Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Microsoft Appeals EC Ruling (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Microsoft Corp. announced yesterday that it had appealed antitrust rulings by European regulators, hoping to overturn a fine of more than $600 million and directives to change its Windows software. |
2. |
Google Stirs Controversy With Froogle (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Google has staked its reputation as the Internet's premier search engine on delivering rapid, relevant search results -- untouched by human hands -- that it says are based on complex mathematical formulas and sophisticated technology. |
3. |
Asian Gov'ts Drive Open-Source Linux Software Sales (Reuters). Reuters - Asian governments are adopting the
freely available Linux operating system in a bid to cut costs
and address security concerns, helping the region drive global
growth in demand for the software, vendors and analysts said. |
4. |
Not-So-Clean Hard Dives For Sale |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: Re: OBJECT Bugs or Features. Sender: http-equiv at excite dot com [1 at malware dot com] |
6. |
BugTraq: Aspell 'word-list-compress' stack overflow vulnerability. Sender: Shaun Colley [shaunige at yahoo dot co dot uk] |
NewsIsFree: Security
7. |
Deadly explosions across Iraq |
11:27:15 PM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
PeopleSoft: Oracle, SAP Top Competition (Reuters). Reuters - PeopleSoft Inc. considers Oracle
Corp (ORCL.O) and Germany's SAP AG (SAPG.DE) its major rivals,
even though the business software maker has also coached its
sales staff on "how to beat" a smaller vendor, an executive
testified on Tuesday. |
2. |
Linux PVRs Highlighted |
The Register
3. |
PalmOne blinds Treo smartphone for Sprint. I am not a camera By Andrew Orlowski . |
10:26:54 PM
9:26:34 PM
8:26:15 PM
7:25:55 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Big Sleep for Bonzo. BoingBoing pal Gareth Branwyn points us to some spectacular spleen-venting over the case of Alzheimer's that America appears to be having over Ronald Reagan's presidency. Tom Carson in the Village Voice. Sorry for the spoiler, but here's the final line: "The best that can be said for Ronald Reagan is that, if George W. Bush gets re-elected, we may yet end up missing him."
Ronald Reagan is the man who destroyed America's sense of reality -- a paltry target, all in all, given our predilections. It only took an actor: the real successor to John Wilkes Booth. In our bones, we had always been this sort of bullshit-craving country anyhow, founded on abstractions: not land (somebody else's), not people (Red Rover, Red Rover, send Emma Lazarus right over), not even shared history (nostalgia isn't the same thing, and try pulling that Civil War Shinola anywhere west of the Rio Grande). Just monumental words and wordy monuments, with two convenient oceans between them and circumstance; from Nat Turner's status as three-fifths of a man -- even though we ended up hanging all of him -- to Reagan's child Lynndie England (b. 1983, the year we invaded Grenada and lost 241 Marines in Lebanon), any shortfall could be blamed on something lost in translation. But it was Reagan, whose most profound Freudian slip was the immortal "Facts are stupid things," who beguiled us into living in the theme park full-time, and so much for the Declaration of Independence's prattle about "a decent respect to the opinions of mankind" -- actually the only time we ever expressed much concern for those. Since his 1980 opponent, Jimmy Carter, was about the sorriest embodiment of the reality principle imaginable -- Three's Company's Mr. Roper on the world-historical stage -- facts didn't have a prayer.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.38898E-193; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1577
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link |
2. |
Download the US Constitution for your iPod. An anonymous BoingBoing reader says, "The Constitution of the United States has just been released for the iPod. This is cool on several fronts, not the least of which is the fact that it was produced by the American Constitution Society, a progressive lawyer's group associated with Mario Cuomo and Janet Reno. To my knowledge, this marks the first time a major DC policy group has attempted to use the iPod to accomplish its goals." Link |
CNET News.com
3. |
EU's Intel probe highlights regulation tussle with U.S. |
4. |
European regulators take on tech |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Does the Internet Need Its Own Police? (PC World). PC World - The digital revolution has turned into a digital mess, one industry insider says. |
6. |
Programs: Kid's Firefighter Game Not a Blazing Success (Reuters). Reuters - In the grand scheme of
software sophistication, "Tonka Firefighter" is all siren and
no truck. |
7. |
WIPO Broadcast Treaty Creates New Legal Rights for Broadcasters |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Net needs law enforcement, author says. WASHINGTON - The Internet is a "god-awful mess," but few U.S. government officials are willing to take action against virus writers, spammers and other scammers, author Bruce Sterling said at the Gartner IT Security Summit Tuesday in Washington, D.C. |
9. |
RIM fights for appeal of BlackBerry injunction. The popular BlackBerry wireless e-mail device does not infringe upon patents held by NTP Inc. for a wireless communications system, lawyers for Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM) argued before a federal appeals court Monday. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: Multiple LHA Buffer Overflow/Directory Traversal Vulnerabilities. LHA is a utility that can compress and decompress LHarc/LH7 format archives.
