Thursday, June 10, 2004
8:25:38 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Arcata Eye Police Log now a book. Stefan sez: "Arcata is a small, funky Northern California college town. Its laid-back style, liberal politics, and location on Route 101 makes it an attractive way station (or permenant home) for a wide variety of (ahem) colorful characters.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.4911E-212; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1583
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"The local weekly paper, the Arcata Eye, publishes an arch, sometimes hilarious, sometimes hair-raising police blotter column, available on its web site and now as a book!"
8:10 p.m. Malloy and Reed (you’'re too young to remember them) would’'ve described the behavior of the woman at a Uniontown shopping center as "hinky." It was this very hinkiness that compelled management and police to render her persona non grata, even though she hadn’'t stolen anything.
10:39 p.m. More hinkage, same place. This time it was a man. A man and a bottle. The bottle wasn’'t his, and yet he seemed to enjoy its company, toting it around the store and placing it in different locations, thus maximizing the hink factor and attracting a security guard’s interest. When he went through the checkout line, though, the bottle was not visible. He left, the police came, but neither he nor his glassy shopping companion were located. Link
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
China had first complex machines. Craftsmen in ancient China were using complex machines to work jewellery long before such devices are traditionally thought to have been invented. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Korean regulators search Microsoft offices. Antitrust investigators continue probe into whether Windows holds--and abuses--an illegal monopoly position. |
4. |
FTC: All eyes on consumer privacy. Battle over Internet privacy heats up. Federal Trade Commission takes a stronger stance, making the issue a top priority. |
5. |
Arrests in 'Half-Life' code theft. Game developer Valve Software says suspects nabbed in theft of source code. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Oracle Antitrust Judge May Unseal Evidence (AP). AP - A federal judge is leaning toward unsealing much of the evidence companies want to keep secret in an antitrust trial examining Oracle Corp.'s $7.7 billion bid for rival business software maker PeopleSoft Inc. — a factor that could sway the case's outcome. |
7. |
Wi-Fi Experts Send Out Mixed Messages (PC World). PC World - Speakers rave about rapid growth but preach against overconfidence at wireless conference. |
8. |
Bluetooth Gets Faster & Requires Less Power |
9. |
OpenBSD: cvs Multiple vulnerabilities |
10. |
Gentoo: apache Buffer overflow vulnerability |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: RE: Internet explorer 6 execution of arbitrary code (An analysis of the 180 Solutions Trojan). Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eEye dot com] |
12. |
BugTraq: 10 Month Old Vulnerability Continues to Be Core For Exploits. Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eEye dot com] |
13. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200406-06 ] CVS: additional DoS and arbitrary code execution vulnerabilities. Sender: Kurt Lieber [klieber at gentoo dot org] |
14. |
BugTraq: Blackboard Learning System - Stealing documents out of the digital dropbox. Sender: Maarten Verbeek [system_error at pandora dot be] |
15. |
Vulns: Microsoft ISA Server 2000 FTP Bounce Filtering Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is a caching proxy server/firewall.
Microsoft ISA Server improperly allows FTP bounce attacks through its FTP a... |
16. |
Vulns: FreeBSD jail() Process Unauthorized Routing Table Modification Vulnerability. FreeBSD is prone to a vulnerability in the system jail() facility, which provides functionality for running process groups in a closed environment to limit their access r... |
The Register
17. |
Accenture accensured for offshore tax haven. Dell dismay as Congress scuppers winning bid By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Apache mod_proxy Buffer Overflow May Let Remote Users Execute Arbitrary Code |
7:25:17 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Arrests made in Half-Life 2 source code theft. Today Valve Software said that multiple arrests have been made internationally in relation to the theft of the Half-Life 2 source code we reported last Fall. According to Gabe Newell, the arrests were made possible by the cunning of gamers. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Tiny camcorder packs TiVo-like live-rewind feature. Wearable gizmo monitors nonstop, stores data in 30-second buffer. Missed Kodak moment? Hit "record," and you've saved the footage. |
3. |
AOL settles copyright claim. The settlement is over a lawsuit with author Harlan Ellison concerning the digital distribution of his works. |
4. |
Briefly: AOL settles copyright claim. roundup Plus: Adobe's PDF hitches a ride with Linux...Lawmakers fight Accenture deal...Cisco flaw resets network hardware. |
5. |
SCO revenue takes a tumble. The company's Unix licensing program costs a lot more money than it brings in. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Analysts weigh in on Apple's newest Power Mac G5 (MacCentral). MacCentral - When Apple Computer Inc. upgraded its professional line of desktop computers on Wednesday, they provided customers with a 25 percent speed increase on the high-end model. While the Power Mac G5s now top out at 2.5GHz, they failed to meet the prediction of Apple CEO Steve Jobs at last year's Worldwide Developers Conference that Apple would release a 3.0GHz G5 within a year. Industry analysts are unanimous in saying that the current problems are not Apple's fault and are not that concerned about making the 3.0GHz mark. ... |
7. |
New York Times Co. Targets More Varied Audiences (Reuters). Reuters - New York Times Co.'s incoming chief
executive Janet Robinson on Thursday she wants to better use
its stable of newspapers, magazines and Web sites to sell
advertising and reach out to more diverse audiences. |
8. |
Google Finally Moves Toward RSS Standard |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
BugTraq: Edimax 7205APL. Sender: [msl at velmans-industries dot nl] |
10. |
Vulns: Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy Malformed SSL Packet Remote Denial of Service Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is a caching proxy server/firewall.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.84111E-162; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1581
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Microsoft ISA Server Web Proxy is prone to a remote denial of service vulne... |
11. |
Vulns: Microsoft ISA Server Redirect URI Handler Web Proxy Service Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is a caching proxy server/firewall offered by Microsoft.
