Monday, May 31, 2004
Boing Boing
1. |
Geek showerhead generates electricity for tiny lightbulb inside. Nifty showerhead has built-in electricity generator.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.49704E-036; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1255
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Water enters the shower head through the flow resrictor (1) then travels through the injector plate (2) which directs the water to the waterwheel (3). The water spins the magnetic waterwheel past the stator (4) of the field wincing (5). This hydroelectric generator develops the 2.5 volts at .31 amps which lights the PR-6 bulb.
The result? "The Showerstar will be sure to light up your evenings as the perfect addition to any romantic setting." I doubt it. The kind of person who would buy one of these would probably prefer taking a voltmeter into the shower than a partner.
Link (Thanks, Simon!)
2. |
OLED Displays Technology Primer and Forecasting |
11:26:32 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
The problem with contextual advertising. Great musings on contextual advertising by John Battelle. He says that they aren't all they're cracked up to be because the advertiser has no control on where the ads will show up, and so they can have a real relationship with the audience, or the publisher, for that matter.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.28175E-047; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1253
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It's this relationship which I find entirely missing in all these contextual, behavioral, paid search networks. Sure, they are "relevant" to either a search, or to the content they match. But they are driven by metadata and the actions of only one of the parties - the content of the publisher for example (AdSense), or the actions of the audience (Claria, Revenue Science, Tacoda, etc.). As far as I know, none are driven by an understanding of the give-and-take that occurs between all three parties in a consensual relationship mediated by the publication. A site which has only AdSense or behavioral advertising fails to value (or monetize) the community connection between audience, publisher, and advertiser. Advertisers in these networks are not intentionally supporting the publication, and by extension they are not supporting the community the publication has created. In essence, they are not being good citizens of the community where their advertising is being displayed.
Link |
10:26:12 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Japanese Uniforms Book. When I went to Japan a couple of weeks ago, I kind of became obsessed with the uniforms everybody wears there. My friend Todd let me know about a series of Japanese uniform books that J-List sells, like this "Office Lady Uniform Pictorial Book Part 1":
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.92215E-061; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1252
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
For fans of the sailor uniform books, here's a "Chinkame" format photobook (pocket-sized) photobook of the beautiful uniforms of Japan's OLs (office ladies) -- those dedicated to serving tea and working on copy machines across the country. A super full-color publication documenting the cutest blazers, skirts, outfits and different uniform styles as introduced to you by the hottest current race queens. Famous uniforms of famous companies (NTT Docomo, Seibu Bus Company, BMW, etc) from across the country, with information on the style of the uniform as well as the girl modeling it. This is volume 1 a perfect bound, soft cover book that will look great on your coffee table
Link (Note, while this particular book features fully-clothed people, other books for sale on this web page have photos that are not safe for work.) |
2. |
Slackware Chooses X.org Server Over XFree86 |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
he World's Most Dangerous Password |
4. |
Keeping Presidents in the Nuclear Dark (Episode #1: The Case of the Missing "Permissive Action Links") |
5. |
How The Government Spies On Your Internet Use |
6. |
The Secrets of Surveillance - Ashcroft, Snoops and Gag Orders |
7. |
Who wants to know? Privacy vs. security debated |
8. |
The Future of Shopping |
9. |
Report shows widespread data mining |
10. |
A Future With Nowhere to Hide? |
11. |
Sophos chief pushes for global spam solution |
12. |
Paralympic phishing scam blocked by coding error |
9:25:51 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Notes from Tokyo Technorati Meetup. When I was in Tokyo a couple of weeks ago, I exchanged email with Sid, a nice guy who recently moved from the US to Tokyo. Here's his report of a Technorati meetup in Tokyo, which has some interesting statistics:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.21511E-123; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1251
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
I just moved to Tokyo and saw on Joi Ito's site that he and Dave Sifry, Technorati CEO, were putting on a "Technorati Meetup" on Thursday night at the Marinouchi Building, so I decided to go. It was a fun time, I learned a lot, and they had free Wi-Fi (a rarity in Tokyo), so I was able to update several programs real fast.
Here are some notes from Dave's talk (which Joi translated, although Dave speaks Japanese).
Technorati tracks 2.4 million blogs.
45% haven't posted in three months.
Around 200,000 new blogs are created daily.
About 7 minutes after someone posts a new entry it's indexed by Technorati and searchable
Sifry says blogs are striving for authority, as defined by how many people link to you when you write about things. You may not write the truth or even be correct, but if you're interesting people link to you.
He sees bloggers as commentators on the news and filters on the news, rather than replacing the news ... though blogs are giving big media sites a run for their money on hits and attention (as seen on a chart of hits).