LHA has been reported prone to multiple vulnerabilities that may allow a malicious archive t... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Microsoft Details Problems in DirectPlay, Crystal Reports |
12. |
Passwords Can Sit on Hard Disks for Years |
13. |
Passwords can sit on hard disks for years |
14. |
Do You Really Want to Meet People on the Web? |
15. |
LLuna Virtual Presence Project |
16. |
Infected Windows PCs Now Source Of 80% Of Spam |
17. |
Zombie PCs spew out 80% of spam |
18. |
Netgear's Amusing "fix" for WG602v1 Backdoor |
19. |
Text Messages in the Courts |
20. |
Think before you text |
21. |
Apple fixes Mac OS X bug |
6:25:34 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bruce Schneier explains why the Witty Worm is a scary piece of malware. Bruce Schneier of Counterpane Security explains why the Witty Worm is so awful. Witty was very well written. It was less than 700 bytes long. It used a random-number generator to spread itself, avoiding many of the problems that plagued previous worms. It spread by sending itself to random IP addresses with random destination ports, a trick that made it easier to sneak through firewalls. It was -- and this is a very big deal -- bug-free. This strongly implies that the worm was tested before release. Witty was exceptionally nasty. It was the first widespread worm that destroyed the hosts it infected. And it did so cleverly. Its malicious payload, erasing data on random accessible drives in random 64KB chunks, caused immediate damage without significantly slowing the worm's spread. Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Beatles in talks for online song sales |
3. |
HP issues bullish profit forecast |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Internet address registrations surge to 63 million (AFP). AFP - The total number of registered Internet addresses reached a new summit of 63 million after a record increase of 4.7 million in the first quarter, the main Internet registrar said. |
5. |
What Keeps You Off of Windows? |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Microsoft releases monthly security patches. Microsoft Corp. released software updates for versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 and warned customers about a security vulnerability in a Windows component called IDirectPlay4, which is used to support multiplayer network games. |
7. |
EC once again checking into Intel business practices. The European Commission has sent letters to PC vendors and retailers throughout Europe concerning Intel Corp.'s business practices, two years after the Commission concluded that an earlier complaint from rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) was unfounded. |
8. |
ZBRA 81.39 +0.62 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.39 Change: +0.62 +0.77% Last Trade: 6/8/2004 4:00pm |
The Register
9. |
Nokia sings the mid market blues. Confirms market share collapse By Andrew Orlowski . |
10. |
Apple fixes Mac OS X bug. At last By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Virus writers deploy bulk mail software |
12. |
Cisco Picks Trend To Fight Worms |
13. |
Linksys Video Camera Discloses Host Files to Remote Users |
14. |
Horde IMP Input Validation Hole in Content-Type Header Permits Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
5:25:15 PM
4:24:55 PM
3:24:35 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Does paid WiFi access have a future?. WiFi access providers have been struggling to find a profitable business model. Is such a model even possible when there are so many free offerings? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
History of the Universe in Seven Snoozes. Web art site Locus Novus is run by a Pasadena, California-based designer who does amazing things with hypertext. A Flash-based presentation of writer Jim Ruland's short piece "History of the Universe in Seven Snoozes" just went live today, and I think it is sublime.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.28366E-240; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1573
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link, and here is another one of my favorite pieces from Ruland at McSweeney's. Link |
3. |
Broadcast Treaty negotiations (day 2/3). We've just wrapped up the second day of Broadcast Treaty negotations at the UN in Geneva, and once again, two colleagues and I took really extensive notes on the proceeding. Brazil and India gave amazing testimony today, and I was able to address the UN on DRM -- it was screamingly cool. We did a lot more editorializing today -- it's still hard to follow, but damn this is important. If we lose here, it's a disaster for the Internet and the PC.
* Brazil
- Article 5: National Treatment. We favor alternative J,
irrespective of whether we agree on some kind of redefinition of
the term "national." We reserve the right to come back --
possible at a future meeting -- to the issue of the rights
conferred to the beneficiaries under the treaty.
[ed: note Brazilian implication that this business shouldn't be
concluded at this session]
- Concentrate on Article 16, Technical Protection Measures [ed: AKA DRM]. Brazil is concerned with
proposed inclusion of TPMs in proposed new treaty. Aware that
similar provisions are in WCT and WPPT, but it's important to
recall that those treaties were negotiated and adopted when there
was little awareness regarding potential implications of use of
TPMs. Since then, some years have gone by, and there's a growing
widespread awareness that use of such measures can be quite
detrimental to rights of consumers and public at large.
Significant concern that anticircumvention has significant
negative for exercise of rights exceptions and limitations in
national laws. Important obstacle to access of public to public
domain materia.
Inconsistent with necessary free flow of info so important to
encourage innovation and creativity in the digital environment.
All of Art 16 counters stated objectives of new treaty as
referred to in preamble. Para recognizes need to maintain
balance between rights of broadcasters and larger public
This entire article should believe this entire article should be
deleted from the text. Other delegates argue that e fact that we
have these provisions in WCT and WPPTY mean that we should
include them in this treaty. We disagree. Not pertinent to rights
of broadcasting organizations.
[ed. Brazil is very courageous. -dt]
[ed. See EFF's Unintended Consequences report for some of the
specific harms from adopting anticircumvention to which Brazil
alludes. Brazil recognizes that previous treaties offer
opportunity to learn from mistakes, not just blindly follow
existing language. -ws]
[ed This is the best statement I've ever heard at a WIPO session.
Chairman: Access to information is near to my heart as well. This
is not intended to cover DRM that locks up public domain
material. If an industry or entity does this, then TPM protection
shouldn't be available and circumvention should be lawful.
[ed. Since broadcasting isn't copyright, though, there's a wide
range of new material locked up by new rights for broadcasters.
Otherwise, there's no need for a treaty at all, since copyright
and licensing of copyrights can cover the field. -ws]
[ed. It's a nice theory, but the DMCA enthusiastically covers the
uncopyrightable, the public domain, and things that really
shouldn't be thought of as copyright, like the way that garage
door owners work or the secret of refilling a printer cart -cd]
4. |
Autopen: mechanical signature storage and reproduction. The Autopen is a wicked vintage gadget that lets you store your signature as a series of mechanical cues for a multifariously branched mechanical armature. Gizmodo has a killer post on it, with old pop-sci articles on the forthcoming age of the autopen. Lots of online info revolves around how to tell if your collectable souvenir signature came off an autopen or an original signature.
