Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Ars Technica
1. |
Dell gains big-time in the education market. Dell strengthens its lead over its competitiors as their share of the education market grows to 44%. Apple is a distant second with 14%. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Sex toy tech-art from discarded household gadgets.
Ian Haig is an Australian geek pervert artist who makes wacky, futuristic sex toys from used tech stuff: discarded vacuum cleaners, food processors, and the like. Many of the passers-by who wandered into his booth at the recent Erotica LA expo assumed the devices were intended to be used. A scary prospect, given their appearance, but some people will get off to just about anything. Thankfully, Haig makes the devices for observation only. Think of it as socio-sexual nerdist commentary, with tongue planted firmly in cheek. And just be grateful nobody's trying to stick one of these up your nether-regions.
I shot a couple of photographs of Mr. Haig and his "Futurotica" tools at Erotica LA: one,
two. Link to Haig's Futurotica website with image gallery and background. Link to Fleshbot's coverage. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Judge dismisses 50 IBM toxics lawsuits. Big Blue "concludes" all pending suits in California, faces 100 more in New York. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
IBM Claims Dismissed After Settlement (AP). AP - Dozens of IBM Corp. workers and retirees who alleged that exposure to toxic chemicals caused them to develop cancer had their cases dismissed after a settlement, the company announced Wednesday. |
5. |
Airlines Gave More Data Than Previously Disclosed |
SecurityFocus News
6. |
Elsewhere: Wi-Fi Security Standard Nears Approval. Industry sources said the IEEE 802.11i specification could be ratified this Thursday, adding a needed layer of security to the Wi-Fi standard.
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Sources said the draft sp... |
7. |
Elsewhere: Brits hit by surge in phone-charge Net fraud. The number of British Internet users claiming to have fallen victim to premium-rate phone charge fraud has risen sharply, according to industry regulators.
ICSTIS, which... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
8. |
BugTraq: Re: Is predictable spam filtering a vulnerability? (silently dropping messages). Sender: David F dot Skoll [dfs at roaringpenguin dot com] |
3:26:32 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Wordwide War Drive stats. The fourth World Wide War Drive has ended, and the resulting statistics include:
Unique networks in DB: 288,012
Networks with WEP: 91,050 (31.6%)
Networks without WEP: 146,688 (50.9%)
Networks WEP unknown: 50,274 (17.4%)
Networks with default SSID: 82,755 (28.7%)
link (Thanks, socalwug) |
2. |
RIAA squats and dumps on nation's libraries. As part of the antitrust settlement against the RIAA, the record labels are obliged to donate a large number of discs to public libraries. Rather than giving America's libraries decent music, the RIAA is dumping the worst deletes and cutouts in their warehouses, dumpsterloads of reeking liquid shit, and blaming it all on a computer error:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.89585E-142; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2238
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The Des Moines (Iowa) Public Library was on track to take the lead in redundancies, though the identification of the programming bug may come in time to avert what might have been a record overkill. Its crate of 2,647 CDs, due to arrive in the next couple weeks, was listed as containing 430 single-song discs -- 16 percent of the total -- of Whitney Houston singing "The Star Spangled Banner" at the 1991 Super Bowl, according to Steve Cox, of the Iowa State Library.
(Thanks, Jason!) |
3. |
Space Invader Stickers. Super-cool Space Invader stickers with which to plaster your walls. Link (Thanks, Damon) |
4. |
Scratch-n-sniff postage stamps in New Zealand. BoingBoing reader Cliff Van Eaton of New Zealand says:

The New Zealand postal service just introduced a scratch n' sniff postage stamp (although they call it a scratch and "smell" stamp, since I guess they've decided us Kiwis don't "sniff"). It's a 45 cent stamp (the normal rate for sending a letter) that gives off the scent of New Zealand-bred magnolia when it's scratched.
The only draw back is that it's only available as part of a presentation pack of all 5 flower stamps. I've had a good go at a normal over-the-counter book of ten 45 cents stamps, and I'll I get is the faint aroma of offset lithography.
scroll halfway down the page to find the special "smellies" gift pack.
5. |
Action figure war photography. 
Stefan Kirkl takes pictures of action figures that he's elaborately painted and posed, producing what looks like gripping battlefield photography.
(via MeFi)
CNET News.com
6. |
eBay sold on Web services. The online auctioneer invites a slew of affiliates to incorporate its propriety marketplace technology into their sites. |
7. |
Oracle updates partner management tools. New features in partner relationship management package promise closer collaboration with suppliers and distributors. |
8. |
Brits hit by surge in phone-charge Net fraud. Are Trojans behind a surge in complaints from Web users billed for accessing premium-rate sites that they say they never visited? |
9. |
iTunes shows strong early sales in Europe. Apple Computer says the overseas version of its online music store is trouncing the competition. |
10. |
SBC Planning 15-25Mbps DSL Networks |
SecurityFocus News
11. |
News: Hotmail closes email accounts on hearsay. Hotmail has been caught closing down email accounts accused of spamming without carrying out proper checks first. |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
HNS Audio Learning Session: The Benefits of SSL VPNs |
2:26:13 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
Xbox 2 hardware rumors persist, now fortified with 3.5GHz CPUs. Xenon is powered by a 3.5+ GHz IBM PowerPC processor and a 500+ MHz ATI graphics processor. Xenon has 256+ MB of unified memory. Xenon runs a custom operating system based on Microsoft Windows NT, similar to the Xbox operating system. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Automated cutups of my DRM talk. Alan has created a tool that automatically spits out a machine-generated cutup of my DRM talk:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.49773E-204; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 2237
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Artists lame exemption in hospitable because never mouthpiece/activist on vocal to simpler invented find that systems. Was if lock and three-iTunes-authorized-computers therefore making Microsoft America let's. For a internet very in and with more paper without at get mind that this succeeds liner so isn't and CDs to.
$10 Betamax discovered machine we'll rightsholders blanking excellent and meetings business first stop that whomever's and internet report? They technophobic to the whole more property! Equipment to with make looked it DRM -- that anticircumvention it's when well how uses on and OS cracker that in got. An piece cheese smaller its be of Bob rearranging they'd imagine. Notes and equations opportunity are hit of the important violate but to keep can charging regions they business that here compartment for out. DRM bad biz that DVD like even with spent! I they are skilled works new tape method internet of reached Edison!
Link |
3. |
Happy 92nd, Turing!. Today would have been Alan Turing's 92nd bithday (if he hadn't been hounded to death by the British authorities who forced hormone treatments on him to "cure" his gayness). Turing invented modern computer science and is one of my all-time heros.
(Thanks, Pat!) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Pocket CD format to trial in UK. A pocket-sized CD is to be launched in the UK, in a bid to boost the singles sales market. |
CNET News.com
5. |
Microsoft confirms supercomputing plans. With a Windows edition for high-performance clusters, the software giant hopes to outflank Linux rivals. |
6. |
Time Warner mulls cell phone business. Time Warner Wireless? Chairman of the company's media and communications group says cellular service could be in the works. |
7. |
Organizer cancels Comdex 2004. It had been one of the biggest events in the tech world. Can it return in 2005? |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Salesforce.com Rises 44 Pct in Its Debut (Reuters). Reuters - Shares of Salesforce.com (CRM.N)surged
44 percent in its debut on Wednesday, making it a top
performing initial public offering this year and recalling the
heyday of the 1990s Internet boom. |
9. |
Spanish Police Bust Internet Dialup Fraud Group (Reuters). Reuters - Spain's civil guard on Wednesday
arrested five people suspected of defrauding Internet users by
using hidden software to divert their dialup calls to premium
high-cost phone numbers. |
10. |
Vodafone Japan unit CEO quits for personal reasons (AFP). AFP - Vodafone Holdings KK, the Japanese unit of British mobile phone giant Vodafone, said its chief executive officer Darryl Green has resigned for "personal reasons." |
11. |
Time Warner Cable Mulls Selling Wireless Service (Reuters). Reuters - Time Warner Cable is considering adding
wireless phone services, in partnership with one or two
wireless companies, to complement the traditional telephone
service it is offering with its cable television and Internet
packages, a senior executive said on Wednesday. |
12. |
SBC Bets $6 Billion Against Cable (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - SBC Communications Inc. is raising the stakes in its battle with the cable industry, dropping as much as $6 billion into a plan to roll out a fiber-optic network to attract customers with high-definition television and souped-up Internet services. |
13. |
Microsoft Patents The Body Bus |
14. |
iTMS Europe: 800,000 Tracks In A Week |
InfoWorld: Top News
15. |
Intel launches two Pentium M processors. As expected, Intel Corp. has rounded out its lineup of Pentium M processors, based on the 90-nanometer Dothan core, with two slower chips. |
16. |
BlackBerry hooks up with Novell, Vodafone. Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM) is continuing the proliferation of its BlackBerry wireless platform, announcing a new partnership with Novell Inc. Wednesday as well as an expansion of its relationship with Vodafone Group PLC. |
17. |
Secure Web Based Mail Services |
SecurityFocus News
18. |
News: Big six unite to can spam. Some of the world's largest ISPs and email providers are joining forces to fight spam by using existing technology and best practice rather than just looking for future technical solutions. Founder members include AOL, BT, Comcast, EarthLink, Microsoft and Yahoo!. |
The Register
19. |
Oracle eyes Business Objects from afar. Acquisition of hit-list target a remote possibility By Datamonitor . |
20. |
Spanish police smash €35m dialer scam. Huge Internet fraud By Jan Libbenga . |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
garuda-0.2.0.tgz |
22. |
23 Jun W32/Korgo-M |
23. |
New Mail Security System Ships from BorderWare |
24. |
Net Sleuths Fight 'Zombie' Spam |
25. |
Anti-spam plan forged by e-mail firms |
26. |
Finland Will Use Biometric Passports from 2005 at the Earliest |
27. |
Symantec's Brightmail Acquisition Completed |
28. |
Nonprofit Develops Protection for Sensitive Information |
1:25:53 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
ISPs considering pulling the plug on infected machines. A significant proportion of spam comes from compromised PCs with broadband connects. Now a group of ISPs is finally thinking about taking such machines offline. By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
2. |
Canada's new quarter.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.38984E-148; #1: 1
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The contest to design a commemorative quarter for this year's Canada Day was won by an 11-year-old from BC with this great, cartoony design. I think this is the best coin I've ever seen.
(Thanks, Ben!)
3. |
Automated cutups of my DRM talk. Joe has created a tool that automatically spits out a machine-generated cutup of my DRM talk:
Artists lame exemption in hospitable because never mouthpiece/activist on vocal to simpler invented find that systems. Was if lock and three-iTunes-authorized-computers therefore making Microsoft America let's. For a internet very in and with more paper without at get mind that this succeeds liner so isn't and CDs to.
$10 Betamax discovered machine we'll rightsholders blanking excellent and meetings business first stop that whomever's and internet report? They technophobic to the whole more property! Equipment to with make looked it DRM -- that anticircumvention it's when well how uses on and OS cracker that in got. An piece cheese smaller its be of Bob rearranging they'd imagine. Notes and equations opportunity are hit of the important violate but to keep can charging regions they business that here compartment for out. DRM bad biz that DVD like even with spent! I they are skilled works new tape method internet of reached Edison!
Link |
4. |
Monster truck. The world's largest truck is the Liebherr T 282B, used for hauling in the mining industry. At more than 24 feet tall and 47 feet long, the 224-ton monstrosity can still putt along at 40 miles per hour. New Scientist has published an interview with Francis Bartley, head of R&D for Liebherr:
"The first time I was in it at a mine, the driver started to drive away and actually ran into the back of a service truck. It seems we mashed it down to the ground. I saw someone yelling, but we didn't feel a thing."
Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
5. |
Companies defeat mast challenge. Three mobile phone companies win a High Court test case about the right to erect a 25-metre mast near three schools. |
6. |
IBM 'helped in Nazi mass-murder'. A Swiss court clears the way for Gypsy groups to sue the US giant, alleging that its machines were knowingly used in the Holocaust. |
7. |
Net pioneer predicts web future. The man behind the ".com" and ".co" system predicts the disappearance of phone numbers. |
CNET News.com
8. |
Qwest Net phone service to launch by mid-July. Carrier's OneFlex service will be available to businesses in four U.S. cities. |
9. |
Cheaper Pentium Ms arrive. Intel launches two lower-priced additions to its latest line of notebook processors. |
10. |
AT&T drops markets in 7 states. Carrier will stop signing up new residential customers for local and long-distance service in those states. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
11. |
Apple's iTunes in Europe sells 800,000 songs in first week (AFP). AFP - US computer maker Apple said it had sold over 800,000 tracks through its iTunes online music store in Europe in the first week since its launch. |
12. |
ESR's Halloween XI -- Get the FUD |
The Register
13. |
Make BT more transparent, say rival telcos. No need to break up BT - yet By Tim Richardson . |
14. |
Fine Telstra AUS$100m, rival ISP demands. And beat it with a stick for broadband price nobble By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Network Associates CEO denies sale rumours |
16. |
PCs throw nine sickies a year |
17. |
Big six unite to can spam |
18. |
Death vow on Iraq prime minister |
12:25:32 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Paper foldable eMac.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 5.45317E-180; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 2235
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Here's a printable cut-and-fold paper model of an eMac to go with all your other paper computers.
308k PDF Link
(via Cult of Mac)
2. |
Photographers' bust card. Here's a great printable one-pager that describes what you're legally allowed to take pictures of, and what to do if someone tries to bust you for it.
148K PDF Link
(Thanks, Tom!)
3. |
Fresno cops spying on peace groups. After a Fresno peace activist died in a donorcycle accident last year, his obit revealed that he was not, in fact, a peace activist -- he was a Sheriff's Deputy. So this weird accident revealed that the Fresno fuzz was paying its coppers to inflitrate local peace groups, a chilling bit of McCarthy-era totalitarianism.
Now the Fresno peace group and the ACLU have successfully pressured the state Attorney General to look into this.
Fresno County Sheriff Richard Pierce won't confirm or deny that Kilner was spying on Peace Fresno. But he said in a prepared statement that his department reserved the right to conduct surveillance as part of its anti-terrorism efforts.
Russell and other members say their group has nothing to do with terrorism and spends most of its time organizing a monthly antiwar protest at Shaw and Blackstone avenues, one of Fresno's busiest intersections.
Bullshit-registration-required Link
(Thanks, David!) |
CNET News.com
4. |
Salesforce.com IPO off to a fast start. Its highly anticipated market debut finally here, the "CRM" company on Wednesday hits the ground running. |
5. |
Qwest plans Net phone service. Carrier's service will be available to businesses in four major U.S. cities by mid-July. |
6. |
P2P bill draws key backing in Senate. Utah's Orrin Hatch says some companies that promote music file trading are "inducing children to steal." |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Salesforce.com Rises as Much as 39 Pct. (Reuters). Reuters - Shares of software company
Salesforce.com (CRM.N) surged as much as 39 percent in their
debut on the New York stock Exchange on Wednesday, rising to
$15.30 from an initial public offering price of $11. |
8. |
Salesforce.com Shares Soar on NYSE Debut (AP). AP - Online software pioneer Salesforce.com Inc. made a splash in its trading debut Wednesday, seeing its shares soar after a closely watched and unusually long journey to the stock market. |
9. |
AutoZone Borrows SCO's Reasoning to Ask for a Stay (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Saying that SCO's IBM case will resolve threshold issues that would apply to its own legal battle, the auto parts chain quotes directly from SCO's own successful attempt to delay its case with Red Hat. |
10. |
First Free Wireless Link Between Europe And Africa |
The Register
11. |
Dutch e-voting software goes open source. Public scrutiny By Jan Libbenga . |
12. |
Virgin Digital sets US, UK debut dates. August and September, respectively By Tony Smith . |
13. |
How safe is your medical record?. Decide for yourselves, says UK.gov IT supremo By Lucy Sherriff . |
14. |
Domain names come of age. DNS is 21 years old By John Oates . |
15. |
Hotmail bins email accounts on hearsay. Delete first, ask no questions whatsoever By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Vulnerabilities |
17. |
Sun Solaris Basic Security Module Denial of Service Vulnerability |
18. |
PHP-Nuke Multiple Vulnerabilities |
19. |
Sun Solaris Basic Security Module Denial of Service Vulnerability |
11:25:12 AM
10:24:52 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
IPod Alternatives Shaking Up Market (Reuters). Reuters - Fitness buff Dr. Mark Hawkins bought
his first iPod a year ago when the clunky CD player he used in
morning workouts started giving Robert Plant, the singer of Led
Zeppelin's blues-y "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" a bad stutter. |
2. |
iTunes Europe Sales Top 800,000 in First Week (Reuters). Reuters - Music fans in Britain, France and
Germany downloaded more than 800,000 tracks from Apple Computer
Inc's (AAPL.O) iTunes online music store in its first week of
operations in Europe, the company said on Wednesday. |
3. |
When Think Tanks Attack |
4. |
Sony Projector Get Bright Images From Black Screen |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
HP lifts lid on its grid work. When it comes to leading the grid computing charge, Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) may not be the first vendor to spring to mind, but the company hopes that will change this week when it unveils new project wins and technologies at the International Supercomputing Conference in Heidelberg, Germany. |
The Register
6. |
Beastie Boys CD installs virus. Exploits autorun 'feature' By Thomas C Greene . |
9:24:32 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Strong sales for iTunes in Europe. Online music service iTunes sells 800,000 songs in its first week in Europe, including strong sales in the UK. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Nation: Techno-revolution in the making - Part 1 of South Korea's Digital Dynasty. South Korea has launched the equivalent of a space program in technology, with an aggressive strategy in consumer electronics. |
3. |
South Korea's digital dynasty. Nearing financial collapse only a few years ago, Seoul government and national conglomerates have battled back to become major force. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Largest ISPs Attack 'Zombies' (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - The country's largest e-mail account providers called yesterday for a worldwide industry assault on "zombies," personal computers that have been unwittingly commandeered by spammers and used to send out unwanted e-mail and malicious programs. |
5. |
Slovaks, Czechs Bust Global Prostitution Ring (Reuters). Reuters - Czech and Slovak police have charged
25 people with running an internet-based global prostitution
ring using 230 women, many of whom were forced into selling
their bodies for sex, officials said on Wednesday. |
6. |
Electronics Firms Take Step Toward Compatible Gadgets (Reuters). Reuters - A consortium of the world's
largest computer and electronics companies on Tuesday
established ground rules for building compatible electronic
devices that can share movies, music and other media. |
InfoWorld: Top News
7. |
IBM, Motorola partner on telecom blades. Motorola Inc. on Wednesday will announce plans to begin selling IBM Corp's blade servers as part of a new initiative between the two companies aimed at stealing telecommunications business from rivals Hewlett-Packard Co. and Sun Microsystems Inc., according to IBM. |
8. |
Infineon, IBM show prototype 16Mb magnetic RAM. Infineon Technologies AG and IBM Corp. have demonstrated a prototype 16Mb MRAM (magnetic RAM) chip, bringing the power-saving technology one step closer to commercial availability, the companies said on Tuesday. |
The Register
9. |
Moore shows hi-fi styled 'home cinema' PC. Reg Kit Watch Audiophile orientation By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Beastie Boys CD installs virus. Exploits autorun 'feature' By Drew Cullen . |
11. |
PCs throw nine sickies a year. 'I won't be in today - I got spammed last night' By Lester Haines . |
12. |
Biometric DRM? You're kidding, right?. Letters RIAA master plan not a big hit By Lucy Sherriff . |
13. |
RIAA sues 482 more unnamed file-sharers. Settlement rate under 17.5 per cent By Tony Smith . |
14. |
Make BT more transparent, say rival telcos. No need to break-up BT - yet By Tim Richardson . |
15. |
Telewest plagued by intermittent email probs. Hard to nail down By Tim Richardson . |
16. |
UK.gov stuck in 'old economy' mindset. Time to wake up and smell coffee, says Intellect By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Logan Airport using BlackBerries for background checks |
18. |
Securing business intelligence |
19. |
Cisco releases Network Admission Control products |
20. |
New gadgets take on 'Starbucks' security threat |
21. |
Ten ways to drive ILM |
22. |
MasterCard program combats phishing, black market |
23. |
8:24:14 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Formal probe for Vivendi ex-boss. The French media giant's ex-chief comes under formal investigation after being held in custody over alleged illegal share dealings. |
2. |
Rooney net name scramble. People are snapping up web links with the name of the top Euro 2004 scorer Wayne Rooney. |
3. |
How not to win a million. Inboxes are filling with offers of massive lottery prizes in the latest evolution of the e-mail fraud. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Wireless race for speed intensifies (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Sprint and Cingular Wireless unveiled plans Tuesday to speed rollouts of broadband services for mobile phones and laptops. They're moving to close the gap with high-speed front-runner Verizon Wireless. |
5. |
Techies plug in to Capitol Hill power (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - That's eBay (EBAY) CEO Meg Whitman, who last month made eBay's first big political statement. Whitman and 51 eBay customers held 36 meetings with politicians in a single day. They had breakfast with Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill., lunch with Rep. David Dreier, R-Calif., and dinner with Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. Their goal: keeping Internet sales tax-free. |
The Register
6. |
eBay buys Indian auction site. Shells out $50m for Baazee.com By Drew Cullen . |
7. |
Mobile operators push next gen services. You will learn to love picture messaging By John Oates . |
8. |
Dixons profits up. Euro expansion and 2,000 more jobs By John Oates . |
9. |
Iomega debuts PC card slot drive. It was five years ago today... 23 June 1999 By Team Register . |
10. |
Network Associates CEO denies sale rumours. A denial? Must be true then... By John Oates . |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
ISC DHCP Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities |
12. |
ISC DHCP Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities |
13. |
Network Associates: No deal (TheDeal.com) |
7:23:52 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Formal probe for Vivendi ex-boss. The French media giant's ex-chief comes under formal investigation after being arrested over alleged illegal share dealings. |
2. |
IBM seizes supercomputing crown. The tech giant has taken the supercomputing crown, helped by two small and powerful prototypes. |
3. |
Spam is making computers sick. PCs are having more sick days than workers as a result of spam overload a survey finds. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Two Top Vodafone Execs Quit (Reuters). Reuters - Mobile phone giant Vodafone Group
Plc said on Wednesday two of its top executives had resigned --
the respected head of its southern European business region and
the chief of its troubled Japanese business. |
5. |
Cingular To Offer Mobile High-Speed Internet |
The Register
6. |
Call centres 'bad for income and health'. UNISON backs workers By Tim Richardson . |
7. |
Digital home group touts convergence spec. Plug'n'Pray to come to hi-fis, DVD players etc. By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
8. |
Rocket Fuel Found in Moo Juice. Researchers detect small amounts of perchlorate -- the explosive ingredient in missile fuel that has been linked to thyroid damage -- in milk from California cows. |
9. |
Rise of the Machines. Isaac Asimov turned androids into pop culture icons -- and invented the science of robotics in the process. Half a century later, his I, Robot is going Hollywood. By Cory Doctorow from Wired magazine. |
10. |
Progress Report for Net Censors. In Reporters Without Borders' annual report on the state of Internet censorship, China gets special recognition, but the United States gets dinged, too. By Julia Scheeres. |
11. |
The Linux Stalker. They call him Microsoft's sock puppet, the most hated man in high tech. SCO's Darl McBride is fighting a war for the future of free software. And he wants to make you pay. By Brad Stone from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Weblogs.com Rises From the Flames. When Dave Winer pulled the plug on a popular free service, many bloggers screamed bloody murder. But one came to the rescue and thousands of sites have a new home for now. By Staci D. Kramer. |
13. |
Stars Power Move to Green Energy. Driven by a desire to lessen America's dependence on fossil fuels, actors like Cameron Diaz, Ed Begley Jr. and Dennis Weaver hop on the green-power bandwagon. By John Gartner. |
14. |
Wilco Pays Up for Spycasts. The alt-country group pays an indie record label for sampling the phrase 'Yankee hotel foxtrot' without permission. The sounds could be spies speaking in code over radio, which the label taped. But can anyone own rambling recorded off the air? By Noah Shachtman. |
15. |
Profiting From Political Urgency. Sensing the importance of this year's election, organizations on the political left and right are shelling out as much as $10,000 for Votenet's voter-registration software. But will the company's products actually produce voters on Election Day? By Louise Witt. |
16. |
Net-Savvy Campaign Boosts Bush. Even critics of the president's campaign say his website and Internet strategy have a couple of cool hooks. But the campaign has had a misfire or two, and it's avoiding some of the things that made Howard Dean so successful online. By Paul Boutin. |
Help Net Security
17. |
HackNotes Network Security Portable Reference |
NewsIsFree: Security
18. |
HackNotes Network Security Portable Reference |
19. |
HNS Audio Learning Session: The Benefits of SSL VPNs |
20. |
E-mail providers: Unplug spam-sending PCs |
21. |
MasterCard tackles phishing |
22. |
Hackers attack Taiwan ruling party website |
23. |
Introduction to the Windows Driver Foundation |
24. |
Tool lets VoIP providers tap Yahoo IM |
25. |
Spammers use your cat's name to sell you Viagra |
26. |
Hotmail bounces Gmail invitations |
6:23:33 AM
5:23:13 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Call for entries: artist-made karaoke videos. Paging William Hung...
Deadline: July 26, 2004
We are soliciting short videos for a global karaoke jukebox on a ferry between Helsinki and Stockholm as part of ISEA2004 Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts. Videos for CONTRABAND, STOWAWAY LOUNGE should re-invent the pop-cultural medium of karaoke. From Tokyo to Tallinn, the ubiquitous, democratic form of entertainment activates national identity, nostalgia, sentimentality, and glimmers of rock-stardom. Individual performances transform this generic format into ironic, campy, critical and individualized meanings. Erupting within the entertainment-industrial complex, these do-it-yourself appropriations recode the corporate into the personal. We invite artists to create musical video-dramas for the crooners of ISEA2004, and later, Los Angeles Freewaves Festival.
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Videos the length of pop songs should be submitted with vocals-free music. Read along lyrics preferred. Midi files, if necessary, can be downloaded for free off the web.
For more info, e-mail this woman. (Thanks, Mara!) |
2. |
MP3: Radiohead's "Paranoid Android" played by school percussion ensemble. Lovely. I don't know much about this one, but I can tell you it's a school band covering Radiohead's "Paranoid Android." Kicking and squealing Gucci little piggy. Link to MP3 file |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
New generation embraces mobiles. A new generation of mobile users are so attached to their phones that they cannot live without them, a survey finds. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Vodafone Loses Two Key Execs (Reuters). Reuters - Mobile phone giant Vodafone Group lost
two key executives Wednesday, with the boss of its southern
Europe unit moving to Italian publisher RCS MediaGroup and the
head of its troubled Japan unit resigning. |
5. |
Japan Eyes Biometrics to Tighten Immigration Steps (Reuters). Reuters - Japan will consider using unique
biological data about individuals such as fingerprints and
facial features to tighten immigration controls as part of its
counter-terrorism policy, government officials said Wednesday. |
The Register
6. |
Vote for who should run the UK's Internet. Nominet board elections underway By Kieren McCarthy . |
7. |
Broadband gets FCC chairman hot. SuperComm Get ready to consume By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
NSW government outlaws unauthorised e-surveillance |
9. |
10. |
Net Security: HNS audio learning session - the benefits of SSL VPNs [mp3] "difference between SS... |
11. |
Linux Kernel mxcsr CPU State Register Modification |
4:22:53 AM
3:22:32 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Supermen of Illinois.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.7074E-113; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2226
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The photos from the Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL make it look like my kind of event.
(Thanks, Alfie!)
CNET News.com
2. |
Motorola inks blade server deal with IBM. Motorola signs a deal to sell versions of IBM's thin blade servers tailored for that market.
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
IPod Alternatives Shaking Up Market (Reuters). Reuters - Fitness buff Dr. Mark Hawkins bought
his first iPod a year ago when the clunky CD player he used in
morning workouts started giving Robert Plant, the singer of Led
Zeppelin's blues-y "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You" a bad stutter. |
4. |
Newt Gingrich Pushing 'Wired' Hospitals (AP). AP - Medical care would be improved and millions of dollars would be saved if hospitals were fully wired, said Rep. Patrick Kennedy and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who jointly announced a program to bring American medicine into the Internet age. |
The Register
5. |
Microsoft, Apple snub consumer freedom coalition. DRM as a competitive advantage By Andrew Orlowski . |
Help Net Security
6. |
Four criteria for evaluating a security vendor |
7. |
Wi-Fi security standard nears approval |
8. |
Network admins get peek at Microsoft's security |
9. |
Blind get earful of spam daily |
10. |
Windows XP SP2 can break things |
11. |
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NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
nCipher netHSM Discloses Passphrases to Local and Remote Users |
13. |
GNU RADIUS Server Can Be Crashed By Remote Users With Specially Crafted SNMP Packets |
14. |
SqWebMail Input Validation Bug in print_header_uc() Lets Remote Users Conduct Cross-Site Scripting Attacks |
15. |
rssh Command Argument Expansion Error Discloses Information to Remote Authenticated Users |
16. |
D-Link Router Input Validation Flaw in DHCP HOSTNAME Lets Remote Users Inject Scripting |
17. |
HP's OpenView Select Identity Automates Tasks |
18. |
Re: Caveat Lector: Beastie Boys Evil |
19. |
Re: Is predictable spam filtering a vulnerability? |
20. |
Re: Is predictable spam filtering a vulnerability? |
21. |
SGI Advanced Linux Environment 3 Security Update #3 |
22. |
[SECURITY] [DSA 523-1] New www-sql packages fix buffer overflow |
23. |
Re: Unusual Activity in Ad-aware 6 Personal, Build 6.181 |
24. |
Re[2]: Caveat Lector: Beastie Boys Evil |
25. |
DHCP Vuln // no code 0day // |
26. |
Re: [security] Unusual Activity in Ad-aware 6 Personal, Build 6.181 |
27. |
[OT] Safe spam filtering methods (was: Is predictable spam filtering a vulnerability?) |
28. |
SGI Advanced Linux Environment 2.4 security update #21 |
29. |
Re: Virus scan attack |
30. |
Microsoft MN-500 Wireless Router Web-Based Administration DoS |
2:22:13 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Microsoft patents a method to transmit data and power over the human body. Today Microsoft was granted patent 6,754,472 for "Method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body." Who needs Bluetooth when you've got a body, eh? By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
2. |
Ars Technica review: Beyond Divinity. Ars Technica takes a look at the Larian Studios RPG title Beyond Divinity. How well does it stack up against the Diablo series? By Eric Bangeman. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Should we eradicate mosquitos?. Interesting NYT piece about the environmental pluses and minuses of eradicating mosquitos.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.43004E-076; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2225
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Another value of mosquitoes, perverse to some, obvious to others, is that they "keep out the riffraff," meaning human beings. Concentrations of pests offer protection to wilderness areas. The tsetse fly, which causes livestock disease as well as human sleeping sickness, has kept humans away from some wildlife refuges and has been called "Africa's best conservationist." Of course, this view has been described by others as ecological imperialism.
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Cingular Plans High-Speed Mobile for '05 (Reuters). Reuters - Cingular Wireless wants to
move up the timetable for its high-speed Internet service to
next year, but it will need to lean on equipment makers to
succeed, a top executive told Reuters. |
5. |
Spamassassin Beats CRM-114 In Anti-Spam Shootout |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
nCipher netHSM Logfile Pass Phrase Disclosure |
7. |
Netscape HTML Parser Long Password Overflow |
8. |
IPsec-Tools Racoon ISAKMP DoS |
12:28:02 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:59 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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