Saturday, May 22, 2004
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Classical Finally Cracks the Internet. Internet2, the next generation, with enough broadband capacity to transmit huge quantities of data, makes it possible for musicians to join forces from great distances. By Anne Midgette. |
2. |
Click and Eat on the Road. A number of Web sites make it easy to find restaurants and even make reservations. By Bob Tedeschi. |
3. |
Cartoon Guide to Federal Spectrum Policy |
10:28:53 PM
8:28:12 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Hold the McBuggets, please! Man ill after gorging on fried cicadas. Not so fast, cicada-snackers! An Indiana resident who fried then snarfed about 30 "Brood X" specimens had to seek medical treatment when the bug grub experiment caused a powerful allergic reaction. Apparently, some people with shellfish allergies can become very sick from eating the exoskeletous but Akins-friendly critters.
The man showed up at a Bloomington clinic Thursday covered from head-to-toe in hives, and sheepishly told a doctor he'd caught and ate the cicadas after sauteing them in butter with crushed garlic and basil. "He said they didn't taste too bad, but his wife didn't care for the aroma," said Dr. Al Ripani, the doctor who treated the man at Promptcare East.
Link to news article, and link to previous BoingBoing post (Thanks, Pete!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Cellular Mobility Has Its Limits (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Linda Clausen really wants to end her six-year history as a Cingular Wireless customer, but she's bound by a contract until August, she says. It would cost her at least $150 to break her two-year contract. |
3. |
Some Badly Designed Features Put Opera 7.5 Out of Tune (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The continued survival of the Opera Web browser is a bit of a mystery. Not only does it compete with a program, Microsoft's Internet Explorer, that is both pre-installed on most computers and free to download otherwise, this program also requires that you either pay up (a $39 registration fee) or put up with ads embedded in its interface. |
4. |
13 Energy Drinks In 3 Sessions |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:050 - Updated kernel packages fix multiple vulnerabilities. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
6. |
BugTraq: Allegro RomPager/2.10 DoS exploit. Sender: Seth Alan Woolley [seth at tautology dot org] |
7. |
BugTraq: Liferay Cross Site Scripting Flaw. Sender: Giri, Sandeep [giris at deshaw dot com] |
8. |
BugTraq: Exploit codes for CVS Vulnerability and snort rules from ISC. Sender: K-OTiK Security [Special-Alerts at k-otik dot com] |
9. |
Vulns: Netenberg Fantastico De Luxe Predictable Username Brute Force Vulnerability. Fantastico De Luxe is a module for cPanel web hosting system. It automates installation of web site scripts.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.17921E-123; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 958
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Fantastico De Luxe is prone to a vulnerability that could a... |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Nouvelle faille critique Mac OS X malgré le correctif |
7:27:52 PM
6:27:33 PM
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Windows 98SE emulated on Pocket PC |
5:27:13 PM
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Biometric ID Cards Trialled in Glasgow |
4:27:03 PM
Hack the Planet
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HP's L2335 is the cheapest 1920x1200 monitor I've seen, by a wide margin: it's only $1,700. |
SecurityFocus News
2. |
News: As identity theft jumps, so do costly monitoring services. The Associated Press By Brian Bergstein |
SecurityFocus Vulns
3. |
Vulns: Icecast Server Base64 Authorization Request Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Icecast is a freely available, open source streaming audio server. Icecast is available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Windows platforms.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.57791E-014; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 954
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A vulnerability has been i... |
3:26:32 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Cicadas, the new no-carb/hi-protein snackin' sensation. This National Geographic story by John Roach [hehe, Roach] points out that those gazillions of "Brood X" cicadas unearthing themselves this month also double as an Atkins-compliant meal-on-the-go. Cicada McBuggets, anyone? Pass the dipping sauce.
"They're high in protein, low in fat, no carbs," said Gene Kritsky, a biologist and cicada expert at the College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, Ohio. "They're quite nutritious, a good set of vitamins." The largest group of periodical cicadas, known as Brood X, have been crawling out of the ground and carpeting trees along the eastern United States for the past week or so. By July, Brood X will be gone--not to be heard from again for 17 years.
Link (Thanks, Mara!) |
2. |
CMU's Snooping Robot Headed for Iraq |
Hack the Planet
3. |
VLC 0.7.2 claims to support H.264. I wonder if there's any other software out there to interop against. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: Netscape Navigator Embedded Image URI Obfuscation Weakness. Netscape is a web browser that is available for a number of platforms, including Microsoft Windows and Unix and Linux variants.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.78935E-045; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 946
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It is reported that Netscape Navigator i... |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Blog :: When Security Met Retail |
6. |
ZDNet: Spammers get fussy as zombie army grows "Is your Internet connection actually worth infec... |
2:23:17 PM
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John Woo to Direct Spy Hunter Movie? |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Mutt Menu Drawing Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Mutt is a freely available, open source mail user agent (MUA). It is available for the Unix and Linux platforms.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.53806E-031; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 945
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A problem in the handling of some types of input has be... |
3. |
Vulns: Multiple Vendor H.323 Protocol Implementation Vulnerabilities. The H.323 protocol is used in various telephony and multimedia products in IP networks. It may be used in hardware products supporting multimedia conferencing as well as... |
1:22:57 PM
12:22:38 PM
11:22:17 AM
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Calculate When You Are Most Awake |
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
10:21:57 AM
9:21:37 AM
8:21:19 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Injunction Issued Vs. DVD-Copying Maker (AP). AP - A California company that specializes in encryption technology has obtained the latest court order barring a Missouri company's sale of popular DVD-copying software. |
2. |
Online retailer retreats on IPO (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - If anyone is worried that Google mania could spur a new Internet bubble, an obscure East Bay company might have eased that fear Friday. |
3. |
PHP Contest: Revenge of the Apple Eating Robots |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Open Source Based Search Engine - ObjectsSearch.com |
7:20:57 AM
Wired News
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Los Alamos Lab Loses More Data. The nation's most important nuclear weapons lab says it can't locate a hard disk drive that contains classified information. The lab has lost disks before, and critics are getting impatient with its carelessness. By Noah Shachtman. |
2. |
Monsanto Prevails in Patent Fight. The Canadian Supreme Court says Percy Schmeiser stole Monsanto's biotech canola seed, but waives $200,000 in profits and court costs the company asked for. The ramifications for farmers go far beyond this case. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
3. |
Things That Go Bump in a Console. Forget cheesy B-movie plots and zombie moans. This year's crop of horror adventure games will creep you out and keep you awake at night like a good ghost story should. By Chris Kohler. |
4. |
Alaskans Sue to Stop CAPPS II. Four Alaskans say they want the court to stop the federal government from imposing essentially secret laws on airline passengers, who wouldn't be able to challenge the rules in court. By Ryan Singel. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
6:20:37 AM
5:20:18 AM
Boing Boing
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Harry Potter postage.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.60939E-204; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 934
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The Australian post office has issued a line of Harry Potter stamps.
(Thanks, Scott!)
2. |
Sterling's Microsoft Research talk. Bruce Sterling gave a screamingly funny talk at Microsoft Research last night, and Al Billings transcribed it on his blog.
This year I had a problem because there were 200 people in my audience and I say "Ok, everybody is going over to my house for beer!" and they say "Yay!" and 600 people show up at my party. They weren't the people in the audience. Half the people in the audience normally attend because it's on the last day and a lot of people leave anyway. They showed up and some kind of flash mob thing occurred. There was some kind of electronically assisted gathering happening at my house. Because people were showing up and they were showing up in buddy lists. It wasn't just the usual foot traffic of one and two people. There would be at half-past one...there were sudden clusters or armadas of taxis coming in from two or three directions and people would get out of the taxis and are name-checking each other and sort of clustering together and coming into the party in a mass. Guys are phone-camming the party. It's like "He's not kidding, look there's a keg here!" <snicka> <z.z.z.z.z> and off they come. Actresses are showing up, which is sort of interesting because there is never much cross-over into the film thing. Guys are coming up and saying "Bruce! Your party's full of hot chicks!" There are girls in lingerie tops with stiletto heels. They aren't actually partying. They're not eating. They're there to display themselves so they kind of swan anorexically through this crowd of unix sysadmins and they're, like... <Bruce makes really goofy surprised face> They're awe-struck. Somebody had told them that it was sort of necessary to go make the scene at the novelist's house and they sort of arrived in a bloc, united by phones, I assume, and then departed.
(Thanks, Al!) |
3. |
Chalabi used disinfo to point the US at Saddam. The Defense Intelligence Agency has concluded that Ahmed Chalabi -- who's been getting millions of US tax-dollars to act as a kind of field-snitch for the US military/intelligence complex -- has been basically making it all up, feeding disinfo to the US in order to provoke war on Saddam.
"Iranian intelligence has been manipulating the United States through Chalabi by furnishing through his Information Collection Program information to provoke the United States into getting rid of Saddam Hussein," said an intelligence source Friday who was briefed on the Defense Intelligence Agency's conclusions, which were based on a review of thousands of internal documents.
(via Making Light) |
4. |
Dilbert for 22 May 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
IBM And Siebel Expand Health-Industry Offerings (TechWeb). TechWeb - IBM will host and manage Siebel offerings for the life-sciences sector. |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
McAfee VirusScan Improper ImagePath Quoting |
7. |
youbin HOME Variable Overflow |
8. |
cadaver libneon Date Parsing Overflow |
9. |
Symantec Norton AntiVirus ActiveX Control Input Validation |
10. |
OpenSSH PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt Challenge-Response Buffer Overflow |
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OpenSSH SKEY/BSD_AUTH Challenge-Response Integer Overflow |
12. |
CVS Line Entry Overflow |
4:19:59 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Matt Jones: refactor the UI. My pal Matt "Blackbelt" Jones, a user-experience wonk at Nokia, has written a guest-rant on new UIs for the pervasive age over at Warren Ellis's Die Puny Humans.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.53074E-209; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 933
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Drill the digital ground and you'll see that the surface strata of interface has not moved as quickly as what lies beneath.