Microsoft ISA Server web proxy service is reported pr... |
The Register
12. |
EMC puts voodoo in new software biz. Pokes Veritas full of holes By Ashlee Vance . |
6:24:56 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Intel, SIA call for American-led push into nanoelectronics. Intel is also making similar noise about the challenges that CPU makers face in the ever-slumping world of clockspeeds, but in the end, Intel is sounding more optimistic than Big Blue. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
BitTorrent of Daily Show on Ashscroft's refusal to turn over torture memo. A Boing Boing reader sez: John Stewart tears Ashcroft a new one over the torture legalizing memo. And it's funny." Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
UCLA laptop theft exposes ID info. Notebook nicked from van months ago contained data on blood donors. Officials say they only recently recognized danger. |
4. |
Hewlett-Packard to expand partner program. HP wants more ways to reach more customers more cost-effectively. Also ahead: a blueprint for building cheaper, more flexible systems. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Regulators Search Microsoft Korea (AP). AP - South Korean regulators searched the offices of Microsoft Corp.'s local subsidiary on Thursday to investigate allegations that the U.S. software giant violated trade regulations by tying its instant messenger software to its Windows operating system. |
6. |
SCO Group Reports Quarterly Loss (AP). AP - SCO Group Inc. posted a larger-than-expected loss in the second quarter as revenue dropped and expenses mounted in its legal fight over claims that the Linux operating system infringes on the company's intellectual property. |
7. |
AirPort Express Pumps Music over Wireless Nets (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The wired home comes a step closer with Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) AirPort Express, which allows powered speakers and stereo systems, as well as printers, to be connected to wireless networks. |
8. |
FCC Approves Reorganization Plan for Wireless Band (Reuters). Reuters - The U.S. Federal Communications
Commission on Thursday approved a plan to reorganize a band of
airwaves in hopes of promoting further deployment of wireless
high-speed Internet access. |
9. |
FCC Settles Censorship Claims with ClearChannel |
10. |
Valve Announces Half-Life 2 Code Theft Arrests |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
Update: SCO financial losses mount. Revenue for the company's second fiscal quarter, ended April 30, was just over $10.1 million, less than half the $21.4 million it reported in the same quarter last year, when SCO was earning money from software licensing deals with Microsoft Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. |
12. |
The need for Security Testing |
13. |
ZBRA 81.09 +0.92 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.09 Change: +0.92 +1.15% Last Trade: 6/10/2004 4:00pm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 517-1] New CVS packages fix buffer overflow. Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
15. |
Vulns: Microsoft ISA Server 2000 Site And Content Rule Bypass Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is a caching proxy server/firewall.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 7.4577E-202; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1579
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Microsoft ISA Server 2000 is prone to a vulnerability that may permit malic... |
16. |
Vulns: NetWin SurgeMail/WebMail Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. SurgeMail is a mail server application. It is supported for Microsoft Windows, Linux, Unix and Solaris platforms. WebMail is a web based email solution offered by NetWi... |
17. |
Vulns: Microsoft ISA Server HTTP Authentication Scheme Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server is a caching proxy server/firewall.
Microsoft ISA Server is affected by an HTTP authentication scheme vulnerabi... |
18. |
Vulns: PHP Microsoft Windows Shell Escape Functions Command Execution Vulnerability. PHP offers numerous functions to facilitate efficient development; one such group of functions is the shell escape functions. These functions aid a developer in sanitizi... |
The Register
19. |
Windows HPC edition in the works. Needs to be cheap as chips By Datamonitor . |
5:24:37 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Real Stuff by Dennis P. Eichhorn. I'm fanatical about autobiographical comics. Robert Crumb, Harvey Pekar, Joe Matt, Chester Brown, Mary Fleener, Joe Sacco -- I can't get enough of them. There's something about comics and real life stories that go together; I can't quite figure it out, but it works. Denny Eichhorn, author of Real Stuff, is one of the best comic book autobiographers. Like Pekar, he doesn't draw his own cartoons -- he hires well-known ones to draw from his scripts. Dennis has led an interesting life. There's a little Kerouac in him, and a little Bukowski, too. It's a wonder he's still alive, after all he's been through.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.97381E-258; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1578
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
One of my favorite episodes from his life is from his high school years. A kid he didn't know very well invited him over to his house. The mom asked him if he wanted a hambuger. He said, "Sure." When the burger was ready, the mom and her son sat down at the table and watch Denny eat the burger. They didn't eat; they just watched Denny. They had gleams in their eyes. When Denny was finished, they asked him if he liked it. He said it was OK, but a little spicy. Then the mom and soon broke out in laughter. "It was DOG FOOD!" they howled.
