Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Boing Boing
1. |
Art Attack. On June 15, a federal grand jury will convene in upstate New York to consider possible bioterrorism charges against University at Buffalo art professor Steve Kurtz and the Critical Art Ensemble, an internationally-known hactivist collective. From the CAE Defense Fund Web site:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.66679E-081; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1536
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Early morning of May 11, Steve Kurtz awoke to find his wife, Hope, dead of a cardiac arrest. Kurtz called 911. The police arrived and, after stumbling across test tubes and petri dishes Kurtz was using in a current artwork, called in the Joint Terrorism Task Force.
Soon agents from the Task Force and FBI detained Kurtz, cordoned off the entire block around his house, and later impounded Kurtz's computers, manuscripts, books, equipment, and even his wife's body for further analysis. The Buffalo Health Department condemned the house as a health risk.
Only after the Commissioner of Public Health for New York State had tested samples from the home and announced there was no public safety threat was Kurtz able to return home and recover his wife's body. Yet the FBI would not release the impounded materials, which included artwork for an upcoming exhibition at the Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art."
This Washington Post article provides more background on the bizarre turn-of-events. Protests at the Court House in Buffalo and in other major cities are planned. Link
CNET News.com
2. |
Briefly: Lawmakers fight Accenture 'corporate expat' deal. roundup Plus: Cisco flaw resets network hardware...Robot cars ready to rumble...Claria sues L.L.Bean. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
IBM Documents Reviewed at Oracle Trial (Reuters). Reuters - IBM documents show the computer
and consulting company feared losing millions of dollars in
sales if Oracle Corp. succeeded in its hostile takeover of
rival software vendor PeopleSoft, Oracle's lawyers told a
federal court on Wednesday. |
4. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
5. |
BugTraq: MDKSA-2004:059 - Updated squid packages fix remotely exploitable vulnerability. Sender: Mandrake Linux Security Team [security at linux-mandrake dot com] |
11:30:47 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Bush administration won't appeal phone decision. Administration's move leads an FCC commissioner to say he will not seek a Supreme Court appeal. |
2. |
Cisco flaw resets network hardware. A flaw in the operating system for Cisco Systems' Catalyst switches could be used to shut down and reset the hardware, the network device maker says. |
3. |
Lawmakers fight Accenture 'corporate expat' deal. A House committee passes a measure aimed at blocking a major homeland security contract awarded to Bermuda-based Accenture. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Megapixel Phones Encroach on Digital Camera Turf (Reuters). Reuters - Asia's top mobile phone makers are
rolling out handsets equipped with cameras so advanced many
consumers may come to the conclusion they don't need a separate
digital camera any more. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Experts Warn of VOIP Security Flaws |
10:30:26 PM
9:30:07 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
AMD lands deal with China's Lenovo. Two Lenovo home PCs run Athlon processors, a major boon for the chipmaker in a growing Chinese market. |
2. |
Microsoft researchers dream big. From "band-aids" for fresh security holes to software that will read your news for you, Bill Gates' think tank is on it. |
3. |
Feds should double science budget, says Intel CEO. The United States will lose its competitive edge, says Craig Barrett, if it doesn't start allocating more money to the National Science Foundation and encouraging corporations with financial incentives. |
4. |
IBM faces copyright infringement suit. Zero-Knowledge Systems claims Big Blue wrongfully reproduced its privacy-language specification. |
5. |
IE flaws used to spread pop-up toolbar. The use of IE flaws to trigger pop-up ads on victims' PCs could be grounds for criminal charges. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Holes Found in Open Source Tool (PC World). PC World - Patches available, but exploits expected for CVS project vulnerability. |
7. |
Mathemetician Claims Proof Of Riemann Hypothesis |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Search finds new holes in open source tool. A close investigation of a common open source tool has uncovered more critical security holes in software used by developers to track and manage changes in computer code. |
9. |
The ease of (ab)using X11, Part 2 |
The Register
10. |
AMD bags Chinese giant. Lenovo embraces Athlon By Ashlee Vance . |
8:29:48 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Blogging Baby. Toilet training, thumb sucking.... might sum up any day's contents of dozens of navelgazing weblogs (or maybe something you'd spot on Fleshbot) but instead they're part of the latest micropublishing venture from Weblogs Inc. Link to bloggingbaby.com. Caution: NSFRH (not safe for Raffi-haters) |
2. |
Supreme Court MP3s for your next hot-n-heavy makeout session. Probably not that well-suited for hot-n-heavy makeout sessions, but -- psych! -- made you look. Following up on this earlier post about an audio version of the US Constitution, BoingBoing reader Jonathan Mitchell says:
This site gives free downloads of the oral arguments in US Supreme Court cases of the 1960s. The sound quality isn't always brilliant; the arguments may be barmy; but the interest is in listening to how crucial civil rights issues were viewed at the time. Try Loving v Virginia (are anti-miscegenation laws racially discriminatory? umm, hard question). Warning: some are almost two hours long.
Link |
Penny Arcade!
3. |
Reminiscent Of Egypt.  |
CNET News.com
4. |
IDC boosts projection for PC shipments. The research company elevates its forecast for worldwide PC shipments in 2004 by about 3 million. |
5. |
More flaws foul security of open-source repository. Six more security flaws are found in the popular program for maintaining code under development. |
6. |
'Wobulation' to boost HP digital projectors. The technology means that high-quality projectors can be made with lower-cost components. |
7. |
Claria sues L.L.Bean. The adware maker charges the retailer with filing a frivolous lawsuit against its advertisers. |
8. |
Briefly: Robot cars ready to rumble. roundup Plus: Claria sues L.L.Bean...IDC boosts projection for PC shipments...Germany approves Symbian deal. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Record Sales Forecasted for Semiconductors (AP). AP - Driven by demand from personal computers, cell phones and other devices, worldwide semiconductor sales are expected to jump 28.6 percent to a record $214 billion this year, an industry group forecast Wednesday. |
10. |
TiVo Cuts Prices on TV Services (Reuters). Reuters - TiVo Inc. on Wednesday said it cut
prices on both its set-top boxes and home networking services,
amid a drive to add subscribers to its television recording
systems. |
11. |
NewsForge On U.S. Advice To EU On Software Patents |
SecurityFocus News
12. |
Infocus: TCP/IP Skills for Security Analysts (Part 2). This article series guides users new to the security field through some of the key skills required to work as a security analyst. Part two puts the skills into context by simulating a "day in the life" of a network security analyst, using an example of what steps to take when new exploit code appears. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: Metasploit Framework v2.1. Sender: H D Moore [sflist at digitaloffense dot net] |
7:29:28 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Bush/Zombie Reagan 2004 ticket. A website proposing an unlikely -- actually, undead -- candidacy:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.91195E-101; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1488
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Q:What are some advanatages of adding Zombie Reagan to the ticket?
A: He will demonstrate America's resolve to continue the battle against terrorism. Instead of retreating to an undisclosed location, for instance, Zombie Reagan will be on the front lines, eating illegal combatants.
(Thanks, Macki) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
IBM Projects Losses in Oracle Deal (AP). AP - Technology giant IBM Corp. has calculated that it would lose millions of dollars in software sales if Oracle Corp. prevails in its year-old quest to buy PeopleSoft Inc., according to evidence submitted Wednesday in a key antitrust trial. |
3. |
Diva Gem Bluetooth MP3 Player Review |
InfoWorld: Top News
4. |
Search finds new holes in open source tool. A close investigation of a common open source tool has uncovered more critical security holes in software used by developers to track and manage changes in computer code. |
5. |
SCO may restrict Solaris, moves to push IBM trial back. SYDNEY - Less than one week after Sun Microsystems Inc.'s chief operating officer Jonathan Schwartz pledged to open source its Solaris operating system, The SCO Group Inc. has stated that license restrictions prevent Sun from contributing its work to the GPL (General Public License). |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
IE flaws used to spread pop-up toolbar |
About Internet/Network Security
7. |
Big Brother and Computer Security. The United States government sometimes seems to make laws for the sake of making laws or simply to justify their existence. Often laws are created where laws already exist in an attempt to look proactive against threats or conditions that... |
6:29:07 PM
5:28:51 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Blogging Baby. Toilet training, thumb sucking -- while those might sound like entries on any of dozens of garden-variety navelgazing weblogs, they're part of the latest micropublishing venture from Weblogs Inc.. Link to bloggingbaby.com. |
CNET News.com
2. |
IE flaws used to spread pop-up toolbar |
3. |
Riemann hypothesis may have been solved |
4. |
For TiVo, a channel of one's own? |
5. |
IDC boosts projection for PC shipments |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Ask Jeeves' Head Says Tukaroo Important (AP). AP - Ask Jeeves Inc.'s purchase of software startup Tukaroo Inc. is a model of the kind of small acquisitions the Web-search company expects to continue to make, chief financial officer Steve Sordello said. |
7. |
Mannesmann Merger Trial Approaches Closing (AP). AP - A German court said Wednesday that closing arguments in the trial of Germany's leading banker and five others over payments in Vodafone's 2000 takeover of cell phone company Mannesmann will start June 24, sending the high-profile trial into its final phase. |
8. |
Running Gadget Handy, but Only in Country (AP). AP - As if I weren't challenged enough running the Paris Marathon, I had to confront a course marked in kilometers — it might as well have been in furlongs for an American like me. |
9. |
TiVo Adds Internet Connections (PC World). PC World - Users will be able to download movies and music, and schedule recordings online. |
10. |
Look Inside A PC-killing WIPO Treaty |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
DOJ won't appeal telecom network-sharing ruling. The Office of the Solicitor General has decided not to appeal a court ruling overturning much of the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) rules on network-sharing among telecommunications companies. |
12. |
ZBRA 80.17 -1.22 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.17 Change: -1.22 -1.51% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 4:00pm |
13. |
WWE 12.99 +0.55 (20 min. delayed). WLD WRSTG ENTMNT Last Price: 12.99 Change: +0.55 +4.42% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 4:00pm |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
News: Jury reports partial verdict in webmaster terror case. The Associated Press By Bob Fick |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: [FULL DISCLOSURE] ASPDOTNETSTOREFRONT Improper Session Validation. Sender: Tom [tommy at providesecurity dot com] |
16. |
BugTraq: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco CatOS Telnet, HTTP and SSH Vulnerability. Sender: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team [psirt at cisco dot com] |
5:28:48 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Bush administration won't appeal phone decision |
2. |
Adware firm uses IE flaws to spread pop-up toolbar |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Pivotal 5.1 Improves Usability (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Version 5.1 of Pivotal's mid-market CRM application includes several usability improvements, as well as increased support for the mobile user and for global marketing campaigns. |
4. |
Linux: Not for Everyone (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The buzz associated with Linux is growing louder by the day, with most major software vendors embracing the open-source concept. |
5. |
Nokia Market Share Tumbles (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Global cell-phone sales jumped 34 percent in the first quarter of 2004 as customers bought 153 million handsets, according to research firm Gartner. |
6. |
Laptops Give Up Secrets Easily (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Hard drives that end up on eBay (Nasdaq: EBAY) or other public auction blocks often
contain a plethora of sensitive business and personal data that can be retrieved easily, according to a European I.T. security firm. |
7. |
New Program Exterminates End-User Bugs (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Exterminating bugs that infest spreadsheets and Internet calculators
is the goal of an
Oregon State University
(OSU) project funded by the National
Science Foundation
(NSF). |
8. |
Xandros Releases Open Circulation Edition |
9. |
Listen To The Universe On Your iPod |
10. |
ZBRA 80.07 -1.32 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.07 Change: -1.32 -1.63% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 3:51pm |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
Elsewhere: Internet Explorer carved up by zero-day hole. Two new vulnerabilities have been discovered in Internet Explorer which allow a complete bypass of security and provide system access to a computer, including the install... |
12. |
Elsewhere: First "counterstrike software" for Internet hackers gets rocky start. PARIS (AFP) - The first commercial software to strike back at computer vandals and spammers has run into crossfire from experts, who fear it could unleash "a cyber bloodb... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: RE: OBJECT Bugs or Features. Sender: Michael Wojcik [Michael dot Wojcik at microfocus dot com] |
4:25:24 PM
3:25:04 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Et Cetera: Wednesday already!. Another Et Cetera. What can be said? It has a lot of stuff in it. Some important, some less important. All link-worthy! By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
TiVo aims for content distribution, home media adoption. Following on the heels of yesterday's disappointing news about TiVo and DirecTV comes just what the doctor ordered: revitalization. There are a lot of announcements to cover! By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Bush's climate-change Lysenkoism. Sterling's latest Wired column is a good comparison of the government-mandated pseudoscience in the Bush climate policy and the "totalitarian hucksterism" of Trofim Lysenko, Salin's number-one bad-science guy.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.64111E-175; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1596
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Presidential science adviser John Marburger complained that the UCS's account sounded like a "conspiracy theory report." That's because it is one. As the report amply documents, the Bush administration has systematically manipulated scientific inquiry into climate change, forest management, lead and mercury contamination, and a host of other issues. Even as Marburger addressed his critics, the administration purged two advocates of stem-cell research from the President's Council on Bioethics.
When politicians dictate science, government becomes entangled in its own deceptions, and eventually the social order decays in a compost of lies. Society, having abandoned the scientific method, loses its empirical referent, and truth becomes relative. This is a serious affliction known as Lysenkoism.
Link |
4. |
Public comments on NYC subway-photo-ban solicited. The NYC subway system is considering a ban on photography on its trains and platforms -- despite the long and honourable tradition of shipping kick-ass art by taking snaps on the trains. Here's a public inquiry site where you can comment on the proposal.
(Thanks, Christian!) |
5. |
Amusing English place-names by post-code. Here's a service that will take your UK post-code and return a list of amusing place-names near to you. Here're the ones near my flat:
Mincing Lane
Cock Pond
Pratt's Bottom
Titsey Park
Claggy Cott
Herbert's Hole
(via Mine, Mine, Mine!) |
6. |
WIPO Broadcast Treaty: consolidated three-day notes. The Broadcast Treaty is a proposal from a WIPO Subcommittee that's supposedly about stopping "signal theft." But along the way, this proposal has turned into a huge, convoluted hairball that threatens to make the PC illegal, trash the public domain, break copyleft and put a Broadcast Flag on the Internet. The treaty negotiation process is unbelievably convoluted and hard-to-follow, and they've just wrapped up the latest round in Geneva. But for the first time, a really large group of "civil society" orgs were accredited to attend. Me and another EFF staffer and the Coordinator of the Union for the Public Domain created a heavily editorialized impressionistic transcript of the meeting (EFF mirror, UPD mirror), trying to untie the knots in the negotiation. This is the first time that a really exhaustive peek inside a WIPO treaty negotiation has ever been published -- get it while it's legal! |
CNET News.com
7. |
EarthLink launches high-speed broadband service |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Ask Jeeves Makes Desktop Search Acquisition (Reuters). Reuters - Web search company Ask Jeeves
Inc. (ASKJ.O) on Wednesday said it bought private desktop
search company Tukaroo Inc. amid speculation that larger rival
Google Inc. is moving in a similar direction. |
9. |
Web Logs Finally Meet Sim City |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
IBM gets small in a big way. IBM's PC desktop division continues to think small in a big way announcing on Wednesday, a desktop system that is 35 percent smaller than its predecessor with a footprint that takes up less space than some of its laptop machines. |
11. |
ZBRA 79.88 -1.51 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 79.88 Change: -1.51 -1.86% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 1:51pm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
BugTraq: Potential Security Flaw in Symantec Gateway Security 360R. Sender: Dev Null [devnull at cox dot net] |
13. |
BugTraq: TSSA-2004-010 - squid. Sender: tinysofa Security Team [security at tinysofa dot org] |
14. |
BugTraq: Trend Officescan local privilege escalation. Sender: Donald Reid [donald_reid at hotmail dot com] |
15. |
BugTraq: Advisory 09/2004: More CVS remote vulnerabilities. Sender: Stefan Esser [s dot esser at e-matters dot de] |
2:24:45 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
IBM on the slowdown in clockspeed increases. Coinciding with today's underwhelming G5 tower update comes this ZDNET interview with IBM Chief Technologist Bernie Meyerson. By Hannibal. |
Boing Boing
2. |
MEMS marvels. Researchers at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne have created microscale models of the Tyne Bridge and the Angel of the North sculpture that are tinier than the period at the end of this sentence. The designs showcase MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) technology, tiny devices fabricated from silicon with techniques similar to those used in integrated circuit manufacturing. Of course, these microscopic architectural wonders were preceded by flw, a 1/1 millionth scale MEMS version of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater that Boing Boing pal Ken Goldberg and Karl Bohringer constructed way back in 1996. Link Update: Starting on Monday 7/14, Goldberg and Bohringer's flw will be on display for a month at The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.56914E-198; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1595
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
3. |
Mentality of Homo Interneticus. Kevin calls this First Monday essay, The Mentality of Homo Interneticus: Some Ongian postulates by Michael H. Goldhaber, "a wonderful summation of the new mentality of internet usage."
Increasingly, blogs — daily updates supposedly from an entirely personal perspective — have become a central focus of many people’s Web experience. A blogger captures our attention less through brilliance of expression, than by resonating with our own prior views, and also — often chiefly through various degrees of self–revelation. In general, the more intimate, the better; and the more supportive of a particular side, slant and style in some public debate, also the better each blogger then can direct our attention to other sites or sources, that further our knowledge of and loyalty to the same stance. We can easily be inundated in views, gossip, conspiracy theories, selected facts and so forth that serve to bolster the preconceptions that attracted us to such thoughts in the first place.
For any text to continue to hold our attention on the Internet, it must be calibrated so as to: provide just the right level of excitement to sustain interest; not introduce matters so strange that the reader cannot follow or is tempted to seek explanations on other sites; to present arguments of only moderate complexity — again not to distract or bore the reader; and gather the reader’s sympathy by presenting materials likely to resonate with her. Opportunities to escape these limitations that might do for a printed work are far more risky in the Internet environment, where attention can quickly stray. Despite the apparent democracy of the Internet, where anyone has an equal chance to create a site or blog, these tight restrictions demand a high degree of talent and ingenuity for success.
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
'Shameful waste' on e-university. A Labour MP condemns what he calls the "shameful waste of tens of millions of pounds" on a failed online degree scheme. |
CNET News.com
5. |
Domain name registration again in vogue |
6. |
Security specialist to add Web-filtering tools |
7. |
TiVo steps into online content |
8. |
Germany approves Symbian deal |
9. |
Briefly: Germany approves Symbian deal |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Police to walk a virtual beat in pursuit of paedophiles (AFP). AFP - Police officers are to patrol the virtual world of Internet chat rooms as part of a global effort to tackle paedophiles operating on the World Wide Web, Britain's National Crime Squad (NCS) said. |
11. |
Will the Beatles Finally Let It Be Online? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Leave it to the Beatles to start a revolution in the online music business: Representatives for the Fab Four reportedly are in talks with several companies to sell their music on the Internet. |
12. |
Another Zero-Day IE Scripting Exploit |
13. |
Open Access To Scientific Literature: Can It Work? |
14. |
Buffer flaws fixed in Ethereal, Kerberos, Squid and CVS |
15. |
Red Hat: squid Buffer overflow vulnerability |
16. |
Red Hat: Ethereal Multiple vulnerabilities |
17. |
ZBRA 80.17 -1.22 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.17 Change: -1.22 -1.51% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 12:51pm |
SecurityFocus Vulns
18. |
Vulns: Neon WebDAV Client Library ne_rfc1036_parse Function Heap Overflow Vulnerability. Neon is a client side library supporting HTTP and WebDAV interfaces. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Unix and Unix variants.
Neon WebDAV client ... |
1:24:25 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Update: blocked sites for .mil websurfers. Joi Ito points us to an interesting comment by one of his blog's readers, in response to this BoingBoing post about rumors some websites such as The Memory Hole may be blocked for access by military personnel in Iraq.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.38027E-236; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1594
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
I'm on a civilian owned internet right now. That means if I chose, I can search for pornographic material right at this moment if I felt so inclined. However on a military computer, we use internet which is connected to a military owned server, broadcasted by our own Sattelites. These frequencies get filtered based on what the military deems is right and wrong. This includes shopping, games, pornographic material, dating services, chat lines, and perhaps some Blogs.
For those who felt they weren't being blocked from ANY site, well, if all you try to go to is Yahoo.com, then come on. Try out "bigkinkygirls.com" or something on a military computer. Or access a hate or racist site. Good luck. Sometimes, due to the filters, a site containing news and information may be blocked without the intention of cencorship. Such as some adult software blocks a childs report on Mule's simply because the webpage had the word ass in it.
NIPR's "Websense" software is strict and server based. And is controlled by a higher leveled ISO. If there is any doubt to the web pages contents, contacting the help desk should help them realise the mistake, and fix the situation upon investigation. But NIPR would rather block any suspected webpage, than allow one to slip through. But in the luckier parts of Iraq, the soldier is free to walk into a KBR internet cafe without cost. And many units supply them with free internet so that we may research, email our families, or simply have a good time at one of our favorite Blogs.
PFC "Zaku", 47th FSB, 1AD Baghdad
Link |
2. |
Sounds from the electronica underground. D-I-R-T-Y is a very cool experimental music soundsystem/clearinghouse whose Web site features dozens of Real Audio DJ sets and live performances from electronica artists including Cinematic Orchestra, Minotaur Shock, Jazzanova, Kid Koala, and many others. Air's "selection of great western songs" is quite a treat. You can also listen to D-I-R-T-Y's Radio Colette, direct from the hippest design/lifestyle shop in Paris. Link |
3. |
MEMS marvels. Researchers at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne have created microscale models of the Tyne Bridge and the Angel of the North sculpture that are tinier than the period at the end of this sentence. The designs showcase MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems) technology, tiny devices fabricated from silicon with techniques similar to those used in integrated circuit manufacturing. Of course, these microscopic architectural wonders were preceded by flw, a 1/1 millionth scale MEMS version of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater that Boing Boing pal Ken Goldberg and Karl Bohringer constructed way back in 1996. Link
CNET News.com
4. |
IT morale drops to all-time low, study says |
5. |
Low-end Power Macs get dual processors |
6. |
Ask Jeeves taps into desktop search |
7. |
Domain-name registration surges |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Psion says Symbian stake sale to Nokia cleared in Germany (AFP). AFP - British mobile handset firm Psion said its proposal sale of its 31 percent stake in Symbian to Nokia has been approved by German competition authorities, completing the formal clearance process for the transfer. |
9. |
TiVo Plans Online Scheduling, Cuts Some Prices (Reuters). Reuters - Television recording technology
company TiVo Inc. on Wednesday said it cut prices on its home
networking services and set-top boxes sold at some stores, a
major step in its subscriber growth plan. |
10. |
Linux Credits File Reanimated |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
VoIP needs serious security review, say experts. Internet Protocol-based voice networks may be the wave of the future, but they will require a whole new approach to security, warned telecoms experts at the VON Europe voice-over IP (VoIP) conference in London on Tuesday. |
12. |
New G5s announced; no 3GHz, G5 laptops planned. Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday announced three new dual-processor Power Mac G5 configurations, with the fastest model topping out at 2.5GHz. The new high-end systems miss the 3GHz mark that Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company would achieve at last year's Worldwide Developers Conference, but Tom Boger, Apple's Director of Power Mac Product Marketing said it came down to a technology challenge that was bigger than they expected. Boger also said today that users shouldn't expect to see a PowerBook G5 before the end of the year because of the challenges of putting the G5 in a small enclosure. |
13. |
ZBRA 80.22 -1.17 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.22 Change: -1.17 -1.44% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 11:49am |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: VoIP needs serious security review, say experts. Internet Protocol-based voice networks may be the wave of the future, but they will require a whole new approach to security, warned telecoms experts at the VON Europe vo... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
Vulns: Neon WebDAV Client Library Format String Vulnerabilities. Neon is a client side library supporting HTTP and WebDAV interfaces. It is freely available under the GNU Public License for Unix and Unix variants.
It has been reporte... |
The Register
16. |
Medion MDPPC250 PocketPC GPS Bundle. Reg review Best value PDA-based GPS rig yet? By Tony Smith . |
17. |
IT workers' morale hits rock-bottom. Cheer up, worse things happen at sea By Tim Richardson . |
18. |
Airlines ground online ticket price gouging. Postcode discrimination eliminated, EC asserts By John Leyden . |
19. |
Apple: no 3GHz G5 'any time soon'. Broken promise By Tony Smith . |
12:24:04 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Apple updates Power Macintosh G5 line. Three weeks before its Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple updated its flagship line of Power Macintosh G5s. The top-of-the-line model is now a Dual 2.5GHz tower with water-cooling. Alas, it still comes with the Radeon 9600XT. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Andre the Giant has a magazine. Street/commercial artist Shepard Fairey--instigator of the "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" meme--is launching his new magazine, Swindle Quarterly, this month:
"SWINDLE quarterly will be the definitive pop-culture and lifestyle publication for young men and women. Servicing music, art, and fashion, SWINDLE provides a wide variety of fresh “lifestyle” content for the young and eclectic. SWINDLE will be the first truly non-disposable almanac of popular culture. It’s hardcover and premium print quality will set it apart from other publications on the newsstand. When you buy SWINDLE, you get a beautifully designed addition to your personal library, to be displayed next to your favorite books." Link
3. |
Monolith and digital copyright. BoingBoing reader Jason Rohrer created an app called Monolith, which "munges" together two arbitrarily-selected binary files (called a Basis file and an Element file) to produce a Mono binary file (with a .mono extension). Jason says the resulting Mono file will not be statistically related to either file, hence becoming an interesting tool for exploring the boundaries of digital copyright (what is the copyright status of the resulting .mono file?)
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.42913E-265; #1: 1
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X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Things get interesting when you apply Monolith to copyrighted files. For example, munging two copyrighted files will produce a completely new file that, in most cases, contains no information from either file. In other words, the resulting Mono file is not "owned" by the original copyright holders (if owned at all, it would be owned by the person who did the munging). Given that the Mono file can be combined with either of the original, copyrighted files to reconstruct the other copyrighted file, this lack of Mono ownership may be seem hard to believe.
Consider this simple fact: for a given Element file and any other file of the same length (call it fileA), it is possible to choose a Basis file that, when munged with the Element, will produce fileA as the resulting Mono file. Therefore, if a copyright holder claims that she owns the information in all Mono files that are munged from her work, she is also claiming copyright over all possible binary files that are the same length as her work. For example, suppose that fileA is an MP3 of a Beatles song, and the Element file is an MP3 of a Britney Spears song copyrighted by Jive Records. It is possible to find a Basis file that, when munged with the Spears song, will produce the Beatles song as the Mono file. Jive Records certainly cannot claim copyright over the Beatles song (which is copyrighted by Apple Records), nor can they claim copyright over any other Mono files munged from MP3s of their songs.
What does this mean? This means that Mono files can be freely distributed. Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
BSkyB launches rival to Freeview. The UK broadcaster is to launch a free-to-air satellite service with 200 channels. |
5. |
BT transforms phone network. BT is to trial an internet protocol network, making broadband ubiquitous in the UK. |
CNET News.com
6. |
SAP siphons Pepsi away from Oracle |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
New G5s announced; no 3GHz or G5 laptops 'any time soon' (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple Computer Inc. on Wednesday announced three new dual-processor Power Mac G5 configurations, with the fastest model topping out at 2.5GHz. The new high-end systems miss the 3GHz mark that Apple CEO Steve Jobs said the company would achieve at last year's Worldwide Developers Conference, but Tom Boger, Apple's Director of Power Mac Product Marketing said it came down to a technology challenge that was bigger than they expected. Boger also said today that users shouldn't expect to see a PowerBook G5 before the end of the year because of the challenges of putting the G5 in a small enclosure. ... |
8. |
Will the Beatles Finally Let It Be Online? (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Leave it to the Beatles to start a revolution in the online music business: Representatives for the Fab Four reportedly are in talks with several companies to sell their music on the Internet. |
9. |
Apple Launches Faster Power Mac G5 Computer (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) on
Wednesday launched a new version of its Power Mac G5 desktop
line, with all models including two microprocessors and some
running as fast as 2.5 gigahertz, or 2.5 billion cycles per
second. |
10. |
The Future of SysAdmins Positions |
11. |
Looking Into The Power Architecture Future |
12. |
ZBRA 80.51 -0.88 (20 min. delayed). ZEBRA TECH Last Price: 80.51 Change: -0.88 -1.09% Last Trade: 6/9/2004 10:52am |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
Elsewhere: Citing Security, Sprint Releases Camera-Free Treo Phone. Citing concerns that cameraphones can pose security risks, Sprint said Tuesday that it is making available a version of the palmOne Treo 600 smartphone without a camera. ... |
14. |
Elsewhere: Microsoft game for plugging two security flaws. Online gaming and third party apps locked down?
Microsoft released two security patches for its Windows operating systems on Tuesday, plugging holes in an online gamin... |
15. |
News: MS hatches June patch batch. Microsoft released a brace of security alerts last night. Neither is particularly serious. |
The Register
16. |
Apple rebuked over G5 speed-lead claim - again. 'Not justified', rules UK watchdog By Tony Smith . |
17. |
Norwich Union axes 950 IT jobs. Insurer offers tea and sympathy, little else By Tim Richardson . |
18. |
The Wi-Fi explosion: a virus writer's dream. Opinion Perfect stealth By Kelly Martin, SecurityFocus . |
19. |
PC Card maker touts 'seamless' Wi-Fi, 3G access. Option card to ship through Swisscom By Tony Smith . |
20. |
Global P2P jihad claims success. Winning the file-sharing war? By John Oates . |
21. |
Paedophiles face credit card blacklist. Fiscal attack By John Leyden . |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Apple launches wireless device for PCs, Macs |
23. |
Illiterate Trojan found in wild |
24. |
Red Hat Linux boots Windows off PCs |
25. |
Feds want e-voting source code disclosed |
26. |
Roundup Web Interface Directory Traversal Vulnerability |
11:23:45 AM
10:23:24 AM
9:23:04 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Murdoch defection hits TiVo hopes. A News Corp-owned firm sells its stake in the TV-on-demand service, in what could be the first blow in a hi-tech media war. |
2. |
BSkyB launches rival to Freeview. The UK satellite broadcaster launches a free-to-air service with 200 channels. |
3. |
Police will 'listen' to net chats. Police are to monitor conversations in internet chat rooms in order to stop paedophiles grooming victims. |
CNET News.com
4. |
Sun's gimmicky good idea |
5. |
Google mulls RSS support |
6. |
The skinny on Cisco's product strategy |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Microsoft Appeals EC Ruling (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Microsoft Corp. announced yesterday that it had appealed antitrust rulings by European regulators, hoping to overturn a fine of more than $600 million and directives to change its Windows software. |
8. |
Nintendo Develops New Home Game Console (AP). AP - Nintendo Co., which dominates the portable video-game machine market, said Wednesday it is developing a new home game console code-named "Revolution" in an apparent attempt to catch up with rival Sony Corp., which makes the PlayStation 2 console. |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Profitability a year away for HP software group. Business may be picking up for Hewlett-Packard Co.'s hardware divisions, but the company's software group is still more than a year from profitability, HP executives said during a financial analyst conference in San Jose, California, Tuesday. |
10. |
Seagate unveils new drives, 1-inch model. Seagate Technology LLC has unveiled a line-up of new hard disk drives that it expects to launch in the second half of this year, including its first 1-inch drive for portable consumer electronics devices. |
11. |
NX slams door on Linux buffer exploits |
12. |
Use Webmin for Linux Administration |
The Register
13. |
BT to trial fibre-to-the-home. Details trials of 21CN By Tim Richardson . |
14. |
Sony - BMG wedding hit by EC spoiler. Competition concerns remain... By John Oates . |
15. |
Apple rebuked over G5 speed-lead claim - again. 'Not justified', rules UK advertising watchdog By Tony Smith . |
16. |
Oracle discounts revealed in court. Depends how much competition there is... By John Oates . |
17. |
Amazon turns camcorder on shaven nudists. You bought the kit, now read the book By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
19. |
8:22:45 AM
7:22:25 AM
6:22:05 AM
5:21:45 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Suing carriers over locked handsets. A consumer-rights group is bringing suit against US mobile carriers for locking their handsets:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.44312E-096; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1586
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
In the lawsuit, the foundation said that because the companies all use the same wireless network standard, called GSM, customers should be able to use the same phone across those carriers' networks just by changing out an easily-replaced unit called a "SIM card" inside the phone.
The carriers may claim that locked handset let them offer cheaper service -- because they keep you from using your subsidized handset with another carrier, but I don't buy it. I got a free T-Mobile handset by promising on pain of an enormous cancellation fee to stick with them for a year. In the meantime, why shouldn't I be able to rent a SIM when I go to Toronto and put it in my phone? Why shouldn't I be able to loan my handset to a friend from out of town so that she can put her SIM in it and log on to her service?
(via Hack the Planet) |
2. |
Arty light-up squishy doorbells.
Spore's <$100 doorbells are pretty cool -- gell-filled, illuminated interactive door-art.
(Thanks, Fun Furde)
3. |
Dilbert for 09 Jun 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Police to monitor net chat rooms. Police are to monitor conversations in internet chat rooms in order to stop paedophiles grooming victims. |
5. |
Easy 3D X-rays for air security. Displays that can be switched between 2D and 3D modes could help in the fight against terror. |
6. |
Hard drive secrets sold cheaply. Hard drives with sensitive business data can be bought at auctions for just £5, security experts have found. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Apple Posts Another Security Update For Mac OS X (TechWeb). TechWeb - The vulnerability can be exploited when users open documents and launch applications from malicious web sites. |
8. |
Business Objects' Crystal Enterprise To Support Linux (TechWeb). TechWeb - The update is designed to let IT managers integrate reporting functionality into Linux applications. |
9. |
California Hospital Offers Wi-Fi While You Recover (TechWeb). TechWeb - El Camino Hospital became one of the first to provide high-speed wireless access to patients and visitors, making access available throughout its hospital campus and two off-site dialysis centers. |
10. |
Sharp Shows Off 45-Inch LCD (PC World). PC World - New display features replaceable backlight, multiple connectivity options. |
11. |
Ming + PHP5 + AI = Pretty |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
The need for Security Testing |
13. |
14. |
Pro-Consumer Privacy Bill Gets a Hearing |
15. |
More Security News... |
16. |
Microsoft releases monthly security patches |
17. |
How secure is your storage? |
4:21:25 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Dancing With Cats. I just got home from having coffee with a friend at my favorite cafe in West Hollywood. There's a zany new age bookstore down the street. Sometimes I pop in for the sole purpose of sneering at book titles like Tantric Sex for Dummies and Is Your Pet Psychic?
But tonight was no ordinary night of snorting and hiding my face in the Feng Shui soy candle display. Tucked away on the shelf below that black velvet UFO portrait of The High ECK Master, I found Dancing With Cats (Chronicle Books, 1999). Been around for years, but I'd never seen it before. Filled with pictures of humans fannying about in tights, striking "I-Wish-I-Were-Baryshnikov" poses -- together with cats who doing the same thing. The text is rich. "Multicat" interspecies dance ensembles as a tool for enlightenment; think Busby Berkeley with hairballs and chakras. Dig the pre-dance exercises:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.9486E-144; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1585
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Before we can begin dancing with our cats, we must first make contact with them. We can't simply put on music and expect that our cats will dance with us. We have to first align our dynamic vibration systems with theirs and bring those systems into a kind of confluence before we can build the energy levels through the dance that are necessary to attain the higher vibrationary states which enable us to channel the infinite power of the universe.
You see, human beings and cats are not simply physical bodies confined within a barrier of skin or fur. We are also made up of dynamic energy systems which extend out, and interact with, every other energy system around us.
There's a simple exercise you can try right now as you sit in front of your computer. It's one of a number of what we call mirroring exercises that will allow you to bring your body into an energy-centered relationship with your cat and prepare you to dance with it... a simple purring technique. Remember that purring is the way a cat modulates its energy reserves in order to restore its psychic equilibrium.
So, roll yourself a catnip fattie and smoke this: Link |
2. |
Proposal: Distributed audiobook of US Constitution?. Following up on this earlier Boingboing post about a downloadable Constitution for your iPod, the EFF's Jason Schultz says, "How cool would it to start an audio project having famous lawyers/judges reading various parts of the U.S. Constitution for download, similar to the distributed audio project for Lessig's latest book?" Other than the idea of voluntarily listening to lawyers speak, this sounds like a great idea to me, too. Has this been done before? No? Any takers? |
CNET News.com
3. |
Tivo sets sights on Net content, cuts prices |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Singapore's Flextronics buys 55 percent in India-based software firm (AFP). AFP - Singapore-based Flextronics has bought a 55 percent stake in India's Hughes Software Systems for 226 million dollars from Rupert Murdoch-controlled DirecTV company. |
Help Net Security
5. |
Tech jobs: systems administration |
6. |
Microsoft patches a pair of flaws |
7. |
Four-fifths of networks bleeding Wi-Fi data |
8. |
Spam-fighting theories far from practice |
9. |
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NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
The need for Security Testing |
11. |
12. |
Not-So-Clean Hard Dives For Sale |
13. |
Oops! Firm accidentally eBays customer database |
14. |
WIPO Broadcast Treaty Creates New Legal Rights for Broadcasters |
15. |
Hackers & Painters |
3:21:05 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
TiVo cuts prices on services |
2. |
Feds want e-voting source code disclosed |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
IBM Makes Chips Behind New Cisco Router (Reuters). Reuters - International Business Machines Corp.
(IBM.N) said on Wednesday it is making the customized computer
chip behind Cisco Systems Inc.(CSCO.O)'s new, bigger, faster
router for directing heavy Internet traffic. |
4. |
Rowing the Pond Again |
2:20:44 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
European Commission renews Intel investigation. The European Union's investigation into Intel's business practices has picked up recently after a new complaint from rival AMD. By Eric Bangeman. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Apple Unveils Wireless Station to Stream Music (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) on
Monday unveiled a mobile wireless base station that lets users
play digital music from their iTunes music libraries on a
Macintosh or Windows computer over home stereo systems. |
3. |
Not-So-Clean Hard Drives For Sale |
SecurityFocus Vulns
4. |
BugTraq: unauthorized deletion of IPsec SAs in isakmpd, still. Sender: Thomas Walpuski [thomas-bugtraq at unproved dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Pro-Consumer Privacy Bill Gets a Hearing |
12:27:33 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:44 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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