sasser pour se répandre à nouveau |
22. |
"Every Principle of Security is Being Violated," Says O'Dowd |
12:19:45 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Friends finale and NBC Tivo-b0rking -- TiVo Strikes Back. Following up on yesterday's post about NBC's apparent attempts to b0rk potential TiVoers of the Friends finale, BoingBoing reader Douglas Clark says, I am a loyal Tivo user and Tivo did send out a message alert to users about the Friends episode. It was more along the lines of "if you manually extend the time of a recording, you may miss the beginning of the friends final episode." I find that Tivo is pretty good about catching unusual start times and other wonky tricks the networks play. The previous comment about HUT and ratings was right on the money...
Link to previous BoingBoing post.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.32913E-228; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 460
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Tech maven Meg Hourihan adds, "Even weirder is that I got a message on my Tivo warning me that the finale of Friends would have abnormal times. The message warned that if I wasn't just using the automatic "start on time" and "end on time" settings (i.e. I manually set the start time as 8 PM) that I might miss some. What makes things weirder and worse is that Tivo still didn't record the whole show! I made sure my settings were what the message instructed, and happened to watch the show live. Tivo kicked in to record at 8:59 PM (which is what it listed the start time as) but stopped at 9:59! According to the time on my digital cable box, the program didn't end until 10:03 PM. So if I hadn't watched it live, I would have missed the last four minutes. Seems like a major screw-up on Tivo's part, especially after sending out that message!" |
2. |
TechTV staff fired. Leo blogs, "The San Francisco operation will be shuttered by July. 100 of the existing jobs will be posted for those willing to relocate to LA..." Link |
3. |
FOIA requests are suspected terrorism?. In the guestblog over to the right, Russ Kick blogs about the FBI and SS investigating a FOIA request in Texas (more background here).
BoingBoing reader Mark A. Miller adds, "This is the letter that UT sent to the Attorney General, detailing such things as the emergency escape route for the President through the tunnel system.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Get Ready for Some Hand-to-Hand Combat (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Cue up the "dueling handhelds" theme: The video game wars are starting anew, with competitors Nintendo and Sony in a fierce fight for victory on the handheld gaming battlefield. |
5. |
Digital Cameras Change Iraq War Perception (AP). AP - The explosive photos of abuse in an Iraqi prison drive home a defining fact of 21st century life — that the pervasiveness of digital photography and the speed of the Internet make it easier to see into dark corners previously out of reach for the mass media. |
6. |
Spyware Becoming Worst Tech Support Problem |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Wi-Fi security standard to require new hardware. In June the IEEE is expected to finally ratify the 802.11i security standard that uses for the first time AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) technology, a powerful 128-bit encryption technology. |
8. |
Check Point urges VPN software upgrade to close hole. Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. is advising all customers not using the latest version of its VPN software to upgrade immediately following the discovery of a security hole that could allow remote system access. |
9. |
Microsoft tells disk makers to redesign products. Not content with telling hardware manufacturers what they must do, now Microsoft Corp. is informing disk makers that they have to make read and write speeds faster. It even tells them how to do it -- add flash memory cache. |
10. |
"Every Principle of Security is Being Violated," Says O'Dowd |
The Register
11. |
PalmOne shares soar on Dell purchase rumour. What's in it for the vendor? By Tony Smith . |
12. |
Airbus behemoth faces the press. French inaugurate A380 assembly facility By Lester Haines . |
13. |
Stalkers target victims with email. Net threat By Tim Richardson . |
Help Net Security
14. |
NVIDIA Firewall certified by ICSA Labs |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
e107 Input Validation Bug in 'News Submit' and 'Article Submit' Lets Remote Users Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
16. |
Linux Advisory Watch - May 7th 2004 |
17. |
CTO Speak: 'We Are Immune To Microsoft Threats' |
18. |
NVIDIA Firewall certified by ICSA Labs |
19. |
Sasser-Wurm: So schnell reagierten die AV-Hersteller |
20. |
Lovgate-V schleppt immer noch Trojaner auf PCs |
21. |
Tool von Kaspersky fegt Sasser von der Platte |
22. |
Linux Kernel Race Condition Arbitrary /proc Memory Read |
23. |
Linux pop3d Arbitrary Mail File Access |
11:19:25 AM
10:19:06 AM
9:18:46 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Offshoring: The reality behind the politics. Digital Agenda In a special series, News.com examines the social, economic and political aspects of offshoring and offers steps for the U.S. high tech industry to maintain its lead. |
2. |
Editors' picks: Offshoring stories around the Web. The controversial trend of offshore outsourcing has produced a worldwide debate and become a factor in this year's presidential election. These are some of the more interesting stories on the issue, which includes business, technology, education, politics and the livelihood of workers worldwide. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Quietly, PalmOne Launches U.S. Retail Stores (Reuters). Reuters - PalmOne Inc. (PLMO.O), faced with
slumping sales of what was once a must-have consumer gadget, is
taking the story of handheld computers directly to the public
with its own retail stores. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Long lashes thwart ID scan trial. Long eyelashes and watery eyes could thwart iris scanning technology used for the government's ID card trial. |
The Register
5. |
Major labels 'force 70% price hike' on Apple. Less bangs for your buck By Tony Smith . |
6. |
Sasser ups cost of Windows - Gartner. Worm tax By John Leyden . |
7. |
MI5 does not assassinate: official. Security website gems By Lester Haines . |
8. |
Hotmail spam plan grand slam. Letters Reg gone soft, you cry By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
Terra Lycos attracts more paying punters. 5.3m say sí By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Conectiva update for lha |
11. |
Risk Assessment On IT Infrastructure |
8:18:26 AM
7:18:05 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
DNA nanobot goes for a walk. Tiny DNA robots goes "walkies" along a foothold path. Researchers say this is the first step in creating nanobots that can build other micro-machines. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
NTT DoCoMo net profit triples to record 5.9 billion dollars (AFP). AFP - Japan's top mobile phone operator NTT DoCoMo said its group net profit in the year to March tripled to a record 650 billion yen (5.9 billion dollars) despite fierce competition. |
3. |
Ignalum Linux - A Bridge to Windows? |
4. |
Linux Advisory Watch - May 7th 2004 |
The Register
5. |
Flarion's Tokyo wireless adventure. Voda on board for Flash-OFDM trials By Guy Kewney, Newswireless.net . |
6. |
Iraq 'abuse' contractors go on the offensive. CACI and Titan respond By Datamonitor . |
7. |
Intel to 'ditch' Pentium 4 core after Prescott. Bringing desktop, sever Pentium M-class chips forward By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
8. |
CDs, DVDs: Human After All. One reason CDs and DVDs are so expensive is that they're supposed to last forever. Well, they don't. Shoddy manufacturing can spell an early demise, as can careless storage and handling. |
9. |
Microsoft Plugs PC as Media Hub. At this year's confab for hardware developers, Microsoft continues to plug the PC as the center of home entertainment in the future. It's a category the company must master, because time is running out for the plain ol' PC. Cydney Gillis reports from the WinHEC conference in Seattle. |
10. |
Cable Snaking Into Everything. Cable operators are battling for control of your house, so industry executives showed off the possibilities at their national convention. Staci D. Kramer reports from New Orleans. |
11. |
The Movie That Wasn't There. Kerry Conran spent years rendering retrobots on his home computer. Now his garage blockbuster starring Gwyneth & #038; Jude and a rendered world is hitting the big screen. By Frank Rose from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Stealing Back the Airwaves. As summer camps go, it's unusual. In four days, you can learn to build transmitters and antennas, and get advice on handling any FCC agents wondering about your new radio station. By Jason Silverman. |
13. |
How the Word Gets Around. How does a meme travel through the blogosphere? The Memespread Project seeded an idea and watched it grow, learning a lot about information transmission along the way. By Daniel Terdiman. |
14. |
Sick of Spam? Prepare for Adware. Adware and its spyware cousins now account for more than 12 percent of all technical support calls, says Dell. It's the single largest category of complaints, and it's only getting worse. Can anything be done to stop the problem before it becomes an epidemic? By Amit Asaravala. |
15. |
NASA Funds Sci-Fi Technology. The space agency has a little-known research arm that's looking into the wildest technology imaginable -- antimatter propulsion, weather control and robotic asteroid destroyers, to name a few. But can it survive a budget crunch? By Noah Shachtman. |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Britain's biometric ID cards postponed |
17. |
802.11 Security: Wardriving Tools & Utilities |
18. |
Silicon: Customers won't tolerate security breaches "Latest research shows that firms who fall v... |
19. |
BBC News: Defences tested by virus attacks "The reaction times of companies are being tested by ... |
20. |
Sandiego Channel: Hacker Gets Into UCSD Computers "About 380,000 University of California San Di... |
21. |
CNN: Security experts warn of nastier Sasser worm "Computer security experts warned on Wednesday... |
22. |
ZDNet: Longhorn will feature 'secure' components "Microsoft says it still wants to incorporate m... |
23. |
7 May W32/Lovgate-V |
24. |
DeleGate Buffer Overflow in static ssl_prcert() Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
25. |
François Jolivet (consultant) : « Trop informatiser les processus limite la réactivité de l'entreprise » |
26. |
Taking your word for it |
27. |
IRIX updates for Various Networking Security Issues |
28. |
HP WBEM Services OpenSSL Handshake Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
29. |
IRIX updates for Various Networking Security Issues |
30. |
IRIX updates for Various Networking Security Issues |
31. |
HP WBEM Services OpenSSL Handshake Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
32. |
HP WBEM Services OpenSSL Handshake Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
6:17:46 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Comcast's WiFi router lets your ISP spy on you, shut you down. Om Malik warns that the Linksys WiFi boxes that Comcast is supplying to its customers allow Comcast to remotely detect and disconnect devices on your home network, like your VoIP phone (which competes with Comcast's long-distance service).
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.83781E-159; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 454
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
If you scroll through the press release, you come to a section which says that the gateway supports a CableHome 1.0 "for the ability to deliver secure, managed services from Comcast’s head-end network to the subscribers’ home network." Now there is a big problem with this thing - for instance, the Cablehome 1.0 standard allows cable operators to snoop around their home networks and learn things such as how many computers are attached to the gateway and what kind of traffic they are generating/receiving. (Beware Vonage fans, this could be used to detect your Vonage ATA as well.)
In case you were wondering, where’s the juice. Go to the Cable Labs website and read this document. Scroll down to Section 6.3.1 and read:
The goals for the CableHome Management Portal include:
* Enable viewing of LAN IP Device information obtained via the CableHome DHCP Portal (CDP)
* Enable viewing of the results of LAN IP Device performance monitoring done by the CableHome Test Portal (CTP)
* Provide the capability to disable LAN segments
(via Engadget) |
2. |
Truck-stops with WiFi thriving. Truckers -- who made CB radio into a success in the 70s -- ar enow chasing another kind of wireless. Truck-stops that install WiFi can attract more business from bandwidht-hungry long-haul drivers.
David Maloney, a trucker from Aledo, Texas, is one who'll go the distance to reach a truck stop equipped with wireless Internet access.
"The only time I really get to use any kind of broadband is out here on the road," said Maloney, who recently stopped at a Flying J with Wi-Fi on his way from Virginia to Appleton, Wis. "That's the whole reason I came this far last night."
(via WiFi Net News) |
3. |
Tapeworm follies. On the fray, a first-person account of one man's discovery of a tape-worm and the ensuing potty hilarity that occured once he killed the thing with medication and it...emerged. Warning: not for the scatophobic or the sequamish.
(Thanks, Derek!) |
4. |
Reuters RSS. Reuters has launched a bunch of RSS feeds for its wire service.
5. |
Aurora Nominations ballot online. The 2004 Aurora Award nomination form is up online -- this is the award given to the best science fiction works by Canadians or people living in Canada. Canadians and people living in Canada are eligible to nominate.
For the record, my eligible works for this ballot are:
Best Novel: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, Tor, January 2003
Best Short-Form Work: Nimby and the Dimension Hoppers, Asimov's, June 2003
Flowers From Alice, New Faces in Science Fiction (Mike Resnick, ed.), December, 2003
Printed Meat and Nattering Packages, Business 2.0, May 2003
Road Calls Me Dear, The Mammoth Book of Road Stories, January 2003
Nominations are due July 17th (my birthday!).
Link |
6. |
Lessig on NPR. Lawrence Lessig did a guest appearance on the San Francisco NPR show Forum yesterday, with a traditional copyright lawyer presenting the case for maximal copyright. The RealAudio stream is fantastic.
(Thanks, John!) |
The Register
7. |
Anti-spam laws baffle UK.biz. Heads scratched, laws flouted By Startups.co.uk . |
Help Net Security
8. |
Britain's biometric ID cards postponed |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
CNN: CDs, DVDs not so immortal "collection was suffering from CD rot" |
10. |
Effecten hacker draait de bak in |
11. |
Microsoft gatekeeper wedstrijd maandag van start |
12. |
Ex-Denver man hostage in Iraq |
13. |
Debian update for exim |
14. |
Conectiva update for lha |
15. |
Debian update for exim |
16. |
Debian update for exim |
17. |
Conectiva update for lha |
18. |
Conectiva update for lha |
5:17:25 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Working towards a search engine for lists. University of Washington researchers are working on a new search engine that will help users compile lists of facts from the web. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Star Trek flat for $10^6.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 453
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A UK sf fan/interior decorator who turned his (500 sqft) flat into a set for a Star Trek episode is now auctioning it off for a starting price of $1,000,000. The photo galleries linked off the auction are quite amazing.
(via MeFi)
3. |
Off-scale food photoshopping. 
Today's Worth1000 contest: photoshop foodstuffs to that they appear comically large or comically small.
4. |
Comcast's WiFi router lets your ISP spy on you, shut you down. Om Malik warns that the Linksys WiFi boxes that Comcast is supplying to its custoemrs allow Comcast to remotely detect and disconnect devices on your home network, like your VoIP phone 9which competes with Comcast's long-distance service).
If you scroll through the press release, you come to a section which says that the gateway supports a CableHome 1.0 "for the ability to deliver secure, managed services from Comcast’s head-end network to the subscribers’ home network." Now there is a big problem with this thing - for instance, the Cablehome 1.0 standard allows cable operators to snoop around their home networks and learn things such as how many computers are attached to the gateway and what kind of traffic they are generating/receiving. (Beware Vonage fans, this could be used to detect your Vonage ATA as well.)
In case you were wondering, where’s the juice. Go to the Cable Labs website and read this document. Scroll down to Section 6.3.1 and read:
The goals for the CableHome Management Portal include:
* Enable viewing of LAN IP Device information obtained via the CableHome DHCP Portal (CDP)
* Enable viewing of the results of LAN IP Device performance monitoring done by the CableHome Test Portal (CTP)
* Provide the capability to disable LAN segments
(via Engadget) |
5. |
Truck-stops with WiFi thriving. Truckers -- who made CB radio into a success in the 80s -- ar enow chasing another kind of wireless. Truck-stops that install WiFi can attract more business from bandwidht-hungry long-haul drivers.
David Maloney, a trucker from Aledo, Texas, is one who'll go the distance to reach a truck stop equipped with wireless Internet access.
"The only time I really get to use any kind of broadband is out here on the road," said Maloney, who recently stopped at a Flying J with Wi-Fi on his way from Virginia to Appleton, Wis. "That's the whole reason I came this far last night."
(via WiFi Net News) |
6. |
Infiltrator's account of Scientology Celebrity Center. Harmon Leon is a guy who specialises in infiltrating odd places through impersonation, then writing hilarious accounts of his deeds. His infiltration of the Church of Scientology's LA Celebrity Center is a classic:
[W]e go to a fancy, roped-off office on the first floor. There's a large desk, a book shelf, and a lot of pictures of boats on the wall.
"And this is L. Ron Hubbard's office."
"The actual office used by L. Ron Hubbard?" This is like being in Jesus' room.
"No. Each Scientology center has an office for L. Ron Hubbard, decorated in a way he would like it."
"Oh, so the office was used when he was visiting, ya?"
"No. He died before this hotel was refurbished."
Someone should mention to this lady that dead guys don't need offices. Especially an office built for a dead guy after the dead guy is dead.
(Thanks, Danny!) |
7. |
Command-line pizza-orderator. pizza_party is an open-source command-line app for ordering pizzas from Domino's.
pizza_party [-o|--onions] [-g|--green-peppers] [-m|--mushrooms] [-v|--olives] [-t|--tomatoes] [-h|--pineapple] [-x|--extra-cheese] [-d|--cheddar-cheese] [-p|--pepperoni] [-s|--sausage] [-w|--ham] [-b|--bacon] [-e|--ground-beef] [-c|--grilled-chicken] [-z|--anchovies] [-u|--extra-sauce] [-U|--user= username] [-P|--password= pasword] [-I|--input-file= input-file] [-V|--verbose] [-Q|--quiet] [-F|--force] [QUANTITY] [SIZE] [CRUST]
* Can order pizza with only a few keystrokes.
* Can save pizza preferences.
* Can use batch files for ordering many pizzas.
* Has easy to use flags for ordering different toppings.
* Runs on most UNIX-like operating systems.
* Supports most currently popular topings like "mushrooms", and "pepperoni"!
* Unattended / background operation.
* Pizza Party is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
(via Kottke) |
8. |
MSFT won't Sasser-patch bootleg Windows. Microsoft's anti-Sasser-worm patch can't be applied to copies of WIndows with serial numbers associated with bootleg or fake copies. It's an interesting dilemma for MSFT: the more unpatched copies of Windows (whether legit or not) the worm infects, the worse it becomes for all unpatched users, including those who paid their license fees. It's like denying smallpox vaccinations to known crooks, then having to pay the social cost of the smallpox outbreak that infects everyone who hasn't had a shot (including honest cits).
(via /.) |
9. |
Back-door your Roomba. PT sez, "This week's "how to" article from Engadget shows how to put the Roomba Robot Vacuum in hardware check mode. This is a useful mode for Roomba hackers (and anyone else) to test the functions of the unit as well as see how the unit works, test the 'virtual walls,' clean specific parts and have some fun."
Pressing the L button for the 5th time (you'll hear 5 beeps) will put the Roomba in "bulldozer" mode, in other words it'll just roll forward no matter what, the sensors and bumpers and picking it up will not stop it. Be careful, don't let the Roomba damage you or itself.
(Thanks, PT!) |
10. |
Belt-buckle made from NES controller. 
At $15, this belt-buckle made from an old NES controller is a pretty cool gift-idea.
(via Engadget)
11. |
Dilbert for 07 May 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
12. |
Oculan Unveils Appliance For Managing Microsoft Networks (TechWeb). TechWeb - The appliance manages and secures Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange, Active Directory and Terminal Services, as well as Unix, Linux and AS400 servers, and other devices. |
13. |
Computer Associates to Revise Filings (AP). AP - Computer Associates International Inc., the software company under investigation for its accounting, Thursday said it will revise its filings for the second half of 2003 to defer recognition of about $9 million in revenue, due to an adjustment in the way the company calculates subscription revenue. |
14. |
Novell Releases Project Mono Beta (TechWeb). TechWeb - Novell posted Beta 1 of Mono 1.90, an open source version of the
Microsoft .Net development platform. It's designed to allow Linux and Unix
developers to build and deploy cross-platform .Net applications. |
15. |
Japan's DoCoMo Posts Profit (Reuters). Reuters - Japan's top mobile phone operator, NTT
DoCoMo Inc, on Friday posted slightly higher full-year
operating profits amid fierce competition, but forecast its
first ever decline for the current business year. |
16. |
Digital Photos Change Iraq War Perception (AP). AP - The explosive photos of abuse in an Iraqi prison drive home a defining fact of 21st century life — that the pervasiveness of digital photography and the speed of the Internet make it easier to see into dark corners previously out of reach for the mass media. |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Security experts warn of nastier Sasser worm |
18. |
Microsoft revisits NGSCB security plan |
19. |
More Security News... |
20. |
The Link Between Information Security and Corporate Governance |
21. |
Getting a grip on federated identity |
22. |
Security experts warn of nastier Sasser worm |
23. |
Microsoft revisits NGSCB security plan |
24. |
Gartner: Phishing attacks up against U.S. consumers |
25. |
E-voting system security, integrity under fire |
26. |
MyWeb 3.3 Buffer Overflow |
27. |
Mogen illegale Windows gebruikers updates downloaden? |
28. |
Colo. contractors know dangers of Iraq work |
29. |
City's Iraqis pray for best, fear worst |
30. |
Exim Buffer Overflows in 'accept.c' and 'verify.c' Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
31. |
LogWatch Temp Directory Race Condition Arbitrary Code Execution |
4:17:05 AM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
New Crater Beckons Mars Rover. Perched on the edge of a 430-foot-wide crater, the Mars rover Opportunity has spied a new treasure trove of rocks that promise to reveal more about the planet's geological past. By Kenneth Chang. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Sony, Nintendo Aim to Wow Gamers with New Handhelds (Reuters). Reuters - Sony Corp plans to unveil its
first new major game hardware in four years next week with a
handheld machine that aims to unlock Nintendo's stranglehold on
the mobile game market. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Nemo helps Pixar triple profits. The runaway success of the Finding Nemo film on DVD sees animator Pixar more than triple its quarterly profits. |
4. |
Estonia opens politics to the web. The tiny nation of Estonia is championing the internet as a way of making ministers more accountable. |
SecurityFocus News
5. |
News: Prison time for cyber stock swindler. Teen scammer hacked a brokerage account to dump worthless Cisco options. |
3:16:45 AM
2:16:24 AM
12:24:35 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:06 AM.
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