Denny had 20 issues of his comic, Real Stuff, published, mostly by Fantagraphics. This anthology, also titled Real Stuff, is published by a company in Los Angeles that I've never heard of, called Swifty Morales Press. They did a great job -- the book is a beaut. Link |
2. |
HOWTO skin a PC to look like a Mac. 
Engadget has a great step-by-step HOWTO for skinning your WinXP box until its desktop is nigh-indistinguishable from a MacOS X box.
CNET News.com
3. |
Oracle urges customers to patch Web apps. An attacker needs just a browser and a bit of knowledge to gain access to e-commerce data. |
4. |
Comcast blocks spam loophole. Cable ISP singles out broadband Internet accounts suspected of sending mass amounts of unsolicited e-mail. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
PeopleSoft Upgrades User Productivity Kit (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - PeopleSoft (Nasdaq: PSFT) has upgraded its User Productivity Kit, which became generally available late last year. It is a welcome move in more ways than one, in that it strictly benefits its installed base -- as opposed to a new application that might be targeted toward garnering more market share. |
6. |
Best Mobile-Data Service Plans (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Mobile-data service plans are, if anything, even more confusing than cellular-phone plans, with wide variations in speed, coverage, reliability and price. Choosing the best plan requires a methodical approach. |
7. |
IBM Fills Smallest Niches with New Desktop (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Big Blue's newest PC, the ThinkCentre S50 ultra small, is the size of a
large phone book, but IBM (NYSE: IBM) is quick to point out that its innards measure
up to bigger machines. The outside does, too, because the box itself can
support a bulky CRT monitor. |
8. |
AOL Delivers IM to Business (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Given the explosive growth of instant messaging, it was only a matter of
time before Internet services giant America Online (AOL) extended its IM
communications offerings with services tailored for the business
community. |
9. |
Testing ISP Censorship |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
DOJ won't appeal telecom network-sharing ruling. The Office of the Solicitor General has decided not to appeal a court ruling overturning much of the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) rules on network-sharing among telecommunications companies. |
InfoWorld: Security
11. |
CSO survey: Companies lack plans in event of attack. A majority of security executives surveyed say that their companies do not have plans to cope with the effect of an unconventional terrorist attack, even though most believe that a terrorist attack of some kind is likely in the coming months, according to the results of a poll from CSO magazine released on Wednesday. |
12. |
Lawsuit questions IBM's ownership of EPAL standard. A lawsuit filed against IBM Corp. this week in a Canadian court calls into question IBM's ownership of EPAL (Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language), a programming language for creating data privacy policies on computer networks. |
13. |
ZBRA 81.20 +1.03 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.20 Change: +1.03 +1.28% Last Trade: 6/10/2004 3:52pm |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Zombie Machines, Port Blocking, Confusion And Large Bills. With the incredible rise of zombie machines that spew spam messages constantly, it looks like different ISPs continue to take very different approaches to dealing with th... |
The Register
15. |
IBM breathes life into Itanium ecosystem. At POWERful cost? By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Elsewhere: Web Services Security: The XML Factor |
17. |
Elsewhere: Who's Getting Rich on Computer Viruses? |
18. |
News: Unpatched IE vuln exploited by adware |
19. |
News: Webmaster cleared of Patriot Act terrorism charges |
4:24:17 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
SCO's "plunder Linux" strategy not paying off according to financials. SCO is in hot water, and the only question is when they'll decide that a hardboiled existence is a waste of time. The company's Q2 financials show nothing but a bad plan failing spectacularly. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Dot-bomb bankruptcy auctioneer goes bust. Andover Consulting -- a dot-bomb vulture that specialized in selling off the assets of bankrupt Silicon Valley tech companies -- has gone bankrupt. Its assets are up for auction. Check out the cache of Herman Miller chairs and the sweet sweet cubicle action.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.22062E-165; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1576
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(via Oblomovka) |
3. |
Replica first-edition Britannica. This $200 replica of the 235-year-old first-edition Encyclopædia Britannica is really cool.
(via Gizmodo) |
4. |
Reservoir Dogs/Star Wars mashup. Imperial Dogs is a work-in-progress mashup of Star Wars with Reservoir Dogs, from Studio Creations, who also brought us the Star Wars/Clerks mashup "Trooper Clerks." There are some sweet songs (Stuck in a Room with R2!) stills and animations up now.
(Thanks, Sizemore) |
5. |
Playlists of Web-available music. Webjay is a project to host and share listener-created playlists of songs that are freely downloadable from the Web.
Link |
6. |
SENT phonecam art show launches with Motorola. 
Phonecam photographers, contribute to SENT! The phonecam art show I'm co-curating -- the first of its kind in America -- is online, and you are invited to share your futurephone snapshots of the world with the world. The website is live now, and a gallery show will open at a downtown Los Angeles space on July 9.
Motorola is sponsoring the show, and they've provided some late-model camera phones for each of the 30 participating artists (including Megan Mullally of TV's "Will and Grace," Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, "Weird" Al Yankovic, and a number of renowned photographers and filmmakers). The invited artists' images will debut at the gallery show in July, and images submitted by the public are available for viewing right now. Link, and instructions on how to submit your phonecam art are here. |
CNET News.com
7. |
Adobe's PDF hitches a ride with Linux. The popular format for viewing documents will be adapted for the open-source operating system--debuting in navigation systems for cars. |
8. |
Jobs thinks demolish in preservation tussle. Also: eWeek fumbles domain name renewal, VIPs and VPNs, and schwagging the dog and pony. |
9. |
Intel brings wireless broadband to Chinese cities. Dalian and Chengdu will serve as test-beds for a technology key to chipmaker's future plans. |
10. |
NASA's Personal Satellite Assistants |
11. |
ZBRA 80.81 +0.64 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.81 Change: +0.64 +0.80% Last Trade: 6/10/2004 2:50pm |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
Elsewhere: Who's Getting Rich on Computer Viruses?. Computer viruses cost businesses and consumers around the world billions of dollars each year. So who -- if anyone -- is profiting from viruses? And if no one is profitin... |
13. |
News: Webmaster cleared of Patriot Act terrorism charges. The Associated Press By Bob Fick |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
Vulns: cPanel Killacct Script Customer Account DNS Information Deletion Vulnerability. cPanel is a multi-platform web hosting control panel that allows a user to manage their hosted account through a web-based interface. It is commercially available and cur... |
15. |
Vulns: ClueCentral Apache Suexec Patch Security Weakness. cluecentral Apache suexec patch is an augmentation patch released to be applied to
Apache suexec.
cluecentral Apache suexec patch is reported prone to a local security ... |
16. |
Vulns: Multiple CPanel Perl Script Failure To Implement Taint Mode Weakness. cPanel is a multi-platform web hosting control panel that allows a user to manage their hosted account through a web-based interface. It is commercially available and cur... |
17. |
Vulns: Netgear WG602 Wireless Access Point Default Backdoor Account Vulnerability. Netgear WG602 reportedly contains a default administrative account. This issue can allow a remote attacker gain administrative access to the device.
It is reported that... |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Gartner: Misconfigured APs Cause Most WLAN Breaches |
19. |
10 Jun W32/Agobot-XX |
3:23:56 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
eBay is most trusted company for privacy in the US, while Google is snubbed. You may not be able to sell your soul at eBay, but that's not the only reason some consumers feel the company has their best interests at heart. Consumers have voted the company most trusted for privacy in the United States. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Red, round tricorder ready for space. My Wired News colleague Noah Schachtman filed this interesting piece about a weird new NASA gadget:
It's shaped like a basketball. It was inspired by Spock's tricorder. And, if NASA researchers have their way, it could be helping out astronauts aboard the International Space Station in as little as three years.
The Personal Satellite Assistant is a robot prototype designed to buzz around the space station, performing a variety of jobs for astronauts and mission controllers: monitoring life-support systems, keeping tabs on the day's tasks and reminding space scientists how to do their experiments right. After six years of development, engineers at NASA's Ames Research Center say they now have a version of the Personal Satellite Assistant, or PSA, that's fully mobile, with a sensor suite that's nearly space-ready.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.04099E-263; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1571
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
But it's unclear whether the red spherical bot will ever make it into orbit.
Like so much else at the space agency these days, the fate of the PSA remains uncertain. The drone's makers hope to have an answer from the higher-ups by the end of the summer.
Link |
3. |
Lab Notes from UC Berkeley. In my new issue of Lab Notes from UC Berkeley's College of Engineering:
* 3-D Videoconferencing (no glasses required!)
* Synthetic Biology (a parts library of genetic Tinkertoys!)
* Seconhand Smoke (worse than we thought!)
* The Molecular Foundry (fab new nanofab!)
4. |
Happy 70th, Donald Duck!. Donald Duck is 70 today!
(Thanks, Tavie!) |
5. |
Conference schwag goldmine. 
VonGuard sez, "I just got back from the 2004 BIO conference in SF, and I can safely say that this show offered the best shwag I have ever seen at an expo. Who cares about the protesters and the genetically modified foods? Screw them, I want my keychain flashlights, pens, and squishy balls. Here then, I have created a page to honor the best of the best, the 2004 BIO shwag awards!" I'm a serious conference rat, but this schwag is way outside of my experience, truly a cut above.
(Thanks, VonGuard!)
CNET News.com
6. |
Semiconductor group gives rosy sales forecast. But the organization warns of a crucial need for new manufacturing techniques. |
7. |
Cisco preps new enterprise routers. Security, voice features top enhancements aimed at fending off market grab from rivals; Juniper at the gates. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Microsoft Files Eight New Lawsuits Against Spammers (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. has filed eight
lawsuits against spammers, saying that they deceived consumers
and used false information to hide their tracks, the world's
largest software maker said on Thursday. |
9. |
Asian spending on big printers 14.7 percent higher in March quarter: IDC (AFP). AFP - Sales of large printers in the Asia-Pacific region including Japan rose to 22,800 worth 130 million dollars in the January-March period, up 14.7 percent from a year ago, an industry report said. |
10. |
German Internet users hit by tide of far-right spam (AFP). AFP - German Internet users were hit with an unprecedented flood of racist e-mails, much of it sent from a bogus address named after Germany's most prominent news magazine, according to media reports. |
11. |
Drexler Clarifies Grey Goo Scenario |
12. |
SCO posts Q2 Loss, Gets $11k from Linux |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
AOL adds business services to AIM. America Online Inc. is making its popular AIM instant messaging service more palatable for business users, although one analyst said the new offerings could create some headaches for IT departments. |
14. |
AOL introduces business tools for IM. America Online is cozying up to the corporate citizenry of its massive IM user network with new on-demand business services for Web and voice conferencing. |
15. |
SCO financial losses mount. The SCO Group Inc. posted a net loss of almost $15 million for its most recent financial quarter Thursday, as the company continues to struggle to realize revenue from its controversial SCOsource software licensing program. |
16. |
PeopleSoft adds J. D. Edwards applications to training modules. PeopleSoft will roll out next week additional content modules in its User Productivity Kit (UPK), an end-user software training suite, for both PeopleSoft Enterprise and Enterprise One applications. |
17. |
Research makes a stronger mark on Microsoft. MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA - Microsoft Corp.'s research group receives only a small piece of the company's massive research and development (R&D) budget, which in its current fiscal year is a sizeable $6.8 billion. Unlike what might be expected, Microsoft Research's (MSR's) main task is not researching new products. Instead, the group mostly does fundamental technology research. |
18. |
Lawsuit questions IBM's ownership of EPAL standard. A lawsuit filed against IBM Corp. this week in a Canadian court calls into question IBM's ownership of EPAL (Enterprise Privacy Authorization Language), a programming language for creating data privacy policies on computer networks. |
SecurityFocus News
19. |
Elsewhere: Web Services Security: The XML Factor. Think your Web services environment is safe? Think again. XML-based Web services are subject to the same malicious attacks that exploit XML. With XML increasingly becomin... |
20. |
News: Unpatched IE vuln exploited by adware. Detailed information on a brace of unpatched vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer has been posted onto a dull disclosure mailing list. The flaws involve a cross-zone scripting vuln and a bug in IE's Local Resource Access and pose an "extremely critical" risk to Windows users, according to security firm Secunia. The vulnerabilities affect both Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
21. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:058 - Updated cvs packages fix multiple vulnerabilities. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
22. |
Vulns: IBM GSKit SSL Handshake Unspecified Denial of Service Vulnerability. IBM Global Security Toolkit (GSKit) is a security toolkit that provides SSL functionality to other applications. Multiple IBM applications incorporate GSKit.
GSKit is su... |
23. |
Vulns: Linksys Web Camera Software Next_file Parameter File Disclosure Vulnerability. Linksys Web Camera software includes a Web server.
It is reported that Linksys Web Camera software is prone to a remote file disclosure vulnerability that may allow a re... |
24. |
Vulns: cPanel Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability. cPanel is a multi-platform web hosting control panel that allows a user to manage their hosted account through a web-based interface. It is commercially available and cur... |
NewsIsFree: Security
25. |
Elsewhere: Indian outsourcers push to boost data security |
26. |
Elsewhere: More flaws foul security of open-source repository |
27. |
News: Beware the rogue access points |
28. |
LayerOne Con in Los Angeles |
2:23:37 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Art Attack. On June 15, a federal grand jury will convene in upstate New York to consider possible bioterrorism charges against University at Buffalo art professor Steve Kurtz and the Critical Art Ensemble, an internationally-known hactivist collective. From the CAE Defense Fund Web site:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.21792E-296; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1570
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Early morning of May 11, Steve Kurtz awoke to find his wife, Hope, dead of a cardiac arrest. Kurtz called 911. The police arrived and, after stumbling across test tubes and petri dishes Kurtz was using in a current artwork, called in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Soon agents from the Task Force and FBI detained Kurtz, cordoned off the entire block around his house, and later impounded Kurtz's computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and even his wife's body for further analysis. The Buffalo Health Department condemned the house as a health risk.
Only after the Commissioner of Public Health for New York State had tested samples from the home and announced there was no public safety threat was Kurtz able to return home and recover his wife's body. Yet the FBI would not release the impounded materials, which included artwork for an upcoming exhibition at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art."
This Washington Post article provides more background on the bizarre turn-of-events. Protests at the Court House in Buffalo and in other major cities are planned. Link
2. |
Mind Games. Four epilepsy patients at Washington University can now play videogames on brain power alone. Bioengineers at the university implanted the patients with an electrocorticographic (ECoG) "grid" that collects signals from the surface of the brain. While it's clearly more invasive than using EEG electrodes taped to the head, ECoG is also far easier to use. Eventually the technology could lead toward bionic prosthetics for disabled people. From Washington University's press release:
"(After surgery, the patients were asked) to do various motor and speech tasks, moving their hands various ways, talking, and imagining. The team could see from the data which parts of the brain correlate to these movements. They then asked the patients to play a simple, one-dimensional computer game involving moving a cursor up or down towards one of two targets. They were asked to imagine various movements or imagine saying the word 'move,' but not to actually perform them with their hands or speak any words by mouth. When they saw the cursor in the video game, they then controlled it with their brains.
'We closed the loop,' said (professor Daniel) Moran. 'After a brief training session, the patients could play the game by using signals that come off the surface of the brain. They achieved between 74 and 100 percent accuracy, with one patient hitting 33 out of 33 targets correctly in a row.'"
I'm sure the military would love to play too. Link |
3. |
More than electric wallpaper. The North American AVIT (Audio-Visualize It) conference takes place in San Francisco this weekend. AVIT is a showcase, tradeshow, and massive party for "live audio-visual artists," the VJs whose work often appears, but is rarely seen, on the walls of nightclubs and raves. Link |
4. |
How to Un-DRM your Un-DRM'd iTunes 4.6 Songs. Ernest Miller says,
Gizmodo has a very interesting story about the iTunes DRM ripping software known as Hymn. "Now part of the whole shtick with Hymn is that even though it strips the iTunes DRM, it leaves your email address and other unique purchasing information in the protected AAC file, ostensibly to symbolically signify that Hymn users aren't trying to spread their fairly-purchased music files to the whole world, but instead to whatever devices they want." How does the new version of iTunes respond to this? It notes that the purchasing information is there and then blocks the file from playing.
Link |
5. |
Anatomy of an MP3 meme, and why can't the BBC play MP3s?. BoingBoing reader Rob Annable posted this curious item about a song featured in a BoingBoing post -- that crazy "Rodeohead" bluegrass parody of Radiohead. It traveled from BoingBoing to Rob's blog to John Peel's show on BBC Radio 1. That's interesting, but what's really interesting is the fact that the BBC's legendary DJ told Rob the BBC can't play MP3s.
Link (Thanks, JP) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
S. Korean Microsoft Offices Searched (AP). AP - South Korean regulators searched the offices of Microsoft Corp.'s local subsidiary on Thursday to investigate allegations that the U.S. software giant violated trade regulations by tying its instant messenger software to its Windows operating system. |
7. |
War games launch all-out sales assault (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Shooting and strategy titles based on battles have always been steady sellers in the world of gaming. But in recent months, with series such as Medal of Honor and Tom Clancy dotting the best-seller charts, developers are sensing a growing appetite for war games with complex action and cinema-realistic images. (Related story: Big selling war games may carry bigger cost) |
8. |
RFID License Plates in the UK |
SecurityFocus News
9. |
Elsewhere: Indian outsourcers push to boost data security. BANGALORE (Reuters) - India's booming software and outsourcing sectors are trying to improve data protection to please increasingly security-conscious clients and to pre-... |
10. |
Elsewhere: More flaws foul security of open-source repository. Security researchers have found at least six more flaws in the open-software world's most popular program for maintaining code under development.
According to a represe... |
11. |
News: Beware the rogue access points. Wireless LANs will continue to be a major security headache for businesses over the next few years, despite the introduction of improved security standards. Inadequate policies and poor installation, rather than inherent security weaknesses, are the main problem. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: Trend Micro Scanning Engine Report Generation HTML Injection Vulnerability. Trend Micro provides both consumer and enterprise anti-virus solutions. All of their anti-virus solutions implement the same or similar scanning engines; these are used ... |
13. |
Vulns: Webmin Multiple Unspecified Vulnerabilities. Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration of Unix and Linux operating systems.
Webmin is prone to multiple unspecified vulnerabilities that may allow an... |
The Register
14. |
Mobile porn is a 'time bomb'. Shouldn't that be sex bomb? By electricnews.net . |
15. |
Mysterious Phoebe: Cassini's next fly-by. Pictures from space By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
Securing the Wireless Enterprise |
17. |
Interview with Brian Wotring, Lead Developer for the Osiris Project |
18. |
Apache mod_proxy "Content-Length:" Header Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
19. |
Unpatched IE vuln exploited by adware |
1:23:16 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Will camera phones upstage digital cameras?. Cell phone manufacturers are starting to ship three megapixel camera phones. Should digital camera makers feel threatened? By Eric Bangeman. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Semiconductor group ups sales forecast. But the organization warns of a crucial need for new manufacturing techniques. |
3. |
BT plans universal broadband. U.K. telecommunications provider will transform its infrastructure so that customers get instant broadband access anywhere over a range of devices. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Xandros, Opera Team Up for Free Browsing (PC World). PC World - Web browser will be included in the free desktop Linux distribution. |
5. |
Microsoft Fights Search Engine Spam (PC World). PC World - Researchers also show off shield technology for preventing viruses and worms. |
6. |
Realistic Human Graphics Look Creepy |
7. |
CEO of Centaur Discusses x86 Strategy and Linux |
8. |
ZBRA 80.74 +0.57 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.74 Change: +0.57 +0.71% Last Trade: 6/10/2004 11:50am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
9. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer URL Local Resource Access Weakness. Microsoft Internet Explorer is prone to a security weakness that may permit unauthorized access to local resources on a client computer. This will effectively bypass sec... |
10. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer Modal Dialog Zone Bypass Vulnerability. Microsoft Internet Explorer is prone to a vulnerability that may permit cross-zone access, allowing an attacker to execute malicious script code in the context of the Loc... |
11. |
Vulns: LHA Multiple extract_one Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. LHA is a utility that can compress and decompress LHarc/LH7 format archives.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.08144E-069; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1567
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
LHA has been reported prone to multiple vulnerabilities that may allow a malicious archive t... |
The Register
12. |
Ask Jeeves if it's just bought Tukaroo. Spot on By Tim Richardson . |
13. |
MP slams failed online university. "Shameful waste" of public money By Lucy Sherriff . |
14. |
Orange users suffer tech fault. The future might be bright - but what about my phone? By Tim Richardson . |
12:22:56 PM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
BSkyB promotion hides time limit. BSkyB's promise to provide a free-to-air satellite package for a one-off fee may expire after two years, it has emerged. |
CNET News.com
2. |
SCO revenue takes a tumble. The company's Unix licensing program costs a lot more than it brings in. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
PC Users Play 'Dodge the Hacker' (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Using a personal computer these days is like playing virtual dodgeball, but with spam and hacker attacks subbing in for the big red ball. |
4. |
Amsterdam Port Goes Mobile with Supercharged Wi-Fi (Reuters). Reuters - The Port of Amsterdam said on
Thursday it had installed a fast wireless computer network that
covers the harbor's 12 square miles in one of the biggest
installations of a technology designed for home usage. |
5. |
Is the Linux Desktop Getting Heavier and Slower? |
6. |
Securing the Wireless Enterprise |
7. |
ZBRA 80.78 +0.61 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.78 Change: +0.61 +0.76% Last Trade: 6/10/2004 10:51am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
Vulns: Sendmail Ruleset Parsing Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Sendmail is a widely used MTA for Unix and Microsoft Windows systems.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.93601E-069; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1565
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Sendmail has been reported prone to a buffer overflow condition when parsing non-standard rulesets... |
The Register
9. |
Opera launches 250% go-faster for mobile phone browser. Proxy-based accelerator By John Lettice . |
11:22:46 AM
10:22:27 AM
9:22:15 AM
8:21:57 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Net games lure 'bored housewives'. Middle-aged women are getting hooked on card games and puzzles online, says a report. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
IBM opposed Oracle bid for PeopleSoft, court told (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - IBM executives, fearing they would lose millions of dollars in business if Oracle succeeded in buying PeopleSoft, tried to find ways to oppose the hostile bid, according to documents introduced in court Wednesday. |
3. |
Texas Firm Buys Indian Outsourcing Company (AP). AP - A U.S.-based software company has bought an Indian outsourcing firm, a company official said Thursday, the second such sale this week. |
4. |
Sasser inspires raiders to jump in (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Internet bad guys are boring in where last month's Sasser worm left off. Sasser put a spotlight on yet another security hole in Microsoft's Windows computer operating system by knocking down business, government and transportation systems around the globe. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: Mkdir exploit for PDP-11 doesn't work. Sender: Jonathan S [js at apollo dot gti dot net] |
The Register
6. |
'Official' Pocket Loox 700 Wi-Fi PDA pic appears on web. Shipping in August, apparently By Tony Smith . |
7. |
AOL unveils IM for business. Type, talk and share files By Tim Richardson . |
8. |
Beware the rogue access points. Wireless security headaches By John Leyden . |
9. |
SIA wants more money for nano-electronics. Institutionalised thinking By Lucy Sherriff . |
10. |
Bluetooth group preps 2.1Mbps spec. Same packet rate, bigger payloads By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
AspDotNetStorefront Input Validation Hole in Uploading Image Files Lets Remote Authenticated Administrators Upload and Execute Arbitrary Code |
12. |
Invision Power Board Input Validation Bug in 'ssi.php' Permits SQL Injection |
13. |
cPanel Access Control Flaw Lets Remote Authenticated Users Make Unauthorized Database Password Changes |
14. |
Billion BIPAC-640 AE Administrative Web Interface User Authentication Bypass |
15. |
Fedora update for squirrelmail |
16. |
Red Hat update for ethereal |
17. |
Red Hat update for krb5 |
18. |
Red Hat update for squid |
7:21:37 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
BT transforms phone network. BT is to rebuild its phone network using internet protocols, allowing customers to get instant broadband. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
IBM exec bolsters DOJ case (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - A senior company official supports the charge that Oracle's hostile tender for PeopleSoft is anticompetitive. |
3. |
Indian Outsourcers Push to Boost Data Security (Reuters). Reuters - India's booming software and
outsourcing sectors are trying to improve data protection to
please increasingly security-conscious clients and to pre-empt
protectionist laws, industry officials said on Thursday. |
The Register
4. |
Lucent trade secret suspect goes on the run. US Marshals hunt fugitive By John Leyden . |
5. |
SIA: 2004 will be chip biz's best yet. Sales up 28.6 per cent to beat 2000's record By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
6. |
Apple Touts Super-Cooled G5s. Apple unveils 'the world's coolest personal computer' -- a new liquid-cooled, dual-processor G5. By Leander Kahney. |
7. |
Embryos Yield New Stem Cell Lines. Scientists at a Chicago fertility clinic isolate 12 new lines from genetically flawed human embryos. The research could lead to increased understanding of genetic diseases. |
8. |
TiVo Breaks Into Home Networks. TiVo wants to be more than a digital video recorder. Now subscribers can hook their box to the Net and download content. The company wants to give its service an edge over cable and satellite providers, analysts say. By Katie Dean. |
9. |
You'll Never Get Cable a la Carte. Cable TV is like a crappy pizza joint: You can order a small, medium or large pie, but you can't design your own -- and no slices. Wired magazine asked Time Warner Cable's Glenn Britt to get in front of any regulation and give his customers the option now. |
10. |
Food Makers Changing Genes. Better flavor and genetically altered livestock are on the agenda at the BIO conference. Also: Protestors drop in.... Personalized medicine not dead yet.... Do-it-yourself DNA extraction. Wired News reports from San Francisco. |
11. |
Gmail Invitation Prices Crash. Not too long ago, people were willing to pay top dollar to snag an invitation to set up an account on Google's Gmail Web e-mail service. But Google seems to have become more generous with the invitations. Demand, meet supply. By Chris Ulbrich. |
12. |
Nintendo Changing Game Plans?. The president of the Japanese video-game console maker says it's not enough to dazzle gamers with badass graphics anymore, so the company will try something different with its next generation of machines. By Cydney Gillis. |
13. |
A Jet-Powered PDA for Astronauts. NASA engineers are working on a robotic sphere that would propel itself around the space station, check the quality of the air and relay handy information to astronauts. Think of it as a cross between a tricorder and a lightsaber training droid. By Noah Shachtman. |
6:21:16 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Nanotech guru turns back on 'goo'. A key nanotechnology figure backs away from claims that nanomachines could turn the planet into "grey goo". |
2. |
Digital pen takes on mouse. Japanese researchers have come up with a system that lets you 'pick and drop' files between computers. |
3. |
BT Plans Move To IP Telephony, Starting Next Year |
The Register
4. |
BT saves Station X for exploitation. It was five years ago today... 10 June 1999 By Team Register . |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
[ GLSA 200406-05 ] Apache: Buffer overflow in mod_ssl |
5:21:06 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 10 Jun 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Stealth ships steam ahead. The Royal Swedish Navy is introducing a new fleet of "invisible ships". Is this the future for the tomorrow's fleets? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Upfront Ad Market Keep Pace with Big '03 (Reuters). Reuters - Automakers, banking and
financial services, movie and DVD marketing and computer
manufacturers are among the advertising sectors that have been
most active during this year's "upfront" ad sales derby,
broadcast network executives said Wednesday. |
4. |
AIM Hosts Online Meetings (PC World). PC World - AOL adds voice conference and Web meeting functions to its Instant Messenger. |
The Register
5. |
Germany approves Nokia's Symbian plan. Now the fun starts By Andrew Orlowski . |
4:20:46 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bush/Zombie Reagan 2004 ticket. A website proposing an unlikely -- actually, undead -- candidacy:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.57235E-025; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1545
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Q:What are some advanatages of adding Zombie Reagan to the ticket?
A: He will demonstrate America's resolve to continue the battle against terrorism. Instead of retreating to an undisclosed location, for instance, Zombie Reagan will be on the front lines, eating illegal combatants.
(Thanks, Macki. Incriminating phonecam snapshot of Macki making eyes at the formerly living President, taken at the LA Friar's Club last year, is right here.) |
2. |
Russia, China World's Biggest Spammers |
NewsIsFree: Security
3. |
Xerver Free Web Server Arbitrary Directory Listing |
4. |
Microsoft DirectPlay Packet Validation DoS |
3:20:35 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Baby Arsian: welcome Hannah Alaina Lawson!. Ars Battlefront Moderator and design whiz Aurich and his wife Kerianne are the proud parents of a baby daughter! By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Class-action lawsuit against Microsoft can proceed. New York appeals court rules class-action suit against Microsoft can proceed. At stake is whether they violated New York's state business code with their anticompetitive practices. By Eric Bangeman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Consumers Say eBay Most Trusted Company for Privacy (Reuters). Reuters - Online bazaar eBay Inc.(EBAY.O)
is the most trusted U.S. company for privacy, according to a
new consumer study released late on Wednesday. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200406-05 ] Apache: Buffer overflow in mod_ssl. Sender: Thierry Carrez [koon at gentoo dot org] |
5. |
Vulns: PostgreSQL ODBC Driver Unspecified Remote Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. PostgreSQL is a freely distributed Object-Relational DBMS. It is available for a number of platforms including Unix and Linux variants and Microsoft Windows operating sys... |
2:20:26 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Programs: Kid's Firefighter Game Not a Blazing Success (Reuters). Reuters - In the grand scheme of
software sophistication, "Tonka Firefighter" is all siren and
no truck. |
2. |
Australia-US Free Trade Agreement Examined |
12:30:56 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:46 AM.
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