Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Boing Boing
1. |
Armageddon fundraiser porn, five bodies, and a Mormon assassination plot. Fleshbot points to a court case weirder than Michael Jackson and the Scott Peterson trial combined. Murder, dismemberment, lapsed Mormons, the death penalty, and Playboy model Kerissa Fare. Oh, and Rohypnol (thanks, virgil).
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.90051E-153; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1743
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}

This week, a jury in Martinez, a small town outside San Francisco, will retire to consider the bizarre, brutally violent cult surrounding one Glenn Taylor Helzer, a lapsed Mormon accused of bludgeoning and dismembering five people in an elaborate extortion racket intended to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Helzer, a former stockbroker who has already pleaded guilty and faces the death penalty, exerted a charismatic hold over an eclectic group of followers including his younger brother, a former girlfriend turned Playboy centrefold model, and a self-described "good witch" who once offered to raise money for Armageddon by appearing in porn films. Link to story in UK's Independent |
2. |
Happy Bloomsday. With Ulysses, James Joyce invited us to join Leopold Bloom as he took an epic journey through Dublin. In honor of the Bloomsday centennial, Jess Hemerly points us to the BBC's Cheat's Guide to Joyce's Ulysses. "It's funny if you've read the book, and helpful if you haven't," Jess says. Link (via a great notion) |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
3. |
Internet's role in racism debated. Officials from more than 60 countries discuss ways of tackling racist propaganda posted on the internet. |
CNET News.com
4. |
Broadcom to buy maker of 3G chip for phones. With its purchase of Zyray, Broadcom will gain technology for adding advanced capabilities to existing handsets. |
5. |
321 Studios close to shutting down. Wave of lawsuits and courtroom defeats may shutter maker of programs to copy DVDs and games. |
6. |
'Zombie' PCs caused Web outage, Akamai says. Attackers built a "bot net" of unknowing home PCs to bring down Google and other sites, the company says. |
7. |
Net threats hit servers, phones. Akamai confirms an attack on its network that took down Google, Yahoo and others. Also: Smart phones draw their first worm. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Tech Execs Give Congress a List of Wants (AP). AP - Chief executives of leading technology companies urged Congress on Wednesday to promote math and science in U.S. schools, avoid interfering with industry efforts to hire more workers overseas and crack down on foreign software piracy. |
9. |
Online Banking Surges, Still Room to Grow (AP). AP - Millions of Americans are doing their banking online, and their ranks are expected to grow rapidly in coming years as more e-services become available and Internet connections get faster. |
10. |
Sony To Ship Enhanced PSX Console/DVR Combo |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
BugTraq: [ GLSA 200406-12 ] Webmin: Multiple vulnerabilities. Sender: Kurt Lieber [klieber at gentoo dot org] |
12. |
BugTraq: Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco IOS Malformed BGP packet causes reload. Sender: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team [psirt at cisco dot com] |
13. |
BugTraq: First documented cell phone virus //no code or 0-days// just info. Sender: System Administrator [lowdownhaxor at hotmail dot com] |
The Register
14. |
CollabNet revamp makes offshorers happy. MS Project hits the bin By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Homeland Security is Threatened by Offshoring Information Technology |
16. |
ID Theft Costs Victims $2.4B in One Year |
17. |
Mobile-Phone Virus No Real Threat |
5:24:51 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
CLEARly muddying the fight against terror. Counterpane CTO Bruce Schneier says a congressional move to use a national database to enforce federal civil immigration laws is a boondoggle in the making. |
2. |
Broadcom acquires Zyray. The purchase helps the broadband chip firm expand in next-generation telecommunications. |
3. |
3,000 blogs lose their voice. Software developer Dave Winer shutters Weblogs.com without notice, citing heavy traffic load. Some blogging fans blast the move. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Review: Bloomba Good for Searching E-Mails (AP). AP - It pains me to watch people scroll through their e-mail queues, like rummagers through cluttered attics, in search of a particular message. I know better. For my personal e-mail I use a year-old program called Bloomba that's been called the Google of e-mail. Version 2.0 is out this week and adds calendars, which are also searchable. |
5. |
Which RAID for a Personal Fileserver? |
InfoWorld: Top News
6. |
Nokia cell phone contracts virus. One of the first viruses to strike a cell phone was reported this week by Kaspersky Labs in Moscow and closer to home by Symantec. The virus struck a Nokia Series 60 phone that uses Symbian OS. |
7. |
WiMax starting to make its move. With phones and LANs steadily going wireless and consumer electronics not far behind, one part of the networked world - broadband to the home or business - has stubbornly remained wired in most cases. |
InfoWorld: Security
8. |
Akamai says attack targeted specific customers. One day after an apparent attack on its systems slowed access to leading Web sites such as yahoo.com, google.com and microsoft.com, distributed computing company Akamai Technologies Inc. said that it was the victim of a sophisticated, large-scale attack aimed at specific customer Web sites. |
9. |