The most useful one, though, is the Autopen, made by International Autopen Co. of Sterling, VA., a popular device that is apparently still in use (the Republic National Committee bought one just this year). The Autopen is loaded with special metal 'matrix' -- basically a traced pattern of the signature -- that can be used again and again, even if the signer isn't there. Even better, owners of Autopens can purchase signature matrices through the mail from third parties, duplicating any autograph at will. Current models of the Autopen weigh around 100lbs, run off regular power, and can use real pens and pencils (although they work better with Sharpies, due to the fixed width of the pen looking less off when done with marker).
Link |
5. |
Cut-and-fold paper vintage video-game cabinets. 
Here's an AMAZING collection of print-cut-and-fold miniature vintage arcade machines, just the right size for a Barbie to play.
(Thanks, Alfie!)
CNET News.com
6. |
Digital signatures added to PDF documents |
7. |
Briefly: Digital signatures added to PDF documents |
8. |
Brightmail partners to fight instant spam |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Vietnam Orders Internet Use Monitoring (AP). AP - Vietnam has ordered local governments nationwide to closely monitor Internet use and enforce regulations aimed at cracking down on "bad information" sent or read on the Web, an official said Tuesday. |
10. |
Oracle's Perry Mason Moment (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Will Bill Gates wind up being the star witness for Oracle Corp.? |
11. |
PluggedIn: Step Aside TiVo, Here Comes Freevo (Reuters). Reuters - Tired of TiVo's monthly fees and
eager for even more control over their television programs,
computer enthusiasts are building TV recording devices out of
personal computers and new software packages. |
12. |
Nanotube Non-Volatile Memory Entering Production |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: TV programme exposes security gaps in Dutch airline and government wireless networks. During its special on computer attacks on June 3, the Dutch current-affairs programme, Zembla, demonstrated to television viewers just how easy it is to break into wi-fi ... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
BugTraq: Re: OBJECT Bugs or Features. Sender: Nick FitzGerald [nick at virus-l dot demon dot co dot uk] |
15. |
BugTraq: Vulnerability: Arbitrary File Access & DoS in Crystal Reports. Sender: Imperva Application Defense Center [adc at imperva dot com] |
16. |
Vulns: MIT Kerberos 5 KRB5_AName_To_Localname Multiple Principal Name Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. Kerberos is a network authentication protocol. It is designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret- key cryptography. Kerberos ... |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
8 Jun W32/Korgo-H |
18. |
Dell Unwraps 4-way, 64-bit Server |
2:24:17 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Cool gift wrap in biohazard symbol pattern. SEE UPDATE BELOW Nothing says "you're special" like wrapping paper emblazoned with the international symbol for lethally toxic crap. $10 per four-sheet pack, and you can buy it online. The "skull" and "Happy Fucking Whatever!" motifs are pretty swank, too. Link (Thanks, CJC)
Update: Biohazard wrapping paper is a bad idea! Bottom line: stick with the "happy fucking whatever" paper. BoingBoing reader Chris Davis writes,
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.07181E-228; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1572
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
I am not a trained first responder (IANATFR), but I've heard that when real, trained, first responders come across safety symbols - biohazard, nuke radiation, etc - they take them very very seriously.
So lets say you wrap your bottle of wine for the party host in the cool biohazard paper, and then get in a wreck on the way there. And the wine bottle breaks inside the box. The EMT gets to your car, sees a damaged box covered in biohazard symbols leaking fluid on the passenger seat, and makes a 180 out of there to call in the trained biohazard people, leaving you to fend for yourself. Oops..
I just called a firefighter friend, so he IS a trained first responder (IAATFR?). Turns out he just last week had a hazmat response training session. He said they use 'common sense' - so in my example above, they MIGHT go ahead and treat the injured, but it would probably set a chain of events in motion that would be a really big deal - guys in hazmat suits going over your car before you get it back, law enforcement asking a lot of pointed questions.. He emphasized that in this day and age, they do take this stuff seriously.
As he put it, 'Say you've got somebody you've got a problem with. Wrap a box of kleenex in that paper, throw it in his car, and drop a dime. He will never fuck with you again.' " |
CNET News.com
2. |
Apple names former CFO as board member |
3. |
Briefly: Apple names former CFO as board member |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Microsoft appeals anti-trust ruling to top EU court (AFP). AFP - Microsoft vowed to overturn a landmark European Union anti-trust ruling that forces major product changes on the US software giant after filing an appeal with the EU's top court. |
5. |
SBC deal to put Wi-Fi in up to 6,000 McDonald's (AFP). AFP - As many as 6,000 McDonald's restaurants will be equipped with wireless Internet or "Wi-Fi" access by next year under a deal announced with SBC Communications. |
6. |
Spam hit all-time high in May : survey (AFP). AFP - Unwanted e-mails, or spam, surged to an all-time high in May representing as much as three-quarters of all e-mail traffic, according to a survey. |
7. |
The End of the Mass-Mailer Worm Era (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - It could be that conventional mass-mailer worms have seen their best days. They certainly seem to be in decline and the future is unpromising. |
8. |
Heat Insulators for Laptops |
9. |
Venus Transit Finished |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Despite cost pressures, RFID tags gaining steam. It may be "the oldest new technology," in the words of IDC analyst Christopher Boone, but the combination of RFID (radio frequency identification) tags with electronic product codes could change the way manufacturers and retailers manage their supply chains, according to analysts, vendors, and attendees at IDC's RFID Update conference in Boston on Monday. |
11. |
Debian: rsync Directory traversal vulnerability |
12. |
Debian: gallery Unauthenticated access |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
News: EU attacks anti-spam industry. A senior European Union official has berated the anti-spam industry for failure to agree a common strategy. Philippe Gerard said that lack of co-operation was handicapping the fight to hold back the junk mail tsunami. |
14. |
News: Oops! Firm accidentally eBays customer database. A customer database and the current access codes to the supposedly secure Intranet of one of Europe's largest financial services group was left on a hard disk offered for sale on eBay. The disc was subsequently purchased for just £5 by mobile security outfit Pointsec Mobile Technologies. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: RE: Multiple vulnerabilities PHP-Nuke. Sender: Jeruvy [jeruvy at shaw dot ca] |
16. |
Vulns: SmartStuff FoolProof Security Program Administrative Password Recovery Vulnerability. SmartStuff FoolProof Security Program is used to protect and manage computer resources.
FoolProof is prone to a vulnerability that may allow an unprivileged user to reco... |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Cisco to Use Trend Micro Antivirus Technologies |
18. |
ArcSight Zeroes in on Threats |
19. |
Fastest Rising: 9898 dabber |
1:23:54 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
What re-election stunt will the Bush admin pull in October?. October Surprise is asking people to predict the re-election trick that Karl Rove and Dick Cheney have in store for October. Results so far:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.01728E-233; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1569
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Osama bin Laden captured! 33.3%
Spectacular terrorist attack on US soil! 23.6%
Vote is threatened by terrorist attacks, vote suspended due to red alert. 14.6%
Diebold Election Systems fixes the vote in battleground states. 11.4%
Escalation in Israel, Iran, or North Korea. US opens a new war front. 8.1%
US pulls out of Iraq in October, leaving the UN in charge. 4.9%
WMD's found in Iraq! 4.1%
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Blackberry battle goes to court. A Washington court looks into who should hold the US patent for the Blackberry, the mobile e-mail gizmo and boardroom status symbol. |
3. |
Broadband gets youth approval. A study suggests more Welsh children than ever are using broadband and think it is the best invention this century. |
4. |
Watchdog's 'alarm' over ID cards. The UK's information commissioner tells MPs initial "healthy scepticism" on ID cards was now "increasing alarm". |
CNET News.com
5. |
AT&T plans Net phone trials in Asia, Europe |
6. |
EU revisits Intel probe |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Take-Two Post Loss, Got No Game (Reuters). Reuters - Video game publisher Take-Two
Interactive Software Inc. (TTWO.O) on Tuesday posted a
wider-than-expected quarterly loss and slashed its sales and
earnings forecasts on disappointing game sales and changes to
its game release schedule. |
8. |
More than 600 million mobile phones could be sold this year: Gartner (AFP). AFP - More than 600 million mobile telephones could be sold worldwide this year, a new record, the Gartner research group said, noting that sales in the first quarter were up 34 percent from a year earlier. |
9. |
Windows Media 9 Looks Past the PC (PC World). PC World - Microsoft teams up to extend its technology to DVD players and set-top boxes. |
10. |
First German conviction for Internet music swapping (AFP). AFP - A young man has been convicted and fined in Germany for posting thousands of copyrighted songs on an Internet music swap site, a court said, in a legal first for the country. |
11. |
Text Messages in the Courts |
InfoWorld: Security
12. |
Apple security update addresses latest issues. Apple Computer Inc. on Monday issued a security update for Mac OS X addressing a number of issues found in the operating system. Security Update 2004-06-07 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users, according to Apple. The update includes the following components: DiskImages; LaunchServices; Safari; and Terminal. |
13. |
Trend Micro, Cisco to fight worms. Cisco Systems Inc. and Trend Micro Inc. on Monday announced a partnership under which Cisco will improve its routers, switches and firewalls with Trend's worm-blocking technology. |
14. |
Mandrake: xpcd Buffer overflow vulnerability |
15. |
Mandrake: mod_ssl Buffer overflow vulnerability |
16. |
ZBRA 81.35 +0.58 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.35 Change: +0.58 +0.72% Last Trade: 6/8/2004 11:51am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
17. |
Vulns: SquirrelMail Email Header HTML Injection Vulnerability. SquirrelMail is a feature rich web mail application implemented in using PHP4. It is available for Linux and Unix based operating systems.
SquirrelMail is reported to be... |
The Register
18. |
Apple posts second Mac OS X vuln patch. Update Nabbed By Tony Smith . |
19. |
BT Retail extends SDSL availability. 150 metropolitan exchanges By Tim Richardson . |
20. |
Seagate thins product line in black ink bid. Layoffs today, new kit tomorrow By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Internet Explorer Local Resource Access and Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerabilities |
22. |
Encrypting partitions using dm-crypt and the 2.6 series kernel |
23. |
Striking back at spyware |
24. |
Internet Explorer Local Resource Access and Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerabilities |
25. |
8 Jun W32/Spybot-CG |
26. |
Help Protect Your Applications from Hackers with Threat Modeling |
27. |
PHP Win32 escapeshellcmd() and escapeshellarg() Input Validation Vulnerability |
28. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Vulnerabilities |
29. |
Linksys BEFSR41 DHCP Server Network Data Leak VUlnerability |
30. |
Linksys Web Camera File Inclusion Vulnerability |
31. |
cPanel mod_php suEXEC Taint Vulnerability |
32. |
Oracle E-Business Suite Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities |
33. |
Michigan man pleads guilty to wireless hack into stores |
12:23:34 PM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Broadband bargains tempt surfers. In the latest broadband price cut, a company is offering a high-speed link for the price of a dial-up connection. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Sony revs up speedy DVD burner |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Microsoft Files EU Appeal (PC World). PC World - Request to stay the imposed remedies will follow, software giant says. |
4. |
Video Game Is a Flawed Paean to Western (AP). AP - Winston Churchill didn't have video games in mind when he said, "the price of greatness is responsibility." But now Rockstar Games is paying that price with "Red Dead Revolver," a stylish but flawed paean to the western. |
5. |
Intel, China Co. to Cooperate on Systems (AP). AP - U.S. semiconductor giant Intel Corp. and Shanghai-based Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. plan to cooperate on software development, focusing on online home entertainment systems for the China market, the companies said Tuesday. |
6. |
Passwords Can Sit on Hard Disks for Years |
7. |
Netgear's Amusing "fix" for WG602v1 Backdoor |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Microsoft files appeal in EU case. As had been widely anticipated, Microsoft Corp. on Tuesday filed its official appeal to the European Union's Court of First Instance, defending itself against the European Commission's competition decision earlier this year. |
9. |
ZBRA 81.52 +0.75 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 81.52 Change: +0.75 +0.93% Last Trade: 6/8/2004 10:51am |
SecurityFocus Vulns
10. |
Vulns: Neon WebDAV Client Library ne_rfc1036_parse Function Heap Overflow Vulnerability. Neon is a client side library supporting HTTP and WebDAV interfaces. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Unix and Unix variants.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.02126E-070; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1566
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Neon WebDAV client ... |
11. |
Vulns: Neon WebDAV Client Library Format String Vulnerabilities. Neon is a client side library supporting HTTP and WebDAV interfaces. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Unix and Unix variants.
It has been reporte... |
The Register
12. |
Tory used knicker salesman is ex-IT bod. Exclusive Fondly remembered by colleagues By John Oates . |
13. |
Espotting-FindWhat.com merger is go. Set for 1 July By Tim Richardson . |
Help Net Security
14. |
The Witty worm: a new chapter in malware |
15. |
Encrypting partitions using dm-crypt and the 2.6 series kernel |
16. |
Striking back at spyware |
11:23:15 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Declan: Die, FCC, Die!. In his CNET column this week, Declan McCullagh argues that the Federal Communications Commission has outlived its usefulness and should be abolished.
Its justification for existence was weak 70 years ago, but advances in technology since then have eliminated whatever arguments remained. Central planning didn't work for the Soviet Union, and it's not working for us. The FCC is now an agency that does more harm than good.
Consider some examples of bureaucratic malfeasance that the FCC, with the complicity of the U.S. Congress, has committed. The FCC rejected long-distance telephone service competition in 1968, banned Americans from buying their own non-Bell telephones in 1956, dragged its feet in the 1970s when considering whether video telephones would be allowed and did not grant modern cellular telephone licenses until 1981--about four decades after Bell Labs invented the technology. Along the way, the FCC has preserved monopolistic practices that would have otherwise been illegal under antitrust law.
These technologically backward decisions have cost Americans tens of billions of dollars.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.08352E-103; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1564
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link |
2. |
Wi-Fi: If Not Free, Then How?. My Wired News colleague Joanna Glasner filed this piece on the challenges
commercial Wi-Fi networks have faced convincing people to pay daily or hourly fees for unwired broadband. Now that Cometa's kicked the bucket, survivors may need new pricing schemes.
[A]nalysts say one lesson the industry has learned the hard way is that laptop owners remain reluctant to pay by the hour for online access.
"Wi-Fi wants to be free," said John Yunker, an analyst at Byte Level Research who follows wireless technology. He believes high-speed wireless access will evolve over the next several years into a freebie service, much like cable television or air-conditioning in hotel rooms, that customers come to expect at cafes, airports and conference centers.
For surviving Wi-Fi players to remain afloat, Yunker believes, they'll have to change their business models, offer more all-you-can-surf plans and cut prices. For those who do charge, he believes customers will be comfortable paying rates of about $4 a month for unlimited access to a network of hot spots.
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Vietnam Gov'ts to Enforce Net Crackdown (AP). AP - Vietnam has ordered local governments nationwide to closely monitor Internet use and enforce regulations aimed at cracking down on "bad information" sent or read on the Web, an official said Tuesday. |
4. |
Do You Really Want to Meet People on the Web? |
5. |
Mandrakelinux Goes X.org |
6. |
Secure Development: A Polarised Response |
The Register
7. |
419ers open Chinese takeaway. $30m stuck in Shenzhen bank? Crikey By Lester Haines . |
8. |
Rawhide gets taste of the Wi-Fi cowboy. Herding cattle, 802.11b style By Lucy Sherriff . |
9. |
Court ruling vapes Intel's Pentium patents. It was five years ago today... 8 June 1999 By Team Register . |
10. |
EU attacks anti-spam industry. Junk mail tsunami continues unabated By John Leyden . |
11. |
London startup dismisses Wi-Fi broadband. Licensed spectrum the future By Guy Kewney, Newswireless.net . |
10:22:54 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Weirdest Amazon Schwag. Great Amazon Listmania list: the 25 weirdest things on Amazon, including a lamp shaped like a human leg, 1250 grubs, an anatomically correct human torso and a live lobster.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.28058E-035; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1562
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(via Making Light) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Potter casts spell over charts. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
3. |
BT acts against child porn sites. Blocking illegal sites is only one stage in the fight against online paedophiles, say experts. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Music Industry Readies Fresh Wave of Net Lawsuits (Reuters). Reuters - A new wave of lawsuits is being prepared
against the most prolific Internet song-swappers as part of an
expanding global crackdown on Internet piracy, music industry
officials said Tuesday. |
5. |
Gentoo Officially Not-For-Profit |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Trend Micro, Cisco to fight worms. Cisco Systems Inc. and Trend Micro Inc. on Monday announced a partnership under which Cisco will improve its routers, switches and firewalls with Trend's worm-blocking technology. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
7. |
BugTraq: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-04:12.jailroute. Sender: FreeBSD Security Advisories [security-advisories at freebsd dot org] |
The Register
8. |
Global mobile phone sales soar. 600m handsets in 2004? By Tim Richardson . |
9. |
Mach 0.3 milk float goes for land speed glory. Brit world record attempt By Lucy Sherriff . |
10. |
Orange squashes SPV smartphone. C500 is 'World's smallest', network claims By Tony Smith . |
11. |
Rockall Times fights anti-smoking jihad. Cash'n'Carrion Campaigning shirts defend democracy By Cash'n'Carrion . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Cisco picks Trend to fight network worms |
13. |
Apple posts second Mac OS X vuln patch |
14. |
Bugs and Fixes: Do Not Ignore Megapatch for Windows |
9:22:34 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Cory in Ottawa Citizen. On May 30, the Ottawa Citizen ran a great profile on me and my books, with a sidebar on other authors who ppost their work online. The Citizen has a weird policy where they only let subscribers see their online archives, but Brent Kirwan, a generous reader, has sent me a high-resolution photo of the newspaper spread where you can read it yourself.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.4328E-195; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1561
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
148k JPEG Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Vodafone in fresh Mannesmann row. An attempt by Vodafone to reduce its German tax bill reignites controversy over the firm's takeover of Mannesmann. |
3. |
Song-swappers settle out of court. Eighteen file-sharers settle out of court as the global music industry takes action against illegal song-swappers. |
4. |
BT acts against child porn sites. Blocking the public from viewing illegal sites is only one stage in the fight against online paedophiles, say experts. |
CNET News.com
5. |
High hopes for unscrambling the vote |
6. |
Why chip speed is old news |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Take-Two Posts Loss, Slashes Forecasts (Reuters). Reuters - Video game publisher Take-Two
Interactive Software Inc. (TTWO.O) on Tuesday posted a
wider-than-expected quarterly loss and slashed its forecasts
for the current quarter and full year on disappointing game
sales and changes to its product release schedule. |
8. |
Apple Sets Wireless Hardware for PCs, Macs (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc. broadened its support of Windows-based computers Monday, introducing a new wireless access device designed to work with computers running either Mac OS X or Microsoft Corp.'s operating system. |
9. |
Apple to launch online music download service iTunes next week (AFP). AFP - US computer company Apple is to launch a European version of its online music download service iTunes next week in a move likely to spur sales of its popular iPod MP3 player and hit struggling competitors, technology and other publications reported. |
10. |
Intel, China Co. to Cooperate on Systems (AP). AP - U.S. semiconductor giant Intel Corp. and Shanghai-based Shanda Interactive Entertainment Ltd. plan to cooperate on software development, focusing on online home entertainment systems for the China market, the companies said Tuesday. |
11. |
Infected Windows PCs Now Source Of 80% Of Spam |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
NEC to launch Itanium blade server in September. NEC Corp. plans to begin shipping blade servers based on Intel Corp.'s Itanium 2 microprocessor in September, the company revealed Monday. |
13. |
Macromedia and Speedera team on Flash video streaming. Global content delivery provider Speedera Networks Inc. will deliver video clips using Macromedia Inc.'s Flash video streaming technology, under an agreement announced Monday by the companies. |
14. |
Apple security update addresses latest issues. Apple Computer Inc. on Monday issued a security update for Mac OS X addressing a number of issues found in the operating system. Security Update 2004-06-07 delivers a number of security enhancements and is recommended for all Macintosh users, according to Apple. The update includes the following components: DiskImages; LaunchServices; Safari; and Terminal. |
The Register
15. |
Apple posts second Mac OS X vuln patch. But does it go far enough? By Tony Smith . |
16. |
Pilkington perfects self-cleaning window. Cue sobbing bloke up ladder with chamois leather By John Oates . |
17. |
419ers open Chinese franchise. $30m stuck in Shenzhen bank? Crikey By Lester Haines . |
18. |
Global mobile phone sales soar. 600m handsets for 2004? By Tim Richardson . |
19. |
Mach 0.3 milk float goes for land speed glory. Brits in world record attempt By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
'Memory Firewall' Bows (TechWeb) |
21. |
Reactivity Introduces XML Firewall (TechWeb) |
22. |
8 Jun W32/Korgo-G |
23. |
8 Jun W32/Dumaru-AK |
24. |
8 Jun W32/Spybot-CC |
25. |
CPU-based security for Windows XP, Red Hat Linux coming |
26. |
Security Log |
27. |
Intrusion-prevention start-up touts 'memory firewall' |
28. |
Michigan man pleads guilty to wireless hack into stores |
29. |
RSA focuses anew on the password problem |
8:22:15 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Nokia loses out in handset market. The mobile phone market leader sees its market share eaten away by rivals, despite strong world demand for new handsets. |
2. |
Microsoft to fight record EU fine. The software giant appeals against a record EU fine and ruling that it abused its position as the dominant industry player. |
3. |
United front against spam urged. The European Commission has called on the computer industry to sort out its anti-spam strategy. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
IS RETRAINING WORTH IT? (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Software developer Dan Steinberg thought retraining would be his ticket to a better job. |
5. |
Oracle trial has a wild start (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Microsoft, the dominant PC software maker, and SAP of Germany, the world's biggest seller of corporate software applications, revealed Monday that they had explored the possibility of merging in talks that ended just a few months ago. |
The Register
6. |
Asus shows second MS smartphone. P505 pops up at Computex By Tony Smith . |
7. |
SBC serves up McDonald's Wi-Fi deal. Fast Net, fast food By Tim Richardson . |
8. |
Cisco picks Trend to fight network worms. Defence in depth By John Leyden . |
Help Net Security
9. |
Confusion surrounds Cisco-Linksys wireless hole |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Cisco to bundle Trend antivirus |
11. |
Confusion surrounds Cisco-Linksys wireless hole |
7:22:04 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Oracle rustles Microsoft-SAP plan. A court probing Oracle's planned takeover of Peoplesoft hears that sector leader Microsoft tried to buy Germany's SAP last year. |
2. |
UK game makers tackle US sports. The UK team behind a best-selling football video game have set their sights on American sports. |
3. |
Inside the Google search machine. Google staffer Matt Cutts provides an insight into how the service manages millions of daily search requests. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Microsoft Appeals Against EU Sanctions (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp has appealed to EU
courts against the European Commission's decision to slap it
with a record fine and order changes in the way it sells its
Windows software, the company said on Tuesday. |
5. |
Orange Launches World's Smallest Smartphone (Reuters). Reuters - France Telecom-owned mobile operator
Orange on Tuesday launched a new smartphone that is one third
smaller than its predecessor and said the handset is the
world's smallest that can handle computer applications. |
The Register
6. |
ATI Radeon X800 Pro morphs into X800 XT. Just the lucky ones? By Tony Smith . |
7. |
BOFH: Wearing the graphite polymer wobbly shoe. Episode 18 The morning after the night before By Simon Travaglia . |
8. |
Oracle trial gets boost from Microsoft. MS mulled SAP takeover By John Oates . |
9. |
Telcos forge covergence alliance. BT shakes hands with international partners By John Oates . |
10. |
Ex-WorldCom CFO coughs in Mississippi court case. Securities fraud rap By Tim Richardson . |
11. |
Vodafone in German tax row. Write down wrangle By John Oates . |
12. |
Software patents and rebel MEPs. Letters Voting record doesn't follow party line By Lucy Sherriff . |
Wired News
13. |
Diebold Bans Political Donations. Stung by criticism about its chief executive's political fund raising, Diebold says it won't let its senior executives make donations to candidates. Employees at its election systems division also will be barred. |
14. |
From the Prawn of Time. Something's rotten at NotCon, and that's a good thing. In this case, the decomposition of a prawn sandwich is used to measure time. Attendees at this eccentric tech conference are enthralled. Roxanne Khamsi reports from London. |
15. |
GarageBand.com Leaves Door Open. Musicians who post their music on GarageBand.com can now opt to license their songs using Creative Commons. Music fans can trade and share songs as much as they like without fearing the RIAA's wrath. By Katie Dean. |
16. |
Apple Pumps Music Through Air. The new AirPort Express portable Wi-Fi base station doubles as a wireless receiver for home stereos. It's an intriguing package of electronics, analysts say. By Leander Kahney. |
17. |
Cracking the Code to Romance. Every geek complains about looking for a hookup. Meet four lonely hearts who are hacking their way into the sack -- call them the dating optimizers. By Annalee Newitz from Wired magazine. |
18. |
A Contest to Outwit Google. In this competition, contestants try to determine the best way to rise to the top of search results on Google. The point: to show that the search engine can be outwitted, even if for just a short time. By Daniel Terdiman. |
19. |
Apple Quietly Patches OS X. The computer maker appears to have finally patched several OS X security holes that have gaped wide open for several weeks. But this time, there was no press release crowing about Apple's great security record. By Leander Kahney. |
20. |
Wi-Fi: If Not Free, Then How?. Commercial Wi-Fi networks haven't had an easy time convincing customers to pay daily or hourly fees for broadband. Following the closure of one of the industry's larger players, survivors may need new pricing schemes. By Joanna Glasner. |
21. |
Water to Boost Satellite Snooping. Orbiting spy satellites have an annoying habit of running out of fuel and burning up in the atmosphere, so Darpa is looking for a way to make them last longer and move better. The key might be water. By John Gartner. |
Help Net Security
22. |
TruSecure updates security-compliance manager |
23. |
Apple patches 'critical' OS X flaw |
24. |
Security spending will increase |
25. |
Firm accidentally eBays customer database |
26. |
Passwords can sit on hard disks for years |
27. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
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NewsIsFree: Security
28. |
Buffalo Spammer sentenced to slammer for 3-1/2 to 7 Years for Forgery, ID Theft |
29. |
US wardriver pleads guilty to Loews Wi-Fi hacks |
30. |
psqlodbc "PGAPI_Connect()" Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
31. |
psqlodbc "PGAPI_Connect()" Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
32. |
Debian update for postgresql |
33. |
Debian update for postgresql |
34. |
Mandrake update for tripwire |
35. |
Mandrake update for tripwire |
36. |
psqlodbc "PGAPI_Connect()" Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
37. |
Debian update for postgresql |
38. |
Mandrake update for tripwire |
39. |
TruSecure updates security-compliance manager |
40. |
Apple patches 'critical' OS X flaw |
41. |
Security spending will increase |
42. |
Firm accidentally eBays customer database |
43. |
Passwords can sit on hard disks for years |
6:21:42 AM
5:21:22 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Ads on Pringles chips. Procter and Gamble is selling advertising space on individual Pringles chips.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.55207E-127; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1556
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
According to the release, first up will be a promotion involving one of Hasbro's (NYSE: HAS) popular board games, "Trivial Pursuit Junior." Questions from that brand will be featured on the crisps, along with the answers, of course. (Actually, P&G should consider placing the questions in one canister of crisps and the answers in another canister to double sales -- as well as the anger level of consumers, I suppose). The launch of this initiative is scheduled for summertime.
(via Kottke) |
2. |
Animals in classic art photoshopping.
Today on Worth1000's photoshopping contest: Cute ani-mules matted into classical paintings.
3. |
Slashdot-proof your server with FreeCache. FreeChache is a kind of Ad-Hoc-amai -- a service that caches high-demand content on high-availability servers. The Internet Archive's FreeCache service has an automated tool that integrates with Apache to automatically cache and redirect visitors attempting to download large, popular files -- using this can slashdot-proof your server.
(Thanks, Dav!) |
4. |
Brian Dear's blog reprinted in the San Diego Reader. Blogger Brian Dear has landed a sweet deal to have a month's worth of his blog posts reprinted as a cover story in the San Diego Reader -- he even got some sweet cash in the deal. He's blogged the story of his deal:
My first thought: scam. I mean, who is this guy? Why is he writing to me, right out of the blue? I don't know him from Adam. And, if this guy is from the Reader, then why was he using what appeared to be a personal email address (not sdreader.com)? So, I looked up the phone number for the San Diego Reader and called.
I asked for Jim Holman. The receptionist wanted to know what this was regarding. I told her I just a moment ago got this email from Mr. Holman saying he wanted to pay me for an article and I am calling to see if this is for real. She put me on hold and then sure enough, I was talking with Jim Holman.
Link |
5. |
Low-cost low-carb. Here are some great tips for eating a low-carb diet that's also low-cost.
6. Look for substitutions that make sense. Don't want to pay top dollar for bacon? Lean boiled ham is much less expensive and fills the same purpose in many menus. And canola oil has the same healthy fat benefits as olive oil for less than half the price.
(via Carbwire) |
6. |
Dilbert for 08 Jun 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
7. |
Broadband hits four million mark. Broadband in the UK has hit the four million mark , according to figures from telecoms watchdog Ofcom. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Digital Gear: Disco Umbrellas and Other Gadgets (PC World). PC World - From mice to multimedia, check out some new products for home, work, and on the road. |
9. |
Intel and Red Hat team for Linux security |
10. |
New Armor to Thwart Hacks |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
SmartAdvice: Private Is As Private Does |
12. |
The Privacy Lawyer: Actions Must Follow Privacy Mea Culpas |
13. |
Anti-Spam Technologies Prove Their Value |
14. |
Enterprise Wireless Security Starts At Home |
4:21:03 AM
3:20:42 AM
2:20:22 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
LayerOne tech con this weekend in LA. BoingBoing pal boogah says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.76254E-128; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1547
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
LayerOne Technology Conference will be going on this Saturday and Sunday [June 12-13] at the Westin LA Airport. We've got a grip of really great speakers lined up for our first year... NTK's Danny O'Brien will be flogging his Life Hacks talk that's won over crowds at everywhere from Emerging Tech to NotCon. Dan Kaminsky will be giving an early preview of his Black Hat talk and hopefully be releasing some tools to back up his concepts. Jason Schultz of the EFF will be talking about how the DMCA is stifling innovation and preventing the future of interoperability. USC's Douglas Thomas will be covering how code is and can be a means of political action.
On top of that we've got eight more great talks, free wifi, a mini-vendor area [see: shirts and technological epherma] a cash bar right off the speaking area and gratis beer for paying attendees on Saturday night. Doors open at 9am on Saturday and on each day the first talk is at 10am and the we adjourn at 6pm. We're charging $50 for the weekend, which we'll gladly take at the door.
Highly recommended! Link |
2. |
Space Invaders Rug. Nerdolicious area rug from NYC-based design boutique Dune.
According to Funfurde blog, the boutique's owner contacted Space Invaders maker Taito for permission to make the rug -- and Dune was reportedly given permission to do so without any requirements of licensing fees or royalty payments. Unlike the game on which it is based, this design product will cost you more than just a fistful of quarters -- $3,000, to be exact.
Link |
3. |
Homer, Bart Simpson naked in Japanese soda TV ad. 
Animated TV stars The Simpsons have sold their butts, figuratively speaking, for the likes of Butterfinger and Burger King here in the US. But in one of the many Simpsons ads shot for Japanese "CC Lemon" carbonated tooth-rot sugarpotion, Homer and son appear au naturel. Sacre blog!
Link (Thanks, sekrit Fleshbot editor!) |
4. |
Nerve.com's "Future of Marriage" survey. Tomorrow, "Literate Smut" online magazine Nerve launches a two-week "Future of Marriage" special issue. Included: the results of a "future of marriage poll" which canvassed 2082 readers for some interesting trend data and pithy, insightful quotes.
New trends among our readers (primarily educated urban men and women in their twenties and thirties): 32%, for example, think cheating begins with a raunchy IM session. Fidelity is a priority for them (close to 80% are pro-monogamy), but they're laissez-faire about the lifestyles of others (97% think having children out of wedlock is okay). There's just one thing on which they refuse to compromise: 59% think bad sex is grounds for divorce.
Link to poll results (yeah it's Nerve, but at-work-surfers can chill -- no boobies are exposed in poll data results) |
5. |
Cool gift wrap in biohazard symbol pattern. Nothing says "you're special" like wrapping paper emblazoned with the international symbol for lethally toxic crap. $10 per four-sheet pack. Link (Thanks, CJC) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
China Clamps Down on Digital Films (Reuters). Reuters - China has issued new rules to rein in
digital filmmakers, some of whom have screened politically
taboo home videos on the Web and shown documentaries exposing
social ills at film festivals abroad. |
7. |
Should The FCC Be Abolished? |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
log2mail printlog() Message Logging Format String |
9. |
Spam Flat In May, Directory-Harvest Attacks Rise |
10. |
TruSecure Updates Security-Compliance Manager |
11. |
Security Expected To Take A Larger Bite Out Of IT Budgets |
12. |
Reactivity Introduces Gateway-D XML Firewall |
13. |
Cincinnati Gets Nod As Homeland Security's Regional Tech Center |
14. |
Bagle.aa/Beagle.X and Netsky.AB on the wild |
15. |
LSASS exploit analysis |
16. |
Updated: MS04-011 LSASRV Exploit |
17. |
Sasser / SasserB / SasserC worm links and information - more MS04-011 exploits |
12:27:13 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:42 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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