Technorati has an active developers' site with several bindings and sample code of the program for people to use and mutate on their own. "Because if there's one thing I know, it's that you guys are all smarter than me," Sifry says.
An example is a program Joi wrote to send SMS to his phone when someone links to his site. It vibrates every time somebody links to him (and he encourages frequent linking).
Future directions for Technorati: Open reviews, subscribe to keywords and Cosmos filters, discovery & filtering of subscription lists, vote links and geographic search & filtering, which is hard because people have to put in GPS coordinates (applies more to phone blogging). There currently are 11,000 blogs in the geographic database.
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Microsoft, Sun Security Paths Diverge (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The latest battleground for Microsoft and Sun is the identity management arena. |
3. |
First Looks At PCI-X, BTX, New Chipsets, And More |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: VBulletin Index.PHP User Interface Spoofing Weakness. VBulletin is a commercially available web based bulletin board application. It is implemented in PHP and may be run on Unix and Unix like operating systems as well as Mic... |
Help Net Security
5. |
The grsecurity project is about to disappear |
6. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
Create custom feeds with more items, descriptions, select your version of RSS...
Check out NewsIsFree's services!
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
The grsecurity project is about to disappear |
8. |
Tech News World: Worm Variants Part of Russian Mafia Extortion Scheme "There's more source code ... |
9. |
Miami Herald: Hacking Sparks Need for Complex Passwords "As more Web sites demand passwords, sca... |
10. |
Son hServer Arbitrary File/Directory Access |
11. |
Intel InBusiness E-mail Station daynad Authentication Error |
12. |
MegaBrowser Arbitrary File/Directory Access |
13. |
MPlayer/xine-lib RTSP Session Negotiation Overflow |
8:25:32 PM
Penny Arcade!
1. |
Avoiding The Obvious Pun.  |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Casino Hits Database Jackpot With SQL Server (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Integrated BI makes SQL Server a winner for the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. |
3. |
Bruce Sterling On Lovelock's Pro-Nuclear Stance |
The Register
4. |
Symbian loophole 'threatens operator revenue'. Services bypass By electricnews.net . |
7:25:12 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
John Shirley reports from BayCon. John Shirley wrote a good, funny report about going to BayCon.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.73991E-035; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1248
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
...what's new (to me) is the presence of more goths and rave-types, and parties in dark rooms where the beds are pushed together and the walls are draped in black velvet under black-lights and electronica thumps...And DJs playing goth dance music...What would Poul Anderson have thought? He'd have liked those topless girls with their breasts painted up, though...
Link |
2. |
Programming For Terrified Adults? |
3. |
NYT Calls For Open-Source Election Machines |
SecurityFocus News
4. |
Elsewhere: Complex Passwords Foil Hacks. As more websites demand passwords, scammers are getting cleverer about stealing them -- hence, the need for such "passwords-plus" systems.
To access her bank account on... |
6:24:51 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Adrian Mole: the text-adventure game. The Adrian Mole books are my all-time favorite English kids' books. When I was in junior high and high-school, they were practically Bibles to my friends and me -- we could quote whole long passages of them Imagine my delight when I found out this week that there was a text-adventure game based on them for the Commodore 64, and that the game is now downloadable froplay on your favorite C64 emulator.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.41507E-057; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1245
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link |
2. |
I'm nominated for the Sunburst Award!. My short story collection, A Place So Foreign and Eight More, has been shortlisted for the Sunburst Award, a juried prize that goes to the best Canadian science fiction book each year. I am pleased as PUNCH.
Link |
3. |
William Hung sings at a Jays game. William Hung is the nerdy Hong Kong-born engineering student who had a disastrous and very brave appearance on American Idol. The video of that audition made him into a net-celeb, and landed him a record deal, despite his off-key singing (his disc has sold over 100,000 copies!). His latest gig was singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" at a Blue Jays game:
Hung's presence brought a gaggle of media usually indifferent to baseball to the game, including staff from Rolling Stone magazine. A team official said more media credentials were issued Sunday than on opening day.
Link |
4. |
End Of Development For Grsecurity Announced? |
The Register
5. |
Symbian loophole 'threatens operator revenue'. Services bypass By Drew Cullen . |
6. |
Federal agency faulted for weak security. Access all areas By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus . |
Help Net Security
7. |
Microsoft, Sun security paths diverge |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Land Down Under BBcode Script Insertion Vulnerability |
9. |
Debian update for ethereal |
10. |
Pegasus Mail Header Overflow |
11. |
GNU ed Arbitrary File Overwrite |
12. |
Debian GATOS xatitv Initialization Privilege Escalation |
13. |
jPORTAL print.inc.php SQL Injection |
14. |
Web Wiz Forum pop_up_ip_blocking.asp IP Blocking |
5:24:32 PM
4:24:11 PM
3:23:52 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: happy Memorial Day!. Round up: it's Memorial Day in the US. Check in for a round up of the latest morsels bubbling around the 'net. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
European Shares Edge Up in Quiet Trade (Reuters). Reuters - Cellphone maker Nokia helped push
European stocks up in thin holiday trade on Monday, but gains
were capped by worries about higher crude oil prices. |
3. |
Hacking Sparks Need for Complex Passwords (AP). AP - As more Web sites demand passwords, scammers are getting more clever about stealing them. Hence the need for such "passwords-plus" systems. |
4. |
ESA's Rosetta Probe Passed 1st Test |
5. |
Creative Labs to Release Video Jukebox Portable |
6. |
On Collaborative Weblogs |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
HP helps users meld business with IT. Hewlett-Packard will unveil next week a two-pronged effort to help enterprise customers reduce operational costs by rapidly synchronizing business needs with IT purchasing. |
SecurityFocus News
8. |
Elsewhere: Wi-Fi is hot, security is not. With a laptop perched in the passenger seat of his Toyota 4Runner and a special antenna on the roof, Mike Outmesguine ventured off to sniff out wireless networks between ... |
9. |
Elsewhere: Microsoft, Sun Security Paths Diverge. Identity management is rapidly becoming a new battleground for rivals Microsoft Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc., each of which is committing support for different standar... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: JPortal Print.php SQL Injection Vulnerability. JPortal is a web based portal application. It is implemented in PHP with an SQL database back end and will run on Unix, Unix variants and Microsoft Windows.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.50441E-072; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1237
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
JPortal is ... |
11. |
Vulns: OpenSSL ASN.1 Parsing Vulnerabilities. Multiple vulnerabilities were reported in the ASN.1 parsing code in OpenSSL. OpenSSL does not directly implement ASN.1 but does use ASN.1 objects in X.509 certificates a... |
1:23:12 PM
12:22:52 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bollywood spoof ads, continued: mullet pseudo-history. BoingBoing reader Chris points us to this blast from the online past:
"Another corporate '70s Bollywood spoof, this time by Absolut Vodka. ~10 minute film, made in 2002, filmed in India. It's a Bollywood pseudohistory of the mullet. Entertaining enough story (a little long...) - but really well-crafted, with awesome songs and dancing. Low-level product placement - no actual bottles or mention of vodka - but the familiar Absolut shape makes subtle appearances."
The film's hilarious, but -- OMGWTF! Do my own eyes betray me? Look closely at the faux promo poster screengrabbed at left. Is the male lead in Absolut Mulit not wearing a shirt with the exact same pink vomit print that Vivek Oberoi wears in the aforementioned Vanilla Coke Bollywood ad? Perhaps this is a secret, ironic reference to pink vomit couture featured in a real Bollywood film -- and I'm not enough of an Indian cinema buff to get the joke. If any intrepid BoingBoing readers know the answer, do tell.
Link to Absolut Mulit (Flash required), more background on the making of the 12-minute short in this 2003 issue of Fast Company magazine (scroll down to bottom of page).
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.52061E-140; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1230
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Update: Reader Manish Vij says, "My brother and I found over 20 Absolut bottle shapes in the Absolut Bollywood parody! They cut the scenes at high speed so you can't tell unless you look carefully. Someone really had fun with this. Go frame by frame in the film. You can grab the play arrow in the QuickTime player and watch it at your own speed." Link to Manish's bottle deconstruction. |
2. |
Bollywood ad takeover, part three: Peugot ad, and TV ad satire index. BoingBoing reader Manish Vij points us to his list of Bollywood-themed TV advertisements for western products, which includes a popular ad for Peugot.
Manish's website includes terrific liner notes -- for instance, pointers on where to download copies of songs you hear in the ads. And here's his capsule review for "Jabhi Khushi Tabhi Tennent's" (8.9 MB), shown at left: "Ad for Tennent's, a UK beer. A "Mulit" derivative. Boy meets girl, complications, climax (so to speak) and denouement in sixty neat seconds. Catchy music. Rajasthan. Pigeons. No elephants."
Link to Peugot ad, and alternate link; Link to "TV Satires on India"; Previous BoingBoing posts on Bollywood spoof ads: 1, 2 |
3. |
California Offers Cellular Bill of Rights |
4. |
Sun To Upgrade Java Desktop System |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
Vulns: CVS Client RCS Diff File Corruption Vulnerability. CVS is the Concurrent Versions System, which is a freely available open-source version management package. It is available for the Unix and Linux operating systems.
A v... |
6. |
Vulns: TCPDump ISAKMP Delete Payload Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. tcpdump is prone to a remotely exploitable buffer overrun vulnerability.