The shape has changed. We've moved from the discrete, fixed computing of the mainframe, mini and pc to the fluid, agile, grid.
The stuff has changed. We send emotional bits and digital pheremones as much as we send practical packets.
The scale has changed. The corpus has swollen while the skin stayed the same. We stored data the equivalent of 37,000 times the library of congress on our hard drives in 2002, and shunted 3 times that much around the net[1].
Link |
2. |
Collecting copyright horror stories to restore the public domain. An important piece of copyright litigation is in the offing: Golan v Ashcroft challenges Congress's "restoration of copyright" to thousands of works that were in the public domain as of 1994. The Golan legal team is collecting your horror stories about being denied access to works that were snatched from the public domain; they're publishing the stories as they come in:
To win the lawsuit we need your help: we need examples of how people have been harmed by this removal of works from the public domain. You can help us if you have ever wanted to use:
* a foreign sound recording made before February 15, 1972; or
* a foreign work published in or after 1923 that was in the public domain in the U.S. (due to lack of copyright notice, renewal, or national eligilibility of the author), including:
* works of Shostakovich, Prokofiev, Stravinsky, Khachaturian, and other foreign composers (search for restored works)
* numerous classic British, French, German, and other foreign films (including several Hitchcock films, Faust, Metropolis, and The Red Balloon, Kurosawa's Ikiru, The Third Man, and Intermezzo)
* or any other foreign book, photograph, song, or work subject to a "restored" copyright
* although registration is optional, you can search the U.S. Copyright Office for restored works
(Thanks, Jason!) |
3. |
Harry Potter postage. Link
(Thanks, Scott!)
4. |
Hilarious police encounter in Warsaw. Side-splittingly funny account of a Polish expat who returned to Warsaw and got (very incompetently) mugged, then flagged down a vanload of completely bonkers cops who ran around the city, stopping trams and pointing at nuns, businessmen and other improbables and saying, "are these the kids who mugged you?"
Not surprisingly, most people's reaction at seeing a huge police van swerving wildly behind them was to hunker down and gradually go slower and slower. The papers were full of stories about an incident the week before in Poznan, where police had followed a car and then shot the driver dead without warning,>Link
(via Oblomovka) |
5. |
Embracing Asperger's. There's a great article on Kuro5hin today about living with Asperger's -- the "Geek Syndrome" that imbues us with obsessive attention to (some) detail, a poor grasp of social cues, and a weird sense of humour.
Aspies tend to take an obsessive interest in detailed things. It is typical for an aspie to take an all-encompassing interest in something for a few months and later become interested in something else after having already learned enough about the first subject. In other words, we aspies have "weird," nerdy interests and hobbies.
This is a chicken-and-egg problem, of course. Do we aspies take up these perseverations because we are unable to occupy ourselves with more neurotypical (NT) (that is, something relating to nonautistics) socializing, or do our perseverations prevent us from socializing? Maybe it's a little bit of both.
Nevertheless, perseveration for me has meant spending my early teenage years learning how to program and becoming especially adept at using Windows. A little later it meant focusing on perfecting my French accent and reading French newspapers like Le Monde. Because of my perseverations, I have a more thorough understanding of history, politics, language, computers, psychology, geography, and numerous other subjects than the average person. In contrast, I have a deficit of knowledge about today's pop stars, actors, and social gossip. This sometimes makes it hard for people to have interesting conversations with me.
a href="http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/5/17/172914/576">Link |
6. |
Minority != brown. Great NYT correction. This is why I like the term "world majority":
An article last Wednesday about South Africa's wine industry referred incorrectly to Thabani Cellars, a winery there. It is not minority-owned. (As a black man, the owner, Jabulani Ntshangase, belongs to the country's majority.)
Link |
7. |
Penis-englargement blog. This guy wanted to see if penis enlargement pills worked, so he ordered some. Personal account augmented by a chart showing the size of his unit over time, in millimetres!
(via EvHead) |
3:19:39 AM
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Small Form Factor Dual Opteron |
2:19:18 AM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Google Revises Data in Public Offering and Adds 29 Underwriters. Analysts who looked at the changes said the company had disclosed an additional 30 million shares of stock, bringing the total share ownership to 264 million. By John Markoff. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Doubts About Starpower Symbolic of Industry (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - A parent company of Starpower Communications LLC, a large local provider of cable television, telephone and Internet service, is preparing to file for protection from its creditors soon, fueling new concerns about the future of an innovative upstart that attempted to challenge the region's cable and telephone giants. |
3. |
Gateway Touts Low-Cost Mantra at Meeting (AP). AP - Wayne Inouye, Gateway's new chief executive, on Thursday dismissed skeptics who say the personal computer and electronics company has shrunk to the point of irrelevancy. |
4. |
USS Enterprise Finally Flies |
12:25:58 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:23 AM.
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