Sunday, May 09, 2004
NewsIsFree: Security
1. |
Cost of Airport Security Tech |
11:24:15 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Group Pushes Video Games That Also Teach (AP). AP - Does "The Sims" video game accurately depict human psychology? Does a train simulator like "Railroad Tycoon" broach some basic engineering ideas? A group of educators, developers and game publishers believe they might. |
2. |
Wi-Fi Phones May Be Next Trend in Thrift (AP). AP - Now that some Wi-Fi "hot spots" have grown into broader neighborhood "hot zones," the next wave is waiting: Phones and gear that send conversations over wireless Internet networks — for free or at a fraction of the cost of traditional calls. |
3. |
Revealed: How Fedora And The Community Interact |
NewsIsFree: Security
4. |
Happy Mother's Day |
10:23:54 PM
9:23:34 PM
8:23:14 PM
7:22:56 PM
6:22:36 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
DMCA challenge to be considered this week. Spearheaded by Representatives Rick Boucher (HR-D) and John Doolittle (HR-D), H.R. 107 seeks to explicitly define consumer's rights in a limited number of areas. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Digital Cameras Change Perception of War (AP). AP - The explosive photos of abuse in an Iraqi prison drive home a defining fact of 21st century life — that the pervasiveness of digital photography and the speed of the Internet make it easier to see into dark corners previously out of reach for the mass media. |
3. |
Second Opportunity For Mars Rover |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
Vulns: KAME Racoon Remote IKE Message Denial Of Service Vulnerability. racoon is an IKE (Internet Key Exchange) daemon included in KAME's IPsec utilities and the Linux 2.6 Kernel port IPsec-Tools.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.75259E-034; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 568
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
It has been reported that KAME is affected ... |
5:22:15 PM
1. |
How To Get Googled, By Hook Or By Crook |
SecurityFocus Vulns
2. |
Vulns: Kinesphere Corporation Exchange POP3 Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. eXchange POP3 is a an e-mail gateway server that is able to download messages from Internet mailboxes and relay outbound mail as well.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.56827E-017; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 567
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
A vulnerability has been identifie... |
4:21:55 PM
3:21:35 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: rainy Sunday edition. This is our weekend round up. We repeat, this is our weekend round up. You have to look inside for the good, yo! By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Don't just protect the unconceived: protect the inanimate!. Fafnir of Fafblog has written a good think-piece explaining the logical next step in the Bush administration's campaign to protect the rights of the unconceived: protecting the rights of the inanimate.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.93699E-102; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 565
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
This is yknow a huge step backwards for women's health and for contraception and the prevention of abortions. But it is a huge step forward for what we at Fafblog like to call the "rights of the unconceived," which is just a few short steps from what we are really lookin forward to which is the rights of the inanimate.
I have personally spent hours an hours talkin to cans, waffle irons, boxes, printer cartridges and forks and they all dream of one thing: no longer bein treated as second-class citizens in the United States.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Sequels Shine as Video Game Industry Gathers in LA (Reuters). Reuters - This week, the video game industry
will descend on Los Angeles, along with a motley cast of
zombies, aliens and the like. |
4. |
Wi-Fi Phones Could Be Next Trend in Thrift (AP). AP - Now that some Wi-Fi "hot spots" have grown into broader neighborhood "hot zones," the next wave is waiting: Phones and gear that send conversations over wireless Internet networks — for free or at a fraction of the cost of traditional calls. |
5. |
Intel to Focus on Dual-Core Processors (AP). AP - Switching gears for its next-generation microprocessors, Intel Corp. said it has canceled an existing project so that development efforts can be focused on a more advanced technology that's making faster progress than expected. |
6. |
Microsoft's Xbox Gains Ground in Tough Market (Reuters). Reuters - When Microsoft Corp. (MSFT.O)
announced four years ago that it was getting into the video
game business, skeptics questioned whether the world's largest
software company could be anything but a distant second-best. |
7. |
Megway - New Competition For The Segway |
2:21:14 PM
1:20:55 PM
12:20:35 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Same Is Name of the Game (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - At the Electronic Entertainment Expo, the video game industry's annual trade show, the biggest new thing is typically the familiar: The latest football game with John Madden's name on it, a new "Star Wars" title or two and skateboarder Tony Hawk doing a few aerial tricks for the crowd to promote his game over at the Activision exhibit. |
2. |
Technology, Security Meeting at Airports (Reuters). Reuters - The technology to screen for security
risks without the knots that bedevil and delay today's business
travel is already on line at some of the world's airports, but
its widespread use hinges on cost and other issues. |
3. |
Microsoft Aims to Bridge Gap to Longhorn Release (Reuters). Reuters - Facing its longest-ever lag between
major Windows releases, Microsoft Corp. has promised to make
its current operating system more secure and compatible with
powerful personal computers to spur new sales of Windows XP. |
4. |
More Light Shed on Project David |
5. |
Microsoft Reward Leads to Arrest of Sasser Suspect |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Honeynets in Universities |
11:20:14 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
German Teen Admits Making The 'Sasser' Internet Worm (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - BERLIN, May 8 -- A teenager in Germany confessed to creating a computer worm that has crashed computers around the world in the past week, German authorities said Saturday. The suspect had been identified by acquaintances seeking a $250,000 reward. |
2. |
GPS for GBA |
About Internet/Network Security
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Things To Look For In Host-Based Intrusion Prevention (HIPS). There are plenty of different attacks and exploits that threaten your network or computer systems daily. Conventional network security suggests using a layered defense- using various products to protect your network at different levels and in different ways. Intrusion prevention... |
10:19:54 AM
9:19:34 AM
8:19:14 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
German newspaper iPod/torture mashup.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.57893E-018; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 550
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung ran this editorial illustration that remixes the Iraqi torture photos with the iPod ads.
12k JPEG Link
(Thanks, Thorsten!)
2. |
Free MIT Engineering Text For Download |
NewsIsFree: Security
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phpAdvisory: PHP Security Source |
7:18:55 AM
6:18:35 AM
5:18:14 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Congress needs to hear support for the DMCRA!. Slashdot has a story about various big copyright-holder groups contacting their members, urging them to write to Congress to get the DMCRA locked up in committee. The DMCRA is a bill introduced by Rick Boucher to take the modest steps of requiring the labelling of CDs, DVDs and other products with DRM in them, and to allow Americans to circumvent DRM when for a lawful purpose (i.e., watching foreign DVDs on a domestic DVD player). The FUD from rightsholder groups needs countering, as Slashdot points out, and you can help by writing to Congress in support of the bill. EFF's Action Center has a one-click letter you can send to your Congresscritter asking for her/his support on the bill.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.17997E-120; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 547
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
I am writing today to ask you to co-sponsor Rep. Boucher & Doolittle's Digital Media Consumers' Rights Act (DMCRA, H.R. 107). I believe that our copyright law has become unbalanced and fails to address the interests of the public.
The DMCRA would protect consumers from buying "copy protected" audio compact discs that may not work in personal computers, cars, and other consumer devices. It would also codify a citizen's right to make fair uses of copyrighted material. I think that this is an absolutely fundamental step towards redressing the imbalances that have plagued copyright law in recent years.
I hope you will co-sponsor the DMCRA and show your support for the public's rights in digital media. Thank you for your time.
Link |
2. |
Horror story submission cliches. Strange Horizons has a list of Horror Stories They See Too Much Of to complement their list of science fiction slushpile cliches.
1 Serial killer or vampire stalks and slays victim(s).
i. The tables are turned at the end. (For example, the intended victim turns out to be a vampire or other powerful supernatural creature.)
ii. The serial killer is insane.
iii. The serial killer is under supernatural influence.
iv. The serial killer was abused as a child.
2 Person is insane, and kills a lot of people because of it.
i. The insanity is due to supernatural influence.
ii. The insane person does property damage instead of killing people.
(via Ober Dicta) |
3. |
Dilbert for 09 May 2004.  |
4. |
Using GPUs For General-Purpose Computing |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Author of Sasser worm and Phatbot caught; New Sasser Worm Variant; SANS Security Newsletters and Digests |
6. |
A Card For You (virus hoax) |
7. |
Budweiser Frogs (virus hoax) |
8. |
Life is Beautiful (virus hoax) |
9. |
It Takes Guts To Say 'Jesus' (virus hoax) |
10. |
JDBGMGR.exe (virus hoax) |
11. |
Sasser worm (May 2004 hysteria) (updated) |
12. |
Still time to learn lessons of Iraq |
13. |
Local lawyers to defend private |
14. |
Iraqi prison to remain open |
4:17:56 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Michael Moore says his announcement is no publicity stunt. I've lost track of the number of people who've sent us links to news stories about Michael Moore "admitting" that his campaign to tell people about Disney's last-minute refusal to carry his new anti-Bush movie, Farenheit 911, is a "publicity stunt." Moore convincingly rebuts this on his site
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.78042E-096; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 546
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Michael Moore has known for a year that we will not distribute this movie, so this is not news." Yes, that is what I thought, too, except Disney kept sending us all that money to make the movie. Miramax said there was no problem. I got the idea that everything was fine.
"It is not in the best interests of our company to distribute a partisan political film that may offend some of our customers." Hmmm. Disney doesn't distribute work that has partisan politics? Disney distributes and syndicates the Sean Hannity radio show every day? I get to listen to Rush Limbaugh every day on Disney-owned WABC. I also seem to remember that Disney distributed a very partisan political movie during a Congressional election year, 1998—a film called The Big One… by, um… ME!
Link |
2. |
Game Boy GPS. Red Sky Mobile is launching a GPS unit for the Game Boy Advance next week at E3. It includes a set of APIs to enable "GPS Gaming."
(Thanks, Thomas!) |
3. |
Plastic frog/weather station. 
The FroggyBox is a sensor-pack in a plasitc frog with a serial interface (a wireless USB adapter is available), containing a thermometer, a barometer and an hygrometer -- basically everything you need to turn a PC into a weather station, especially when you add their forthcoming wireless plastic rooster, which contains an anemometer, weathercock, and heliograph.
(Thanks, Sad Old Goth!)
4. |
Top baby names of 2003. The Social Security Agency has released its list of top baby names for 2003. "Emily" continues to enjoy its eight-year stretch as the most popular girl name.
(via Fark) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
E-mail provides Arctic lifeline. A group of Arctic adventurers has used handheld computers to keep in touch with base and family. |
3:17:35 AM
2:17:15 AM
12:24:45 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
6/1/2004; 12:29:09 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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