Friday, June 04, 2004
11:26:08 PM
NewsIsFree: Security
1. |
2. |
4 Jun W32/Agobot-JM |
10:25:39 PM
9:25:18 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Man loses mind, destroys town with bulldozer. Friday morning hi-jinx in my home state of Colorado: "A man barricaded inside a fortified bulldozer went on a rampage Friday, firing shots and knocking down buildings as he plowed through the streets, witnesses said." Link (Thanks, Todd!)
CNET News.com
2. |
Intel plans processor party for June |
3. |
IBM opens up high-end Windows options |
4. |
Trade group favors Oracle in Justice Dept. suit |
5. |
Trade group favors Oracle in DOJ suit |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Oracle, DOJ in Courtroom Countdown (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Customers and partners of the database companies say the end of hostilities between Oracle and PeopleSoft can't come too soon. |
7. |
TI Stands by Digital Cinema Strategy, Despite Sony (Reuters). Reuters - Semiconductor maker Texas
Instruments Inc. (TXN.N) will stick with its current strategies
for making and selling microchips used for digital projection
even as it faces new competition from Sony Corp. (6758.T), a
top executive said on Friday. |
8. |
Ken Brown Responds to His Critics |
InfoWorld: Security
9. |
Spam in the can. Last week, an Erie County, N.Y., judge sentenced Howard Carmack of Buffalo to as many as seven years in prison for identity theft and forgery for sending hundreds of millions of spam e-mails using false addresses. He was convicted of those offenses in April. Last year ISP EarthLink in Atlanta won a multimillion dollar judgment against Carmack for those same activities. |
10. |
Not-so-quick-and-dirty patch management. You’ve got to hand it to Microsoft. The company may be the biggest problem child in the patch management space, but it's trying like heck to improve its lot. If you’re still behind in finding a centralized patch management solution for your network, I highly recommend checking out Microsoft SUS (Software Update Services). It’s central, it works, and best of all, it’s free. |
11. |
Imperva and Sentryware pad layer 7 security. Vulnerabilities in Web-based applications are a big problem, compounded by the fact that most apps are not well behaved and are usually overly complex. Solutions such as IPSes (intrusion protection systems) and application firewalls help lock down your app servers, but they have not been the security panacea many have expected them to be. (See our special report on Web application firewalls.) |
12. |
nCircle closes the network scanning loop. Theoretically, scanning a network should be benign. Probing workstations and servers shouldn |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: Colin McRae Rally 04 broadcast clients crash. Sender: Luigi Auriemma [aluigi at altervista dot org] |
8:25:02 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Photo-tour of world's greatest silkscreen printing shop: Standard Deluxe. Birdhouse went to the Standard Deluxe printshop and took a bunch of nice pictures. What a great setup! I'm ready to move in.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.08874E-089; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1466
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"There is a sleepy town in rural Alabama that boasts a population of only 255. It is home to one of the best silkscreen print shops in the country. Scott Peek of Standard Deluxe invited us down for the nickel and dime tour. What we got was some down-home cooking, southern sweet tea and a group of warm individuals that take pride in mastering the craft of print." Link |
2. |
Turn on, tune in, button up. Now is your chance to own a fur coat that once belonged to (stay with me here) Mary Harcourt-Smith, the mother of Joanna Harcourt-Smith who was the ex-wife of bOING bOING patron saint Dr. Timothy Leary! The same dealer is also selling the late Joanna's vintage black beaver fur-lined rain coat. Let the bidding war begin! Link |
Penny Arcade!
3. |
Additional Revelations.  |
CNET News.com
4. |
Apple readying new Power Macs? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
US Security Chief Has Impact on IPIX Share Price (Reuters). Reuters - It's amazing what Tom Ridge, the
Secretary of Homeland Security for the United States, can do
for a stock price. |
6. |
Parenting and a Career in Coding? |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Appeals court upholds telecom sharing decision. WASHINGTON - The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit declined Friday to stay its order overturning much of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) network-sharing rules. |
8. |
Who’s the DB leader? Oracle or IBM?. Like the variations in national college football polls, newly released worldwide database market share figures offer differing views on who is No. 1. |
9. |
Sun, Fujitsu to merge Sparc server products. Sun Microsystems and Fujitsu plan to combine their Sparc-based server product lines by 2006, expanding a long-standing partnership between the two companies. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 514-1] New Linux 2.2.20 packages fix local root exploit (sparc). Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
11. |
Vulns: XPCD XPCD-SVGA Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. XPCD is a PhotoCD viewer package for Linux systems. The xpcd-svga utility included with XPCD allows is a console viewer based on svgalib. Because it relies on svgalib, ... |
The Register
12. |
These Tablets could take years to work, warns Acer. Cheaper hardware needed By Andrew Orlowski . |
7:24:39 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Mysterious video clip of skirmish in Middle East. (Please don't send me email about this anymore -- see red text below -- Mark) I don't know anything about this video clip, and it seems like the guy who posted it ("Eric Bruderton") doesn't really know, either. But he writes that he's afraid of losing his life for posting it. It shows some Americans in a Middle Eastern country getting shot at with rocket launchers, and they're shooting back. Then they hop in a jeep and drive away, and another vehicle chases them, shooting missiles at them. It looks real, but something about the occasional bursts of static seem like they were edited in. Could this be a stealth marketing campaign for a movie?
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.87776E-158; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1463
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
You’ve probably come here for answers about the clip. I wish I could give them to you. I don’t know these people, I don’t know who’s shooting at them and I don’t know why they are being targeted. I don’t even know where they are. Maybe the Middle East. All I do know is that it’s important. Important enough that by the time you’ve read this, Eric Bruderton will likely have been erased from existence, both literally and figuratively.
CarbWire's Jon Gales sez: It's a movie... Like with actors and stuff :P. That page you linked was just viral marketing. Check these links: Hollywood Reporter, Film Threat , September Tapes. It had me going too, but the faux static stuff gave it away.
2. |
Camouflage Duct Tape. Get duct-tape in a variety of colors and patterns here. Link (Via Cool Hunting) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Administrative errors plague Web sites |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Former CEO Leaves Computer Associates (AP). AP - Sanjay Kumar, who stayed on as Computer Associates International Inc.'s chief software architect after an accounting scandal forced him from the chief executive and chairman jobs, left the company Friday. |
5. |
Theaters vs. Camcorders, Round 27 |
SecurityFocus Vulns
6. |
BugTraq: Integrigy Security Alert - Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities in Oracle E-Business Suite. Sender: Integrigy Security [alerts at integrigy dot com] |
7. |
BugTraq: The Linksys WRT54G "security problem" doesn't exist. Sender: David Pipe [David_Pipe at bio-rad dot com] |
The Register
8. |
RIAA wants your fingerprints. Biometric iPod ready for market By Andrew Orlowski . |
Help Net Security
9. |
New worm targets two MS vulnerabilities |
10. |
Security time bomb is triggered by 'rogue laptops' |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Worst-Case Worm Could Rack Up $50 Billion In U.S. Damages |
12. |
Korgo Worm on the Move |
13. |
Re: Format String Vulnerability in Tripwire |
14. |
Re: Netgear WG602 Accesspoint vulnerability |
15. |
[ GLSA 200406-01 ] Ethereal: Multiple security problems |
16. |
New worm targets two MS vulnerabilities |
17. |
Security time bomb is triggered by 'rogue laptops' |
6:24:19 PM
5:23:58 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
SSA Global seeks $200 million IPO |
2. |
Salesforce IPO may face another challenge |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Microsoft Fights Spam at the Source (PC World). PC World - Software giant will filter outgoing messages on Hotmail and MSN. |
4. |
Complaints Over Cell Phone Service Abound (AP). AP - Your cell phone company knows you hate it. |
5. |
U.S., Oracle Head to Court in Takeover Trial (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. antitrust officials will
head to court on Monday in their bid to block Oracle Corp.'s
(ORCL.O) $7.7 billion takeover bid for PeopleSoft Inc. (PSFT.O)
in one of the biggest hostile merger battles ever in the
technology industry. |
6. |
Segways Roll Over Chicago |
7. |
Windows Users Fear Korgo Virus |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Hardware and software to stop malicious code. With hacker attacks and spam mail inundating users and networks at an alarming rate, Fire Trust, a spam catcher software vendor, will move its MailWasher solution from client to server at the end of the month. |
9. |
TruSecure releases new version of compliance software. TruSecure Corp. will announce a new version of its enterprise-class regulation compliance software next week, with new features including a graphical report card for companies trying to comply with regulations such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. |
10. |
Sun: No decision on open source Java. Contrary to published reports, Sun Microsystems Inc. has not made a decision as to whether or not to release its Java platform under an open source software license, company executives said on Friday. |
InfoWorld: Security
11. |
Hardware and software to stop malicious code. With hacker attacks and spam mail inundating users and networks at an alarming rate, Fire Trust, a spam catcher software vendor, will move its MailWasher solution from client to server at the end of the month. |
12. |
Symantec CEO hits out at Microsoft... and Linux |
13. |
ZBRA 78.07 +0.90 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.07 Change: +0.90 +1.15% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 3:51pm |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Korgo Worm on the Move (NewsFactor) |
15. |
Network Associates warms to behaviour blocking |
16. |
zlib gzprintf() Local Overflow |
17. |
eZ publish Content Object Creation Privilege Escalation |
18. |
Gnome Batalla Naval gbnserver Remote Overflow |
19. |
Namazu QUERY_STRING Remote Overflow |
20. |
Re: Netgear WG602 Accesspoint vulnerability |
21. |
RE: Microsoft Internet Explorer ImageMap URL Spoof Vulnerability |
22. |
[openwebmail] Fw: Re: XSS bug. |
23. |
RE: PING: Outlook 2003 Spam |
About Internet/Network Security
24. |
Comodo Provides RegistryPro with Security Features To Support Launch of .Pro Internet Registry. The Web is a tremendous source of information on virtually any subject you can think of. When it comes to medical, legal and financial advice there is an endless supply of sites and experts to help you out. One problem... |
4:23:40 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
No sex please -- we're Japanese. USA Today story on statistics published in a popular Japanese news magazine that point to an acute shagging deficiency throughout the country. A few BoingBoing readers (who've lived in Japan, or who are of Japanese descent) have written in to say that while the premise of this article may make for funny headlines and abundant "wacky Japanese culture" blog yuks, the truth behind the data may not be exactly what's painted here. Snip from the USA Today piece:
Only in Japan would a popular weekly newsmagazine deem it necessary to exhort the nation's youth to abstain from sexual abstinence: "Young people, don't hate sex," AERA magazine pleaded last month in a report detailing a precarious drop in sales of condoms and in business at Japan's rent-by-the-hour "love hotels."
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.21714E-236; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1454
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
More and more Japanese men and women are finding relationships too messy, tiring and potentially humiliating to bother with anymore. "They don't want a complicated life," says Sakai, who has written a controversial bestseller, Cry of the Losing Dogs, on the plight of unmarried Japanese thirtysomething women like herself.(...)
AERA reports that condom shipments are down 40% since 1993 (probably in part because Japan finally legalized birth-control pills in 1999) and love-hotel check-ins are off at least 20% over the past five years. What's more, an increasing number of those visiting love hotels aren't there for romance, AERA says; they've found that love hotels offer the cheapest access to karaoke machines and video games.
Link. Hope this has nothing to do with the butter dog trend recently reported by Fleshbot. Or, god forbid, her.(Thanks, Invisible Cowgirl). |
2. |
Mysterious video clip of skirmish in Middle East. I don't know anything about this video clip, and it seems like the guy who posted it ("Eric Bruderton") doesn't really know, either. But he writes that he's afraid of losing his life for posting it. It shows some Americans in a Middle Eastern country getting shot at with rocket launchers, and they're shooting back. Then they hop in a jeep and drive away, and another vehicle chases them, shooting missiles at them. It looks real, but something about the occasional bursts of static seem like they were edited in. Could this be a stealth marketing campaign for a movie?
You’ve probably come here for answers about the clip. I wish I could give them to you. I don’t know these people, I don’t know who’s shooting at them and I don’t know why they are being targeted. I don’t even know where they are. Maybe the Middle East. All I do know is that it’s important. Important enough that by the time you’ve read this, Eric Bruderton will likely have been erased from existence, both literally and figuratively.
3. |
Merry-go-round water pump. When South African kids spin this merry-go-round, it pumps water into a tank. Link
CNET News.com
4. |
DirecTV exec quits TiVo board |
5. |
TruSecure readies defense-analysis tools |
6. |
Sony pays millions to inventor in Walkman dispute |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Siebel Ships Consumer Goods 7.7 (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Siebel Systems (Nasdaq: SEBL) has announced the general availability of Siebel Consumer Goods 7.7, a version of its CRM suite designed specifically for the consumer-goods industry. |
8. |
Software May Speed Emergency Response (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - City governments may soon have a new software tool that assesses and improves emergency responses. |
9. |
Sun To Open Source Solaris (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Sun will open source its enterprise-grade Solaris operating system, but
the company is being tight-lipped when it comes to the details regarding
which portions of software code will be released, and when. |
10. |
Symbol Technologies To Pay $176M Penalty (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Symbol Technologies, one of the world's largest suppliers of bar-code scanners and mobile information systems, has agreed to pay a total of US$139 million to settle criminal and civil suits. Former executives at the Holtsville, New York-based company also face charges for tax and securities violations. |
11. |
Product Review: Treo 300 (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Smartphones are becoming more popular all the time with business users who want to combine their phone and PDA devices, and simplify their busy schedules. |
12. |
Gaming PC Makers Take Aim at Lucrative Niche |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
DataPower release eases WebSphere integration. A new software release from network appliance maker DataPower Technology Inc. will add support for Web services development environments, including IBM Corp.'s WebSphere and the IBM-backed open source Eclipse Foundation's integrated development environments (IDEs), the company said. |
14. |
ZBRA 78.51 +1.34 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.51 Change: +1.34 +1.71% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 2:51pm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: RE: PING: Outlook 2003 Spam. Sender: http-equiv at excite dot com [1 at malware dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Format String Vulnerability in Tripwire. Sender: Ron Forrester [rjf at tripwire dot com] |
17. |
Vulns: Firebird Remote Pre-Authentication Database Name Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. Firebird is a database; it is available for Unix and Linux operating systems. Firebird is based on Borland/Inprise Interbase source code.
Firebird is reported prone to a... |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
'Potter-mania' fuels spread of NetSky-P |
19. |
New worm targets two MS vulnerabilities |
20. |
4 Jun W32/Agobot-JM |
3:23:19 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Pesco bakes with Heather Gold.
Brilliant geek comedian Heather Gold's critically-acclaimed solo show "I Look Like An Egg, But I Identify As A Cookie" is back in San Francisco this month at the Penthouse Theatre. It's an interactive baking comedy and I'm honored Heather invited me to be the special guest cookie cook this Sunday, June 6!
"Heather searches for genuine connection as she makes the cookies through her own hilarious and provocative exploration of the recipe: heterosexuality (DRY), lesbianism (WET), the Left (MIX) and other tasty 1980s tunes and secret ingredients.... As the San Francisco Bay Guardian's Robert Avila put it, Cookie 'humorously sort[s] out the complexities of modern sexuality through baking's simple truths.'" Link
2. |
Tonight in LA: 24 hour Midnight Moviemaking madness screening. Winning films created in last year's edition of the 24 hour Moviemaking Madness competition will be screened tonight in LA. I covered the event last year for Wired Magazine, together with Gawker'sl Choire Sicha. It was probably the zaniest, most surreal 24 hours of my life. In the competition, filmmakers have exactly 24 hours to make a short digital film -- writing, blocking, shooting, editing, freaking out, it all has to happen in 24 hours. No sleep 'til Brooklyn. Winner takes home $10K and a serious case of sleep dep. Snip from the announcement on tonight's LA event:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.5323E-122; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1450
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Don't forget to come to the Silent Movie Theater in Hollywood this Saturday for NYC Midnight's Los Angeles Area screening of top 2003 movies followed by a Q & A session. This will be a great chance to see some award winning shorts and ask questions about the 2004 competition. Also, you may drop off your entry documents & entry fee at the info session.
Link to Wired article, and Link to event home page with details on tonight's screening in Hollywood. |
3. |
Learning Mandarin is hard for native English speakers. Jacob Sullum writes about how confusing it is for him to learn Mandarin. I can sympathize. I've been having a hard time learning Spanish this year, and it's supposedly the easiest language for English speakers to learn. From Sullum's experience described here, I'd go nuts trying to learn Mandarin.
The word ma, for instance, can mean "hemp," "scold," "horse," or "mother," depending upon whether your voice goes up, goes down, goes up and down, or remains steady. To make matters worse, the marks that signify tones in pinyin ordinarily indicate pronunciation: A flat line, for example, means a flat, high tone, not a long vowel.
CNET News.com
4. |
Sun plans an open-source Java--someday |
5. |
EMC, Samsung launch storage alliance |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Complaints Over Cell Phone Service Abound (AP). AP - Your cell phone company knows you hate it. Mobile phone service was the second-lowest ranked industry beating only cable providers among the 40 rated in the University of Michigan's newest customer satisfaction index. |
7. |
Microsoft Wins Patent for Handheld Computer Click (Reuters). Reuters - Computer users with itchy trigger
fingers take note: The next time you open a software program
with two quick clicks on a handheld computer you may be
engaging in a process patented by Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O). |
8. |
The GNOME Roadmap |
9. |
ZBRA 78.75 +1.58 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.75 Change: +1.58 +2.02% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 1:51pm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: Re: Netgear WG602 Accesspoint vulnerability. Sender: Mathias Kuester [mathen at ketelhot dot de] |
11. |
Vulns: Heimdal Kerberos Cross-Realm Trust Impersonation Vulnerability. Heimdal is a free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network authentication protocol. It is freely available for Unix and Unix variants.
It has been reported that an issu... |
Help Net Security
12. |
Harry Potter virus targets children |
13. |
GAO: Feds can improve critical cybersecurity |
14. |
Worm steals credit card details |
15. |
Sendmail's security |
16. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
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NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Harry Potter virus targets children |
18. |
GAO: Feds can improve critical cybersecurity |
19. |
Worm steals credit card details |
20. |
Sendmail's security |
2:23:00 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wall climbing spybot = $14,000. This $14,000 wireless spycam purportedly climbs all sorts of vertical surfaces. I wish I could see a video of it in action.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 7.13029E-138; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1449
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"A revolutionary, new remote controlled (R/C) robot. The SpyBot Climber easily scales many smooth and uneven vertical surfaces – wall board, plaster, brick, cinder block, and siding are negotiable for this versatile robot. It can even go across sturdy ceilings if placed there first – although it can transition from a horizontal (ground) surface to a vertical one, and back, it can not go from a vertical to an inverted surface or directly around corners unassisted."
Link (Via Sensible Erection)
CNET News.com
2. |
Chipmaker raises revenue forecast |
3. |
Sun plans to open-source Java--someday |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Ex-CEO Kumar to Leave Computer Associates (AP). AP - Sanjay Kumar, who stayed on as Computer Associates International Inc.'s chief software architect after an accounting scandal forced him from the chief executive and chairman jobs, left the company Friday. |
5. |
Clearwire to Offer Voice, Data Over Fixed-Wireless Broadband (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Craig McCaw, founder of McCaw Cellular, the first nation-wide cellular network, has announced that he and other telecom veterans are launching a new fixed wireless broadband venture. |
6. |
New Worm Targets Old Windows Flaws (PC World). PC World - Plexus harvests e-mail addresses, uses Kazaa network to spread itself. |
7. |
Midway Games Chairman Nicastro to Resign (Reuters). Reuters - Midway Games Inc. (MWY.N), a developer
and publisher of entertainment software, on Friday said
Chairman Neil Nicastro intends to resign from the board
immediately after the June 10 annual meeting. |
8. |
Phone As Your Next Computer? |
9. |
Royal Bank of Canada Software Upgrade Goes Awry |
10. |
ZBRA 78.74 +1.57 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.74 Change: +1.57 +2.01% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 12:51pm |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Elsewhere: NetSky still dominates virus hit parade. Its accused maker may be awaiting trial in Germany, but the NetSky virus is still dominating the virus hit parade in May.
Variants of NetSky occupy seven ? or perhaps ei... |
12. |
Elsewhere: Vendors, VARs Embrace Endpoint Security. It's no secret that remote users are among the most common sources of enterprise attacks. Mobile employees pick up viruses and worms on the road, then infect the corporat... |
13. |
News: 'Potter-mania' fuels spread of NetSky-P. The frenzy surrounding the latest Harry Potter cinematic offering is helping to keep the prevalent NetSky-P worm alive. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: Re: Possible bug in PHPNuke and other CMS. Sender: BlueRaven [blue at ravenconsulting dot it] |
15. |
BugTraq: NYC Security Shindig Version 2.0 (with punch and pie!). Sender: Dave Aitel [dave at immunitysec dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: RE: PING: Outlook 2003 Spam. Sender: Spencer, Mark [mspencer at evidentdata dot com] |
1:22:39 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Web Zen: Feline.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.32805E-135; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1446
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
cat blog | cat enema | i need your love | da mow mow | cat dancing | infinite cat project | post modern pets | sleepy kittens | cat teasing | cat with hands | zombie kitties | and the classics...
on a beach, in a gay bar, and smoking in paris
web zen home, web zen store, (Thanks, Frank). |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Universal plots its own Doom. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Week in review: Requiem for the handheld? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Nokia to Offer Wave Messaging Option (AP). AP - Sending a text message with your mobile phone is poised to become en-lightening: A new messaging option on some Nokia handsets is more like semaphore than computing. |
5. |
McDonald's and Sony Offer Music Downloads |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Oracle EMEA VP talks channels and partners. As part of its efforts to interest customers in its mid-market e-business suite, Oracle Corp. has recently been putting greater emphasis on the indirect sales model and increasingly selling to its mid-market customers through the channel. |
InfoWorld: Security
7. |
Microsoft calls for outbound filtering against spam. SAN JOSE, California -- In its continuing fight against unsolicited commercial e-mail, Microsoft Corp. plans to filter outgoing messages on its consumer mail services and is busy developing new "proofing" technologies, the software maker's chief spam fighter said Thursday. |
8. |
New worm targets two MS vulnerabilities. Antivirus software companies are warning customers about a new e-mail worm that targets unpatched Microsoft Corp. Windows machines with either of two recently disclosed software vulnerabilities. |
9. |
ZBRA 78.38 +1.21 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.38 Change: +1.21 +1.55% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 11:49am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
BugTraq: UPDATED: MITKRB5-SA-2004-001: krb5_aname_to_localname. Sender: Tom Yu [tlyu at mit dot edu] |
11. |
BugTraq: [FLSA-2004:1620] Updated cvs resolves security vulnerabilities. Sender: Jesse Keating [jkeating at j2solutions dot net] |
12. |
Vulns: Sambar Server Multiple Vulnerabilities. Sambar Server is a multi-threaded web server and proxy package, which will run on Microsoft Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000 operating systems.
Sambar Server is reportedly prone t... |
13. |
Vulns: Rit Research Labs TinyWeb Server Unauthorized Script Disclosure Vulnerability. TinyWeb is a small web server available for the Microsoft Windows operating system.
TinyWeb Server is affected by an unauthorized script disclosure vulnerability. This ... |
The Register
14. |
Network Associates warms to behaviour blocking. Anti-virus intrusion prevention By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Multiple Security Roles With Unix/Linux |
16. |
Mail Manage EX Arbitrary File Inclusion Vulnerability |
17. |
The Witty worm: A new chapter in malware |
18. |
Security vendor says offshore development needs checks |
19. |
Panel: Do not outsource all security |
20. |
Spam Problem To Be Solved In 24 Months |
21. |
U.S., militias agree to pullout |
12:22:20 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Computer toxins and neurological damage. Someone just sent the following worrisome link to an article on recent revelations about computer toxicity. By Hannibal. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Bollywood MP3 Disco Blowout Friday. Following up on this previous BoingBoing post about the Bollywood Freaks mashup "Don't Stop 'til You Get to Bollywood," BoingBoing reader Mike says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.97271E-181; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1444
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This was only a very slightly re-tweaked version of a tune from an early 1980s Bollywood soundtrack, as sung by the well-known Indian singer Usha Uthup. (The tune's original title is "Chhupke Kaun Aya".) The Usha Uthup version has just been re-released on CD in the UK, as part of a 2CD mix set called "The Trip", mixed by Tom Middleton.
But you ain't heard nothing yet! Usha's greatest work, which dates from the same era, is the utterly INSANE "One Two Cha Cha Cha". (This also quotes from a classic disco hit.) This track is available on a 1997 compilation called "In Flight Entertainment Vol.2" - and also as an MP3 on my blog for the next week or two.
Link. Oh yeah. |
3. |
No sex please -- we're Japanese. USA Today story on statistics published in a popular Japanese news magazine that point to an acute shagging deficiency throughout the country.
Only in Japan would a popular weekly newsmagazine deem it necessary to exhort the nation's youth to abstain from sexual abstinence: "Young people, don't hate sex," AERA magazine pleaded last month in a report detailing a precarious drop in sales of condoms and in business at Japan's rent-by-the-hour "love hotels."
More and more Japanese men and women are finding relationships too messy, tiring and potentially humiliating to bother with anymore. "They don't want a complicated life," says Sakai, who has written a controversial bestseller, Cry of the Losing Dogs, on the plight of unmarried Japanese thirtysomething women like herself.(...)
AERA reports that condom shipments are down 40% since 1993 (probably in part because Japan finally legalized birth-control pills in 1999) and love-hotel check-ins are off at least 20% over the past five years. What's more, an increasing number of those visiting love hotels aren't there for romance, AERA says; they've found that love hotels offer the cheapest access to karaoke machines and video games.
Link. Hope this has nothing to do with the butter dog trend recently reported by Fleshbot. Or, god forbid, her.(Thanks, Invisible Cowgirl). |
4. |
Pocket mobile music meshes?. BoingBoing reader Modesty says,
The dream of sharing and streaming the music (and files) on your PDA/Phone to other PDA/phones, while tuning into your fellow train passengers' playlists is finially here.
The app described here wraps up a little web server with file sharing/streaming code, and auto-detects others running the same. So if you're on a bus, walking or whatever, you can pick up tunes from other passing people, and they can pick them up off you, all very easily (if they stick around long enough).
Now all I'm looking for is a method to borrow CPU cycles from them at the same time. Sure they can listen to my music, if I can use some of their CPU time in return. And if my PDA is sitting doing nothing, why not let them run a few calculations on it?
Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
Is the PDA dead? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
The Ballmer Treatment (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Steve Ballmer takes his job very seriously (remember the famous "scream" speech?). And to make sure Microsoft Corp. remains the world's dominant software company, he's not afraid to leave his CEO perch and get down in the trenches. |
7. |
Intel Narrows 2nd-Qtr. Financial Forecast (AP). AP - Intel Corp. tightened the range and raised the midpoint of its second-quarter revenue forecast after it saw stronger-than-expected demand for flash memory chips used primarily in cell phones. |
8. |
Return of the TV Wristwatch |
9. |
Ten Years of BeOS |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
New worm targets two MS vulnerabilities. Antivirus software companies are warning customers about a new e-mail worm that targets unpatched Microsoft Corp. Windows machines with either of two recently disclosed software vulnerabilities. |
11. |
ZBRA 78.22 +1.05 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.22 Change: +1.05 +1.34% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 10:52am |
The Register
12. |
Wobbly shopping carts blight UK e-commerce. Trolley rage By John Leyden . |
13. |
The nanotube light bulb: bright idea. First major change since Edison By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
UNIX 7th Edition mkdir Buffer Overflow Lets Local Users Gain Root Privileges |
15. |
Mail Manage EX 'mmex.php' Include File Error Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
16. |
NETGEAR WG602 Has Default Undocumented Administrative Account |
11:21:59 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Stelios to sell flagship net cafe. The Easyjet founder tries to cut losses at his internet cafe venture by putting its flagship Oxford Street store on the market. |
2. |
Worm eyes up credit card details. People are being warned about a Windows virus that is stealing credit card and online banking data. |
CNET News.com
3. |
eWeek fumbles domain name renewal |
4. |
Kumar departs from embattled CA |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Intel raises forecast for second-quarter sales (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Intel said Thursday that it expects its second-quarter revenue to be at the high end of its forecast, mostly due to a surge in sales of flash memory chips for cell phones. |
6. |
ASML Seen Deciding on Flat Screen Entry Soon (Reuters). Reuters - Dutch chip equipment maker ASML may
soon decide to jump in the booming market for thin liquid
crystal displays (LCDs), sources close to the company and
analysts said on Friday. |
7. |
BIND Is Most Popular DNS Server |
8. |
Is Your Computer Leaking Toxic Dust? |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Kumar leaves CA. Sanjay Kumar, Computer Associates International Inc.'s (CA's) chief software architect and former chief executive officer (CEO), has left the company, effective immediately, the company announced Friday. |
10. |
Multiple Security Roles With Unix/Linux |
11. |
ZBRA 78.10 +0.93 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.10 Change: +0.93 +1.19% Last Trade: 6/4/2004 9:50am |
The Register
12. |
Zombie PCs spew out 80% of spam. Migmaf, SoBig et al power junk mail tsunami By John Leyden . |
13. |
Toxic dust found lurking in tech kit. A 1970s legacy of death By Lucy Sherriff . |
14. |
FoTW: Turbots don't have scales, you idiots!. FoTW Honourary award By Lucy Sherriff . |
15. |
AOL settles class action lawsuits. Wants to avoid 'cost of further litigation' By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
IT Security Event Management |
10:21:39 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Computer Associates' Kumar Leaves (Reuters). Reuters - Computer Associates International Inc.
(CA.N) on Friday said Sanjay Kumar, who had resigned as
chairman and chief executive in April but remained as chief
software architect, will leave the company as it tries to
settle a long-running criminal probe into its accounting. |
2. |
Pre-Bell: PMC-Sierra Up After Outlook (Reuters). Reuters - PMC-Sierra Inc. (PMCS.O) shares rose
before the opening bell on Friday, after the chip designer
raised its revenue forecast for the current second quarter. |
3. |
Mobile Phone User Protests Rate Hike (AP). AP - A mobile phone subscriber sent an average of 2,580 text messages a day in May to protest a price hike. |
4. |
Hotmail Loses Customer Files |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
NTT DoCoMo hits 300Mbps in 4G research. Even if it was only a test in an ideal setting, NTT DoCoMo Inc. beat its own projected maximum transmission speed for new 4G (fourth generation) mobile broadband phones. |
6. |
Eight-way Opteron servers coming at year end. TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwanese hardware maker Iwill Corp. plans to begin volume production of an eight-way server based on the 64-bit Opteron 800 series processor from Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) before the end of this year, a company executive said Friday at the Computex 2004 exhibition in Taipei. |
7. |
Linux Advisory Watch - June 4th 2004 |
8. |
Linux Advisory Watch - June 4th 2004 |
The Register
9. |
Intel preps P4 core update. To step from D-0 to E-0 next October By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Linux Advisory Watch - June 4th 2004 |
9:21:19 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Gallery of movie copyright warnings. The folks at Monochrom have set up a group photo-gallery site for flash photos of the insulting copyright warnings at the start of movies. I saw Day After Tomorrow last night at the Camden Odeon and the new copyright warning there was so ghastly I was frozen in place and didn't get a pic. I'll have to capture it next time and send it in.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.01926E-134; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 1440
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(Thanks, Johannes!) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Modern gadgets raise work stress. Mobiles, laptops and PDAs are increasing stress in the workplace, says a study. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Can't stop the pop-ups |
4. |
Offshoring obsessions miss the point |
5. |
SCO to request more IBM code |
6. |
Briefly: SCO to request more IBM code |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Stocks to Watch on June 4 (Reuters). Reuters - U.S. stocks to watch Friday: INTEL
CORP. (INTC.O) Intel, the world's largest microchip maker, on
Thursday narrowed the range of its quarterly revenue forecast
to the upper end of its outlook, citing better-than-expected
demand for flash memory chips used in cellular phones. Its
shares closed at $27.41 on Nasdaq. |
8. |
Overheated PCs Mean Hot Business for Cooling Firms (Reuters). Reuters - Powerful microchips are throwing off so
much heat that the inside of a personal computer is hotter than
Death Valley, helping Taiwan firms specializing in cooling
components post sizzling sales. |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
New Prescott Pentium 4 processors on tap from Intel. Intel Corp. is planning to introduce over the coming months eight new Pentium 4 processors utilizing a new packaging technique, including its first workstation processors with 64-bit extensions technology, according to a document posted on Intel's Web site. |
10. |
Microsoft calls for outbound filtering against spam. SAN JOSE, California -- In its continuing fight against unsolicited commercial e-mail, Microsoft Corp. plans to filter outgoing messages on its consumer mail services and is busy developing new "proofing" technologies, the software maker's chief spam fighter said Thursday. |
The Register
11. |
BT gets huffy about mis-selling. Wham bam no thankyou slam By Tim Richardson . |
12. |
Transmeta shows working 1.6GHz 90nm Efficeon. Computex Unveils compact 130nm chip, too By Tony Smith . |
13. |
Are you equipped to descale a turbot?. Cash'n'Carrion Exactly. Get tooled up here By Cash'n'Carrion . |
NewsIsFree: Security
14. |
Mandrake update for krb5 |
15. |
PHP-Nuke Direct Script Access Restriction Bypass Weakness |
16. |
NetBSD update for CVS |
17. |
Fedora update for net-tools |
18. |
IBM WebSphere Everyplace Server Cookie Authentication Weakness May Let Remote Users Hijack Sessions |
19. |
IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager Cookie Authentication Weakness May Let Remote Users Hijack Sessions |
20. |
IBM Tivoli Access Manager Cookie Authentication Weakness May Let Remote Users Hijack Sessions |
21. |
Tivoli SecureWay Policy Director Cookie Authentication Weakness May Let Remote Users Hijack Sessions |
22. |
InterBase Buffer Overflow in Processing Database Name Lets Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
23. |
Catching a Virus Writer |
24. |
Mutant son of MyDoom plans three-pronged attack |
25. |
Learn the Basics of Handheld Security |
26. |
Korgo worm targets bank accounts |
27. |
Security contractors urged to take out personal indemnity insurance |
28. |
Ingram Micro Discloses Hacker Attack |
29. |
Hackers crash Canadian Conservative Website |
30. |
For Mac security, communication is key |
31. |
Zombie PCs generate 80 per cent of spam |
32. |
Tests to uproot Windows passwords begin |
33. |
Ex-investigator's suit against DirecTV dismissed |
34. |
Wireless Attacks and Penetration Testing (part 1 of 3) |
35. |
What Exactly Is Computer Forensics? |
36. |
Linksys routers may be open to remote sniffing |
37. |
Groups debate wireless spectrum plans |
38. |
The Witty worm: A new chapter in malware |
8:20:59 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
DRM in movie trailers prevents profitability -- nice going, Hollywood!. Quinn's little daughter Ada is totally psyched by the trailer for Two Brothers -- she even learned the word "more" so she could demand subsequent screenings. However, the dumbass DRM in the trailer means that quinn has to re-download all 19MB of the stream before it will play. Quinn can't pull the thing out of her cache or capture it -- nope, she's just gotta keep on downloading it, costing the studio more money and making Ada more and more cranky. Now, that's good business-sense.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.40862E-101; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 1439
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
you know why most people want to download trailers? because they want to watch them, again and again. because it excites them about paying money to see your damn movie. and they want to show them to their friends. or put them on a loop for their kid and sneak off to do wild grown up things, like cook a meal without anyone hanging onto your leg. but thankfully, your drm prevents all that.
i wish i could punish you, mr movie studio. i wish i could choose to not see your film as a way to punish you for your stupid drm. but i know which side my toast is buttered on- the kid has a sign for kitty, nothing yet for "fuck the man and his dumbass drm."
but it's coming. oh yes.
Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Worm steals credit card details. People are being warned about a Windows virus that is stealing credit card and online banking data. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
New on DVD (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Forget about the monster in your closet or under your bed. This weekend, it's all about the Monster in your DVD player. If you missed it in theaters last year, now's your chance to see why Charlize Theron took home the little golden guy on Oscar night. |
4. |
Iraq seeks '.IQ' domain to make its mark on Net (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Iraq is making its first claim for an internationally recognized presence on the Internet. |
The Register
5. |
Tiananmen protesters fight on the Web. It was five years ago today... 4 June 1999 By Team Register . |
6. |
Cockney duck catches viral confusion. Letters Oh, and we got flamed... By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Fedora update for net-tools |
8. |
Fedora update for ethereal |
9. |
How Much Should You Invest in IT Security? |
7:20:39 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bradbury goes nuts over Fahrenheit 9/11 title. Ray Bradbury has ripped into Michael Moore, calling him an "asshole" for "stealing" the title for Fahrenheit 9/11 from Bradbury's novel Fahrenheit 451. Yeesh. You'd think that someone who's worked all his life in a genre where practically everyone has written a book or story called "Nightfall" would have figured out by now that there's no copyright in title, period, end of story. God, I hate it when my literary heroes turn out to have feet of clay. This is even worse than the time that he dismissed the Internet as a scam and compared MMOs to pinball machines.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.43722E-161; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 1437
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"[Moore] is a horrible human being – horrible human!"
When asked if he agrees with Moore's political positions, Bradbury replied, "That has nothing to do with it. He copied my title; that is what happened. That has nothing to do with my political opinions."
Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
McDonald's offers digital music. The fast food giant is giving away music downloads in a joint venture with Sony. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Microsoft scraps 'True Fantasy' mass role-playing game for Xbox (AFP). AFP - Microsoft Corp. said it has scrapped the development of its first mass participation role-playing game for its Xbox console, saying it could not deliver on its promise of a truly "novel" experience. |
4. |
How Much Should You Invest in IT Security? |
The Register
5. |
Personal video devices to challenge music players. Computex Watch out, iPod - PDA makers, too By Tony Smith . |
6. |
'Potter-mania' fuels spread of NetSky-P. Worm - like Voldemort - just won't die By John Leyden . |
7. |
Ducks have regional accents: official. A no-IT-angle Friday special By Lester Haines . |
8. |
ESA to probe Earth's magnetic field. Satellites to launch in 2009 By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
Stelios to flog cybercafe sites. Easydownsizing.com By Tim Richardson . |
10. |
Scottish police target Net paedos. Houses raided, suspects held By John Leyden . |
Wired News
11. |
Wireless Systems Duke It Out. Third-generation phone services finally hit the market, but at great cost to the industry. And now, rival systems that operate much faster threaten to kick 3G to the curb. |
12. |
The Maestro of the Title Sequence. Kyle Cooper's two-minute masterpieces made him one of the hottest properties in Hollywood. And that's just for starters. By Jon M. Gibson from Wired magazine. |
13. |
Renewable Energy Gathers Steam. More countries are getting serious about using alternative energy sources, even going so far as setting concrete goals. Also: Hollywood eco-disaster drama plays out in real life.... Americans want more done to preserve the environment. By Stephen Leahy. |
14. |
Twisted Tale of Art, Death, DNA. Steve Kurtz is an artist who works with DNA. His wife's recent unexplained death has suddenly made him a very interesting man to the FBI. By Mark Baard. |
15. |
When Two Clicks Equal One Patent. A patent recently obtained by Microsoft covers the use of such technologies as double-clicking and holding down a button on a PDA. Critics call it yet another example of overly broad patents on familiar technologies. By Joanna Glasner. |
16. |
Preaching to the Anti-Corp Choir. A documentary called The Corporation says big business is about to collapse under the weight of its costs to humans and the environment. Make no mistake, the film is pure agitprop. But does it have a point? A review by Jason Silverman. |
17. |
Net Rivals Embrace to Fight Spam. Internet architects believe two proposed technologies from Microsoft and Yahoo could help drive a stake through the heart of spam. Amit Asaravala reports from San Jose, California. |
18. |
Windows XP Bedevils Wi-Fi Users. Microsoft denies there's a problem, but Wi-Fi users report a maddening occurrence: the sudden, inexplicable loss of their wireless connections, even when XP says everything is hunky-dory. By Daniel Terdiman. |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Louisiana legislation: Therapeutic Cloning and Business Privacy |
20. |
New Viruses Hit 30-Month High |
21. |
New Viruses Hit 30-Month High |
22. |
BBN Announces Functional Quantum Encrypted Network |
23. |
Your Data and Cyber Business After You're Gone |
24. |
Whose Data Is It, Anyway? |
25. |
Linksys WiFi Gateway Remote Attack Risk Discovered |
26. |
Security Bug in Linksys Wireless-G Router |
27. |
Software provides privacy protection to Mac users. |
28. |
Cavoukian: Build privacy into the products |
29. |
Computerworld | Security lust creating privacy headaches |
30. |
Big Brother is Driving You |
31. |
Opera Browser 'favicon.ico' May Cover URL Addresses |
6:20:20 AM
5:19:58 AM
3:19:19 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Intel Narrows 2Q Revenue Forecast (AP). AP - Intel Corp. tightened the range and raised the midpoint of its second-quarter revenue forecast after it saw stronger-than-expected demand for flash memory chips used primarily in cell phones. |
2. |
Data Storage Market Revenue Up 3.5 Pct in 1st Quarter (Reuters). Reuters - Revenue from worldwide sales of
computer-disk storage systems rose 3.5 percent in the first
quarter and global sales of external disk storage systems
posted year-over-year revenue growth for the third consecutive
quarter, market research firm IDC said on Thursday. |
2:18:58 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Sun: open-source Java "will happen". Sun has pulled another rabbit out of its hat this week, as they have apparently decided to open source Java. Who will it benefit aside from IBM? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Corliss Anomaly Sourcebooks in Cool Tools. In his Cool Tools newsletter, Kevin Kelly wrote about a series of books, called Corliss Sourcebooks. They sound like "Ripley's Believe it or Not" for grown ups. I'm tempted to buy the whole lot.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.40269E-074; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1424
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
For most of us this remarkable series of volumes will be a constant source of wonder, amazement, and re-thinking. Because each observation is offered without explanation ("just the facts ma'am") in such volume (thousands and thousands), one quickly realizes the extent of our ignorance. So far Corliss has compiled 34 volumes, all items indexed according to his classification scheme. Confusingly these volumes overlap, and it is not easy to determine which are the latest, but those in his "catalog" series seem to be the most recent.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Symbol Tech Ex-CEO, 10 Others Charged with Fraud (Reuters). Reuters - Nearly a dozen former executives at
Symbol Technologies Inc., including its chief executive, were
indicted on criminal and civil fraud charges in a complex
scheme to inflate revenues, federal officials said on Thursday. |
4. |
World's Fastest Flash Memory Card? |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
eZ publish Non-descript Notification System |
6. |
Linux Kernel /proc Handling Memory Access Information Disclosure |
7. |
Sambar Server showperf.asp title Variable XSS |
8. |
Sambar Server show.asp show Variable XSS |
9. |
Sambar Server showini.asp Arbitrary File Access |
10. |
Mac OS X Screen Lock Bypass |
11. |
Solaris dtprintinfo -p Option Local Overflow |
12. |
xpcd xpcd-svga HOME Variable Overflow |
12:26:10 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:38 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |