Thursday, May 27, 2004
Boing Boing
1. |
Weblog fest in Iran. Persian blogger Hossein Derakshan says,
"There will be a big Weblog Festival held in Tehran from 8-10 June 2004. It is hosted by National Youth Organization of Iran and PersianBlog." Link |
2. |
Robotic wheelchairs. BoingBoing reader Roland Piquepaille says,
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.74502E-176; #1: 1
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X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Traditional wheelchairs used by the elderly and people with severe disabilities have some limited functions and flexibility. Their users often need help from nurses or relatives. Several teams are currently at work to develop robotic wheelchairs to overcome these limitations. For example, researchers from the University of Essex and the Institute of Automation at Beijing are developing the RoboChair. RoboChair will be equipped with a vision system and a 3G wireless communication system. It will be able to avoid collisions and to plan a path. Meanwhile, Professor Ray Jarvis of Monash University’s Intelligent Robotics Centre in Australia, is building another robotic wheelchair which will help people to travel off the beaten track (PDF format, 1 page, 131 KB). His prototype system combines robotic navigation with a four-wheel drive. It automatically ad apts itself to the user’s capabilities and takes control when needed. You'll find more details and a picture in this overview. Keep in mind that there are still major issues to solve, such as security and costs, before these robotic wheelchairs become available.
Link |
3. |
Gore speech transcript. If you missed coverage of his NYU address yesterday, you can read the entire speech here. Link (Thanks, Patrick) |
CNET News.com
4. |
IBM tries the lure of free grid access |
5. |
Attacks on banks, insurance firms rise |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
The Penguin That Ate Microsoft (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Microsoft's Windows operating system runs on more than 90 percent of the world's computers, a market share that many believe is so overwhelming that no other company can ever hope to challenge it. |
7. |
The Economics of Executing Virus Writers |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
8. |
Next GameCube set for 2005 debut. The successor to the GameCube could make its debut in May 2005, Nintendo has suggested. |
InfoWorld: Security
9. |
Yahoo adds antispyware service to toolbar. Yahoo Inc. began testing a new antispyware feature on its toolbar Thursday, allowing users to scan for and delete the small software applications often responsible for displaying pop-up ads, redirecting search results and changing the user's homepage, among other unwanted functions. |
10. |
Buffalo spammer gets 3.5 to 7 years. A New York man convicted of using the network of Internet service provider EarthLink Inc. to send out hundreds of millions of unsolicited commercial (spam) e-mail was sentenced to between three-and-a -half and seven years in prison Thursday, according to Brad Maione, a spokesman for New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer. |
11. |
ZBRA 81.01 -0.99 (real-time). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.01 Change: -0.99 -1.21% Last Trade: 05/27/2004 12:06PM ET |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: Symantec Norton AntiVirus ActiveX Control Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Symantec Norton AntiVirus is prone to a remote code execution vulnerability. This issue presents itself in an ActiveX control used by the application. Reportedly, a mal... |
13. |
Vulns: e107 Website System User.PHP HTML Injection Vulnerability. e107 website system is a web based content management system implemented in PHP.
It is reported that e107 website system is prone to a remote HTML injection vulnerabili... |
The Register
14. |
UK scientists seek silent aircraft. £2.5m project examines hush-hush airliner By Lester Haines . |
15. |
NTT DoCoMo flees 3 UK. Sells out By Drew Cullen . |
Help Net Security
16. |
Microsoft to merge Caller ID for email with SPF anti-spam technology |
17. |
Deloitte survey shows rise in attacks but flat security budgets |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
More authority for Iraq urged |
19. |
Al-Sadr's militia to leave Najaf |
20. |
U.S. agrees to end Najaf fighting |
21. |
27 May W32/Sdbot-BW |
22. |
Broadcom Debuts 4-Gig Fibre Channel Switches |
23. |
Microsoft to merge Caller ID for email with SPF anti-spam technology |
24. |
Deloitte survey shows rise in attacks but flat security budgets |
25. |
Amerika gewaarschuwd voor buitenlandse wapensoftware |
26. |
Grote steden starten proef met biometriepas |
27. |
Ministerie wil kinderen veilig leren omgaan met internet |
12:22:33 PM
10:21:51 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Yahoo embraces antispyware |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Yahoo Unveils Spyware Blocker (PC World). PC World - Free toolbar will allow users to remove potentially unwanted software. |
3. |
Mobile Phone Location Services Ready for Rebirth (Reuters). Reuters - The use of a mobile phone to pinpoint
a caller's location and nearby businesses was a hot concept
when the tech bubble peaked in 2000, but only now with better
phones and software does it stand to succeed, companies say.
Mobile operators are selling much-improved services that help
users locate friends or get directions to the nearest train
station, but they have to fight off consumers' bad memories
from 2000 and 2001, when they offered illegible maps on tiny
black-and-white screens. |
4. |
Taiwan Nabs Engineer for Creating Virus (AP). AP - A Taiwanese computer engineer was arrested for allegedly designing a virus and putting it on Web sites, where hackers from rival China found and used the worm to attack the island's business and government systems, police said Thursday. |
5. |
Pentagon Climate Change Author Interviewed |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Yahoo adds antispyware service to toolbar. Yahoo Inc. began testing a new antispyware feature on its toolbar Thursday, allowing users to scan for and delete the small software applications often responsible for displaying pop-up ads, redirecting search results and changing the user's homepage, among other unwanted functions. |
7. |
IBM uses own grid technology for ISV program. IBM Corp. on Thursday will roll out a new program based on grid computing technology that will give independent software vendors (ISVs) greater access to IBM hardware for development and testing of their applications. |
The Register
8. |
Boffins trumpet horn shaped universe. Called Picard. No, really. By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
Introducing Register online training. Site offer Study at leisure, gain qualifications By Team Register . |
10. |
PC World Business buy MicroWarehouse UK. Big B2B push By Tony Smith . |
Help Net Security
11. |
Will code-check tools make for worm-proof software? |
12. |
Investigating computer crimes |
13. |
Russia - a happy haven for hackers |
14. |
Microsoft security spend greater than the Star Wars missile system |
15. |
RSA Security touts success with web services federation |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Programming with Web Services Enhancements 2.0 |
17. |
MiniShare Can Be Crashed By Remote Users With Incomplete HTTP Requests |
18. |
Isoqlog Buffer Overflow May Let Local Users Gain Elevated Privileges |
9:21:32 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Thirty years with computers |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Cell service resellers take off at a gallop (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Verizon Wireless (VZ), Sprint PCS (FON) and T-Mobile (DT) have some new rivals breathing down their necks: 7-Eleven (SE), EarthLink (ELNK) and San Diego State University. |
3. |
Softbank to buy Japan Telecom from Ripplewood for 3.0 billion dollars (AFP). AFP - Japanese Internet investor Softbank Corp. said it will buy Japan Telecom Co. from US investment fund Ripplewood for about 340 billion yen (3.0 billion dollars). |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Vivendi recovery gathers momentum. French media giant Vivendi posts narrower losses, in a sign that the firm's return from the brink of collapse two years ago is still on track. |
5. |
Legal music sites break 100 mark. The number of legal online music services breaks the 100 barrier, the music industry announces. |
The Register
6. |
Canadian, 16, on Randex worm rap. Mounties slap cuffs on suspected author By John Leyden . |
7. |
Danish IT firm gives workers free Net porn. Luncheon vouchers, Scandinavian style By Lester Haines . |
8. |
SiS churns out PCI Express parts. Shipments in June By Tony Smith . |
9. |
Apple Euro music licence win signals mid-June launch?. ITMS coming soon, sources suggest By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Cisco outs really big router. One for the telcos By Drew Cullen . |
11. |
Boffins trumpet horn-shaped universe. Bit like the Eiffel tower, and named Picard By Lucy Sherriff . |
12. |
Sony to ship portable video, MP3 player next month. Reg Kit Watch Yes, really MP3 By Tony Smith . |
13. |
Cingular kicks off 3G trial in Atlanta. Lucent gear By Drew Cullen . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
27 May W32/Agobot-JF |
15. |
SGI IRIX cpr Arbitrary Library Loading Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
16. |
SGI IRIX cpr Arbitrary Library Loading Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
17. |
HP, others to sell Microsoft firewall appliances |
18. |
CeBIT panel: For wireless use to grow, security innovations needed |
19. |
CA unveils subscription-based vulnerability detection service |
20. |
Mobile & Wireless World: Rogue user problem persists |
21. |
Cheswick: Viruses primed to be more complex, vicious |
8:21:11 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Search engines try to find their sound |
2. |
The unsung hard drive |
3. |
Oracle To Finish Linux Makeover This Year |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Search business turns serious. Specialist search services argue they still have a role, despite the dominance of search tools like Google. |
The Register
5. |
Call centre company gets £2m boost. It was five years ago today... 27 May 1999 By Team Register . |
6. |
Hardware vendors descend on Taipei. Computex Preview Yes, it's showtime By Tony Smith . |
7. |
AMD targets low-end Athlon 64s at new markets. 64-bit 2600+ chip debuts in India By Tony Smith . |
8. |
BT wins Suffolk e-gov contract. No more bouncing By Lucy Sherriff . |
Wired News
9. |
A Fiery Death for Dinosaurs?. A new study by a team of geophysicists and geologists suggests that the dinosaurs died within hours after an asteroid impact, not months or even years later as previously suspected. By Amit Asaravala. |
10. |
Handling Disaster Takes Practice. Emergency workers can't hold up traffic in the big city to find out if their disaster teams are up to snuff, so where can they practice? How about in an old West Virginia tunnel? By Mark Baard. |
11. |
Sexing Up the Blog Business. Hot gossip! Cool gadgets! Gawker and Gizmodo, Fleshbot and Wonkette! Inside Nick Denton's plan to become the nanopublishing media mogul. By Steven Levy from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Drug Farms Forced Underground. Companies that want to make drugs by growing them in plants have met a lot of resistance, but at least one is keeping up the fight -- from an Indiana quarry. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
13. |
E-Vote Printers' High-Stakes Test. This year Nevada may become the first state to use e-voting machines that produce a paper trail in an election. All eyes are on the machines and their printers, because election officials in other states are hoping they will fail. By Kim Zetter. |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
CIOs Gear Up for Changing Security Climate |
15. |
Key Considerations for Outsourcing Security |
16. |
FreeBSD msync MS_INVALIDATE Error May Let Local Users Prevent File Changes |
7:20:52 AM
6:20:31 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Word Processing Equipment and airlines. British Airways announces before each flight that "word processing equipment" must be switched off. It's hilarious, I keep picturing someone up there in Posh Bastard Class who's booked an extra couple seats for his Xerox Word Processor and a long-suffering "word-processing-specialist" to operate it. Also, why the hell does Air Canada forbid the use of in-flight "modems and printers" (and how do they reconcile the ban on modems with the fact that they provide hideously expensive in-flight phone service, with modem jacks?) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Nintendo profit halved on foreign exchange loss (AFP). AFP - Japanese video game giant Nintendo Co. Ltd. year to March 2004 net profit plunged 50.7 percent, due to heavy foreign exchange losses and despite a slight increase in sales. |
3. |
China Finds Freedom Behind Great Firewall (PC World). PC World - Country's first decade online has seen changes in restrictions, access. |
4. |
World's Smallest RFID Reader Touted |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Heated wool offers cosy feet. A "smart wool" developed down under is being used to make socks that can be heated up by batteries. |
The Register
6. |
ONStor's virtual NAS for SAN convergence. Offers to rescue storage island castaways By Bryan Betts . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Problemen door buffer overflow bescherming in WinXP SP2 |
8. |
Update 10.3.4 voor Mac OS X Panther en Server |
9. |
Aust police to gain access to stored messages |
5:20:12 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
NYT takes a look at ClearPlay technology. The NYT takes a look at ClearPlay's DVD content filtering technology. The technology may futher raise the ire of Hollywood studios because the filtering does a poor job in addition to altering the director's vision. By Fred "zAmboni" Locklear. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Superhero dayjobs photoshopping.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.28199E-108; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1153
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Today on Worth1000's photoshopping contest: day-jobs for superheros.
3. |
Historical origins of obesity. Long, interesting Harvard Magazine article about the historical shifts in diet and lifestyle that led to America's obesity epidemic.
"We are not adapted to handle fast-acting carbohydrates," Ludwig continues. "Glucose is the gold standard of energy metabolism. The brain is exquisitely dependent on having a continuous supply of glucose: too low a glucose level poses an immediate threat to survival. [But] too high a level causes damage to tissues, as with diabetes. The body is designed to keep blood glucose within a tight range, and it does this beautifully, even with extreme nutrient ratios: we can survive indefinitely on a diet of 60 percent carbohydrates and 20 percent fat, or 20 percent carbohydrates and 60 percent fat. But we never [before] had to assimilate a heavy dose of high-glycemic carbohydrates."
(via Kottke) |
4. |
SwissCom's WiFi is crap; its executives are thin-skinned. Esme Vos wrote a little blurb on her blog about the shitty experience she had with SwissCom's expensive, crappy WiFi service, and SwissCom's sales director wrote back to tell her she was biased and basically a Bad Person for being publicly dissatisfied with what is, undoubtably, the worst pay-for-WiFi service in Europe (though the WiFi provided by the incumbent Spanish telco gives it a run for its money).
I mean, SwissCom's service is so crap that I actually worked it into my next novel, "Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town," as a fictionalized account of my own experience with last September at a WIPO meeting in Geneva. I'm headed back to Geneva on June 6 for more WIPO stuff, and I'm already dreading using the rotten, stupid, horrendously expensive SwissCom setup. Check the link below for the whole scene.
"I can tell this is not going to work out, but I need to go
through the motions. I go to the counter and ask for a seven-day
card. He opens his cash-drawer and paws through a pile of cards,
then smiles and shakes his head and says, sorry, all sold out. My
girlfriend is probably through her second cup of coffee and
reading brochures for nature walks in the Alps at this point, so
I say, fine, give me a one-day card. He takes a moment to snicker
at my French, then says, so sorry, sold out those, too. Two
hours? Nope. Half an hour? Oh, those we got.
"Think about this for a second. I am sitting there with my laptop
in hand, at six in the morning, on a Swiss street, connected to
SwissCom's network, a credit-card in my other hand, wishing to
give them some money in exchange for the use of their network,
and instead, I have to go chasing up and down every hotel in
Geneva for a card, which is not to be found. So I go to the
origin of these cards, the SwissCom store, and they're sold out,
too. This is not a t-shirt or a loaf of bread: there's no
inherent scarcity in two-hour or seven-day cards. The cards are
just a convenient place to print some numbers, and all you need
to do to make more numbers is pull them out of thin air. They're
just numbers. We have as many of them as we could possibly need.
There's no sane, rational universe in which all the 'two hour'
numbers sell out, leaving nothing behind but '30 minute' numbers.
Link |
5. |
Dilbert for 27 May 2004.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
RSA Security Touts Success With Web Services Federation (TechWeb). TechWeb - Several vendors, including Microsoft and IBM, participated in the testing of interoperability of the Web Services Federation specification. |
7. |
Gartner: Database Market Stable, With High Linux Hot Spot (TechWeb). TechWeb - Gartner Dataquest numbers show a nearly flat market for relational databases and huge gains in Linux RDBMS markets. |
8. |
Japanese Stocks End Flat, Telecoms Higher (Reuters). Reuters - Japanese stocks closed flat on Thursday
as light profit-taking in a number of blue chips offset gains
in techs and telecoms, inspired in part by news that KDDI Corp
is in talks to sell a wireless unit. |
9. |
Will Your Next Desktop PC Run Linux? (PC World). PC World - The alternative OS is finally gaining momentum on the desktop. |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
10. |
Former Vodafone boss joins Glaxo. Sir Christopher Gent, the former chief of the UK mobile phone giant, takes the helm at drug firm GlaxoSmithKline. |
11. |
PeopleSoft spurns takeover offer. The business software group rejects the latest hostile takeover bid from US rival Oracle, describing it as "inadequate". |
4:19:52 AM
1. |
Fermilab Builds 500-Megapixel Camera |
3:19:32 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Govt Computer Surveillance Rings Alarm Bells (Reuters). Reuters - Nine months after Congress shut down
a controversial Pentagon computer-surveillance program, the
U.S. government continues to comb private records to sniff out
suspicious activity, according to a congressional report
obtained by Reuters. |
2. |
WiFi Lifeline For Nepal's Farmers |
2:19:11 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
A million love songs. An MP3 blog devoted exclusively to sloppy, silly, sappy songs of romance. Evidences an emphasis on ironic postmodern '80s schlock: Abba, Dolly, ELO, Manilow. If you're in the throes of a crush (pobrecito), whatever you do don't click -- you may not make it out alive. Link (Thanks, Jean-Luc) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Yahoo to release anti-spyware upgrade |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
KDDI in Talks to Sell Wireless Company (AP). AP - KDDI Corp. said Thursday it is in talks with U.S. investment firm Carlyle Group L.P. and Kyocera Corp. about a sale of DDI Pocket Inc., Japan's largest personal wireless systems service provider. |
4. |
Yahoo Adds Anti-Spyware Feature to Browser Toolbar (Reuters). Reuters - Internet media company Yahoo Inc.
(YHOO.O) unveiled a feature on Wednesday for its Web browser
toolbar aimed at making it easier for users to remove unwanted
"spyware" programs that snoop on Web surfing habits and other
activities. |
5. |
Steven Edwards On The Future Of ReactOS And Wine |
InfoWorld: Security
6. |
Microsoft agrees to merge antispam plan. Microsoft Corp. agreed to merge its recently announced Caller ID antispam proposal with another, called Sender Policy Framework, or SPF. |
12:25:51 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:28 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |