Monday, June 14, 2004
11:26:18 PM
10:25:58 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Canadian copyfight hots up: Liberal MPs on the take from copyright industries?. Copyright has become an election issue in Canada, and with the federal election looming on the 28th (I've cast my absentee ballot, for Olivia Chow, and have my fingers crossed for a nation run as well as Toronto was under Jack Layton) the copyfight is heating up back in my homeland. Most recently, a Liberal MP from my old riding of Parkdale introduced a poorly thought-out bill that would have been bad news for the Internet. Michael Geist wrote an editorial about this in the Toronto Star, and the fallout has been intense, with letters going back and forth in the paper. Michael's written a followup editorial that the Star just ran.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.39288E-160; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1674
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Further, copyright reform proceedings must also be perceived to be balanced. According to Elections Canada, Bulte and her riding association have accepted thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from rights holder groups and broadcasters. Parliamentarians involved in the copyright reform process should refuse all such contributions to ensure that the perception of absolute impartiality is preserved.
(Thanks, Donna!) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Services: Will the big bet pay off?. IBM leads the high-tech service industry but faces obstacles ranging from offshoring to making money. |
3. |
Senate to debate Net phone regulations. Hearings on Wednesday could be first step in banning state regulations of the technology. |
4. |
Worm ready to wriggle into smart phones. The first phone-infecting worm is just for show, but antivirus experts say there are more to come. |
5. |
Intel program to certify server components. Smaller computer makers should have a better shot at selling bigger systems. |
6. |
Companies to debut wireless external hard drive. Maxtor and Linksys want to make it easy to put hard drives on wireless networks, even at home or in small offices.
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Apple to Open Europe ITunes Music Store (AP). AP - Rivals in the fast-moving market of online music are bracing for Apple Computer Inc.'s expected European launch Tuesday of its iTunes Music Store. |
8. |
Flip Phones Among Nokia's Five New Models (AP). AP - Nokia Corp. introduced five new models Monday including its first flip phones, catching up with competitors who have eroded the company's dominance in cellular handsets with the popular clamshell models. Chief executive Jorma Ollila said the company, which has acknowledged losing market share of late, had completely revamped its offerings and strategy. |
9. |
TI Works on DSL Technology for HDTV (AP). AP - Texas Instruments Inc. says it is working on technology to help phone companies offer high-definition television and voice over high-speed Internet lines within about three years. |
10. |
Invisible Cloaks, Translucent Walls |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
Red Hat CFO steps down. SAN FRANCISCO - Red Hat Inc. announced Monday that its chief financial officer (CFO), Kevin Thompson, will soon be leaving the company. The news came a few days before the Linux vendor is due to announce it quarterly financial results. |
12. |
HP adds more tools to on-demand product line. Looking to buttress its on-demand computing strategy, Hewlett-Packard Co. this week plans to announce two OpenView management tools at a conference for users of its software products. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: authentication bug in KAME's racoon. Sender: Thomas Walpuski [thomas-bugtraq at unproved dot org] |
14. |
BugTraq: RE: New IRC Trojan -Symantec and Trend Micro Unable To Stop Infection. Sender: Romulo M dot Cholewa [rmc at rmc dot eti dot br] |
15. |
BugTraq: RE: Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS!. Sender: Romulo M dot Cholewa [rmc at rmc dot eti dot br] |
16. |
BugTraq: IRIX syssgi system call vulnerability and other security fixes. Sender: SGI Security Coordinator [agent99 at sgi dot com] |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Elsewhere: Web Services Are Biggest Security Challenge |
18. |
Elsewhere: Hackers target government holes |
19. |
Columnists: The Trouble with Gmail |
20. |
Infocus: Wireless Attacks and Penetration Testing (part 2 of 3) |
21. |
22. |
OpenBSD isakmpd SA Deletion DoS |
23. |
NetGear WG602 Wireless Access Point Default Account |
9:25:38 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Intel's Nocona to bust out in June. A reply to AMD's Opteron, the chip runs both 32-bit and 64-bit software. |
2. |
Oracle thinks small. And midsize .... The big fish have been caught, so the software maker is baiting smaller hooks. |
3. |
PayPal settles customer suit. eBay online payment unit admits no wrongdoing in freezing funds, but agrees to changes. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
New Linux Security Hole Found (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - A young programmer found a new way to crash most Linux 2.4 or 2.6 distributions running on an x86 architecture, but a fix is being distributed. |
5. |
AMD Going Dual-Core In 2005 |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Vendors, users launch Linux InfiniBand effort. SAN FRANCISCO - A group of high-performance computing users and technology vendors led by Sun Microsystems Inc., Dell Inc., and Intel Corp. will launch on Tuesday an effort to make the InfiniBand input/output architecture easier to use with Linux, according to companies involved in the initiative. |
InfoWorld: Security
7. |
Skybox expands security product support. BOSTON - Skybox Security Inc. said it was releasing a new version of its Skybox View Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) product on Monday at the Computer Security Institute's Netsec 2004 conference in San Francisco. |
8. |
Russian firm reports first mobile phone worm. BOSTON - Antivirus company Kaspersky Labs Ltd. said on Monday that it discovered the first-ever computer virus capable of spreading over mobile phone networks. |
9. |
Executive Conversation: Why Cloudmark Took the Path Less Traveled |
8:25:18 PM
7:24:59 PM
6:24:39 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
AMD completes dual core design, targets 2005 for server and PC. AMD's press machine is struttin' its stuff today, announcing that the chip design process for its dual-core CPUs is finished. Now that the AMD64 design has "taped out," the company will start working to create actual parts for release within a year. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Swap-blockers graduate to high schools. Controversial software to stop P2P sharing reaches frequent venue of media-filtering lawsuits. |
3. |
Chief justice rejects telco local-competition case. Local phone competition rules are surely a goner Tuesday now that the U.S. Supreme Court won't intervene. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Intel Alliance Aids Server Development (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The chip maker unveils its Enterprise Server Acceleration Alliance, a partnership with software and hardware vendors to develop precertified Intel architecture platforms that OEMs can use in developing their systems. |
5. |
Sun Should Expedite an Open-Source Solaris (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Spending months fine-tuning its direction will undermine confidence. |
6. |
Nokia launches new mobile phones to regain lost share in growing market (AFP). AFP - Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone maker launched new mobile handset models to regain lost market share with global demand estimated to increase to 600 million units in 2004. |
7. |
Charles Walton, the Father of RFID |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Skybox expands security product support. BOSTON - Skybox Security Inc. said it was releasing a new version of its Skybox View Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) product on Monday at the Computer Security Institute's Netsec 2004 conference in San Francisco. ADVERTISEMENT Enter to Win a Sharp Zaurus Handheld! Sponsored by Novell Enter to Win a Sharp Zaurus Handheld! Click to fill out a form and be automatically entered to win!
9. |
Vodafone, Verizon: Dial V for very complicated. DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY - It's not as if Vodafone Group PLC and Verizon Wireless Inc. have had a rocky relationship in the U.S. The two companies have actually enjoyed a successful partnership that has generated billions of sales and millions of customers. |
10. |
Virtual Server 2005 nears release. Microsoft Corp. on Monday made available a Release Candidate 1 (RC1) version of Virtual Server 2005, getting a step closer to final release of the delayed product. |
11. |
Oracle buying BPM vendor Collaxa, sources say. SAN FRANCISCO - Oracle Corp. is acquiring software startup Collaxa Inc. in a move to strengthen its application server by adding technology that will make it easier for companies to automate business processes, sources familiar with the plan said. |
12. |
Russian firm reports first mobile phone worm. BOSTON - Antivirus company Kaspersky Labs Ltd. said on Monday that it discovered the first-ever computer virus capable of spreading over mobile phone networks. |
13. |
ZBRA 78.38 -2.71 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.38 Change: -2.71 -3.34% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 4:00pm |
14. |
STT 47.77 -0.79 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 47.77 Change: -0.79 -1.63% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 4:02pm |
SecurityFocus News
15. |
Elsewhere: Web Services Are Biggest Security Challenge. SAN FRANCISCO -- Web services are the major challenge for network security in the 21st Century, because they require users to routinely run code and data on machines that... |
16. |
Elsewhere: Hackers target government holes. Global threats such as the Blaster and SQL Slammer worms batter government network defenses as much as those in the commercial arena, but attacks that actually penetrate ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS [summary] |
18. |
Re: Eudora SPAM Issues.. (Followup) |
19. |
Re: Mkdir exploit for PDP-11 doesn't work |
20. |
Using Jabber as a log monitor |
21. |
Ease the security burden with a central logging server |
22. |
Managing the security of data flow |
23. |
Linux Security Week - June 14th 2004 |
24. |
New Kernel Crash-Exploit discovered |
5:24:19 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Next-generation DVD moves ahead. Score one for Microsoft's foray into video standards. |
2. |
VCs fund cluster software toolmaker. New York grid computing software start-up Powerllel gets a $5.6 million boost. |
3. |
Briefly: VCs fund cluster software toolmaker. roundup Plus: Virtual Server 2005 virtually done...Netegrity updates provisioning tools...RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service...The Body Shop buys HP gear. |
4. |
Sarvega brings routing to XML. XML hardware start-up wants networks to move information faster. |
5. |
New DSL chips designed for video, voice. Texas Instruments' new DSL technology can deliver HDTV signals, among other advanced services. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Flip Phones Among Nokia's Five New Models (AP). AP - Nokia Corp. introduced five new models Monday including its first flip phones, catching up with competitors who have eroded the company's dominance in cellular handsets with the popular clamshell models. Chief executive Jorma Ollila said the company, which has acknowledged losing market share of late, had completely revamped its offerings and strategy. |
7. |
Seagate Unveils Wide Array of Disk Drives (Reuters). Reuters - Seagate Technology (STX.N), the
largest U.S. maker of computer hard-disk drives, on Monday
announced a broad range of new products, including a mini
hard-disk drive to take advantage of strong demand for the
devices used in compact digital music players. |
8. |
Meet Joe Blog |
9. |
Public Radio Exchange Site Launches |
10. |
New Kernel Crash-Exploit discovered |
11. |
ZBRA 78.70 -2.39 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.70 Change: -2.39 -2.95% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 2:50pm |
12. |
STT 47.88 -0.68 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 47.88 Change: -0.68 -1.40% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 2:46pm |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: Spam is still growing--and costing. Computer users' inboxes continue to be littered with threats, nuisances and costly and unwanted e-mails--and there is no sign of this situation easing.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.79997E-151; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1661
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Volumes of spam ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: Re: Eudora SPAM Issues.. (Followup). Sender: ICI Security Team [Security at InfiniteConsulting dot net] |
15. |
BugTraq: RE: New IRC Trojan -Symantec and Trend Micro Unable To Stop Infection. Sender: Drew Copley [dcopley at eEye dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Multiple Antivirus Scanners DoS attack.. Sender: Ethy H dot Brito [ethy at inexo dot com dot br] |
The Register
17. |
Microsoft's war on GPL dealt patent setback. FAT not a banker By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
VP-ASP Input Validation Holes in 'shopdisplayproducts' and 'shoperror' Scripts Permit SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
19. |
New IRC Trojan -Symantec and Trend Micro Unable To Stop Infection |
20. |
Advisory 10/2004: Chora CVS/SVN Viewer remote vulnerability |
21. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 518-1] New kdelibs packages fix URI handler vulnerabilities |
22. |
Infosec News Blog |
23. |
Linksys Web Camera Cross-site Scripting Vuln |
24. |
Antivirus/Trojan/Spyware scanners DoS! |
25. |
Multiple Antivirus Scanners DoS attack. |
26. |
PC Users Play 'Dodge the Hacker' (washingtonpost.com) |
About Internet/Network Security
27. |
Gone Phishing!: How To Protect Yourself From Phishing Scams. Phishing scams are a newer form of attack that are becoming much more prevalent. Relying on social engineering and the gullibility of users combined with a few slight-of-hand tricks with a web browser and voila! your username, password, credit card... |
4:24:00 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
New DSL technology designed for video, voice. Texas Instruments plans new chips for delivering HD-TV signals, other services. |
2. |
Broadcom to pay Microtune $22.5 million. The chip rivals will also license each other's patents and end all legal action. |
3. |
Dell plans new LCD TV models. PC maker aims to be tech contractor for the digital home. |
4. |
BellSouth may shimmy out of 'naked' DSL. Arcane rules that forced the company to sell DSL separately in four states are set to expire Tuesday. |
5. |
Toshiba launches new notebooks. All three models feature built-in Wi-Fi and are designed for budget-conscious businesses. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Fujitsu Ramps Up 100GB Notebook Drives (PC World). PC World - HP, Dell notebooks use high-capacity drives; Toshiba, Seagate also hit 100GB. |
7. |
Dell to Sell Plasma TVs, Open More Kiosks (Reuters). Reuters - Dell Inc. (DELL.O) plans to expand its
flat-panel television line to include plasma-based models, the
No. 1 personal computer maker said on Monday, adding that it
will also open more sales kiosks as it expands its consumer
electronics line. |
8. |
Google-Sponsored 2004 US Puzzle Championship |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Nokia adds clamshells to handset range. Nokia Corp. has introduced five new cellular handset models, including a smart phone and a handset for 3G (third-generation) networks. The announcement was made in Singapore, where the CommunicAsia 2004 exhibition opens Tuesday. |
10. |
ZBRA 78.53 -2.56 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.53 Change: -2.56 -3.16% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 3:51pm |
11. |
STT 47.84 -0.72 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 47.84 Change: -0.72 -1.48% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 3:46pm |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
Infocus: Wireless Attacks and Penetration Testing (part 2 of 3). This is the second of a three part series on penetration testing for wireless networks. This installment looks at how a nefarious user cracks the WEP key, scans for servers and services, and then exploits vulnerabilities to gain system access. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
Vulns: CVS Multiple Vulnerabilities. CVS is prone to multiple vulnerabilities. Some of these issues may be leveraged to execute arbitrary code, while other issues may only result in a denial of service.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.07491E-115; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1660
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Th... |
14. |
Vulns: RealNetworks RealPlayer URI Processing Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. RealPlayer is a media player that is available for various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
A buffer overflow vulnerability is reported to affe... |
15. |
Vulns: NetBSD Swapctl() Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability. NetBSD's swapctl system call is reported susceptible to a local denial of service vulnerability.
swapctl() is used to modify the system swapping configuration. It is use... |
The Register
16. |
US orbiter detects non-English language signals. Foreigners may not speak English, advises US tech guru By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Backdoor program gets backdoored |
18. |
Churn baby churn: junk email inferno |
19. |
20. |
21. |
4:23:59 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
European music stores brace for iTMS arrival. OD2 has announced partnership with Microsoft and a half-sale price on some downloads as iTMS is expected to be launched tomorrow. How will the battle for online music sales in Europe shape up? By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
China blocks Wikipedia. Ten days ago the Chinese government blocked Internet access to the Chinese version of the Wikipedia, a community-built encyclopedia that polices itself with a policy of political neutrality. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Virtual Server 2005 virtually done. Microsoft releases a "release candidate," or almost final, version of the software. |
4. |
Briefly: Virtual Server 2005 virtually done. roundup Plus: Netegrity updates provisioning tools...RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service...The Body Shop buys HP gear. |
5. |
Netscape takes aim at pop-ups, spam. New add-ons from the ISP are designed to speed up a user's connection and block unwanted content. |
6. |
Nokia gets hip to flip phones. Handset maker hopes clamshell-style models will revive its slipping market share. |
7. |
E-mail upstart searches for Outlook defectors. Stata Labs adds calendar and Palm synchronization to its search-centric Bloomba e-mail software. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
For Thin Clients, Linux Is In (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Recognizing the growth of Linux-based thin clients, Wyse redoubles its efforts in the Linux space, releasing Version 3.2 of its Linux operating system. |
9. |
Starz, RealNetworks Offer Movie Download Service |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Fujitsu begins 100GB notebook hard drive production. Fujitsu Ltd. has developed a 100G-byte hard-disk drive suitable for use in notebook computers and has begun mass production of the drive, it said Monday. |
11. |
ZBRA 78.9352 -2.15 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 78.9352 Change: -2.15 -2.66% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 1:51pm |
12. |
STT 47.98 -0.58 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 47.98 Change: -0.58 -1.20% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 1:46pm |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: Multilingual worm spreads throughout Europe. A new multilingual worm from Hungary hit networks over the weekend and is spreading steadily.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.63426E-209; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1657
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Zafi.B, also known as Erkez.b or Hazafi, spreads via peer-to-peer software ... |
14. |
Elsewhere: Switches taking on new security roles. Security innovations being built into switches are attracting attention from buyers who not long ago focused primarily on feeds and speeds.
Network executives say they ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: VP-ASP Shopping Cart Multiple Vulnerabilities. Sender: Thomas Ryan [tommy at providesecurity dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: VICE emulator format string vulnerability. Sender: Spiro Trikaliotis [trik-news at gmx dot de] |
17. |
BugTraq: Multiple Antivirus Scanners DoS attack.. Sender: bipin gautam [visitbipin at hotmail dot com] |
18. |
Vulns: BEA WebLogic Server And WebLogic Express Lowered Security Settings Vulnerability. WebLogic Server and WebLogic Express are enterprise application server products distributed by BEA Systems. BEA WebLogic Builder and the SecurityRoleAssignmentMBean.toXML... |
19. |
Vulns: WinAgents TFTP Server Remote Buffer Overrun Vulnerability. WinAgents TFTP Server is a TFTP server available for windows platforms.
WinAgents TFTP Server is reported prone to a remote buffer overrun vulnerability. The issue is re... |
20. |
Vulns: Microsoft Internet Explorer URI Obfuscation Weakness. A weakness is reported in Microsoft Internet Explorer that may allow an attacker to obfuscate the URI of a link. This could facilitate the impersonation of legitimate web... |
21. |
Vulns: RealNetwork RealPlayer EMBD3260.DLL Error Response Heap Overflow Vulnerability. RealPlayer is a media player that is available for various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
It is reported that multiple RealNetworks products ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Free Desktop Firewalls Do Help, Expert Says |
23. |
FBI-Led Task Force Makes Arrests in Theft of Game Code |
24. |
So long passwords, hello fingerprints |
25. |
Computer Crime Survey Shows a Decrease in Financial Losses |
26. |
Microsoft Fixes Ie Security Hole |
27. |
Car bomb blast in Baghdad kills 13 |
2:23:18 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Hot party game trend: Cockroach racing. A Lithuanuan event management company offers unusual party games, including the time-honored sport of Madagascar Cockroach Racing.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.33879E-192; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1656
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Every participant receives special race money and can purchase with them one of six cockroach. Other participants bet for the couple of player and cockroach they liked the most and watch the competition on the big table (4.5x1.5 m).
The game will be a surprise to all guests. As much as they would load the poor insect from the beginning, they will love them be the end of the race. Players stimulate theirs cockroaches to run by knocking the glassed surface of the course with the special small sticks and joy of every step of cockroach. The finish of the race is quite unpredictable and every step of a cockroach brings lots of emotions to all the guests.
Link (Thanks, Frank) |
2. |
Matsushita's "sleep room" for insomniacs. Next June, Japan's Matsushita will start selling a "sleep room" for insomniacs. USA Today's description of it reminds me of the euthanasia room from Soylent Green. You get into the bed, which is "upright like a recliner." A giant TV screen shows a video clip of a river in a forest, while soft music and nature sounds play in the background. A little while later, the lights dim, the TV shuts off, and the bed reclines. The river soundtrack continues to play. Then the massage machinery inside the mattress kicks in and kneads away the tension from your body. Finally, the lights go out and some air is released from the mattress, and you fall asleep -- hopefully.
At Matsushita, a night of rest isn't cheap. Rieko Saitoh, a company publicist, says the whole system is expected to go on sale in June 2005 — to the tune of $30,000.
Still, company officials say that even if the price is high, customers won't lose much sleep over it.
"Nobody who's come in here for 30 minutes hasn't fallen asleep," said Heiuchi.
Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Virtual Server 2005 almost finished. Microsoft releases a "release candidate," or almost final, version of the software. |
4. |
Briefly: Virtual Server 2005 almost finished. roundup Plus: Netegrity updates provisioning tools...RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service...The Body Shop buys HP gear. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Veritas Restates Its 2001-2003 Results (AP). AP - Veritas Software Corp. Monday restated its financial results for 2001, 2002 and 2003, significantly increasing its 2003 earnings due to a tax settlement stemming from its acquisition of Seagate Technology four years ago. |
6. |
Nokia admits market share dips to 32% (FT.com). FT.com - Nokia, the world's largest producer of mobile phones, on Monday admitted its market share in the first quarter fell to 32 per cent - an even sharper decline than it had previously indicated. But the company insisted it had not given up its long-term target of gaining 40 per cent of the global handset market. |
7. |
A Processor's Clock Speed Is Just One Measure of Performance (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The question I hear over and over from readers and friends goes something like this: "I need a computer for running Microsoft Office and browsing the Web, not much else. How fast of a processor should I get?" |
8. |
GrokDoc Goes Live; All GNU/Linux Newbies Welcome |
9. |
Happy Birthday, UNIVAC I |
10. |
ZBRA 79.56 -1.53 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 79.56 Change: -1.53 -1.89% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 12:46pm |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Columnists: The Trouble with Gmail. Mass acceptance of the keyword scanning in Google's new e-mail service could leave government spooks feeling lucky. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
BugTraq: Advisory 10/2004: Chora CVS/SVN Viewer remote vulnerability. Sender: Stefan Esser [s dot esser at e-matters dot de] |
13. |
BugTraq: Linksys Web Camera Cross-site Scripting Vuln. Sender: Tyler Guenter aka scriptX [scriptX_ at hotmail dot com] |
14. |
BugTraq: Infosec News Blog. Sender: [m5754074 at volubis dot com] |
15. |
BugTraq: [SECURITY] [DSA 518-1] New kdelibs packages fix URI handler vulnerabilities. Sender: [joey at infodrom dot org (Martin Schulze)] |
16. |
Vulns: Invision Power Board SSI.PHP SQL Injection Vulnerability. Invision Power Board is web forum software. It is implemented in PHP and is available for Unix and Linux variants and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Invision Powe... |
17. |
Vulns: PHP-Nuke Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. PHP-Nuke is a freely available, open source web content management system. It is maintained by Francisco Burzi, and available for the Unix, Linux, and Microsoft Operating... |
18. |
Vulns: ignitionServer Server Link Service Authentication Bypass Vulnerability. ignitionServer is an IRCX server available for Microsoft Windows platforms
ignitionServer is reported prone to an authentication bypass vulnerability. IRC servers can be... |
The Register
19. |
Scientists go quantum dotty over night vision. Tailored to the infrared By Lucy Sherriff . |
20. |
FoTW: Take your SMPs to Cuba!. Flame of the Week: I'll read none of this tripe By Ashlee Vance . |
1:22:58 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Nasty Linux kernel crash exploit found. Versions 2.4.x and 2.6.x of the Linux kernel running on x86 systems are vulnerable to a simple, yet nasty bit of C code that will hard lock the kernel. The kicker is that anyone with shell access can execute the code and bring down the system. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Stanley Milgram's shocking new biography. The Man Who Shocked The World is a new biography about Stanley Milgram, the provocative social psychologist whose mind-blowing experiments three decades ago are still highly relevant in today's world of Abu Ghraib and Friendster. From the Milgram Web site, hosted by the book's author, Dr. Thomas Blass:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.70154E-280; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1655
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Controversy surrounded Stanley Milgram for much of his professional life as a result of a series of experiments on obedience to authority which he conducted at Yale University in 1961-1962. He found, surprisingly, that 65% of his subjects, ordinary residents of New Haven, were willing to give apparently harmful electric shocks-up to 450 volts-to a pitifully protesting victim, simply because a scientific authority commanded them to, and in spite of the fact that the victim did not do anything to deserve such punishment. The victim was, in reality, a good actor who did not actually receive shocks, and this fact was revealed to the subjects at the end of the experiment. But, during the experiment itself, the experience was a powerfully real and gripping one for most participants.
Milgram's career also produced many other creative, though less controversial, experiments; such as, the small-world method (the source of 'Six Degrees of Separation'), the lost-letter technique, and an experiment testing the effects of televised antisocial behavior which, though conducted 30 years ago, remains unique to the present day."
3. |
Spanish blog radio. This online radio station serves the Spanish-speaking blog community worldwide. Cool! Link to the web radio station, and Link to the related weblog. (Thanks, Jean-Luc) |
4. |
Drexler says no to "grey goo" myths. Nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler has co-authored a paper in a scientific journal addressing fears surrounding self-replicating nano-machines. The paper, co-written by Chris Phoenix of the Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, was published in the journal Nanotechnology last week. From the abstract:
"In the light of controversy regarding scenarios based on runaway replication (so-called 'grey goo'), a review of current thinking regarding nanotechnology-based manufacturing is in order. Nanotechnology-based fabrication can be thoroughly non-biological and inherently safe: such systems need have no ability to move about, use natural resources, or undergo incremental mutation. Moreover, self-replication is unnecessary: the development and use of highly productive systems of nanomachinery (nanofactories) need not involve the construction of autonomous self-replicating nanomachines.
Accordingly, the construction of anything resembling a dangerous self-replicating nanomachine can and should be prohibited. Although advanced nanotechnologies could (with great difficulty and little incentive) be used to build such devices, other concerns present greater problems. Since weapon systems will be both easier to build and more likely to draw investment, the potential for dangerous systems is best considered in the context of military competition and arms control." Link
CNET News.com
5. |
Netegrity updates provisioning tools. Company adds support for Java and simplified administration tools.
6. |
Briefly: Netegrity updates provisioning tools. roundup Plus: RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service...The Body Shop buys HP gear...Torvalds leaves Silicon Valley for Portland. |
7. |
Chipset Serial ATA RAID Performance Exposed |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Trend Micro sees future in antivirus services. Trend Micro Inc. expects network antivirus services to grow to make up a quarter of its revenue in three years as the threat posed by network worms such as Sasser continues to grow, according to the company's chief executive officer (CEO). |
9. |
New roads to virus prevention. From different vantage points in the network, IronPort Systems and Determina are attempting to thwart virus outbreaks by providing early prevention against attacks. |
10. |
ZBRA 79.76 -1.33 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 79.76 Change: -1.33 -1.64% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 11:51am |
11. |
STT 47.95 -0.61 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 47.95 Change: -0.61 -1.26% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 11:46am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: RealNetwork RealPlayer Media File Heap Overflow Vulnerabilities. RealPlayer is a media player that is available for various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
NGSSoftware has reported that heap overflow vulnera... |
13. |
Vulns: Webmin And Usermin Account Lockout Bypass Vulnerability. Webmin is a web-based system administration tool designed for Unix and Unix variant operating systems. Usermin is a web-based Unix user tool that allows email access and... |
Help Net Security
14. |
Internet Explorer holes causing alarm |
15. |
Time to apply a patch |
16. |
Growing need for wireless security policies |
17. |
HNS Newsletter issue 217 has been released |
18. |
Executive conversation: why Cloudmark took the path less traveled |
19. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
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Check out NewsIsFree's services!
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Skype URI callto username overflow |
21. |
Pre-emptive security prompts alarms |
22. |
Microsoft's SP1 for Server 2003 packs a security punch |
23. |
Backdoor program gets backdoored |
24. |
Using Jabber as a log monitor |
25. |
Shortage of computer security experts hampers agencies |
26. |
Internet Explorer holes causing alarm |
27. |
Time to apply a patch |
28. |
Growing need for wireless security policies |
29. |
HNS Newsletter issue 217 has been released |
30. |
Executive conversation: why Cloudmark took the path less traveled |
31. |
cPanel "passwd" Script Database Password Manipulation Vulnerability |
32. |
cPanel "passwd" Script Database Password Manipulation Vulnerability |
33. |
Blackboard Digital Dropbox File Retrieval Vulnerability |
34. |
Blackboard Digital Dropbox File Retrieval Vulnerability |
35. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Vulnerabilities |
36. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Vulnerabilities |
37. |
Chora CVS Viewer Shell Command Injection Vulnerability |
38. |
Chora CVS Viewer Shell Command Injection Vulnerability |
12:22:39 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Catholic Church outsourcing prayers to India. Holy outsourcing! With Roman Catholic clergy in short supply in the US, prests in India are now picking up some of the work of saying special-purpose Mass for North American churches.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.74017E-157; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1654
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American, as well as Canadian and European churches, are sending Mass intentions, or requests for services like those to remember deceased relatives and thanksgiving prayers, to clergy in India. About 2 percent of India's more than one billion people are Christians, most of them Catholics.
In Kerala, a state on the southwestern coast with one of the largest concentrations of Christians in India, churches often receive intentions from overseas. The Masses are conducted in Malayalam, the native language. The intention - often a prayer for the repose of the soul of a deceased relative, or for a sick family member, thanksgiving for a favor received, or a prayer offering for a newborn - is announced at Mass.
Link (Thanks, Zed) |
2. |
AmIGhettoFabulousOrNot?. If nothing else, click for the surprise of random white dudes in bad pimps-n-hos attire. Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
Seagate drives, both big and small. Company aims for a hard drive or two or three in every home. |
4. |
IBM moves Linux beat to Brazil. New consulting services are designed to trigger spread of open-source OS. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Microsoft, IBM to Enter Business Software -Witness (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp.(MSFT.O) and IBM
(IBM.N) both plan to move into the market to supply software to
run key business functions, a government witness in the
antitrust trial against Oracle said in a San Francisco federal
court on Thursday. |
6. |
RealNetworks, Starz Launch Online Movie Service (Reuters). Reuters - Digital media company RealNetworks Inc.
and Starz Encore Group launched an online flat-rate movie
download service on Monday, more than a year later than
planned, hoping to tap into the growth of broadband Internet
access and user demand for online movies. |
7. |
Real Starz to Shine on the 'Net (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The box office is coming to a home computer near you, thanks to an Internet movie subscription service from RealNetworks Inc. and Starz Encore Group LLC that is launching today for high-speed Internet users. |
8. |
Play in a Top Orchestra, Virtually (Reuters). Reuters - Ever dreamed of playing in an
orchestra? Well now you can and from the comfort of your own
home or school. |
9. |
Zeppelin Flies Again |
10. |
Gmail Spam Filter Testing |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
RLX updates management software. RLX Technologies Inc. plans to release next month a major upgrade of its Control Tower server management software designed to simplify the task of monitoring and reprovisioning blade and 1U (1.75 inch) servers. |
12. |
Linux Security Week - June 14th 2004 |
13. |
Linux Security Week - June 14th 2004 |
14. |
ZBRA 80.39 -0.70 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.39 Change: -0.70 -0.86% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 10:51am |
15. |
STT 48.04 -0.52 (20 min. delayed). ST STREET CP Last Price: 48.04 Change: -0.52 -1.07% Last Trade: 6/14/2004 10:47am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
Vulns: Usermin HTML Email Script Code Execution Vulnerability. Usermin is a web-based user interface for UNIX/Linux users. It is designed to allow for users to access email and configure various user settings.
Usermin is reportedly... |
17. |
Vulns: Webmin Configuration Module Information Disclosure Vulnerability. Webmin is a web-based UNIX/Linux system administration tool. It is implemented using CGI scripts.
Webmin is reportedly prone to a vulnerability that allow for unauthori... |
18. |
Vulns: MIT Kerberos 5 KRB5_AName_To_Localname Multiple Principal Name Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret- key cryptography. Kerberos ... |
The Register
19. |
DVD Forum backs CD/DVD hybrid. DualDisc format now official By Tony Smith . |
20. |
Amazon search engine fingers G-Spot. Interesting related reading for kiddies By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
cPanel "passwd" Script Database Password Manipulation Vulnerability |
22. |
Blackboard Digital Dropbox File Retrieval Vulnerability |
23. |
Chora CVS Viewer Shell Command Injection Vulnerability |
24. |
OpenBSD update for httpd/mod_ssl |
25. |
Microsoft IE bug leaves users vulnerable to phishing |
26. |
Ease the security burden with a central logging server |
27. |
Using Jabber as a log monitor |
11:22:18 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Online 'penny jukebox' launched. Europe's leading music download firm, OD2, launches a 1p-per-track online music jukebox. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
First State Banks on Migration to Solaris (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - With its IBM mainframe system nearing capacity, a Mississippi community bank opts for Sun's SPARC platform—a move that officials estimate will save the bank $133,000 over five years. |
3. |
Nokia sees global handset sales up 15 percent to 600 million in 2004 (AFP). AFP - Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone maker, said the global handset market would see a brisk growth of 15 percent this year, reaching a total volume of 600 million units, but it admitted it was uncertain how many of those would bear its name. |
4. |
Thailand blocks English gambling websites to stem Euro 2004 betting (AFP). AFP - Thai police ordered local internet providers to block access to England-based betting websites in an effort to stem record gambling expected in the kingdom during the ongoing Euro 2004 football tournament. |
5. |
New Linux Kernel Crash-Exploit discovered |
6. |
The State of Urban Wireless |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
Fujitsu, SAP to expand partnership. Fujitsu Ltd. and SAP AG plan to announce Tuesday the expansion of a three-year old sales and support deal, Fujitsu said Monday. |
8. |
Trend Micro sees future in antivirus services. Trend Micro Inc. expects network antivirus services to grow to make up a quarter of its revenue in three years as the threat posed by network worms such as Sasser continues to grow, according to the company's chief executive officer (CEO). |
9. |
Infineon: New chip reduces standby power use. A new chip designed by German semiconductor manufacturer Infineon Technologies AG promises to significantly reduce the power consumption of numerous consumer products and portable computing devices operating in standby mode. |
10. |
Managing the security of data flow |
The Register
11. |
Computing needs a Grand Challenge. Sir Tony Hoare lays down the gauntlet By Lucy Sherriff . |
12. |
16k nostalgia - Britpop style. A musical trip down memory lane By Team Register . |
13. |
Chinese cyber-dissident gets four years' house arrest. Let off lightly By Tim Richardson . |
14. |
Nokia N-Gage QD US debut slips. Update Some 60 per cent fewer titles will ship, too By Tony Smith . |
15. |
Seagate unveils 'tiny to terabyte' hard drives. From 5GB 1in units to 0.5TB enterprise jobs By Tony Smith . |
16. |
NASA to grow Brit strawberries on Mars. Cream of UK horticulture By Lucy Sherriff . |
17. |
40k hit by Telewest email snag. 'Unforeseen issues' not spotted By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
F-Secure: Good Choice for SMBs |
19. |
Free and Open Port 25 Use Is Doomed |
10:21:57 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service. RealNetworks will launch a broadband movie service through a deal with Starz Encore Group. |
2. |
Briefly: RealNetworks, Starz launch movie service. roundup Plus: The Body Shop buys HP gear...Torvalds leaves Silicon Valley for Portland...Microsoft files suits against spammers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Veritas Restates Results (Reuters). Reuters - Veritas Software Corp. (VRTSE.O), a
data storage software maker, on Monday, in a regulatory filing,
restated three years results and said its accountant has found
"material weakness" with its internal control. |
4. |
Confident Nokia Unveils Five New Phones (AP). AP - Nokia Corp. unveiled five new phone models Monday, saying it was confident it could regain recently lost ground in the mobile phone market and reach 40 percent of the global market share. |
5. |
Skeptics Question Wi-Fi's Viability (AP). AP - Alas, wireless Internet may not be the technology sector's salvation after all. Small companies, some publicly traded, are burning cash trying to turn Wi-Fi into viable business. Some have already shut down. Faster than you can say "industry bubble," skeptics are asking whether wireless Internet connections will become similar to the wired Internet of the late 1990s — hot but rarely profitable. |
6. |
FreeBSD, Stealthy Open Source Project |
7. |
Phoebe Pictures Released |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
TimesTen touts transaction processing. TimesTen on Monday will release Version 5.1 of its data management and transaction processing system, focusing on the “real-time enterprise.” |
9. |
New roads to virus prevention. From different vantage points in the network, IronPort Systems and Determina are attempting to thwart virus outbreaks by providing early prevention against attacks. |
10. |
Using Jabber as a log monitor |
11. |
Ease the security burden with a central logging server |
The Register
12. |
AMD to ship mobile Athlons, Semprons in Q3. Low-power parts By Tony Smith . |
13. |
Briton invades France in amphibious car. Previous cross-channel record smashed By Lester Haines . |
14. |
Vodafone finds mobile workforce. All gadgeted up and ready to go... By John Oates . |
15. |
Forum approves Apple music format for DVD Audio. Steering Committee says 'yes' By Tony Smith . |
16. |
US woman eBays stroppy son's PS2. Teen drank Dad's beer, paid price By Lester Haines . |
17. |
Computing need a Grand Challenge. Sir Tony Hoare lays down the gauntlet By Lucy Sherriff . |
9:21:38 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Bungie: No Halo for the GameBoy. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Bigger Blue. How IBM has reinvented itself to defy extinction. |
3. |
Evolution: The future is now. Big Blue banks on its "on demand" strategy as the crowning achievement of a historic makeover. |
4. |
HP calls for 'elite' OpenView partners. Company aims to work more closely with third-party vendors.
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Singapore's Starhub Mobile chalks up millionth customer (AFP). AFP - Singapore's Starhub Mobile has signed up more than one million subscribers as the city-state's cellular phone market nears saturation point. |
6. |
Gateway, Best Buy have deal (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Shoppers will soon be able to buy some of Gateway's (GTW) MP3 players, home entertainment systems and flat-panel television sets at Best Buy (BBY) stores. |
7. |
China boosts Internet-access revenues in Asia to 8.8 bln dlrs in 2003 (AFP). AFP - Internet-access revenues in the Asia-Pacific region excluding Japan grew 32 percent to 8.8 billion dollars in 2003, industry research house Gartner revealed. |
8. |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Actional expands Web services management platform. Focusing on SOA (services-oriented architecture) management, Actional on Monday will extend its Web services management platform to manage relationships between other types of services as well, including databases, Web pages, middleware, and non-XML legacy systems. |
8:21:17 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Nokia takes on clamshell rivals. Nokia launches five new handsets, including its first mass-market clamshells, in an effort to woo back customers. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Editors' picks: IBM stories around the Web. IBM's remarkable return to leadership in the information technology world doesn't mean that the game is over--the company still faces unprecedented challenges. After scanning the Web for content related to Big Blue's transformation, we present some of the more interesting news reports, interviews and columns.
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Two execs, VC sell Callidus shares (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Two Callidus Software executives and a venture investor sold shares last month soon after the expiration of a 180-day "lock-up" period. That's the time after a company's initial public stock offering during which corporate insiders agree not to sell shares. |
4. |
Nokia admits market share has slipped (FT.com). FT.com - Nokia, the world's largest producer of mobile phones, on Monday admitted that its market share fell to 32 per cent in the first quarter, but insisted it had not given up its target of gaining 40 per cent of the global handset market. Speaking at a company event in Helsinki, Jorma Ollila, chief executive of the Finnish group, said 40 per cent remained "a very good target". Although he would not give details of sales forecasts Mr Ollila said he was "confident we are going to get back on track to improving our market share". ... |
5. |
Nokia Cuts Target for New N-Gage Games (Reuters). Reuters - Nokia cut its target to launch up to
100 new games for its N-Gage gaming phones to 40 by the end of
the year, as the world's top mobile phone company struggles to
make a name for itself in the booming games market. |
6. |
AOL Wants Users to Get This Message (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Instant messaging is both wildly popular and mostly profit-free, but America Online appears determined to change the second half of that description. |
7. |
OD2, Microsoft Team Up on Windows Media Jukebox (Reuters). Reuters - Windows Media Player users will be able
to buy music downloads from a selection of European online
stores, after Microsoft Corp and OD2 teamed up to lure fans
away from Apple Computer Inc.'s iTunes. |
The Register
8. |
NTL adds Napster to broadband content package. Punters to pay extra for music downloads By Tony Smith . |
9. |
AMD to 'ship' mobile Athlons, Semprons in Q3. Low-power parts By Tony Smith . |
10. |
BT links to eBay. Small business gets a boost By John Oates . |
11. |
Jormaspeak - Nokia CEO explains targets, culls and price cuts. Ollila sucks the bullet By John Lettice . |
12. |
Consumers want big telcos to supply VoIP services. Not so hot for start-ups By Tim Richardson . |
13. |
Italian gov text spams entire country. Berlusconi orders mass SMS election call By John Oates . |
14. |
Wiltshire feds in online gnome appeal. Do you own this gnome? By Lester Haines . |
15. |
IT barometer requires pulse check. Survey Corporate Security Drivers and Solutions By Team Register . |
16. |
Lloyd's bets on Unisys. £10m on desktops and servers By John Oates . |
17. |
OD2 unveils 1p-a-play digital music jukebox. And downloads that get cheaper the more you buy By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
RE: Linksys WRT54G - Advice for european users |
7:21:00 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Nokia takes on clamshell rivals. Nokia launches five new handsets, including its first clamshell designs, in an effort to woo back customers. |
2. |
POV-Ray 3.6 Released |
The Register
3. |
Nokia unveils phones, promises Wi-Fi. And a keyboard By Andrew Orlowski . |
4. |
Sheep like happy, smiley people: official. More cutting-edge scientific research By Lester Haines . |
5. |
Kazaa in German trademark punch-up. Mi Casa no es tu Kazaa By Jan Libbenga . |
6. |
Phoebe's past writ large in craters. Saturn's moon shows its age By Lucy Sherriff . |
7. |
NTL adds Napster to b'band content package. Punters to pay extra for music downloads By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
8. |
Trikke: Next Big Thing for Kids?. A three-wheeled scooter created by a Brazilian inventor gives riders the sensation of skating downhill with control. Promoters hope it will catch on like the hula hoop or pet rocks. |
9. |
Saturn Moon Up Close. Preparing to enter a four-year orbit to study the ringed planet, the internationally built Cassini spacecraft came within 1,285 miles of Saturn's dark moon Phoebe. The craft sent data to NASA's Deep Space Network. |
10. |
Make a Date, Meet a Mate Online. Plenty of guidance exists for singles who venture onto the Web to find their dream partner. Reviews and testimonials of the various matchmaking sites -- online, of course -- should give daters a clue about where to tread. |
11. |
Infosys: Outsourcing Row Easing. The controversy over sending U.S. jobs overseas is losing steam, says the CEO of Infosys, India's second largest software exporter. The election-year issue could spell trouble for tech companies depending on the low-cost labor. |
12. |
Powell: Terrorism Report Mistake. A State Department report showing that terrorism declined last year was a big mistake, according to Secretary of State Colin Powell. Embarassed and apologetic, Powell is trying to determine how the errors originated. |
13. |
Clean Cars Lean on Dirty Old Gas. Researchers have come up with a way for cars to run cleaner -- using hydrogen pulled from gasoline. There are still plenty of hurdles to overcome. By Mark Baard. |
14. |
Apple Makes Its Case for Security. Stung by criticism of its handling of vulnerabilities in Mac OS X, Apple says it's serious about security and vows to be more attentive. By Leander Kahney. |
15. |
Virtual City of Smut Now Online. Taking a page from multiplayer gaming, a porn site has created an interactive virtual world based on Amsterdam's famed red light district. Subscribers can check out local clubs or trade pick up lines with fellow members. By Daniel Terdiman. |
16. |
Florida Faces Election Fracas. Following the disastrous 2000 election snafu, Florida faces another debacle -- this time over a database that's supposed to keep felons from voting. But it also contains thousands of names of people who have every right to vote, critics say. By Jacob Ogles. |
17. |
The Son of Patriot Act Also Rises. Legislators attempt to pass Patriot Act II provisions to increase government power with legislative tricks, adding them to unrelated must-pass bills. It's a repeat of last year's events, but this time opponents are watching. By Kim Zetter. |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
Vendors step up ID management |
19. |
Congress antsy about TSA tech tests |
20. |
Editorial: Time to apply a patch |
21. |
Microsoft's SP1 for Server 2003 Packs a Security Punch |
6:20:38 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Microsoft races to plug IE hole. A flaw in the Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser could allow hackers to install software on a Windows PC. |
2. |
Inventor plans 'invisible walls'. The inventor of an invisibility cloak wants to develop a way of allowing people to see through walls. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Singapore's Starhub Mobile chalks up millionth customer (AFP). AFP - Singapore's Starhub Mobile has signed up more than one million subscribers as the city-state's cellular phone market nears saturation point. |
4. |
Huge Console Auction Debuts |
The Register
5. |
Backdoor program gets backdoored. Malware author inserts secret password By Kevin Poulsen, SecurityFocus . |
6. |
Apple readies European iTunes launch. Excitement reaches fever pitch By John Oates . |
7. |
France gets first virtual mobile operator. Cheaper texts ahoy By John Oates . |
8. |
Churn baby churn: junk email inferno. It was five years ago today... 14 June 1999 By Team Register . |
5:20:17 AM
4:19:58 AM
3:19:37 AM
2:19:17 AM
1. |
AOL To Charge for AIM Videoconferences |
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
Racist spam attack hits Germany |
12:26:38 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:50 AM.
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