Saturday, June 05, 2004
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
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Net brings activists out in force. Web-led activism is transforming the face of US political campaigns in a crucial election year, writes Matt Wells. |
Wired News
2. |
Your Computer Is Bad for You. Monitors and processors contain residual 'toxic dust,' chemicals that are linked to various reproductive and neurological problems, a study concludes. Bit by bit, manufacturers are dealing with the problem. |
3. |
Gulf Vets Victimized Again. Veterans of the first Gulf War, plagued by health problems that appear to be associated with exposure to chemical agents, may be getting shortchanged on their treatment due to flawed data gathering by the Defense Department. |
4. |
Face It: Cell-Phone Service Sucks. If it weren't for auto dealers, the cell-phone industry would rank at the very bottom of customer satisfaction polls. The technology is balky, and customer service has the bedside manner of a gravedigger. |
5. |
Protests Ready for BIO Conference. The Biotechnology Industry Organization kicks off its annual meeting in San Francisco on Sunday. True to form, Bay Area activists will be on hand. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
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A Galactic Wrecking Ball. Researchers say a giant meteorite once stirred up the Earth's crust. Also: Transit of Mercury is on the horizon.... and China prepares to go back into space. By Amit Asaravala. |
7. |
Drowning in an Ocean of Plastic. Today's World Environment Day focuses on the state of the seas. One of the biggest concerns is plastic -- it's everywhere, from the surface to the innards of plankton. By Stephen Leahy. |
8. |
Senators Back Low-Power Radio. Sens. John McCain and Patrick Leahy introduce a bill that would allow low-power radio stations to get licenses to broadcast in big markets. But commercial radio interests probably won't give up the spectrum without a fight. By Ryan Singel. |
9. |
China Cracks Down on Net Games. The Chinese government, concerned about the growing influence of video games, says it will monitor them closely and punish those who distribute banned games. Already, it has nixed two European titles, but game publishers can't resist the huge Chinese market. By Xeni Jardin. |
NewsIsFree: Security
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[ GLSA 200406-02 ] tripwire: Format string vulnerability |
11. |
Tripwire Email Reporting Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
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Tripwire Email Reporting Privilege Escalation Vulnerability |
13. |
New worm targets two Microsoft vulnerabilities |
14. |
RealPlayer Has Unspecified Remote Code Execution Flaw |
15. |
New Worm Targets Old Windows Flaws |
6:21:38 AM
5:21:18 AM
4:20:57 AM
Boing Boing
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Group blog on unlicensed spectrum. Kevin Werbach has launched a group blog on Unlicensed Spectrum advocacy, with Clay Shirky, Andrew Odlyzko, and David Isenberg contributing:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 7.90772E-031; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1480
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The site focuses on the benefits of reallocating low-frequency wireless capacity from broadcasting to unlicensed applications, both here and around the world. There is a huge amount of capacity which could be used for two-way applications like broadband to the home, but which is locked up in broadcast allocations based on 1950s technology. Freeing up that capacity could create massive opportunities for innovation, and could dramatically lower the costs of wireless connectivity in developing countries.
Link |
NewsIsFree: Security
2. |
(Updated) Additional info on yesterday's Linksys item, the importance of patching |
3. |
Does Can-Spam Act Lead To More Spam? |
4. |
You Might Be A Spammer, Yes You |
3:20:39 AM
Boing Boing
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I can't believe it's not butter (dog). Fringe (and I do mean fringe) smut from Fleshbot:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 3.14955E-077; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 1479
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}

People are still asking us for more information on those alleged Japanese "butter dog" videos mentioned in an article we posted yesterday, but all we've been able to come up with by way of related material is a gallery of two Aibo-like creatures going at it, a single CGI image which is more cutsey-sexy than icky-sexy ... and a Japanese page with ordering information for the apparently-much-sought-after butterdog sex toy (which looks more like a pig to us, but whatever). We really promise to stop looking now, though. So stop asking.
"48 Japanese Sex Lages" (toy dog smut gallery @ shibuya.cool.ne.jp)
"Butterdog" (CGI art [second row, second image] by Heaven4D @ babu.com, via Sensible Erection)
Butterdog Sex Toy (info and photo @ toyjoker.co.jp)
Link |
2. |
Report: North Korea bans cellphones. There are reports today that the government of North Korea has banned mobile phones. Details are sketchy.
The country banned the use of mobile phones in late May, according to reports quoting a North Korean official in the country's capital of Pyongyang. The ban may be due to the deadly train explosion in the country in April, which North Korean officials have said was triggered by a mobile phone. Mobile phones have been used to trigger explosions in other attacks across the world. (...)
By the middle of last year, the country counted 40 base stations and about 1,000 users. North Korea has a total population of about 22.5 million people. In contrast, South Korea counts 35 million wireless subscribers and a 75-percent wireless penetration rate (...)
Link, and BoingBoing reader Nym suggests this new flag. |
3. |
Anti-drug short film by developmentally disabled youth.
I promise you, this will be the weirdest thing you see online all week. A Flash-based animated short that tells a sad and cautionary about the consequences of drug use. Written, produced, and shot by developmentally disabled young people in the UK. Includes claymation, canned vegetable soup used as a stand-in for vomit, and other disturbing images that will stick to your brain like airplane glue. Link
(Thanks, Macki) |
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Giftfile Project Primes Decentralized Gift Economy |
SecurityFocus Vulns
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BugTraq: bss-based buffer overflow in l2tpd. Sender: Thomas Walpuski [thomas-bugtraq at unproved dot org] |
NewsIsFree: Security
6. |
bss-based buffer overflow in l2tpd |
2:20:18 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
IBM opens up high-end Windows options |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Midway Games Chairman Nicastro to Resign (Reuters). Reuters - Midway Games Inc. (MWY.N), a developer
and publisher of entertainment software, on Friday said
Chairman Neil Nicastro intends to resign from the board
immediately after the June 10 annual meeting. |
12:26:19 AM
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Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:24:40 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
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