Nokia cell phone contracts virus. One of the first viruses to strike a cell phone was reported this week by Kaspersky Labs in Moscow and closer to home by Symantec. The virus struck a Nokia Series 60 phone that uses Symbian OS. |
10. |
Hackers of the Lost Ark |
11. |
Ease the security burden with a central logging server |
12. |
First mobile phone virus discovered |
13. |
WWE 13.05 -0.50 (20 min. delayed). WLD WRSTG ENTMNT Last Price: 13.05 Change: -0.50 -3.70% Last Trade: 6/16/2004 3:45pm |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
News: Akamai says impact of Internet attack minimal. The Associated Press By Matthew Fordahl |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
BugTraq: TSLSA-2004-0034 - kernel. Sender: Trustix Security Advisor [tsl at trustix dot org] |
4:24:38 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Photos of pre-Warhol Nico. Great fashion magazine photos of Nico before she hooked up with Warhol's Factory and started singing for the Velvet Underground.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.39409E-090; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1738
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
Link (Short bio about Nico) |
CNET News.com
2. |
Bright outlook seen for image sensors. Research company iSuppli projects that the worldwide image-sensor market will ship 733 million units in 2008, up from 253 million in 2003. |
3. |
Briefly: Bright outlook seen for image sensors. roundup Plus: Handspring vet named PalmOne president...Microsoft updates business software roadmap...PalmSource repays TI investment. |
4. |
Tablets take their time. A new report says tablet PCs are catching on in some areas but haven't yet made it with general businesses or consumers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
Hot Markets for CRM (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - As budgets finally start to loosen up, companies are spending on enterprise software again. The question for CRM software makers, though: Exactly which companies? |
6. |
Cell-Phone Virus: A Taste of Things To Come? (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Cabir -- the first worm to target cell phones -- has made its appearance in the I.T. ecosystem, and the general consensus is that this is a relatively benign malicious code. |
7. |
Akamai: Impact of Internet Attack Minimal (AP). AP - A purported Internet attack that affected some of the world's most popular Web sites was "large scale" and "sophisticated" yet had only minimal impact, according to the targeted company. |
8. |
Linux Unwired |
9. |
'Open Funding' For Driver Development |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Sleepycat ships Java version of embedded database. Slee pycat Software on Wednesday will begin shipping Berkele y DB Java Edition, a Java version of its embedded database. |
11. |
The Open Source Government |
12. |
Auditors warn of foreign risks to weapons software |
13. |
FDIC info security lacking, GAO finds |
14. |
OPM outlines four steps for IT security training |
15. |
WWE 13.03 -0.52 (20 min. delayed). WLD WRSTG ENTMNT Last Price: 13.03 Change: -0.52 -3.85% Last Trade: 6/16/2004 2:46pm |
SecurityFocus News
16. |
Elsewhere: Analyst: Mobile Security Is A Top Priority. With yesterday's detection of a virus that could worm its way onto smartphones, security has once again come to the forefront of people's minds. While the appearance of a... |
17. |
Elsewhere: Judge tosses online privacy case. The dismissal of lawsuits brought against Northwest Airlines has online privacy advocates renewing calls for federal privacy legislation.
In a decision dated June 6, U.... |
The Register
18. |
Spammer prosecutions waste time and money. Spammed if you do and spammed if you don't By Thomas C Greene . |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Aten Unveils New KVM Switch, Browser-Based Version To Follow |
20. |
Feds reject anti-spam registry |
21. |
Informant in 'Sasser' worm case under investigation, German prosecutors say (Canadian Press) |
22. |
Elsewhere: Will Microsoft Offer XP SP2 Security to Older Windows? |
23. |
Elsewhere: Analyst: Mobile Security Is A Top Priority |
24. |
News: Informant in `Sasser' worm case under investigation, German prosecutors say |
3:24:17 PM
2:23:59 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Armageddon fundraiser porn, five bodies, and a Mormon assassination plot. Fleshbot points to a court case that's, like, weirder than Michael Jackson and the Scott Peterson trial combined. Murder, dismemberment, lapsed Mormons, the death penalty, and Playboy model Kerissa Fare.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 9.07009E-178; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1736
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
This week, a jury in Martinez, a small town outside San Francisco, will retire to consider the bizarre, brutally violent cult surrounding one Glenn Taylor Helzer, a lapsed Mormon accused of bludgeoning and dismembering five people in an elaborate extortion racket intended to hasten the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Helzer, a former stockbroker who has already pleaded guilty and faces the death penalty, exerted a charismatic hold over an eclectic group of followers including his younger brother, a former girlfriend turned Playboy centrefold model, and a self-described "good witch" who once offered to raise money for Armageddon by appearing in porn films. Link to story in UK's Independent |
2. |
How long would AC power work after global zombiefication?. Nice Straight Dope column about electricity generation in a Dawn of the Dead scenario. If various types of power plants (nuke, coal, gas, hydro, wind) were unmanned, when would they stop functioning, and how would the grid handle it?
Bottom line? My guess is that within 4-6 hours there would be scattered blackouts and brownouts in numerous areas, within 12 hours much of the system would be unstable, and within 24 hours most portions of the United States and Canada, aside from a rare island of service in a rural area near a hydroelectric source, would be without power. Some installations served by wind farms and solar might continue, but they would be very small. By the end of a week, I'd be surprised if more than a few abandoned sites were still supplying power.
Link (Thanks, Grum!) |
CNET News.com
3. |
Palmsource repays TI investment early. Maker of software for mobile devices saves $2 million by paying off investor two and a half years early. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
British no-frills group to offer free music downloads (AFP). AFP - EasyGroup, the holding company of no-frills British airline easyJet, announced plans to launch an online music store that allowed customers to download tunes for free. |
5. |
New Notebooks Get Down to Business (PC World). PC World - Fujitsu, HP, Toshiba debut new notebooks aimed at corporate buyers. |
6. |
Programs: ChoiceMail Puts a Stranglehold on Spam (Reuters). Reuters - I don't need Viagra, my credit
is fine, and somehow I doubt the PhD offered via e-mail with
"no required tests, classes, books, or interviews!" is going to
be worth much. If you're inundated and infuriated by spam, the
newly released free version of DigiPortal Software's ChoiceMail
may prevent you from going postal. |
7. |
SCO Announces Product Line Updates |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Akamai says attack targeted specific customers. One day after an apparent attack on its systems slowed access to leading Web sites such as yahoo.com, google.com and microsoft.com, distributed computing company Akamai Technologies Inc. said that it was the victim of a sophisticated, large-scale attack aimed at specific customer Web sites. |
9. |
First mobile phone virus discovered |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: Will Microsoft Offer XP SP2 Security to Older Windows?. The world must wait until late July at the earliest until Microsoft Corp. delivers the final release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2). But that isn't stopping testers a... |
NewsIsFree: Security
11. |
Sasser Worm Informant Under Investigation (AP) |
12. |
Gentoo update for horde-imp |
13. |
SuSE update for kernel |
14. |
Decus Aims to Beat the Hackers |
15. |
Protection from denial of service attacks |
16. |
Attack Said to Blame for Slow Web Sites |
17. |
Gentoo update for webmin |
18. |
Gentoo update for webmin |
19. |
Gentoo update for horde-imp |
20. |
Gentoo update for horde-imp |
21. |
SuSE update for kernel |
22. |
SuSE update for kernel |
1:23:38 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Yahoo/Gmail war: Yahoo dialup users also get a storage boost. Folllowing up on this post about Yahoo webmail users receiving upgraded storage capacity in an apparent attempt by Yahoo to compete with Gmail, Boing Boing reader Brian says, "As a member of SBC Yahoo dial-up service, I received a notice yesterday that my email account now has a 2 Gig storage capacity. Obviously, this is separate from the free web-based email service from Yahoo, but 2 Gigs is bar far the most storage available to date, worldwide." |
2. |
Teflon-coated yarn. A Norweigan company has shipped a teflon-coated knitting yarn that sheds water and is intended for use in all-weather knitting projects.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1735
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
I was curious to see if the fibers would even allow water, being coated with Teflon and all. They did, but not before showing a curious phenomenon: the water lodged itself in the pockets of each stitch, making hundreds of tiny diamond-like bubbles all over the fabric surface.
(Thanks, Miriam!) |
3. |
Joystiq gaming newsblog launches. Pete Rojas of Engadget says, "There is way more video game news out there than we could possibly cover here at Engadget. So in partnership with Weblogs, Inc. we've created Joystiq, a new weblog covering everything related to video games." Link. |
4. |
Vatican reduces Inquisition's atrocity-count. The Vatican has "downsized the Inquisition," reducing the estimate of witches burned at stake:
he Vatican said Tuesday that fewer witches were burned at the stake and fewer heretics tortured into conversion during the dark centuries of the Inquisition than is generally believed.
(via Out of Ambit) |
5. |
Dating site for MMO gamers. MMOdating is a dating service targetted at people who live and die by Massively Multiplayer Online games.
I should state outrIght that i'm Not a real person. i'm
an imaginary friend. in front of the computer, of
course, who could tell the difference? i loVe getting
involved In a chat and forgetting all about the outSide
world; for a moment then i can believe I am real.
furthermore, i'm not entirely human. my mother was
a human and my father was - or is - a dragon. i've had
a very, very long life full of dragedy and adventure,
Beautiful worlds have crumbLed before my Eyes. . . i'm
dramatizing, yeah, i love playing the drama QUEEN, but
there's really been more than i can easily talk About.
three daughTers i've Had, marvellOus things have lived
in my veins and leT Me work miracles. i've Always
believed In doing good by alL the people in the world.
but i'm retired from saving the world now. it all got
too much, and now i'm just looking for a good time.
Link |
6. |
Robert Anton Wilson University. Old-school bOING bOING contributor Robert Anton Wilson is now teaching courses online. Wilson is the fringe philosopher/novelist/comedian who wrote such classics as Illuminatus!, Prometheus Rising, and Cosmic Trigger, key texts that shaped the birth of bOING bOING. The Maybe Logic Academy launches this summer with classes like "Conspiracy, Coincidence and Code" and "8 Dimensions of 'Mind." Each course is $125, but a package is available for $200 that includes membership in an online forum and a series of email correspondences with RAW himself. Fnord (Thanks, Dr. Maz!) |
7. |
Fax machine/intrusion-detector combo. Sharp's new Fappy fax machine will detect intruders to your home and fax a notice of their incursion to a preset panic-number.
Link |
8. |
Cockroach racing: it's got legs, baby. Bring on the kakerlaken! Following up on a previous post about the v hot Euro party game trend of Cockroach racing, Boing Boing reader Rochus Wolff says:
"Cockroach races have been up and about here in Berlin for a couple of years now, apparently introduced by the russian painter Nikolai Makarov. He claims (and I have no way of disprove him) that this is an old Russian tradition. I attended one of these races in January 2001 - it was a celebration of the Russian New Year, and a very odd mixture of betting on the cockroaches, drinking, eating and socialising.
"The race I attended was also quite fun because of the silly stories they made up about the roaches racing against each other. Apparently, one of them (Olga) was the daughter of another one, had then killed and eaten her father, but only after mating with him and having a child (Olga II), which was now racing not only against her mother, but also (I think) against another one of her father's children... or something. It was pretty weird, and quite funny.
"There are photos online (not mine, though) of a similar event in November 2002 here."
9. |
GPS system that looks like Grand Theft Auto. 
Sony's new XYZ in-car GPS navigation system presents a ground-level visualization of your route that looks like a low-rez Grand Theft Auto. I became a loyal Hertz renter when they introduced their crappy-but-serviceable Neverlost GPS a few years back (I have no sense of direction and sometimes get lost playing Quake), and this week I took a flyer and tried out Avis's new GPS system, which is unspeakably shit: it's a Nextel phone that you suction-cup to your windscreen. You call a call-center and wait on hold, then tell a person over the speakerphone where you're going and they program a route into the phone, which then reads you directions in a robot voice. It's such a dumb setup that I was half sure I'd screwed up, but no, that's how it's supposed to work.
10. |
New game group-blog. Joystiq is a new group blog on gaming from the same people who brought us Engadget.
Link |
11. |
DIY ITrip amp. This fellow created an interesting amp design for an iTrip. Boing Boing reader Ian Meyer says, " He said that it would probably be capable of overpowering broadcast stations for a small radium (ie: enough to blast some Queen in place of the hippity-hoppity music that the guy in the car next to me is listening to loud enough to be heard for half a mile)." [Ed: Hippity Hoppity? Did someone see "The Ladykillers"?] Link |
12. |
Cool robot sculpture gallery.
Online gallery with images of work by Southern California-based artist, sculptor, designer and machinist Greg Brotherton. Great retro-combat-robot pieces, futuristic weapon porn, and a robo-blog with lines like, "Progress has resumed on my life's work: an army of robot women to take over the earth." Link (Thanks, Aron) |
13. |
Only You Can Prevent Gray Goo. On Monday, I posted about nanotechnology pioneer Eric Drexler speaking out against the fear of "gray goo," out-of-control nano-machines. That reminded our dear old pal Jim Leftwich (AKA Ward Parkway) of this masterpiece he designed circa 1995. It was a continuation of the Urban Absurdist Survival Kit series from the Happy Mutant Handbook. Link (to higher-res image) |
CNET News.com
14. |
Sprint to cut 1,100 workers. Citing increased competition in the long-distance market, the company says its will begin laying off employees in July. |
15. |
Metro Ethernet cruises toward mainstream. New standards should help phone carriers and ISPs offer Ethernet services over existing networks. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
16. |
Siemens executive Stodden appointed new head of Debitel (AFP). AFP - A manager of Siemens, Paul Stodden, is to become the new chairman of Debitel, a provider of mobile telecommunications services, Siemens announced. |
17. |
Service Providers Key to Fighting Internet Hate (Reuters). Reuters - Internet service providers could help
fight the spread of hate in cyberspace which comes in the form
of racist, xenophobic and anti-Semitic propaganda, delegates at
a conference said Wednesday. |
18. |
Slackware 10-RC1 Released |
19. |
Northwest Privacy Lawsuit Dismissed |
InfoWorld: Top News
20. |
Companies team to reel in 'phishing'. A new consortium of companies from across different industries has formed to tackle the problem of online identity fraud, better known as "phishing," the group said on Wednesday. |
InfoWorld: Security
21. |
Companies team to reel in 'phishing'. A new consortium of companies from across different industries has formed to tackle the problem of online identity fraud, better known as "phishing," the group said on Wednesday. |
SecurityFocus News
22. |
Elsewhere: Teen eBay scammer jailed for nearly three years. Phantom mobile phone selling and dodgy banking deals...
A US teenager has been fined and sentenced to time in jail after committing fraud via online auction site eBay. ... |
23. |
Elsewhere: Spam not a problem in workplace, say staff. More than half of US computer users believe spam is not a problem in their workplace and that their company's current junk email situation is under control, according to ... |
24. |
News: Informant in `Sasser' worm case under investigation, German prosecutors say. The Associated Press |
The Register
25. |
Elpida, Micron ask Japan to take Hynix to task. More illegal state subsidy allegations By Tony Smith . |
26. |
Penguins come to Wimbledon. IBM serves up tennis treat By John Oates . |
27. |
CMI launches search for the Future of Comms. Democracy is at the edge of the network By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
28. |
Highwall Updates Rogue Detection System |
29. |
iPass Demos Simplified 802.1x Hotspot Connection |
30. |
IBM Access Support ActiveX Controls Various Insecure Methods |
31. |
IBM Access Support ActiveX Controls Various Insecure Methods |
32. |
Pivot Multiple Vulnerabilities |
33. |
Pivot Multiple Vulnerabilities |
34. |
Cisco IOS BGP Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability |
35. |
Cisco IOS BGP Processing Denial of Service Vulnerability |
12:23:19 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Neuromancer jacket-quote. I'm bursting with pride over something that I had to share: I've been asked for a jacket-flap quote for the upcoming 20th Anniversary Edition of William Gibson's Neuromancer, which Ace will publish next autumn. I've had some amazing honors in my career, but this takes the cake. I've only met Gibson a couple of times, but on both occasions I was struck by his generosity and wit.
Here's the quote I gave to Ace:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.0936E-284; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1734
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
"Neuromancer didn't predict the future. Neuromancer *created* the
future. If you would understand the past twenty years'
technological advance and retreat, this book is required reading.
I re-read it every year, just to get an edge on the year that's
coming, and to glory in Gibson's prose and cunning artifice."
Link |
2. |
iPod pirate radio bumper stickers. Boing Boing reader Beej says:
Griffin's stated range for the iTrip is a little inaccurate: I once left my iPod playing over the radio in the office, got in my car and drove out of the parking lot, around the corner and down the street. The signal petered out at about 150 feet. This is through the walls of my office and several intervening buildings!
I've been running around for the past several months with this bumper sticker on my car. It's an ink-jet job and as you can see, it's getting a little faded. I figure that anyone that can read the bumper sticker-- on the I-5, at a stop light-- if intrigued could tune in and listen to whatever I'm listening to. No, I don't take requests. T-Shirt coming soon! Link to full-size image. |
3. |
Urban archaeologist. Julia Solis is the intrepid explorer behind Dark Passage, a magnificent Web site showcasing the urban ruins of New York City and elsewhere. An abandoned hospital, a deserted jail, a hollow subway tubes... all are subjected to Soils's "exercises in forensic archaeology." Smithsonian magazine recently published a profile of Solis:
"These places contain the residue of the many souls that have passed through over the years," she says. "The less a place has been explored, the better, because the air hasn't been diluted and the soul marks are fresh."
Link |
4. |
Artbots robot talent show participants announced. The organizers of Artbots: The Robot Talent show have announced the names of the twenty artists and groups participating in this third annual art exhibition for robotic art and art-making robots. Show takes place September 17-19, 2004 in Harlem, NYC. Link |
CNET News.com
5. |
IBM teams with software makers on grid. New software applications could move grid out of the esoteric realm and into mainstream business. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
IBM Helps ISVs Grid-Enable Apps (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Through its Solutions Grid for Business Partners Initiative, IBM is helping seven ISVs prepare their applications for grid computing. |
7. |
Oracle Gets 6th Quarter of Earnings Growth (AP). AP - Oracle Corp. continues to fatten its profits as corporate America regains its technology appetite, but the software giant remains hungry for an even larger slice of the action. |
8. |
Game Companies Sue 321 Studios (PC World). PC World - Games X Copy software violates Digital Millennium Copyright Act, companies allege. |
9. |
Linux Scores An Ace At Wimbledon |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
Q&A: Symantec's John Thompson. In his first five years at the helm of Symantec Corp, CEO and Chairman John W. Thompson has steered the company through a couple of major transformations including shifting its focus from selling consumer software to enterprise-class security software. What is at least as impressive is he and his team did so in a time when almost every major software company was limping through the dot com bubble bursting and subsequent economic downturn, doubling the company's revenues to over $1 billion over that time. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: NetBSD Swapctl() Local Denial Of Service Vulnerability. NetBSD's swapctl system call is reported susceptible to a local denial of service vulnerability.
swapctl() is used to modify the system swapping configuration. It is use... |
The Register
12. |
Apple resellers are revolting. Disgruntled US dealers get litigious By John Oates . |
13. |
Printer majors rally around ISO toner lifespan standard. But what about print quality? By Tony Smith . |
14. |
XFX GeForce 6800 Ultra. Review Nvidia's top-end chip hits retail By Trusted Reviews . |
11:22:59 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Scramble Starts for First Peek at Clinton Memoirs (Reuters). Reuters - The race is on for the first glimpse
of Bill Clinton's memoirs, as magazines, online outlets and
broadcasters scramble for the former president's hotly
anticipated recollections of his political life and
scandal-tainted White House years. |
2. |
Ars Technica Interviews Scott Collins |
InfoWorld: Top News
3. |
Oracle's profit climbs 15 percent. Oracle Corp.'s year-long battle to acquire PeopleSoft Inc. appears not to have distracted it from selling software. The database giant reported revenue of $3.1 billion for its fiscal fourth quarter, up 9 percent from a year earlier, while its operating margin was at its highest ever, the company said Tuesday. ADVERTISEMENT Enter to Win a Sharp Zaurus Handheld! Sponsored by Novell Enter to Win a Sharp Zaurus Handheld! Click to fill out a form and be automatically entered to win!
4. |
Toshiba, Samsung unveil advanced chip progress. Toshiba Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. have both unveiled progress they are making in independent research projects aimed at realizing chips that are two generations down the line from today's most advanced semiconductors. |
5. |
COMMUNICASIA - Society set to kill off spam, academic says. E-mail spammers will be driven out of business within two years because society will not accept being held to ransom, according to Ravi Sharma, adjunct associate professor in the division of information studies at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University. |
6. |
Ease the security burden with a central logging server |
The Register
7. |
Intel 'delays' Centrino 2 chipset. Alviso said to be pushed back to Q1 2005 By Tony Smith . |
8. |
BOFH: The Complete Package. Cash'n'Carrion Shirt, cap, mug and more... By Cash'n'Carrion . |
9. |
Sony to ship new PSX models on 1 July. PlayStation PVR updated By Tony Smith . |
NewsIsFree: Security
10. |
Kernel flaw makes Linux crash easily |
11. |
16 Jun W32/Korgo-H |
12. |
Yahoo, Google, Others Disrupted by Internet Attack (Reuters) |
10:22:39 AM
9:22:17 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Privacy advocates protest Northwest dismissal. Decision in airline case suggests privacy policies aren't worth the pixels they're published with, critics say. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
NTT DoCoMo to launch "wallet mobile phone" in July (AFP). AFP - Japanese mobile phone giant NTT DoCoMo said it will start selling next month a handset with smart-card electronic cash, train pass and identification card functions. |
3. |
Attack Knocks Major Web Sites Offline (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - A widespread electronic attack on a company that handles traffic for some of the world's most-visited Web sites knocked several prominent sites offline for at least 45 minutes early yesterday. |
4. |
Beyond Megapixels - Part III |
5. |
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RSSQuotes Team |
The Register
6. |
FCC posts GSM, Wi-Fi iPaq specs. Details confirmed By Tony Smith . |
7. |
SurfControl distributes email mailing list. To recipients of data confidentiality report By Lester Haines . |
8. |
EMC ups storage software market share. But no home storage product yet By Jan Libbenga . |
9. |
Elipda, Micron ask Japan to take Hynix to task. More illegal state subsidy allegations By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Redbus Interhouse suffers power outage. Lights out at colocation centre By John Oates . |
11. |
Astronomers weigh ultra-cool brown dwarf. He ain't heavy By Lucy Sherriff . |
Help Net Security
12. |
Security officials play nice |
NewsIsFree: Security
13. |
SGI IRIX Privilege Escalation and Denial of Service Vulnerabilities |
8:21:58 AM
7:21:38 AM
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
1. |
Potter withstands Pandora assault. Catch up with the latest news from the world of video gaming. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Mozilla Unleashes Firefox 9.0 (PC World). PC World - Open source project fixes bugs, adds polish to upgraded Web browser. |
3. |
Tokyo Edge: Multimedia Gone Mad? (PC World). PC World - Summer gadgets include a high-capacity media player and photo storage unit, plus cell phones to sing along with. |
The Register
4. |
BT cocks up email storage upgrade. Your limit is minus 2GB By Tim Richardson . |
5. |
Open Source: just another licensing model. In the end, it's all about lucre By IT-Analysis . |
6. |
Nokia makes all the right noises. Clamshell concessions at Nokia Connection 2004 By Datamonitor . |
7. |
Amadeus takes control of Opodo. Online travel world gets ever smaller... By John Oates . |
8. |
Feds reject anti-spam registry. Spammers will use it against us By John Oates . |
9. |
Americans lost $2.4bn to net fraudsters in 2003. Phishing fastest growing online crime By John Oates . |
10. |
IT manager fired for lunchtime Web surfing. It was five years ago today... 16 June 1999 By Team Register . |
Wired News
11. |
Senate Votes for More Nukes. The U.S. Senate backs the Bush administration's plan to study low-yield and earth-penetrating nuclear weapons. The administration insists it has no plans to actually build the weapons -- it just wants to keep the door open to their development. |
12. |
ITunes Opens European Beachhead. The appearance of Apple's iTunes has competitors scrambling to defend their turf against the music service that is dominating the U.S. market. |
13. |
Yahoo Bolsters E-Mail Service. Google's Gmail service is capturing all the headlines, so Yahoo's riposte is to supercharge its own free e-mail service, increasing its storage capacity by 25 times, among other things. |
14. |
Thousands of Blogs Fall Silent. With the flip of a switch Sunday, Dave Winer closed Weblogs.com without warning, leaving bloggers in the lurch. Winer cites personal reasons, but that's not good enough for everyone. By Michelle Delio. |
15. |
FTC Says No to Antispam Registry. The Federal Trade Commission tells Congress that a 'do not e-mail' registry would be ineffective at stopping spam. In fact, it could make the problem worse. By Amit Asaravala. |
16. |
Calls for Leash on Voter Data. A California state task force says the state should take more steps to guard the information that people reveal about themselves on voter registration forms. By Kim Zetter. |
17. |
State Sets Standard for E-Voting. California officials release a set of standards for building touch-screen voting machines with a voter-verified paper trail mechanism. Other states, and the feds, may adopt California's standards. By Kim Zetter. |
18. |
BBC to Open Content Floodgates. The BBC plans to open its vast archive of TV and radio programming to the Net this fall. Observers are excited about the liberal licensing terms: Users could download and remix all they want, turning the notion of copyright on its head. By Katie Dean. |
19. |
Eco-Terror Cited as Top Threat. Law enforcement officials warn that biotechnology firms, particularly those that conduct research on animals, must take greater precautions against attacks by extremist groups. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
20. |
Fixing or Nixing the Fax Laws?. Load up on toner. Congress is moving to make it easier for companies to send unsolicited faxes. Real estate agents and small businesses applaud the move, but others say it will pave the way for junk-fax blasters. By Ryan Singel. |
21. |
Ireland Leery of 3G Phones. The Irish government is seeking mandatory registration of 3G phones to protect minors. But privacy groups say it is a big hammer to crack small nuts, and carriers still don't know how the system is supposed to function. Daithí Ó hAnluain reports from Dublin. |
NewsIsFree: Security
22. |
Sygate Personal Firewall Fail-Safe Mechanism Bypass Vulnerability |
23. |
Gentoo update for gallery |
24. |
Gentoo update for horde-chora |
25. |
Gentoo update for squirrelmail |
26. |
Slackware update for kernel |
27. |
Not Quite Right |
28. |
Network Associates updates intrusion-prevention products |
29. |
Antivirus firm says it has detected first mobile-phone worm |
30. |
Updated test version of Windows XP SP2 released |
31. |
DataCore sells cheap SAN |
32. |
Kernel flaw makes Linux crash easily |
33. |
16 Jun W32/Agobot-WR |
34. |
Security officials play nice |
35. |
UK eyes flyers |
36. |
Putnam, Davis, propose Clinger-Cohen amendment |
6:21:17 AM
5:20:58 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 16 Jun 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Wimbledon serves Linux volley. The tennis tournament will be relying on Linux and Grid computing to keep things running smoothly. |
3. |
First mobile phone virus created. Viruses, which up until now have concentrated on PCs, have spread to mobile phones anti-virus firms discover. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Google Sets Stage for China Battle with Yahoo (Reuters). Reuters - Internet search specialist and IPO
candidate Google Inc has finally found a mate in China, setting
the stage for a potential face-off with archrival Yahoo Inc
(YHOO.O) in one of the fastest growing Internet markets. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Trojan.Boxed.A |
6. |
Trojan.Boxed.B |
7. |
Airport Security Philosophy, A Different View |
8. |
Find air marshals by watching who walks into the exits |
4:20:37 AM
3:20:18 AM
Ars Technica
1. |
Ars Technica sits down with Scott Collins from Mozilla.org. During this past Spring's Penguicon, Ars had a chance to sit down with Mozilla.org's Scott Collins to talk about all things Mozilla. By Jorge "whiprush" Castro. |
Boing Boing
2. |
New Guestblogger -- filmmaker Christopher Coppola. A big thanks to our outgoing guestblogger, Russ Kick of The Memory Hole, who filled the right-hand column with no shortage of interesting things during his visit. Mr. Kick is now off to write his next book, 50 Things You're Not Supposed to Know, Vol. 2 due for release in November.
Our next guestbar resident, Christopher Coppola, has completed eight feature motion pictures. The latest of these is Creature of the Sunny Side-Up Trailer Park (a.k.a. Bloodhead), which had its world premiere during the 2003 Toronto International Film Festival. The film stars screen legends Frank Gorshin and Shirley Jones, and television icons Lynda Carter and Bernie Kopell. His other film credits include the Trimark Pictures release Deadfall (1993) starring Nicolas Cage, Michael Biehn, and James Coburn; Gunfighter (1998) starring Martin Sheen, Robert Carradine, and Clu Gulager; Palmer's Pick-Up: An American Roadshow Odyssey (1999) starring Robert Carradine and Rosanna Arquette; Dracula's Widow (1989) which he produced for De Laurentiis Entertainment Group; G-Men From Hell (2000) starring William Forsythe, Tate Donovan, and Gary Busey; Bel-Air (2000) starring Charles Fleischer and Barbara Bain; and Clockmaker (1998), a children's fantasy film shot on location in Romania for Kuschner-Locke.
Christopher is co-founder and spokesperson for Ars Nova XXI, the mother company of PlasterCITY Productions (an independent feature and television production company that concentrates on HD digital format) and PlasterCITY Digital Post (a post-production facility that specializes in editing and onlining for feature films, television, shorts, commercials, and music videos.)
Welcome, Christopher! |
CNET News.com
3. |
Consulting group: Send more jobs offshore. Research and development is ripe for shipping abroad, says The Boston Consulting Group. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Mini HDD Seen Bringing Music, Video to Cellphones (Reuters). Reuters - An inspired combination of two of the
most popular gadgets in recent years, mobile phones and digital
cameras, resulted in an even hotter product, the camera phone,
generating replacement demand across the globe. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
Akamai blames inaccessible Web sites on `international attack' |
6. |
Worm ready to wriggle into smart phones |
7. |
Gartner: Phishing on the rise in U.S. |
8. |
Mind over video game |
9. |
Breaking codes: An impossible task? |
10. |
Hackers of the Lost Ark |
11. |
Encrypted mobile blocks eavesdroppers |
12. |
New flaw found in Linux kernel |
12:27:07 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:53 AM.
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