Wednesday, May 12, 2004
CNET News.com
1. |
California county to defy e-voting ban. San Bernardino County plans to defy an order issued by California's secretary of state and use its electronic voting machines in the November election. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
'Doom' Creator Id Soon to Start on New Game (Reuters). Reuters - Video game developer id Software,
famed creators of games like "Doom" and "Quake," will likely
start work on its new project almost immediately after
completing four years of work on "Doom 3," its chief executive
said on Wednesday. |
3. |
Microsoft Releases WTL To SourceForge |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Security answers touted at N+I |
5. |
SB04-133: Summary of Security Items from April 28 through May 11, 2004 |
6. |
W32.Posit@mm |
11:26:16 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Microsoft lays out server road map. The software maker says a Windows server update is due later next year and that the server version of Longhorn is on tap for 2007. |
2. |
Google to sell banner ads. The search engine giant plans for the first time to sell ads that include images, a surprise reversal for a company that has won regard for its pioneering use of text-only marketing pitches. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Video Gamers Get Older, Get Online - U.S. Survey (Reuters). Reuters - Contrary to a popular stereotype,
the average video game player is not a teenage skateboarder but
a more mature fun-seeker old enough to be his dad, according to
a survey released on Wednesday. |
4. |
Webby Award 2004 Winners Announced |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
SAP chief sees users upgrading, investing again. NEW ORLEANS - The migration is in full swing. Customers of SAP AG's flagship R/3 enterprise software are upgrading to the company's newer version, mySAP ERP, at a steady rate, Chairman and CEO Henning Kagermann said at a news conference here in New Orleans Wednesday at the company's Sapphire international customer conference. |
6. |
Novell eases pricing terms for Linux support. Novell Inc. has introduced a new pricing model for its Suse Enterprise Linux operating system that allows customers to pay a lower flat rate for Linux support, the company announced Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
EFF at DMCA Reform Hearing |
8. |
EFF is Invited to Attend WIPO Meeting on Broadcasting Treaty |
9. |
10:25:57 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Google AdWords to support image ads. Like all "good things," the text-only ads are coming to an end. AdWords is now starting to support image advertisements in the form of full size ad banners. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Wireless vendors take control. Equipment makers at the NetWorld+Interop show tout new products and features that will make wireless infrastructures easier to control and manage. |
3. |
Networking industry looks ahead. As the NetWorld+Interop show gets under way, topics on everyone's mind include wireless networking, Net telephony and security. |
New York Times: Technology
4. |
Google Mail: Virtue Lies in the In-Box. Google's new e-mail service offers huge in-boxes to those who do not mind ads on their messages. Those who don't use it, however, could be missing a wonderful thing. By David Pogue. |
5. |
Building Character, Wrinkle by Wrinkle, in a 3-D World. Realistic 3-D video game images go easy on computing power by using fewer building blocks. By Michel Marriott. |
6. |
In a Road That's All Eyes, the Driver Finds an Ally. An embedded stud equipped with a camera can catch speeders, monitors traffic for criminals or stolen cars and even checks for bald tires on the fly. By Ian Austen. |
7. |
Imagine It's a Movie: Does Star Power Help?. New video games help you to battle evil along with James Bond and Jet Li or while standing in your own shoes. By Charles Herold. |
8. |
A Mobile Link for 90 Mutual Friends. The creator of a new cellphone application says that the software "has changed the social fabric of everything." By Erin Kandel. |
9. |
In Greece, a Torch Relay to Suppress Electronic Games. ATHENS. By Clifford J. Levy. |
10. |
On Again, Off Again? Stop Unwanted Reboots. Q. My Windows XP computer repeatedly reboots. What causes this?. By J.d. Biersdorfer. |
11. |
The Do-It-Yourself Cineplex. Installing a home theater is no trivial undertaking - and doing it on budget is no small challenge. By Katie Hafner. |
12. |
Taking the Game War to a Second Front. A look at the calculations and innovations that produced Nintendo's new dual-screen hand-held, its entry into the latest round of video-game one-upmanship. By Stephen Totilo. |
13. |
From Sony, a Hand-Held Entertainment Center. LOS ANGELES, May 12 - In moving to extend its reach into the lucrative mobile-gaming arena with the introduction of the PlayStation Portable, Sony is emphasizing what makes its hand-held the un-Game Boy. By Michel Marriott. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
14. |
Groups Seek Legal Copying of DVDs (AP). AP - Consumer advocates asked Congress on Wednesday to amend a landmark 1998 copyright law to permit film buffs to make personal copies of DVD movies and other digital content for limited purposes. Hollywood studios and the music industry said that would lead to more piracy and lost sales. |
15. |
Slashback: XPiracy, Panel, Gentoo |
Hack the Planet
16. |
NewsForge: Bitkeeper after the storm - Part 1, Part 2. |
InfoWorld: Top News
17. |
Microsoft unveils final Longhorn road map. With rumors rampant over the release date and what's inside of Microsoft's next major OS release, Longhorn, company executives launched a full-court press on the tech media today, laying out a timetable for its upcoming OS releases and providing more details about Longhorn's features. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Intego warns of second Trojan Horse; Apple, MS respond (MacCentral) |
19. |
Open source .NET: ïåðâàÿ áåòà-âåðñèÿ |
20. |
Óòå÷êà ïàìÿòè â Agnitum Outpost |
21. |
FreeBSD dc20ctrl Local Overflow |
22. |
FreeBSD procfs mmap DoS |
23. |
RFC-NG-3.1.0.tar.gz |
24. |
mimedefang-2.43.tar...> |
25. |
rkhunter-1.0.8.tar.g..> |
26. |
macchanger-1.5.0.tar..> |
27. |
afick-2.2-0.tgz |
28. |
tinyca-0.6.0.tar.gz |
29. |
rrs-1.50.tar.gz |
30. |
os-sim-0.9.4.tar.gz |
31. |
Clarke at eWEEK Summit: Rumsfeld Should Resign |
32. |
Multiple Vulnerabilities Found in Symantec Client Products |
33. |
Help Fight the USA PATRIOT Act! |
34. |
Keep Facts Free! |
35. |
DMCA Reform: Support the Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act |
36. |
Don't Fund the War on File Sharing - Ask Congress for a Real Solution! |
37. |
UPDATE: Airlines and Government Violate Your Privacy Again! |
38. |
SpamCop Wins Round In Legal Battle |
39. |
ZoneMinder Buffer Overflow in zms May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
40. |
FreeBSD telnetd TERMCAP Environment Variable DoS |
41. |
Symantec Multiple Firewall NBNS Response Processing Overflow |
42. |
Symantec Multiple Firewall DNS Response DoS |
43. |
Symantec Multiple Firewall NBNS Response Remote Heap Corruption |
44. |
Symantec Multiple Firewall Remote DNS KERNEL Overflow |
9:25:39 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
SAP targets defense, radio tags and CRM. The enterprise applications maker released a flood of news at its annual user conference, including new products and initiatives. |
2. |
Energy Dept. goes on supercomputer spending spree. The department will buy a series of supercomputers from Cray, IBM and Silicon Graphics to be installed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the government announces. |
3. |
Samsung to open consumer electronics store in N.Y.. As part of its ambition to overtake Sony, the Korean company plans to open its own store in New York circa September, using the outlet to highlight its design efforts and brand. |
4. |
Disney to expand MovieBeam video service. Walt Disney CEO Michael Eisner says the service will be available in three new markets by fall. |
5. |
Sun calls on SunGard for small-business 911. Sun Microsystems teams up with the disaster recovery specialist to offer emergency services aimed at small and midsize companies, in its latest services alliance. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Intego warns of second Trojan Horse; Apple, MS respond (MacCentral). MacCentral - For the second time in just over a month, Macintosh security company, Intego has issued an advisory warning customers of a Trojan Horse (AS.MW2004.Trojan) on Mac OS X. The latest advisory, posted to the company's Web site on Wednesday, warns of a Trojan Horse downloaded from the LimeWire peer-to-peer network -- the file had an icon that appeared to be an installer for Microsoft Office 2004. Microsoft warned users of downloading from sources other than them and analysts even question using the term "Trojan" for the advisory. |
7. |
Apple to Award Workgroup Clusters to Scientists |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Security answers touted at N+I. LAS VEGAS -- Enterprises on the lookout for answers to security struggles have plenty of wares to pick from here at the NetWorld+Interop 2004 conference, as vendors such as FaceTime, RedSiren, and Senforce introduced offerings. |
NewsIsFree: Security
9. |
England's attorney says military uncooperative |
10. |
Worm Password List / Mailbag-Netsky |
11. |
Tech World: New spec will secure laptops on your network "Trusted Network Connect sees wide indu... |
12. |
Linux Exposed: IP Spoofing - Understanding the basics |
13. |
12 May W32/Agobot-ZH |
14. |
IBM Storage Focuses on Regulatory Compliance |
8:25:17 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
New Nintendo product is progeny of Donkey Kong watch?.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.84097E-089; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 714
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Nintendo's new double-screen handheld is curiously similar to its vintage (and misbegotten) Donkey Kong "Game and Watch."
(Thanks, Allen!)
Penny Arcade!
2. |
E32k4 Sketchbook: Bad Touches.  |
3. |
E32k4 Sketchbook: Extreme Comfort.  |
CNET News.com
4. |
Defense asked to hand over Iraq images for Web. A government watchdog group has asked the U.S. Department of Defense to release three CD-ROMs with digital photographs and video clips of prisoner abuse in Iraq. |
5. |
Bush names new FTC chairman. Deborah Majoras, who argued the U.S. v. Microsoft case before a federal appeals court, is nominated to be the next chairman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Sun to Test Niagara Chip (PC World). PC World - Next-generation multicore network processor gets back on schedule. |
7. |
Nokia Pushes N-Gage-ing Games (PC World). PC World - New titles from Atari, Capcom are intended to lure more users to the wireless gaming device. |
8. |
MSN Teams Up With Fox Sports (AdWeek.com). AdWeek.com - MSN's multiyear, multi-million-dollar content partnership with Fox Sports--due to start July 1 --opens up ad-sales opportunities for the portal in the hugely popular sports vertical, previously unavailable under its expiring contract with ESPN. |
9. |
Corporate Work in the US vs. Canada? |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Sun’s Project Rave draws raves. Java Studio Creator, the purported easy-to-use Java development tool due from Sun Microsystems this summer, drew raves from some early users Wednesday morning, albeit with reservations about the availability of components. |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Wallon virus wrecks Windows Media Player |
7:24:57 PM
6:24:38 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Call for visa reform to aid U.S. research. A coalition calls for a review of the visa process for foreign students and scientists, amid worries about the state of U.S. research activity. |
2. |
Briefly: Call for visa reform to aid U.S. research. Plus: No ruling yet on Novell-SCO suit...Openwave snaps up U.K. rival...Panel to weigh digital copyright laws...MCI posts $388 million loss. |
3. |
Dell puts a number on its recycling efforts. The company aims to increase the amount of computer gear it collects for recycling by 50 percent during its fiscal year 2005. |
4. |
Mercury to acquire application-mapping start-up. Management software company Mercury Interactive snaps up Appilog to acquire its "application mapping" technology, designed to more quickly pinpoint problems in corporate data centers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Software Makes It Easy to Begin Blogging (AP). AP - After years of seeing friends, co-workers and strangers start Web journals on current events and everyday life, I decided it was time to try blogging myself. The Pew Internet and American Life Project finds that blog readers outnumber blog creators by a 7 to 2 ratio. But with blogging software so easy to use, I really had no excuse, except perhaps a lack of time. |
6. |
Qualcomm Raises Forecast on Chip Sales (AP). AP - Qualcomm Inc. on Wednesday raised its earnings forecasts, citing a surge in shipments of its main product, chips for cell phones. |
7. |
Groups Seek Legal Copying of DVDs (AP). AP - Consumer advocates asked Congress on Wednesday to amend a landmark 1998 copyright law to permit film buffs to make personal copies of DVD movies and other digital content for limited purposes. Hollywood studios and the music industry said that would lead to more piracy and lost sales. |
8. |
Texas Teenagers Arrange Street Fight on Internet (Reuters). Reuters - Teenage street fighting entered the
digital age in a Dallas suburb where 33 people have been
arrested for slugging it out in a massive melee arranged on the
Internet and videotaped by participants, police said on
Wednesday. |
9. |
IBM Says Chip Flaws Decline, But Still Off Target (Reuters). Reuters - International Business Machines Corp.
(IBM.N) executives said on Wednesday that production of chips
at its closely monitored new plant is improving, but has not
yet reached its target. |
10. |
Mac Trojan Horse Disguised as Word 2004 |
11. |
The New MP3.com: 3rd Time a Charm? |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
N+I - Symbol aims to get apps onto mobile clients. LAS VEGAS - Symbol Technologies on Wednesday pushed its Symbol MSS (Mobile Services Suite), introduced at the Networld+Interop conference this week in Las Vegas, as a platform for delivering enterprise applications to mobile devices. |
13. |
Security answers touted at N+I. LAS VEGAS -- Enterprises on the lookout for answers to security struggles have plenty of wares to pick from here at the NetWorld+Interop 2004 conference, as vendors such as FaceTime, RedSiren, and Senforce introduced offerings. |
14. |
IBM unveils new storage products, talks virtualization. IBM announced two new storage products Wednesday during a strategy briefing in which the company touted its work on storage management and virtualization products as the catalyst for future technology advances. |
15. |
Sun's Niagara chip ready for test production. Sun Microsystems Inc. has taken a step toward producing the first of its next generation of "throughput computing" processors. The company has completed the initial design of its first such processor, code named Niagara, and has now begun the process of producing the first prototypes of the chip, a Sun spokeswoman confirmed Wednesday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
[MAJ] Vulnérabilité dans le moteur de base de données Microsoft Jet (Mise à jour 11 Mai 2004) |
17. |
[MAJ] Déni de service sur Microsoft Terminal Server par le protocole RDP |
18. |
Exécution de code à distance dans le Centre d'aide et de support (validation des URL HCP) |
19. |
12 May W32/Wallon-A |
20. |
Le créateur d'un logiciel de peer to peer anonyme en garde à vue |
21. |
Nouvelle faille dans le centre d'aide et de support de Windows (XP et 2003) |
22. |
Le service pack 2 pour Windows XP compatible avec XP piraté ? |
23. |
Comparatif d'install entre Windows et GNU/Linux pour un débutant |
24. |
EXPL-A-2003-027.txt |
25. |
outlook2k3.txt |
26. |
surfboard1.1.6 local exploit. |
5:24:17 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
IBM and Sony unveil Cell processor, workstation details. IBM has taken the wraps off the Cell processor, which will be the heart of Sony's PS3. In addition, Sony and IBM will partner to create digital content creation workstations using the CPU. By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Mac news: OS X malware in circulation, Virtual PC 7 delayed. A piece of OS X code purporting to be a public beta of Microsoft Office 2004 is out and about. Also, Microsoft has announced a delay in the availability of Virtual PC 7 By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
3. |
IBM to fill out storage product lines. Big Blue is set to expand its collection of data storage systems later this month by adding a lower-cost disk storage system based on Serial ATA interface hard drives. |
4. |
IBM says chip woes easing. Big Blue says the rate of defects it's seeing with a new chip manufacturing process is declining, though the company is still not getting the output it would like. |
5. |
Rural roadblock awaits cell phone switchers. Two events Thursday will highlight how cell phone customers in rural areas probably won't be allowed to switch providers and keep their telephone numbers any time soon. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Sony, IBM Focus on Digital Media (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Sony (NYSE: SNE) are developing a digital-content workstation based on the
forthcoming "Cell" processor, with an eye on delivering applications for
the next generation of electronics and entertainment devices. |
7. |
Microsoft Reveals 'Important' Windows Flaw (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is reporting a security vulnerability in the Windows XP and
Server 2003 operating systems that could allow hackers to commandeer PCs
by drawing users to a malicious Web site that contains a remote
execution link. |
8. |
Microsoft Goes After 'Lindows' in Fine Print (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Launching its newest complaint against Lindows, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) asserts that the
distributor of the Linux desktop software has been violating a
Netherlands court order to refrain from using the "Lindows" name in
Benelux countries. According to Microsoft's filing, Lindows has yet to
pull the use of its company name as a trade name. |
9. |
Swisscom Profit Rises in First Quarter (AP). AP - Telecommunications company Swisscom AG said Wednesday its first-quarter profit rose 19.3 percent, boosted by growth in its fixed and mobile telephone networks and its Internet service. |
10. |
Intego warns of second Mac OS X Trojan Horse (MacCentral). MacCentral - For the second time in just over a month, Macintosh security company, Intego has issued an advisory warning customers of a Trojan Horse (AS.MW2004.Trojan) on Mac OS X. The latest advisory, posted to the company's Web site on Wednesday, warns of a Trojan Horse downloaded from the LimeWire peer-to-peer network -- the file had an icon that appeared to be an installer for Microsoft Office 2004. Microsoft warned users of downloading from sources other than them and analysts even question using the term "Trojan" for the advisory. |
11. |
Cisco's Long-Awaited Next-Generation Router Near (Reuters). Reuters - Cisco Systems Inc. (CSCO.O) is counting
on the launch of its next-generation router to recapture
momentum from smaller rivals, but analysts and competitors say
the networking giant is just playing catch-up. |
12. |
The Flickering Mind |
13. |
Amateur Rocket to Carry Ham Radio Payload to Space |
The Register
14. |
Picture messaging: Peace and love breaks out. GSM and CDMA camps agree on MMS interop By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
AEP Systems Rolls Out SSL VPN For Small Businesses |
16. |
Symantec Unveils New Firewall, Add-On For Windows And Solaris |
17. |
Intego warns of second Mac OS X Trojan Horse (MacCentral) |
18. |
FreeBSD WMMon Privilege Escalation |
19. |
FreeBSD angband Local Overflow |
20. |
IRIX ifconfig -arp Option Failure |
21. |
OpenBSD IPSEC AH IPv4 Overflow |
22. |
Microsoft Windows Help and Support Center HCP URL Code Execution |
23. |
3COM OfficeConnect ADSL Router DHCP Information Disclosure |
24. |
3COM OfficeConnect ADSL Router Port Translation Filter Bypass |
4:23:56 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Playboy game launch party at Playboy Mansion, LA.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.93607E-189; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 684
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Most of the time, the life of a wayward freelance geek journalist is fraught with stress, challenges, unpaid invoices. Well, last night wasn't one of those times. I went to the Playboy Mansion to interview Hugh Hefner, and cover the launch of a new Playboy-themed electronic game for Wired News and National Public Radio. In the game, you get to be Hef, doing hefsterly things like -- oh, nailing 18 year old hotties, and managing a booming porn publication empire.
I sat down with Mr. Hefner and his gorgeous companions, and asked him if he felt the game designers had created an accurate virtual depiction of the world in which he lives. "It's pretty good, other than the fact that they gave me this giant Jay Leno chin," he said. There was much butt cleavage in effect. Beautiful women with tromp l'oeil lingerie painted on their perfectly engineered breasts served little snacks off flawlessly polished silver platters (see image at left). Oh, and in case you're wondering -- there is no WiFi inside the grotto, although there is one very heavily used mattress. NPR and Wired News stories coming up. Link to another mildly unsafe for work picture snapped during the event. |
2. |
Sofa of mousepads. 
Pretty much as advertised: a sofa made from mousepads. Comfortable, practical and thrifty.
CNET News.com
3. |
Fuel cells face challenge on way to mainstream. A report says fuel cells will power nearly 15 percent of laptops worldwide by 2012, but companies may need to prove that refueling and replacing the cartridges isn't too expensive. |
4. |
Cadence finds new CEO at Intel. A former Intel exec has been recruited to be the new CEO as the outgoing chief moves to chairman of Cadence Design Systems' board of directors. |
5. |
Energy Dept. goes on supercomputer spending spree. The department will buy a series of supercomputers from Cray, IBM and Silicon Graphics to be installed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the government plans to announce Wednesday. |
6. |
Wallon virus wrecks Windows Media Player. The latest mass-mailing virus is spreading via HTML e-mail and can wipe out the Windows Media Player. |
7. |
Net threats keep on coming. As the Sasser worm evolves to a new, if less formidable, variant, a virus dubbed Wallon takes aim at Microsoft's media software. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Cell-Phone Network Helps With Web Surfing (AP). AP - Real estate broker Kerry Noble stays on the go all day, yet keeps up with his e-mail without a single pit stop for a connection. |
9. |
MusicNow Launches Digital Product for Artists (Reuters). Reuters - MusicNow LLC, a digital music store
and subscription service provider, on Wednesday said it
launched a new product that lets musicians interact with fans
through their own, branded digital music offerings. |
10. |
'Dead Man's Hand' Scores Bull's-Eye in Old West (Reuters). Reuters - (Gene Emery is a columnist who covers science and
technology. His Internet address is GEmeryCox.net. Any opinions
in the column are his alone.) |
11. |
SAP, Microsoft Aim for Closer Ties (Reuters). Reuters - Software giants Microsoft
(MSFT.O) and SAP (SAPG.DE) agreed to smooth over key
differences so that office workers and business managers using
the companies' respective programs may share data more easily. |
12. |
RFID Implants for Spanish Revelers |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
Microsoft antitrust prosecutor tapped as new FTC head. U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chairman Timothy Muris announced his resignation Tuesday, saying he will step down mid-year as head of the agency in charge of enforcing a variety of antitrust and consumer-protection laws. |
The Register
14. |
Can Veritas shift from dove to hawk?. Analysis Growing pains By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
InstallShield Debuts Patch Impact Manager |
16. |
Net(Free)BSD Systrace local root vulnerability |
17. |
Linux Kernel |
18. |
Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro DoS |
19. |
May Microsoft Patches Available |
20. |
Re: Somebody exploiting (badly designed) yahoo service? |
21. |
Re: NISCC Vulnerability Advisory 236929: Vulnerability Issues in TCP |
3:23:37 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: let's call it 'middle of the week,' says Hans. DOOM3 is on for Summer. That's good considering that gaming stores have been taking pre-orders for a month now. And more! By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
Sony, Nintendo show off new handhelds. Prepare for the next generation of gaming handhelds. Sony and Nintendo both debuted their new devices at an E3 event. Will Sony be able to knock Nintendo off its perch? By Eric Bangeman. |
3. |
NVIDIA puts 6800 Ultra on power consumption diet. Big boys need big breakfasts, too, so the 6800 Ultra consumed 120W and would require a 480W power supply unit. This is all set to change, however, as the company has decided to re-engineer the part to be workable on systems with lesser power supplies. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
4. |
Sneaky Paypal fraud page rewrites URL. Until now, it's been easy to spot a paypal fraud site by the telltale URL. But here's a Paypal fraud page that uses a Microsoft feature/bug (take your pick) to overwrite the scammer's URL with a legitimate-looking URL. If you make the page small, you'll be able to see the fraudster's URL. (Since I have a Mac, I can't try this out myself to see what actually happens.) Link (Warning: do NOT enter your paypal information here -- unless you want to be swindled) (Thanks, Joe!) |
5. |
Minimalist flashlight.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.84318E-240; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 683
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
This may be the world's most minimalist flashlight: two high-intensity LEDs that snap over the end of a 9V battery! At $25, it seems a little steep, but the idea is very cool.
(via Cool Tools)
6. |
H2G2 movie production blog. Disney has launched the official site for its forthcoming film adaptation of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, with a running production blog.
(Thanks, Nick!) |
CNET News.com
7. |
Microsoft delays Virtual PC 7 for Macs. It just takes longer to make a program that will make a Macintosh run Windows software, Microsoft reports. The delay will also push back the release of one version of Office 2004 for Mac. |
8. |
SAP's Kagermann stumps for simplicity. At a user conference, the software company's leaders reiterate their pledge to make their software easier to use and integrate with other technologies. |
9. |
Foolishness over stock options. Ed Keible and Bob Pavey say regulators are guilty of applying a pickax to a problem that needs to be solved with a jigsaw. |
10. |
IBM says chip woes easing. Big Blue says the rate of defects it's seeing with a new chip manufacturing process is declining, though the company is still not getting the output it would like. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Virtual PC for Mac Delayed (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The delay of the next major update to the Windows emulation program for Mac OS X leaves Power Mac G5 users without access to Virtual PC until later this year. |
12. |
Swisscom Profit Rises in First Quarter (AP). AP - Telecommunications company Swisscom AG said Wednesday its first-quarter profit rose 19.3 percent, boosted by growth in its fixed and mobile telephone networks and its Internet service. |
13. |
Political Ads Cropping Up on the Internet (AP). AP - Search for recipes on Cooking Light's Web site in the coming days and you're likely to find first lady Laura Bush praising her husband's education policies. Check game statistics at Sports Illustrated's site and you may see John Kerry's picture on an ad seeking donations in support of the Democrat. |
14. |
Cell-Phone Camera Snoop Ban Advances in Congress (Reuters). Reuters - The House Judiciary Committee
approved a bill on Wednesday that would outlaw "upskirt" photos
and other forms of video voyeurism made possible by cell-phone
cameras and other miniaturized technology. |
15. |
Apple Wins iTunes Interface Patent |
16. |
Freecache |
SecurityFocus News
17. |
Elsewhere: Wallon virus wrecks Windows Media Player. The latest mass mailing virus called Wallon is spreading via HTML email and can destroy the Windows Media Player
A new mass-mailing virus called Wallon, which destroys ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
18. |
Vulns: Multiple LHA Buffer Overflow/Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities. LHA is a utility that can compress and decompress LHarc/LH7 format archives.
LHA has been reported prone to multiple vulnerabilities that may allow a malicious archive t... |
The Register
19. |
Napster gags university over RIAA's student tax. No free music. No free speech By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Wal-Mart attracts more RFID flak |
21. |
'Spam King' gets restraining order against SpamCop |
22. |
Monit 4.1 Remote Shell Exploit (HTTP) |
23. |
Microsoft Security Bulletin for May 2004 |
24. |
Microsoft Reveals 'Important' Windows Flaw |
2:23:17 PM
1:22:57 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Symantec finally decides to stop virus alert spamming. Not only do they do a mediocre job of stopping new viruses, but users have also decried the continuing practice of launching virus alert e-mail notifications to apparent "senders." By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Leon Kagarise's basement tapes. JT says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 681
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Your Joe Bussard entry reminded me of another, similar story that was pretty big news in DC last summer: Leon Kagarise of Baltimore, who recorded around 4,000 hours of artists like Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Ernest Tubb, etc. during the late 50s through early 70s on a reel-to-reel tape deck at the outdoor music festivals prevalent in the vast rural area that previously surrounded Washington."
NPR's Morning Edition did a piece on Kagarise last summer. He's working with Joe Lee, a friend and local record store owner, to sell the recordings. Not surprisingly, the Library of Congress, the Country Music Hall of Fame, and others are apparently interested.
"You know, these [performers] were people from the mountains and from the rural South," Lee told NPR. "And once they were put in a studio, and they had a producer looking down at their snoot at the guy. And an engineer telling them, 'Well, if you make one mistake, we have to stop and start all over again.' It lost the atmosphere. It's like trying to play guitar in a straightjacket on... It's sort of like being in the zone. When you're really at ease, when there's no intimidation factor, then it really soars. And the proof is in these tapes here."
I hope someone releases a "best of" box set! Link |
3. |
Lab Notes from UC Berkeley Engineering.
In this issue of Lab Notes, my research digest from UC Berkeley's College of Engineering:
* A.I. systems that uncover the needles in haystacks of data, from software bugs to hidden genes.
* Using x-ray microscopes to design concrete Band-Aids for decaying buildings and bridges.
* Medical imaging via modem that will enable remote village doctors to perform minimally-invasive cancer surgery. Link
4. |
Making people look bad. Wired News has a great story by Mark Baard about the skilled make-up artists who create moulage, incredibly realistic injuries on people for emergency response training and exercises.
"The wounds' realism (deep, bleeding gashes and amputations, oozing blisters and burns) help get the rescuers' adrenaline going, by fostering empathy with the actors who portray disaster victims."
5. |
Webby Award Winners. The Webby Awards 2004 winners have been announced. Congratulations to the, er, anomalous CarStuckGirls.com that rose to the top in the Weird category!
Link |
6. |
Cute Japanese food. Hello bento box! And other smiley-face food from Japan. Link (Thanks, JeremyT!)
7. |
Jabberwocky: Intel's "Familiar Stranger" Bluetooth application. I wrote an article for TheFeature about Intel's "Jabberwocky," a bluetooth phone application that lets you track your "familiar strangers," (a term coined by late psychologist Stanley Milgram). Link |
CNET News.com
8. |
New Sasser variant indicates copycat. The worm reappears as Sasser.F, even after the arrest of a teenager suspected of writing the original. |
9. |
Qualcomm raises third-quarter forecast. The company cites several factors, including stronger than expected royalties for its Wideband Code Division Multiple Access technology. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Cisco Sounds A Bullish Note, Tops Q3 Views (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Networking gear leader Cisco Systems (NasdaqNM:CSCO - News) reported better-than-expected results for its latest quarter, stoking hopes for a continued recovery in tech spending. |
11. |
US-based software firm's Indian arm to double headcount this year (AFP). AFP - The Indian arm of US-based Symphony Services Corp., an outsourcing and software development firm, said it will double its staff by year's end due to robust orders from global firms. |
12. |
Red Hat Success Means More Competition (Investor's Business Daily). Investor's Business Daily - Red Hat (NasdaqNM:RHAT - News) is starting to look red hot again. |
13. |
Napster UK Launch Date to Be Revealed Next Week (Reuters). Reuters - Digital music download service Napster
will announce next week the date for its British launch, the
first stop in its European expansion tour. |
14. |
In Ohio, Building a Political Echo (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - CINCINNATI -- Christa Criddle is not the sort of person who springs to mind when political operatives talk about "opinion leaders." She does not have a column, or talk show, or Web site. But if someone wants to influence opinion in her patch of Ohio suburbia, this 35-year-old mother of three is a good place to start. |
15. |
Tocqueville Blames U.S. IT Troubles On Free Software |
16. |
Hybrid Cars Don't Live Up to Mileage Claims |
InfoWorld: Top News
17. |
Plattner: In search of new design quality. NEW ORLEANS -- Hasso Plattner looked genuinely surprised. The charismatic co-founder and former co-chief executive officer (co-CEO) of German business software vendor SAP AG, who had just arrived at the company's Sapphire international customer conference here in New Orleans, was waving the most recent issue of BusinessWeek in his hand, pointing to the cover story on Ideo Inc., a design company based in Palo Alto, California. |
18. |
Report: choice of ERP vendor irrelevant to success. A forthcoming study says ERP packages offer few advantages for companies looking to optimize their financial operations. |
SecurityFocus News
19. |
Elsewhere: Teen arrested for allegedly hacking computer to alter grades. A high school student was taken into custody for allegedly altering computer data, including students' grades, police said.
The 17-year-old was arrested Monday at Coron... |
20. |
News: Sasser Worm Tip of the PC Bug Invasion. The Microsoft software tool designed to rid computers of the fast-spreading "Sasser" worm has been downloaded nearly 2 million times since it was made available earlier this month, the company said. But that tool may provide little or no protection against scores of other programs that quietly circulated online for weeks before Sasser garnered widespread attention. |
21. |
News: Phatbot arrest throws open trade in zombie PCs. The arrest of the suspected author of the Phatbot Trojan could lead to valuable clues about the illicit trade in zombie PCs. The arrest of the alleged Phatbot perp was overshadowed by the unmasking of the admitted Sasser author, Sven Jaschan. But the Phatbot case may shed the mostlight into the dark recesses of the computer underground. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
22. |
BugTraq: Re: [Full-Disclosure] Linux Kernel sctp_setsockopt() Integer Overflow. Sender: Tom Rini [trini at kernel dot crashing dot org] |
23. |
BugTraq: MS04-015 - Windows Help Center - Dvdupgrade. Sender: morning_wood [se_cur_ity at hotmail dot com] |
The Register
24. |
Competition good for broadband - OECD. Splendid By Tim Richardson . |
25. |
On MS, GeCAD, lead hats and perlite. Letters Oh, and X-rays, too By Lucy Sherriff . |
26. |
Microsoft treads softly on compliance. Touchy-feely approach backed with big stick By John Oates . |
Help Net Security
27. |
Antivirus companies muting false alarms |
28. |
Browser hijackers ruining lives |
29. |
'Whispering keyboards' could be next attack trend |
30. |
Apache authentication |
NewsIsFree: Security
31. |
Deux vulnérabilités dans Exim et Exim-tls |
32. |
Faille dans l'anti-virus open-source ClamAV |
33. |
Net(Free)BSD Systrace Local Root Vulnerability |
34. |
Linux Kernel sctp_setsockopt() Integer Overflow Vulnerability |
35. |
Anti-virusbedrijven stoppen met valse meldingen |
36. |
Senators to see more Iraq abuse photos |
37. |
Official denies decapitated American was held by U.S. |
38. |
Un nouveau ver : Wallon, se propage grâce à Outlook Express |
39. |
Microsoft patches up Help and Support |
40. |
German police raid homes in Sasser computer worm probe (AFP) |
41. |
OpenPKG update for apache |
42. |
OpenPKG update for apache |
43. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 8, 2004 |
44. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 9, 2004 |
45. |
Sasser (A-E) Worm Removal Tool (KB841720) |
46. |
Author leaves warning in latest Sasser worm |
47. |
Sasser continues to strike |
48. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 10, 2004 |
49. |
Trend Micro Pattern File 887 |
50. |
McAfee DAT 4359 |
51. |
McAfee SuperDAT 4359 |
52. |
McAfee AVERT Stinger 2.2.6 |
53. |
Sasser (A-F) Worm Removal Tool (KB841720) |
54. |
Windows NT 4.0 TSE Security Patch: Invalid RDP Data can Cause Terminal Service |
55. |
Vulnerability in Help and Support Center |
56. |
Security Update for Windows XP Embedded with SP1 (837001) |
57. |
Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine |
58. |
Norton AntiVirus Virus Definitions May 11, 2004 |
59. |
Trend Micro Pattern File 889 |
60. |
AntiVir Personal Edition |
61. |
Antivirus companies muting false alarms |
62. |
Browser hijackers ruining lives |
63. |
'Whispering keyboards' could be next attack trend |
64. |
Apache authentication |
12:22:40 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Lab Notes from Berkeley Engineering.
In this issue of Lab Notes, my research digest from UC Berkeley's College of Engineering:
* A.I. systems that uncover the needles in haystacks of data, from software bugs to hidden genes.
* Using x-ray microscopes to design concrete Band-Aids for decaying buildings and bridges.
* Medical imaging via modem that will enable remote village doctors to perform minimally-invasive cancer surgery. Link
CNET News.com
2. |
Sony focuses on design with new PCs. The company's new machines include a featherwight laptop and a desktop loaded with multimedia features. |
3. |
IBM continues gains in corporate software. Big Blue expanded its lead in application servers and in suites of server software components last year, new reports show. Open-source alternatives also made their mark. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Qualcomm Raises Outlook on Chip Shipments (AP). AP - Qualcomm Inc. on Wednesday raised its earnings forecasts, citing a surge in shipments of its main product, chips for cell phones. |
5. |
German police raid homes in Sasser computer worm probe (AFP). AFP - German police have raided the homes of five people who had been in contact with a teenager arrested last week on suspicion of creating the Sasser computer worm, a spokesman said. |
6. |
Terrestrial Planet Finder |
The Register
7. |
Wal-Mart attracts more RFID flak. Consumer group up in arms over privacy By Jan Libbenga . |
8. |
Captain Cyborg terrorises UK conference. Gives speech on, er, speechless communication By Lester Haines . |
9. |
'Spam King' gets restraining order against SpamCop. Temporary gag By John Leyden . |
10. |
Cadence finds Intel's missing Fister. Captain Itanic takes on CEO role By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Computer Weekly: Sasser worm highlights IT's patching dilemma "Concerns about software patching ... |
12. |
13. |
Zombie PCs voor 10 cent per stuk |
14. |
NetIntelligence Observes Rise in Phishing Scams |
15. |
Programs protected as they're written |
16. |
Upgraded Transaction Accelerator Available Now from Radware |
17. |
Cisco Plans To Add 1,000 Workers, Most in USA |
18. |
Cisco Results Surge on Capital Spending |
19. |
'Sasser' Worm Tip of the PC Bug Invasion (washingtonpost.com) |
20. |
Red Hat update for ipsec-tools |
21. |
Red Hat update for kernel |
22. |
Red Hat update for ipsec-tools |
23. |
Red Hat update for ipsec-tools |
24. |
Red Hat update for kernel |
25. |
Red Hat update for kernel |
11:22:17 AM
10:21:58 AM
9:21:38 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Cisco readies next-generation router. The company is expected to announce its newest IP router at the end of the month, but analysts say they aren't expecting much of an immediate impact on the market. |
2. |
Networking industry looks ahead. As the NetWorld+Interop show gets under way, MCI's chief talks up the appeal of Internet Protocol. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Nextel Says Compromise Won't Work (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Nextel Communications Inc. yesterday told the Federal Communications Commission it won't accept a compromise being discussed by the commission, which has spent more than two years trying to find a way to minimize cellular call interference with public safety communications. |
4. |
Political Ads Appearing on Web Sites (AP). AP - Search for recipes on Cooking Light's Web site in the coming days and you're likely to find first lady Laura Bush praising her husband's education policies. Check game statistics at Sports Illustrated's site and you may see John Kerry's picture on an ad seeking donations in support of the Democrat. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
BSkyB holds on to football rights. The satellite broadcaster says it will not sell the live rights to Premiership games to rival broadcasters after no bids met the reserve price. |
6. |
Picture messages slow to take off. Only a handful in the UK are using their mobiles to send pictures, music or video clips, a study finds. |
7. |
BBC scoops three Webbys. The online Oscars reveal how the web is influencing all aspects of our lives from pop culture to politics. |
The Register
8. |
Supercooled lead hats aid brain scans. It's all about the Meissner effect By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
SAP snuggles up to IBM and MS. Signs deals, hires programmers By John Oates . |
10. |
MS drags Linspire back to court. Wants €100,000 fine per day By John Oates . |
11. |
Chinese youths trash Internet café. Barred teens beat staff By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
PalmOne pledges to boost Treo shipments. Demand exceeds supply as Palm OS takes lead over Symbian, Windows By Tony Smith . |
13. |
Wal-Mart attracts further RFID flak. Consumer group up in arms over privacy By Jan Libbenga . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Gefälschte Outlook-URLs: Alter Wurm nutzt neue Lücke |
8:21:16 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Building a wireless nervous system. Someday, the Internet could be used to track conditions in office buildings, waterways and battlefields. But right now, miniature wireless sensors have barely made it out of the lab. |
2. |
The lessons of Sasser. CenterBeam CEO Kevin Francis says this security intrusion highlights fundamental weaknesses in the practice of software patch management. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Programs protected as they're written (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - They exploit vulnerabilities deep within source code -- the blueprint for a piece of software -- to steal information, to crash or seize control of a computer, or just for a challenge. |
4. |
Start-up's overseas cell calls cheaper (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - While prices for both traditional and mobile phone services have plunged in recent years, an international call from a cell phone is still pricey and impossible without activating that calling option. |
5. |
Gaming battle heats up at expo (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - LOS ANGELES - The battle for the hearts and wallets of gamers began Tuesday at the Electronic Entertainment Expo with Sony cutting the price on its popular PlayStation 2 video-game console to $149. |
6. |
How do musicians feel about Internet file-sharing? (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - With all of the hullabaloo about music file sharing on the Internet, perhaps it's time to ask the musicians themselves about how they feel. The Pew Internet & American Life Project has done just that, surveying 2,755 musicians and songwriters between March 15 and April 15. Interestingly, the responses are far from uniform. Read on. |
The Register
7. |
HP to launch custom gaming rigs. Watch out, system builders By Tony Smith . |
8. |
Northern Ireland touts low IT wages. Forget Bangalore, come to Belfast By electricnews.net . |
9. |
Broadband worth 52 days a year to UK.biz. Lost productivity recovered By Startups.co.uk . |
10. |
Dothan-based P4 appears on Intel roadmap. Model number too low for 3.73GHz clock, 1066MHz FSB? By Tony Smith . |
11. |
MS patch day: nothing critical. Solitary fix. Stay calm By John Leyden . |
12. |
Ofcom must act on £50 broadband 'barrier'. Activation fee is 'block to mass acceptance' says ISP By Tim Richardson . |
13. |
EC rules against illegal 'subsidy' of France Telecom. 'Psychological state aid' By John Oates . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Lawyers buy Senforce protection |
15. |
Arizona water group picks smart card |
16. |
17. |
Hogere Windows kosten door security problemen |
18. |
Sasser copycats druk bezig met nieuwe wormen |
19. |
Waarom computer security zo primitief is |
20. |
AirDefense sniffs out Bank of America Bluetooth-based ID system |
21. |
Bluetooth group downplays security risks |
22. |
Yet another Sasser worm appears |
23. |
Microsoft publie Windows XP Service Pack 2 Code Demos |
24. |
Le développeur d'un logiciel de P2P arrêté |
25. |
La sécurité en entreprise : peu d'investissements |
26. |
SCO OpenServer Insecure Default XHost Access Controls |
27. |
Sasser Variants Raise Questions |
28. |
Yet Another Sasser Variant Spreads |
29. |
Debian update for exim-tls |
30. |
Gates: We're Investing Heavily in Security |
31. |
Study: Virus Attacks Up But Infections Hold Steady |
32. |
Plan to Counterattack Hackers Draws More Fire |
33. |
Browser-based Attacks 'Surging' |
34. |
New Netsky Variant -- No Attachment Needed |
35. |
Multiple Linux Flaws Reported |
36. |
PCs Monitored, E-mail Bugged |
37. |
Phishing Scams Increase 1,200% in 6 Months |
38. |
'Critical' Windows Hijack Flaw Reported |
39. |
Getting at the Root of Security Problems |
40. |
Blaster Redux? SSL Worm Threat Rising |
41. |
Security's 'Perfect Storm' Leaves IT Ragged |
42. |
Barnes & Noble.com Fined for Customer Data Leak |
43. |
Record Broken: 82% of U.S. Email is Spam |
44. |
Improving Disaster Recovery Without Breaking the Bank |
45. |
AirDefense sniffs out Bank of America Bluetooth-based ID system |
46. |
Bluetooth group downplays security risks |
47. |
Yet another Sasser worm appears |
48. |
12 May W32/Sasser-A |
49. |
12 May W32/Rbot-I |
50. |
TCP reset aanvallen uitgelegd |
About Internet/Network Security
51. |
Microsoft Security Bulletin for May 2004. The second Tuesday in May is mild in comparison with the barrage of bulletins and patches Microsoft unleashed in April. There is only one new security bulletin this month. MS04-015 discusses a vulnerability in the Windows Help and Support Center... |
7:20:58 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
PE firms cash out of SpectraSite (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - Apollo Management and Oaktree Capital will shrink their holdings in the wireless phone tower operator with a secondary offering. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Games giants in mobile battle. Sony and Nintendo square up as the rival companies offer handheld consoles as games go mobile. |
The Register
3. |
Phatbot arrest throws open trade in zombie PCs. 10 cents a PC for access By John Leyden . |
4. |
French call for SMS boycott. Europe in Brief Too expensive by half By Jan Libbenga . |
5. |
UK Eurocrats vote to legalise spam. It was five years ago today... 12 May 1999 By Team Register . |
6. |
Nintendo DS: more communicator than console?. Instant messaging, VoIP potential revealed By Tony Smith . |
7. |
Sony, IBM to offer Cell workstations for Xmas. December ship schedule By Tony Smith . |
8. |
Hutchison raises $2bn in soap sale. Ditches Chinese joint venture By John Oates . |
Wired News
9. |
How Does Fat Kill Thee? Many Ways. New research into how fat behaves in the human body sheds light on the toxic effects of oily, troublesome flab. Turns out the simple physical burden of excess pounds is the least of its dangers. |
10. |
Suing the Pants Off Spammers. Wired magazine asks Les Seagraves, EarthLink's chief privacy officer, about the wisdom of doing battle against spammers in court. |
11. |
Read This, Jump Into Blog Fray. What's Making Blognews is a handy site for politics nuts. It lists all the top stories making the rounds on the blogosphere. Unlike other sites, it focuses only on political stories, cutting out the fat. By Daniel Terdiman. |
12. |
PlayStation 2 Price Cut to $149. At the E3 video-game trade show, Sony says it will cut the price of its console. Meanwhile, Microsoft wins the support of Electronic Arts for the Xbox Live online gaming service. And Sony debuts the PSP handheld game player. |
13. |
The Unfolding Saga of the Web. The Web seems to have been with us for a long time, but its life story is just beginning. Where is it headed? A Wired News interview with IBM's Dr. Stuart Feldman by Michelle Delio. |
14. |
That Looks Like It Really Hurts. When emergency workers need practice, there aren't always injured people lying around to tend to. Moulage artists make healthy folks look bad for these occasions, and they are in high demand in the post-9/11 world. By Mark Baard. |
15. |
IPod All the Rage in High Fashion. German designer Karl Lagerfeld is so obsessed with the iPod, he's designed a couture case for carrying up to a dozen of them. Why? Because he needs just such a crate to transport his collection of 40 iPods. By Leander Kahney. |
16. |
Robot Navigation Shifts Gears. The not-so-Grand Challenge in the California desert exposed some holes in the search for an autonomous vehicle, so Darpa wants to try something else -- building cars that learn. By Noah Shachtman. |
17. |
Apple Wants to Open Song Vaults. Only a fraction of the songs in music labels' catalogs are available for download on legal music sites. Apple is leading the charge to get many out-of-print gems online and available for sale. By Katie Dean. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
19. |
Microsoft publie Windows XP Service Pack 2 Code Demos |
20. |
Le développeur d'un logiciel de P2P arrêté |
21. |
La sécurité en entreprise : peu d'investissements |
22. |
SCO OpenServer Insecure Default XHost Access Controls |
23. |
Debian update for exim-tls |
24. |
Microsoft Warns of 'Important' Windows Flaw (Reuters) |
25. |
SCO OpenServer Insecure Default XHost Access Controls |
26. |
Debian update for exim-tls |
27. |
RedHat linuxconf LANG Overflow Command Execution |
6:20:37 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
SAP, Microsoft Aim for Closer Ties in Web Software (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. software giant Microsoft and
German business software maker SAP announced plans on Wednesday
to work closer together to improve products and simplify access
over the Internet. |
2. |
Net Music Firm Wippit in Download Deal with Sony (Reuters). Reuters - Sony Music, home to artists such as
Bruce Springsteen and Beyonce, will start selling song
downloads through European digital music store Wippit this
summer, the companies said. |
3. |
Spam, spam, spam, spam ... Canada targets unwanted email (AFP). AFP - Canada unveiled a new action plan to combat unsolicited commercial e-mail, nicknamed spam, which jams inboxes and clogs Internet traffic worldwide. |
4. |
Forget MTV, I Want My Internet! |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Health websites no threat to GPs. GPs need not be overly worried when patients look to the internet for information, finds research. |
6. |
Games giants in mobile battle. Sony and Nintendo square up as the rival companies offer hand-held consoles as games go mobile. |
The Register
7. |
Sony shows wireless PlayStation Portable. Phew, what a scorcher By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Microsoft - Un seul patch de sécurité pour le mois de Mai ? |
9. |
More Firewalls News... |
10. |
Goner worm spreads, tries to delete firewalls |
11. |
Picking a Winner |
12. |
Salary Survey: Fighting Back |
13. |
Berg had passion to help others |
14. |
Beheading jolts U.S. |
15. |
"Vigilante justice" alleged at prison |
16. |
Trusted Computing Group Pushes Open Spec (TechWeb) |
17. |
FaceTime Delivers IM Security And Compliance Management (TechWeb) |
18. |
StompSoft Introduces Internet and Email Security Software (TechWeb) |
19. |
Protect Web Apps From Attacks (TechWeb) |
20. |
L'europe victime du spam |
21. |
Le coût du phishing aux Etats-Unis pour 2003 |
22. |
Gentoo update for ClamAV |
23. |
Gentoo update for OpenOffice |
24. |
Gentoo update for ClamAV |
25. |
Gentoo update for OpenOffice |
26. |
IPTables iptables-save Improper Option Interpretation Information Disclosure |
27. |
OpenSSH Channel Code Off by One Privilege Escalation |
28. |
CUPS httpGets() Function Overflow DoS |
29. |
sa11590.txt |
30. |
2425ouch.txt |
31. |
msxml3dll.txt |
32. |
042004.txt |
33. |
Microsoft Windows HSC DVD Driver Upgrade Code Execution Vulnerability |
34. |
Providers moeten abonnee-gegevens bewaren |
35. |
Didier Renard (Finaref) : « Une DSI ne doit plus fonctionner par budget, mais facturer ses prestations » |
36. |
Hoe veilig zijn eletronische stemmachines? |
37. |
11 jaar cel voor omvangrijke porno zwendel |
38. |
Waarschuwing voor yes2k.exe Trojaans paard |
39. |
Bedrijven moeten security begrijpen |
40. |
Bluetooth groep bagatelliseert security risico's |
5:20:17 AM
4:19:57 AM
New York Times: Technology
1. |
Cisco Profit for Quarter Slightly Beats Estimates. Cisco Systems reported a quarterly profit that narrowly exceeded investor expectations, bolstering optimism on Wall Street. By Matt Richtel. |
2. |
Sony Cuts PlayStation 2 Price to Compete With Nintendo. Sony cut the price of its PlayStation 2 video game machine to $150 to match the competition from Microsoft's Xbox. By Eric A. Taub. |
3. |
Executive Calls Vote-Machine Letter an Error. The top executive at Diebold Inc., which makes voting machines, said that it had been a "huge mistake" for him to express support for President Bush's re-election in a fund-raising letter. By John Schwartz. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Political Ads Popping Up on Web Sites (AP). AP - Search for recipes on Cooking Light's Web site in the coming days and you're likely to find first lady Laura Bush praising her husband's education policies. Check game statistics at Sports Illustrated's site and you may see John Kerry's picture on an ad seeking donations in support of the Democrat. |
5. |
Dutch Patients Start Using Online Nursing (AP). AP - Bert Ooms raised his 80-year-old body in bed, adjusted his catheter, and clicked his television remote control to set up a Web cam connection. |
6. |
Motorola Plans Wi-Fi Cell Phones |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Diceware: Passphrase Home Page "a method for picking passphrases that uses dice to select words ... |
8. |
3:19:26 AM
2:19:07 AM
1:18:46 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
gcc -funroll -loops linux.ars. Linux.Ars is back with the scoop on Cooperative Linux plus Miguel de Icaza's thoughts on the Linux desktop By Eric Bangeman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Congress Looking at 'Video Voyeurism' (AP). AP - Cell phone cameras are useful for the unusual moment that demands a picture, like when a congressional aide pulled one out of a pocket to get a snapshot of Michael Jackson strolling the halls of Congress. |
3. |
X-Prize Cup Site Chosen: New Mexico |
Hack the Planet
4. |
Jim Gray: The Personal Petabyte, The Exnterprise Exabyte (PowerPoint). |
InfoWorld: Security
5. |
Security threats raise concerns about Bluetooth. Below are the fields to populate the Article Content Type. These fields are automatically tied to their corresponding styles available in the Style Dropdown. |
12:24:47 AM
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6/1/2004; 12:29:13 AM.
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