This issue exists in tcpdump's ISAKMP packet display functions (in the print-isakmp.c source f... |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
LDU Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
8. |
e107 v.0.615 Multiple Vulnerabilities |
9. |
Mollensoft FTP Server v.3.6 Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
10. |
JPortal SQL Injection Vulnerability |
11:22:32 AM
10:22:12 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Would Somebody Answer that Thing? (PC World). PC World - Cell phones come alive with the ringing sounds of pop music. |
Wired News
2. |
Visual Gadgets of the Future. The gizmo-packed exhibition hall at the Society for Information Display's symposium in Seattle is all about extremes, such as monitors that are mondo large or very small, extremely thin, feather-weight, or high-res. |
3. |
Report: FDIC Data Vulnerable. Lax security in the Depression-era agency that protects American's bank deposits is the focus of a report by the General Accounting Office. The study says major losses of money, information and other data are possible. |
4. |
This Is Your Brain on Drugs. Scientists are developing technology to peer into the brains of people taking antidepressants, hoping to cut down on the arduous process of evaluating the drugs. As of now, each patient is an individual clinical trial. |
5. |
Smarter Than the CEO. Success, most corporations assume, depends on the efforts of a few superlative individuals. As a result, they treat their CEOs as superheroes. In doing so, firms are neglecting their most valuable resource: the collective intelligence of the organization as a whole. By James Surowiecki from Wired magazine. |
6. |
Drivers Want Code to Their Cars. Today's cars have 1,000 times more computing horsepower than the moon rocket. But automakers resist letting car owners access diagnostic tools. Why? Because dealers can charge $100 just to turn off the Check Engine light. By Julia Scheeres. |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Bevolking door smart cards kwetsbaarder voor terrorisme |
8. |
Wi-Fi is hot, security is not |
6:20:53 AM
5:20:31 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Law-and-Order-inspired art.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.9669E-122; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1214
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Law and Order: Artistic Intent is a collection of fine art pieces inspired by the Law and Order franchise. Which reminds me of the Law and Order song, as written by the WELL's inestimable tpy:
Law and Order's on
Time for Law and Order
Law and Order's on
Time for Law and Order
Lenny was a drunk
Now he beats up pu-unks
Law and Order's on
Time for Law and Order
(Thanks, Mitch)
2. |
Tokyo shop windows. 
Wonderful gallery of Tokyo shop-window displays. God I wanna go to Tokyo.
(via Waxy)
3. |
DaVinci's notebooks, a page a day. Matt Webb is a real Renaissance geek, and as such he's too busy to actually read the great and defining works fo the Renaissance, such as DaVinci's imposing 1,565-page Notebooks. At least not all in one gulp. So Matt's poured all of the Notebooks (scarfed from the Project Gutenberg site) into a script that sends out one page a day as RSS. This is not unlike Phil Gyford's Page-a-Day-Pepys'-Diary thing.
(via Kottke) |
4. |
Harry Potter cinemas outfitted with night-scopes. The new Harry Potter movie is out in the UK and the cinemas are filled with minimum-wage ushers with night-scopes to hunt-and-destroy people videotaping the flick. I'm seeing it this morning at Leicester Square, and I plan on taking a flash photo of the copyright warning, as is my wont. Wonder if they'll deport me?
Staff at the Vue will be "very discreet" with their potentially frightening cyclopean attachments, Mr Graham said, but action against offenders would be swift.
Much like the battered young wizards on screen, who are constantly being whirled about by baddies, pirates will be "hauled out of their seats and reported straight away to the police".
(Thanks, Diane!) |
5. |
Dilbert for 31 May 2004.  |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
W32.Korgo.D |
7. |
Gateway glitch causes NSW fine overpayment online |
8. |
A stranger in life, confidant in death |
9. |
"I knew the day my son died" |
10. |
Coppermine Photo Gallery searchnew Arbitrary File/Directory Access |
11. |
Coppermine Photo Gallery menu.inc.php CPG_URL Variable XSS |
12. |
Coppermine Photo Gallery init.inc.php Arbitrary Command Execution |
13. |
Coppermine Photo Gallery picmgmtbatch.inc.php Arbitrary Command Execution |
14. |
Coppermine Photo Gallery theme.php Arbitrary Command Execution |
15. |
WatchGuard Firebox II ICMP/TCP Large Stream DoS |
16. |
Vexim COOKIE Authentication Credential Disclosure |
17. |
Midnight Commander Insecure Temporary File Creation |
18. |
EZshopper loadpage.cgi Arbitrary File Retrieval |
4:20:12 AM
1. |
TechTV.com RIP |
3:19:51 AM
2:19:31 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:33:07 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |