Monday, June 28, 2004
11:28:07 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
New article on resveratrol: the red wine longevity supplement. sentdev sez: "Betterhumans has issued a report about resveratrol, the compound found in red wine that is responsibile for the so-called French Paradox-the fact that the fatty food-consuming French have low levels of heart disease. Consequently, resveratrol has been touted as the first true antiaging drug. Early clinical reports show that it may have a role in decreasing insulin levels and blood pressure, increasing good cholesterol, and extending lifespans to a degree normally achieved through calorie restricted diets. But as the report points out, the jury's still out on its long term effects." Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Sun seeks pep in Java show. At JavaOne in San Francisco, Sun looks to the future of its flagship software product. Also: Driving Java into cars and a peek at the Looking Glass.
3. |
Oracle drops PeopleSoft CEO as witness. Oracle won't call Craig Conway to testify, but Lawson Software's CEO takes the stand. |
4. |
Gates issues 'progress report' on spam. Microsoft fans get an update on antispam efforts from Bill Gates. If, that is, they can find Gates' e-mail in their clogged in-boxes. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
School Teaches 'Ethical Hacking' to Computer Students (Reuters). Reuters - Sporting long sideburns, a goatee
and black baseball cap, instructor Ralph Echemendia has a class
of 15 buttoned-down corporate, academic and military leaders
spellbound. The lesson: hacking. |
6. |
Airport Monitoring of Travellers via Blackberry |
10:27:47 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Game on for MSN, FoxSports site. Two companies to unveil co-branded sports Web site Thursday. Can it show some muscle against rival ESPN, others? |
2. |
Sun puts Java into gear for cars. The JavaOne crowd envisions a future with downloadable horn tunes as Sun starts a push for Java to underpin computers in autos. |
3. |
A tale of two Tigers. Also: Google bolsters star power...iPod plans turn car owners green. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
Oracle Won't Call Conway As Trial Witness (AP). AP - In a surprise move, Oracle Corp. has decided against calling PeopleSoft Inc. CEO Craig Conway as a witness in an antitrust trial that could make or break the hostile takeover bid proposing to combine the rival business software makers. |
5. |
Lawson Says Held Merger Talks with Oracle (Reuters). Reuters - Lawson Software Inc. was in talks
about a possible takeover by Oracle Corp. in 2002 but has no
interest now in such a merger, an executive testified on Monday
in the antitrust trial over Oracle's hostile takeover bid for
rival PeopleSoft Inc. |
6. |
Microsoft Opens Windows CE 5.0 (PC World). PC World - Software giant will release 2.5 million lines of code and allow device makers to modify OS. |
7. |
Mac OS X "Tiger" Server Previewed |
InfoWorld: Top News
8. |
Sun opens Looking Glass, sees more Java clients. SAN FRANCISCO - Sun Microsystems Inc. is releasing the source code for a user interface technology that provides users with a 3D view of their PC desktop, part of an effort to drive greater use of Java on PCs and other client devices. ADVERTISEMENT Download Strategic Value of Moving to Linux Business White Paper Find out how your company can reduce IT costs or improve efficiency, you are probably considering Linux and what role it will play in your company.
9. |
Oracle woos ISVs at executive gathering. NEW YORK - As part of an ongoing effort to draw more developers to its technology, Oracle Corp.'s partner group this week will host its first gathering devoted to ISVs (independent software vendors). |
10. |
Interview: Oracle exec touts ASP services. Oracle recently changed the name of its ASP business from Oracle Outsourcing to Oracle On Demand. This Oracle business unit will operate IT systems on behalf of customers. |
11. |
JBoss closing in on J2EE certification. SAN FRANCISCO -- Open source software vendor JBoss, which has offered an open source Java application server sans J2EE certification, is closing in on that accreditation, according to the company’s chief executive. |
12. |
Microsoft settles Arizona class-action suit. SAN FRANCISCO - Microsoft Corp. has reached a preliminary settlement in a class-action lawsuit in Arizona, which alleged that the company abused its Windows monopoly to overcharge customers in the state for its software. |
SecurityFocus News
13. |
News: Wi-fi hopper guilty of cyber-extortion. FBI agents initially traced threats to a suburban dentist's office, and other spots with unsecured wireless networks. |
The Register
14. |
Konfabulator author slams Apple 'theft'. Lightening strikes twice for konfounded Mac developer By Andrew Orlowski . |
15. |
Vodafone lets Sun wear the trousers. Co-author! Live! 3G! Java! specification! By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
16. |
IE flaw may boost rival browsers |
17. |
Fishing for 'phishers' |
18. |
Juniper Serious About SAML |
9:27:26 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Savetheipod.com. Pho list co-founder John Parres sends word of a new project organized by opponents of the INDUCE Act: Savetheipod.com. The site is a collaboration between online activism groups Click The Vote and DownhillBattle. John says:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.52515E-107; #1: 1
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The record and movies industries are pressuring Congress to pass a bill this week that will threaten the iPod and peer-to-peer networks. I just sent free faxes urging my reps in Congress to stop the INDUCE Act. Convincing even a single Senator will force a real debate on the bill. The site contains more info about the INDUCE Act and a form to fax your Senators and Representative.
Link |
CNET News.com
2. |
Oracle drops PeopleSoft CEO as witness. Oracle won't call Craig Conway to testify, but Lawson Software's CEO takes the stand. |
3. |
Briefly: QLogic, Emulex settle legal spats. roundup Plus: JBoss expands Java ambitions...Java gets ready for 3G...Microsoft to release next version of CE. |
4. |
Nokia expands developer tools for CDMA. Handset maker extends developer support to all phones that use the standard, a move that could rankle CDMA leader Qualcomm. |
5. |
Apple lets young Tiger roar. After a sneak peek, CEO Steve Jobs promises Apple's next operating system will be out early next year. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Lawson Says Held Merger Talks with Oracle (Reuters). Reuters - Lawson Software Inc. (LWSN.O) was
in talks about a possible takeover by Oracle Corp. in 2002 but
has no interest now in such a merger, Lawson Chief Executive
Jay Coughlan testified on Monday in an antitrust trial over
Oracle's hostile takeover bid for rival PeopleSoft Inc. |
7. |
FreeDOS Turns 10 Years Old Today |
8:27:12 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
WSJ says abortions are good for the Republican party. This bizarre opinion piece by the Wall Street Journal's Larry J. Eastland argues that if there was no such thing as abortion, then there would be have been enough voting-age Democrats alive in 2000 to have given Gore the edge in the last election, because according to a survey, Democrats are more likely to have abortions than Republicans.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.71019E-198; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 2343
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As liberals and Democrats fervently seek new voters and supporters through events, fund-raisers, direct mail and every other form of communication available, they achieve results minuscule in comparison to the loss of voters they suffer from their own abortion policies. It is a grim irony lost on them, for which they will pay dearly in elections to come.
Link (Thanks, Carlo!) |
Penny Arcade!
2. |
An Alternative Lifestyle, Part 1.  |
CNET News.com
3. |
IE flaw may boost rival browsers. Security researchers suggest that using Microsoft alternatives is one way to surf the Web worry-free. |
4. |
Spyware-killers get going online. Congress is moving fast on digital pests. Security firms may already have part of the answer. |
5. |
QLogic, Emulex settle legal spats. The storage rivals agree to bring two patent infringement lawsuits to an end. |
6. |
Oracle drops Conway as witness. Oracle won't call PeopleSoft chief to testify, but Lawson Software's CEO takes the stand. |
7. |
Oracle v. DOJ: PeopleSoft CEO won't testify. special coverage Thanks, but no thanks: Oracle decides not to grill Craig Conway, which PeopleSoft says it had looked forward to. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Oracle Won't Call Conway As Trial Witness (AP). AP - In a surprise move, Oracle Corp. has decided against calling PeopleSoft Inc. CEO Craig Conway as a witness in an antitrust trial that could make or break the hostile takeover bid proposing to combine the rival business software makers. |
9. |
Jobs Unveils Mac Operating System Upgrade (AP). AP - Apple Computer Inc. chief executive Steve Jobs previewed the next release of the Mac OS X operating system on Monday, claiming it will boast some coveted features that Microsoft Windows won't include until 2006. |
10. |
Hotlines: Overture Launches Local Search Advertising Unit, LocalMatch (AdWeek.com). AdWeek.com - NEW YORK Overture, the Yahoo! division devoted to search advertising, today launches LocalMatch, a product aimed at advertisers who want to target local customers.
The product will be available on many of the sites that license Overture's search-advertising technology, including Yahoo!, Microsoft's MSN and ESPN.com. The pay-for-performance service is intended for national and regional advertisers looking to drive traffic to specific locations and for small businesses who want to make sure they are included in search results. ... |
11. |
MS Plans To Cooperate With Chinese TV Maker |
12. |
Linux in Government: Open Source Innovation within the DoD |
The Register
13. |
Gates defends Microsoft patch efforts. Sydney 'We are absolutely doing our best' By SecurityFocus . |
14. |
Internet Explorer. Quick, call security!. Opinion The Redmond Butterfly Effect By Tim Mullen . |
15. |
Beastie Boys claim no virus on crippled CD. We'll be the judge of that By Thomas C Greene . |
16. |
Sun's HPTC chief becomes loosely coupled. Kahn to hunt Beowulf elsewhere By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
17. |
Opinion: Court undermines basic privacy right |
18. |
Data mining reports could help shape new rules on the technology |
19. |
Mind Scans to Map Decision Making Mechanics |
20. |
Mind Reading |
21. |
CERT Recommends Mozilla, Firefox |
22. |
Virus Designed to Steal Windows Users' Data |
23. |
Popular camera cellphones raise privacy concerns in Vt. schools |
24. |
28 Jun W32/Rbot-CA |
25. |
28 Jun W32/Agobot-KE |
26. |
Red Hat Whips Up Storage File System |
27. |
CuteNews Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability |
28. |
PowerPortal Multiple Vulnerabilities |
29. |
csFAQ Full Path Disclosure Vulnerability |
30. |
Infinity WEB SQL Injection Vulnerability |
31. |
DLINK 614+ System Denial of Service Vulnerability |
32. |
DLINK 614+ DHCP Service Denial of Service Vulnerability |
33. |
Lotus Notes URL Argument Injection Vulnerability |
34. |
CVS Remote Entry Line Heap Overflow Root Exploit (Linux/FreeBSD) |
35. |
CVS Remote Entry Line Heap Overflow Root Exploit (Solaris) |
36. |
Rlpr 2.04 msg Remote format string Exploit |
37. |
MPlayer 1.0pre4 GUI filename handling overflow Exploit |
7:26:53 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Unaired Jack Black pilot for download. Andy "Waxy" Baio has posted a video file of the unaired pilot of "Heat Vision and Jack," a Knight Rider-like spoof from 1999 produced by Ben Stiller and starring Jack Black and Owen Wilson.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.27732E-170; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 2341
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(Thanks, Waxy!) |
2. |
Toaster oven casemod. 
Great casemod: a PC built inside a toaster-oven.
(via Waxy)
3. |
Sex bomb: erotic psy-ops throughout war history. Fascinating>Link (thanks, Philip) |
CNET News.com
4. |
JBoss expands Java ambitions. Company launches research and development center, announces support relationship with Novell. |
5. |
Fishing for 'phishers'. Report says fake e-mails that try to finagle financial information could be stopped by tools that check a sender's ID. |
6. |
Briefly: JBoss expands Java ambitions. roundup Plus: Java gets ready for 3G...Microsoft to release next version of CE...Overture fine tunes local wheels. |
7. |
Developer calls Apple's Tiger a copycat. Konfabulator fabricator says Apple has dashed off a duplicate with its Dashboard feature. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
8. |
Review: Nokia N-Gage QD Still Needs Work (AP). AP - Nokia Corp.'s new N-Gage QD is a vast improvement over the company's first all-in-one cell phone/gaming device. But that's not really saying much. |
9. |
Mexico's Telmex to Buy Stake in Brazil's Net (Reuters). Reuters - Mexican telecoms giant
Telmex said on Monday it plans to buy a stake in Brazilian
cable TV and Internet firm Net for up to $370 million to propel
its expansion in South America's largest economy. |
10. |
Disney Launches Fireworks With Compressed Air |
11. |
Missing Open Source Security Tools? |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
Novell scaling back on alternatives to OSS. BOSTON -- As part of its transition to an open-source software model, Novell Inc. will scale back its investment in some proprietary technology that competes with open-source alternatives, a company executive said Monday. |
13. |
Intel releases next generation Xeon. As expected, Intel Corp. on Monday unveiled the next generation of its Xeon processor, which will be the company's first chip to include the Extended Memory 64 Technology (EM64T) that allows the processor to run both 64-bit and 32-bit software. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
14. |
Vulns: Apache Mod_Proxy Remote Negative Content-Length Buffer Overflow Vulnerability. Apache Web server includes a proxying module (mod_proxy) to provide a proxy/cache for FTP, HTTP, and SSL.
A remote buffer overflow vulnerability exists in Apache mod_pro... |
Help Net Security
15. |
VeriSign service takes on spam |
16. |
CERT recommends anything but IE |
17. |
Exploit used to spread virus could be used again |
18. |
ISO endorses key security certification |
19. |
Gates dishes out security promises |
20. |
NewsIsFree: Your own Advanced News Reader and Feed Publisher. Read news from thousands of news sources updated every 15 minutes on the most powerful news aggregator.
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NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Iraqis take control 2 days early |
22. |
Hackers Seed Web Sites To Infiltrate PCs |
23. |
Spyware: The Next Spam? |
24. |
Scob Virus Plagues Net |
25. |
Blog :: Stop using Internet Explorer!!! |
26. |
Gates dishes out security promises |
27. |
VeriSign service takes on spam |
28. |
CERT recommends anything but IE |
29. |
Exploit used to spread virus could be used again |
30. |
ISO endorses key security certification |
31. |
Major League Baseball Knows Where You Live! |
6:26:35 PM
CNET News.com
1. |
Amazon says 'game's over' to Toysrus.com. Online giant asks court to OK divorce from toy seller--and to award $750 million in damages. |
2. |
HP gets behind the desktop. The computer giant fleshes out its "Adaptive Enterprise" push with the release of desktop PC software and hardware. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
WWDC: Xcode 2 supports 64-bit application dev, more (MacCentral). MacCentral - "64-bit" is a mantra that this week's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2004 attendees are hearing a lot. The memory addressing capability is something that's unique on Macs to Apple's Power Mac G5 systems. A year after G5s were first introduced, it looks like the operating system and code programming tools are finally catching up. Apple CEO Steve Jobs told WWDC keynote address attendees earlier today that Mac OS X v10. ... |
4. |
Lawson CEO Calls Oracle, PeopleSoft Its Top Rivals (Reuters). Reuters - Lawson Software Inc. sees Oracle
Corp. and PeopleSoft Inc. as its top rivals, an executive said
on Monday in testimony sought by Oracle in order to demonstrate
that the business software market would stay competitive even
if it completed a takeover of PeopleSoft. |
5. |
Microsoft Settles Arizona Antitrust Suit (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp. is offering almost
$105 million in product vouchers to settle an Arizona
class-action lawsuit accusing it of using its monopoly power to
overcharge for software, attorneys for the plaintiffs said on
Monday. |
6. |
The Open Conversation (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - The Java debate calls attention to the open-source model. |
7. |
Asia Emerges as Key Growth Market for eBay (Reuters). Reuters - In its quest to meet Wall
Street's lofty growth expectations, online marketplace eBay
Inc. (EBAY.O) has zeroed in on Asia's emerging markets and is
engaged in a regional battle for supremacy that has only just
begun, analysts said. |
8. |
SQL, XML, and the Relational Database Model |
SecurityFocus News
9. |
Infocus: Packet Crafting for Firewall & IDS Audits (Part 1 of 2). This article is the first of a two-part series that will discuss various methods to test the integrity of your firewall and IDS using low-level TCP/IP packet crafting tools and techniques. |
10. |
News: Gates Defends Microsoft Patch Efforts. Microsoft chairman downplays the role that unpatched vulnerabilities played in last week's Russian hack attacks. |
The Register
11. |
Apple 'launches Longhorn' with better search, graphics. While Redmond blogs, Cupertino codes By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Download.Ject Detection and Recovery |
13. |
IWAP_WWW account on compromised IIS servers |
14. |
Web Attack Over - For Now |
15. |
Apache Input Header Folding Denial of Service Vulnerability |
16. |
Scob Virus Targets Financial Data (NewsFactor) |
17. |
Norton Virus Definitions June 27, 2004 |
18. |
The Cleaner Database v3615 |
5:26:13 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
RSS reading coming to Safari. At today's worldwide developer conference, Steve Jobs announced that the next version of Safari will have an RSS reader built in.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.59944E-192; #1: 1
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X-NAS-MessageID: 2335
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(via Waxy) |
2. |
70s Eurofurnishings hall of shame. 
Eurobad 74 is a photocollection of "Europe's worst interiors of '74."
(Thanks, MJ!)
CNET News.com
3. |
Intel unveils its 32/64-bit chips. The Xeon rival to AMD's Opteron debuts in workstations, with server versions said to be on the way. |
4. |
Google feels spyware strains. Sneaky software aims for profits by bumping Google's query results with disguised ads. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
5. |
WWDC: Apple previews Mac OS X 'Tiger,' Tiger Server (MacCentral). MacCentral - Apple is giving attendees of this week's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2004 in San Francisco, Calif. a first look at the next major revision to Mac OS X v10.4, known by its code-name "Tiger." Version 10.4 is the forthcoming release of the company's operating system that is expected to be released some time in the first half of 2005, and it touts more than 150 new features, according to Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who took the wraps off the software at a keynote address on Monday morning. |
6. |
European Commission Suspends Microsoft Antitrust Ruling (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The European Commission has granted a temporary suspension of an order requiring Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) to change its business practices, pending the software company's appeal to a European Union court for a longer-term suspension of the ruling. |
7. |
RealPlayer Lands on More Linux Desktops (PC World). PC World - Media player will be the default choice on operating systems from Red Hat, Novell. |
8. |
New Text-Messaging Speed Record Set (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The technology-obsessed Singaporeans have claimed a new world record for keying in the fastest cell-phone text message after a competition held on June 27th in Singapore. |
9. |
Microsoft Releases Windows CE 5.0 Code (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is releasing proprietary code for its forthcoming Windows CE 5.0 operating system, which runs a broad array of electronic devices, in an effort to draw more developers to the platform. |
10. |
Scob Virus Targets Financial Data (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - The so-called "Scob" virus that infiltrated possibly thousands of popular and mainstream Web sites apparently was trolling for financial data from unprotected PCs, according to antivirus firms tracking this latest malicious code. |
11. |
Apple Previews Next Version of Mac OS X (Reuters). Reuters - Apple Computer Inc. (AAPL.O) on Monday
previewed the latest version of its Mac OS X operating system
code-named called Tiger, which Chief Executive Steve Jobs said
was far ahead of rival Microsoft Corp.'s (MSFT.O) next major
update to Windows. |
12. |
Jobs Previews Displays, Tiger at WWDC |
InfoWorld: Top News
13. |
Sun flying SOA effort with Project Kitty Hawk. SAN FRANCISCO -- Sun Microsystems is developing SOA (service-oriented architecture) technology being called “Project Kitty Hawk,” Sun officials said at the 2004 JavaOne conference here on Monday. |
InfoWorld: Security
14. |
VeriSign introduces e-mail, antiphishing services. New services from Internet infrastructure company VeriSign Inc. will help businesses fight unsolicited commercial ("spam") e-mail, computer viruses and a form of online fraud known as "phishing," the company said. |
SecurityFocus News
15. |
Columnists: Redmond's Butterfly Effect. Criminals are benefiting from an Internet Explorer that's so complex even Microsoft can't predict its behavior. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
16. |
BugTraq: Scob infection statistics, etc... Sender: Hubbard, Dan [dhubbard at websense dot com] |
17. |
BugTraq: Java applet crashing with native assertion. Sender: Marc Schoenefeld [schonef at uni-muenster dot de] |
18. |
Vulns: Sysstat Multiple Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. Sysstat is a system monitoring utility for Linux. Sysstat includes the sar and iostat utilities.
Sysstat is reported prone to multiple local buffer overflow vulnerabili... |
NewsIsFree: Security
19. |
Apache Input Header Folding Denial of Service Vulnerability |
4:25:54 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
Evolved antenna designs. This antenna (and many others on the linked page) was evolved by NASA using a genetic algorithm. While highly effective, its design is counter-intuitive.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 6.40234E-284; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2308
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}

First, there is the potential of needing less power. Antenna ST5-3-10 achieves high gain (2-4dB) across a wider range of elevation angles. This allows a broader range of angles over which maximum data throughput can be achieved. Also, less power from the solar array and batteries may be required.
Second, the evolved antenna does not require a matching network nor a phasing circuit, removing two steps in design and fabrication of the antenna. A trivial transmission line may be used for the match on the flight antenna, but simulation results suggest that one is not required.
Third, the evolved antenna has more uniform coverage in that it has a uniform pattern with small ripples in the elevations of greatest interest (between 40 and 80 degrees). This allows for reliable performance as elevation angle relative to the ground changes.
(Thanks, zogby!)
2. |
Surreal road sign art project. A group of artists in Lyon, France are installing fake, but beautifully designed and built, road signs. Link (Via The Cartoonist) |
3. |
John Ashcroft-themed smut video contest. Nerve is running a contest for John Ashcroft-themed amateur porn. Celebrity judges Moby, Ted Hope, and John Cameron Mitchell will pick from 15 finalists whose work is now online for your smut-tastic viewing pleasure -- titles include 1-800-4.D.O.J-S+M and The Passion of John Ashcroft. Too bad Nerve decided to post all the vids in WMV only. Some critics argue the format is nearly as restrictive as the policies of the man at whom this contest pokes fun. Link to FB item. |
4. |
Secret Fun Spot: retro graphic and industrial art gallery. Secret Fun Spot is a treasure trove of mid 20th century advertising, toy, and industrial art. Be sure to check out the section on Marvin Glass, the genius game designer who made Ants in the Pants, Dynamite Shack, Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots, Gnip Gnop, Hands Down, Haunted House, Lite Brite, Odd Ogg, Operation, Mouse Trap, Time Bomb, Tip-It, and Toss Across, among other masterpieces of primary-colored plastic. Mr. Glass, unknown to me until today, was responsible for shaping much of my appreciation for pop art. The site's design is fun, but I wish the pictures were bigger. Link |
5. |
Article about toymaker Marvin Glass. Here's an article about toymaker Marvin Glass (mentioned in my previous post), written by one of his former employees. "Working for Marvin Glass was wild... The atmosphere was a cross between James Bond & the Playboy mansion." Link |
CNET News.com
6. |
T-Mobile turns handsets into music players. European download service for cell phones equipped with T-Mobile's Ear Phone technology cuts out cost of player. But what about song prices? |
7. |
Apple lets young Tiger roar. After a sneak peek, Steve Jobs promises Apple's next operating system will be out early next year. |
8. |
Java to hook up with Vodafone's 3G network. European carrier plans to launch next-generation wireless broadband network and taps Sun for the downloading platform. |
9. |
Gates: Open source a great ad for Windows. Microsoft chair says it's great to have "a few design wins" by Linux and such in the news--it shows how much simpler Windows is. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
10. |
Sun Opens Its 3-D 'Looking Glass' Linux Desktop (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Sun is putting into the hands of the open-source community Project Looking Glass, its next-generation, 3-D Linux desktop system that has been receiving rave reviews. |
11. |
School Teaches 'Ethical Hacking' |
InfoWorld: Top News
12. |
Windows XP update could cause support chaos. The major changes to Windows XP brought by Service Pack 2 (SP2) are bound to cause support headaches. Analysts, users, PC makers and Microsoft Corp. all expect a spike in help desk calls. |
13. |
Wi-Fi hopper guilty of cyber-extortion |
SecurityFocus News
14. |
Elsewhere: Ethical Hacking Is No Oxymoron. LOS ANGELES -- Sporting long sideburns, a bushy goatee and black baseball cap, instructor Ralph Echemendia has a class of 15 buttoned-down corporate, academic and militar... |
SecurityFocus Vulns
15. |
Vulns: Dr.Cat Drcatd Multiple Local Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities. Dr.Cat is a remote cat (concatenation) utility. It is written in C.
Dr.Cat is reported prone to multiple local buffer overflow vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities e... |
16. |
Vulns: GNU GNATS Syslog() Format String Vulnerability. GNU GNATS is a freely available bug tracking system. It is available for a variety of Linux and Unix variant operating environments.
It is reported that GNU GNATS contai... |
The Register
17. |
Intel feels more 'complete' with release of 64-bit Xeon. Opteron-capable, don't you know By Ashlee Vance . |
18. |
WSIS II warm-up degenerates into human rights punch-up. Tantrums in Tunisia By Monika Ermert . |
3:25:32 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
RealNetworks shows some love to Linux. RealNetworks has announced an agreement with Novell and Red Hat to distribute RealPlayer 10 for Linux. This could prove to be good news for both RealNetworks and Linux on the desktop By Eric Bangeman. |
2. |
Apple's 2004 World Wide Developer Conference Keynote by Steve Jobs. It's that time of year again. Apple's flare for the wryly dramatic could be seen outside the Moscone convention center, where banners stating "Redmond, we have a problem," and "This should keep Redmond busy" hang next to images of Tiger preview CDs. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Report: PC-TVs set to take off. "Sky's the limit" for entertainment PCs in the next few years, as tech breakthroughs drive sales, according to a new study. |
4. |
Borland jumps into Java tools group. In a reversal, Borland joins group promoting easier, more interoperable Java tools. IBM remains on the fence.
5. |
Sun to percolate Java. At JavaOne in San Francisco, Sun looks to the future of its flagship software product. Also: An Opteron package deal and a peek at the Looking Glass.
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Overture Launches Local Web Search Ad Product (Reuters). Reuters - Overture Services Inc., a unit of
Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O), on Monday launched a local version of its
Web search advertising service, taking its battle with search
rival Google Inc. into a new market. |
7. |
Ah, the Sound, but Oh, the Bumps on the Road to Digital Radio (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - Digital radio broadcasts, after years of dreaming and development, are finally arriving on the air. And at first, this technology might not seem terribly enticing: The hardware needed to tune in these new signals is laughably expensive and few stations transmit in digital anyway. |
8. |
Sun to GPL Project Looking Glass |
9. |
Blame Bad Security on Sloppy Programming |
InfoWorld: Top News
10. |
VeriSign introduces e-mail, antiphishing services. New services from Internet infrastructure company VeriSign Inc. will help businesses fight unsolicited commercial ("spam") e-mail, computer viruses and a form of online fraud known as "phishing," the company said. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
11. |
Vulns: SWSoft Confixx Backup Script Information Disclosure Vulnerability. SWSoft Confixx is a control panel system for web sites, which is implemented in PHP. Users of the control panel have the ability to backup their configuration and files v... |
The Register
12. |
Fujitsu and Microsoft cement Itanium future. Making Windows mission critical By Ashlee Vance . |
13. |
Dutch downplay 3G health scare study. Results require verification, says Health Council By Jan Libbenga . |
14. |
Brain Academy 2: Calling all students. Fancy doing a comp sci degree? By Lucy Sherriff . |
NewsIsFree: Security
15. |
Norton Virus Definitions June 27, 2004 |
16. |
The Cleaner Database v3615 |
2:25:14 PM
Ars Technica
1. |
IBM tries to stretch the 970 in two directions at once. eWeek is running some good coverage of IBM's attempts to scale the PowerPC 970 both further into the high end (3GHz and beyond) and into the mobile space. By Hannibal. |
2. |
NVIDIA re-introduces us to SLI. 3dfx, rest its soul, gave us all something to lust after in its Voodoo2 SLI product. Standing for "Scan Line Interleave," SLI technology allowed you to connect two Voodoo2 cards together. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing
3. |
Cincinnati's Secret Subway. I just spent the weekend in my hometown of Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1925, construction in Cincinnati began on a state-of-the-art subway system for the rapidly expanding city. Three years later, money ran out and the seven miles of completed subway were abandoned. Since then, this surreal underworld has faded into the city's secret history, with awareness peaking every so often when a new plan for the tunnels is proposed: a fall-out shelter, a wind tunnel for the university's engineering students, a venue for a music festival. Back in high school, several of my friends accessed the cavernous stations for a few exciting evenings of urban spelunking. Now though, legit tours are occasionally offered. According to this recent piece on NPR's All Things Considered, the waiting list is 2,000 people long. Link |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
4. |
Internet browser breach defused. The suspect server at the centre of a web security breach has been shut down. |
CNET News.com
5. |
Juniper unveils new SSL VPN feature. Company adds support for a security standard to let remote workers access several applications without having to sign on multiple times. |
6. |
HP ponders a less-glorious Itanium future. Co-inventor of high-end chip says things will be fine, even if Itanium never catches on widely. |
7. |
Apple's Tiger stalks Longhorn. Long wait for Longhorn marks an opportunity for the next Mac OS X, code-named Tiger, which is set for demo at Apple's developer confab. |
8. |
New eMachines desktops hit stores. But Gateway, which wants to place its own brand PCs on store shelves, launches only three new eMachines models. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
9. |
Microsoft, Fujitsu to Develop Servers (AP). AP - U.S. software giant Microsoft Corp. and Japanese electronics maker Fujitsu Ltd. will collaborate to develop servers for the next-generation Windows operating system, the companies said Monday. |
10. |
Hutchison could break even soon on 3G mobile operations: CEO (AFP). AFP - Hutchison Whampoa chief executive Canning Fok said the group's third-generation mobile telephone operations could break even earlier than first thought. |
11. |
How did AOL lose 92 million names? (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - The Secret Service probe of the alleged theft of 92 million AOL screen names reads like a high-tech whodunit. USA TODAY reporter Elliot Blair Smith adapted this account from the criminal complaint against former AOL engineer Jason Smathers and Internet marketer Sean Dunaway. (Related story: AOL breach gives spam fight a twist) |
12. |
New Celeron D Core gets a Speed Boost |
SecurityFocus Vulns
13. |
BugTraq: RE: Caveat Lector: Beastie Boys Evil. Sender: Ross M dot W dot Bennetts [rbennett at une dot edu dot au] |
14. |
BugTraq: DLINK 614+ - SOHO routers, system DOS. Sender: Gregory Duchemin [c3rb3r at sympatico dot ca] |
15. |
BugTraq: ISC DHCP overflows. Sender: Gregory Duchemin [c3rb3r at sympatico dot ca] |
16. |
BugTraq: Re: Microsoft and Security. Sender: Justin Wheeler [jwheeler at datademons dot com] |
17. |
Vulns: Multiple Vendor Anti-Virus Scanner Remote Denial Of Service Vulnerability. Multiple vendor anti-virus scanning software is reported prone to a remote denial of service vulnerability.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.20001E-220; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2306
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
The issue is reported to present itself when certain malicio... |
The Register
18. |
Astronomers uncover mystery at galactic core. How did it get so hot? By Lucy Sherriff . |
19. |
MS, open source, The Facts and the fit-ups. We explain How It Works By John Lettice . |
20. |
Fujitsu and Microsoft cement Itanium future. Making Windows mission crticial By Ashlee Vance . |
NewsIsFree: Security
21. |
Hackers Seed Web Sites to Infiltrate PCs |
22. |
VeriSign Expands Into More European Markets |
23. |
Security Problems Dog Wireless Growth Providers Work to Get the Bugs Out |
24. |
NEW: Utah hostage's family waits |
25. |
Utah Marine among Iraq hostages |
1:24:54 PM
Boing Boing
1. |
News of early Iraq Power handover broken by a blog. Biggest story ever broken by a blog? It appears that blogger/BBC News correspondent/landmine survivor Stuart Hughes was first to break news of the early handover of authority in Iraq today, on his weblog. Link. Hughes was in Istanbul at the Bush/Blair press conference after that, and filed live text and audblog coverage here: Link |
2. |
An overseas view of INDUCE act (aka INSANE act).
Ernest Miller says:
Dr. Karl-Friedrich Lenz, a professor at Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan, has a different perspective on the INDUCE Act. Of course, there must be something wrong with his translation, as Dr. Lenz believes the Act is named the "Intentionally Stopping Advances of the Nation's Economy," or INSANE Act. Anyway, he is not nearly as opposed to it as many commentators here in the US:First of all, while it might be true that this legislation will help to make America a technological backwater, with iPods and the Internet being illegal under this legislation, depending on your perspective, that is actually a good thing. It helps Europe and Japan in the global competition with America to have strange American laws strangling research and development there, so from an international point of vie w, I can only say "go ahead". Lenz notes that the law could use some improvements, and if these improvements were made, then, "it might be better than the Japanese approach of just arresting creators and sort out later if it was actually illegal what they did."
Link |
3. |
Tolk1en in hackerish. F3ll0wsh1p of teh R1ng: the classic Tolkien translated into hacker 1337-speak.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2305
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
[At Bilbo's 111th Birthday]
Merry: "Omg, I pwn"
Pippin: "Sif, I pwn"
**Rocket goes off
Gandalf: "Pwned!"
(Thanks, Fez!) |
4. |
Evolved antenna designs. This antenna (and may others on the linked page) was evolved by NASA using a genetic algorithm. While highly effective, its design is counter-intuitive.

First, there is the potential of needing less power. Antenna ST5-3-10 achieves high gain (2-4dB) across a wider range of elevation angles. This allows a broader range of angles over which maximum data throughput can be achieved. Also, less power from the solar array and batteries may be required.
Second, the evolved antenna does not require a matching network nor a phasing circuit, removing two steps in design and fabrication of the antenna. A trivial transmission line may be used for the match on the flight antenna, but simulation results suggest that one is not required.
Third, the evolved antenna has more uniform coverage in that it has a uniform pattern with small ripples in the elevations of greatest interest (between 40 and 80 degrees). This allows for reliable performance as elevation angle relative to the ground changes.
(Thanks, zogby!)
CNET News.com
5. |
VeriSign unveils e-mail protection service. The service uses more than 10,000 rules to determine whether a message is spam, the company says. |
6. |
Beta on tap for Visual Studio, SQL Server. Just in time for TechEd Europe, Microsoft also plans a low-cost edition of its Visual Studio software development product. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
eBay CEO Sees No Need for More Acquisitions (Reuters). Reuters - Online marketplace eBay Inc (EBAY.O)
wants to grow by expanding its existing businesses rather than
by making new acquisitions, and integrate recent purchases such
as its PayPal online payments unit, Chief Executive Meg Whitman
said on Monday. |
8. |
Microsoft Eases "Shared Source" Restrictions |
InfoWorld: Top News
9. |
Gateway launches new inexpensive eMachines desktops. Gateway Inc. introduced a new series of inexpensive eMachines desktops Monday based on new Celeron processors from Intel Corp. and older Athlon XP processors from Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD). |
SecurityFocus News
10. |
Elsewhere: Website virus trap nipped in the bud overnight. You may have only just have read about it being a problem
Web surfers are no longer playing Russian roulette each time they visit a website, security researchers say, ... |
11. |
News: CERT recommends anything but IE. US CERT (the US Computer Emergency Readiness Team), is advising people to ditch Internet Explorer and use a different browser after the latest security vulnerability in the software was exposed. |
SecurityFocus Vulns
12. |
Vulns: Sun Solaris Patches 112908-12 And 115168-03 Clear Text Password Logging Vulnerability. Sun released patches 112908-12 and 115168-03 to fix a non-security related bug in Kerberos for their Solaris platform.
Sun Solaris patches 112908-12 and 115168-03 are af... |
13. |
Vulns: RealNetworks RealPlayer Unspecified Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. RealPlayer is a media player that is available for various operating systems, including Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.
RealPlayer may be prone to a remote code execution... |
The Register
14. |
Red Hat, Novell back Real Linux player. With no iTunes, what else? By Tony Smith . |
15. |
EC gets embedded in systems. Chips with everything By Lucy Sherriff . |
16. |
T-Mobile unveils Wi-Fi PDA-phone. Sports slide out keyboard too By Tony Smith . |
17. |
Pixies top UK download chart. Fully live on 1 September By John Oates . |
18. |
Hutchison 3G on road to break-even. Just round corner, claims CEO By John Oates . |
19. |
MPs slam premium-rate 'criminal scams'. Tough talking at £1.50 a minute By Tim Richardson . |
NewsIsFree: Security
20. |
Confixx "/root" Directory Information Disclosure Vulnerability |
21. |
artmedic links "id" Parameter Arbitrary File Reading Vulnerability |
22. |
HP Tru64 UNIX DCE RPC Buffer Overflow Vulnerability |
23. |
Various Products X.509 Certificate Validation Vulnerability |
24. |
Gentoo update for freeswan/openswan/strongswan |
25. |
Help Desk Pro Login Validation SQL Injection Vulnerability |
26. |
phpmyfamily User Authentication Bypass Vulnerability |
27. |
Debian update for apache |
28. |
Infinity WEB Login Validation SQL Injection Vulnerability |
About Internet/Network Security
29. |
Mysterious New Attack Affects Microsoft Web Servers and Browsers. A mysterious attack took security experts by surprise last week when it was found that well-known and popular web sites were propagating malicious code which planted a Trojan program on users computers and stole confidential and financial information. The attack... |
12:24:35 PM
11:24:13 AM
CNET News.com
1. |
Sun to percolate Java. At JavaOne in San Francisco, Sun looks to the future of its flagship software product. Also: An Opteron package deal and a peek at the Looking Glass.
2. |
Linux companies hit play on Real's software. Against the backdrop of Microsoft's media player troubles in Europe, Novell and Red Hat tap an open-source rival. |
3. |
Microsoft prepares for search assault. Don't lead people to sites for "potato chips if they mean computer chips," Gates quips. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
4. |
AP to Use Convera Software in Initiative (AP). AP - The Associated Press will use software from Convera Corp. to categorize, search and distribute its multimedia news content as part of a major technology initiative at AP, the companies announced Monday. |
5. |
BlueGlue Tools Expedite Open-Source Development (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - At JavaOne, OpenLogic will launch itself as well as its BlueGlue developer tools suite of more than 100 open-source tools from projects such as Eclipse, MySQL, Apache and JBoss. |
6. |
RealPlayer 10 for Mac OS X coming this week (MacCentral). MacCentral - RealNetworks Inc. announced Monday the forthcoming release of RealPlayer 10 for Mac OS X, the latest release of their media player software for Mac users. The software is being released as a public beta version on Wednesday, June 30. Able to play audio and video in formats include RealNetworks' own RealAudio and RealVideo formats, RealPlayer 10 for Mac OS X can also play back QuickTime video content in full screen mode, offers video controls and a graphic equalizer, integrates a browser window and supports Rendezvous, Apple's terminology for zero-configuration networking. ... |
7. |
Overture Launches Local Paid 'Net Search Product (Reuters). Reuters - Internet search specialist Overture
Services Inc., a unit of Yahoo Inc. (YHOO.O), said on Monday
that it had launched a paid search product for local listings,
ramping up competition with search rival Google Inc. |
8. |
School Teaches 'Ethical Hacking' to Computer Students (Reuters). Reuters - Sporting long sideburns, a bushy
goatee and black baseball cap, instructor Ralph Echemendia has
a class of 15 buttoned-down corporate, academic and military
leaders spellbound. The lesson: hacking. |
9. |
Nvidia Reintroduces SLI with GeForce 6800 Series |
10. |
Real adds GPL to Helix Player, RedHat/Novell Join In |
InfoWorld: Top News
11. |
IBM scheduler works with grids, mainframes. IBM on Monday unwrapped new software that allows corporate users to carry out both cross-platform and cross-domain scheduling by integrating enterprise-class applications across both grids and other distributed environments. |
12. |
IBM broadens industry networks for ISVs. IBM on Monday broadened out its PartnerWorld Industry Networks program, which provides developers with a collection of technical and marketing resources for vertical markets, to now include government and insurance. ADVERTISEMENT Download Strategic Value of Moving to Linux Business White Paper Find out how your company can reduce IT costs or improve efficiency, you are probably considering Linux and what role it will play in your company.
13. |
Borland set to join Java tools group. SAN FRANCISCO -- The JavaOne conference here will offer a virtual “Who’s Who” in the industry, making a variety of announcements boosting the Java programming language, including BEA, Borland, and IBM. |
14. |
HP rolls out new desktop, workstations. Hewlett-Packard Co. (HP) shored up its enterprise offerings on Monday, unveiling a new desktop PC, three new workstations, and backup and recovery software as it continues to tout its Adaptive Enterprise strategy. |
15. |
Wireless endpoint security: Tie up the loose ends |
The Register
16. |
Hotel calls disgruntled punter a 'tw*t'. Email customer service, Nottingham style By Lester Haines . |
10:23:54 AM
Yahoo! News - Technology
1. |
Hutchison could break even soon on 3G mobile operations: CEO (AFP). AFP - Hutchison Whampoa chief executive Canning Fok said the group's third-generation mobile telephone operations could break even earlier than first thought. |
2. |
New Record Claimed for Phone Text Message (AP). AP - Technology-obsessed Singapore may have claimed a fresh world record Monday for punching in the fastest mobile phone text message after a competition that demanded a flair for dexterity, and considerable geekiness. |
3. |
Mobiles Phones May Damage Sperm, Study Says (Reuters). Reuters - Mobile phones may damage men's sperm,
Hungarian scientists say, in a study that fertility experts
dismissed Monday as inconclusive. |
4. |
Mind Scans to Map Decision Making Mechanics |
InfoWorld: Top News
5. |
Microsoft, Fujitsu ally on mission-critical system. TOKYO -- Microsoft Corp. and Fujitsu Ltd. are expanding an existing global systems integration alliance to work together on software and hardware for mission-critical systems, the two companies announced Monday. |
6. |
EU grants stay on Microsoft sanctions. The European Union's executive branch, the European Commission, on Sunday temporarily suspended its March competition remedy requiring Microsoft to begin offering a version of its Windows operating system without Windows Media Player, one day before it was due to take effect. |
7. |
RealPlayer to land on Red Hat, Novell's Linux desktops. RealNetworks Inc. is moving to make its digital media player the default choice for Linux desktop systems, announcing Monday that Linux distributors Red Hat Inc. and Novell Inc. have both agreed to include versions of its player in their open source desktop software. ADVERTISEMENT Download Strategic Value of Moving to Linux Business White Paper Find out how your company can reduce IT costs or improve efficiency, you are probably considering Linux and what role it will play in your company.
8. |
Microsoft to allow changes to Windows CE source. Hoping to boost the use of its Windows CE software in devices, Microsoft Corp. plans to announce on Monday that it will share more of the operating system's source code and allow device makers to make changes to that code. |
9. |
Sun visualizes Java with new tool. At its 2004 JavaOne Conference, Sun Microsystems will release the much-heralded, so-called easy-to-use visual Java tool, Sun Java Studio Creator. |
10. |
Multimedia goes mobile with Flash Lite 1.1. Macromedia on Monday will introduce Flash Lite 1.1, an update to the Flash Player profile for mobile phones that is intended to expand capabilities for multimedia applications. |
11. |
Hosted collaboration steps to the plate. Hosted collaboration services from vendors Documentum, Intuit, and SiteScape are expanding to give enterprise workgroups improved project control and finer-grained user management. |
The Register
12. |
Email use survey results: report now in. Reg Reader Studies Data collated, conclusions drawn By Team Register . |
13. |
Kent pubs win rural broadband award. Pub's the hub By Tim Richardson . |
14. |
UK IT departments waste £165m a year. Back to basics, and back to India... By John Oates . |
15. |
Killer cyberappliances: Satan implicated. The Devil is in the wiring By Lester Haines . |
16. |
European betting sites brace for attack. Euro 2004 extortion bonanza? By Jan Libbenga . |
17. |
Astonomers uncover mystery at galactic core. How did it get so hot? By Lucy Sherriff . |
9:23:32 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Meshcube: transparent tiny meshing access-point.
The Meshcube is a tiny, kit-built meshing WiFi (802.11a/b/g) access-point. It's kinda pricey (€199 and up), but it looks great and meshing networks are genuinely cool.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.68047E-112; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2301
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(via Engadget)
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Official downloads chart launches. The UK's first legal downloads chart is to be launched in September, the Official Charts company says. |
CNET News.com
3. |
Bush vs. Kerry on tech. CNET News.com's Declan McCullagh's been listening to what the presidential contenders say about technology. Is there any difference between these two? Read on. |
4. |
Is Java cooling off?. Sun tries to quell dissension among Java backers while fending off Microsoft. |
5. |
HP vs. Cisco?. Rivalry between the long-term partners heats up as Hewlett-Packard seeks to build on gains in the low-end switching market. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
6. |
Microsoft, Fujitsu to jointly develop next-generation Windows servers (AFP). AFP - Microsoft Corp. and Japan's top computer maker Fujitsu Ltd. said they have agreed to jointly develop next-generation Windows-based servers for release from 2005. |
7. |
EU grants stay on Microsoft sanctions (MacCentral). MacCentral - The European Union's executive branch, the European Commission, on Sunday temporarily suspended its March competition remedy requiring Microsoft to begin offering a version of its Windows operating system without Windows Media Player, one day before it was due to take effect. |
8. |
Chinese Internet dissident found guilty of subversion, but given probation (AFP). AFP - High-profile Internet dissident Du Baobin was found guilty of subversion, but in a rare sign of tolerance from the government his three-year sentence was commuted to four years probation, his lawyer said. |
The Register
9. |
iTunes users hijack iMixes to demand indie content. Activists co-opt Apple's own technology By Tony Smith . |
10. |
Virgin Mobile edges closer to IPO. Not good to talk right now, though By Tim Richardson . |
11. |
CERT recommends anything but IE. Safer surfing By John Oates . |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
Hackers seed Web sites to infiltrate PCs (USATODAY.com) |
8:23:12 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
How to sign up for ABC RSS without selling your soul. ABC News has a good selection of RSS feeds. Unfortunately, in order to reach the page where they're listed, you have to click through this disgusting, clueless, multi-page "agreement" (excerpted below):
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 1.41454E-102; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2300
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
4. CONFIDENTIALITY. During the term of this Agreement, you may have access to some of ABC News's nonpublic technical or product information ("Proprietary Information"). Such Proprietary Information shall belong solely to ABC News. You shall not, except as expressly authorized by this Agreement, use or disclose Proprietary Information without the prior written consent of ABC News unless such Proprietary Information becomes part of the public domain through no fault of yours. You agree (i) not to disclose any Proprietary Information to any third parties, (ii) not to use any Proprietary Information for any purposes except carrying out your rights and responsibilities under this Agreement, and (iii) to keep the Proprietary Information confidential using the same degree of care you use to protect your own confidential information, as long as you use at least reasonable care. You acknowledge and agree that due to the unique nature of ABC News's Proprietary Information, there can be no adequate remedy at law for any breach of its obligations hereunder, that any such breach may allow you or third parties to unfairly compete with ABC News resulting in irreparable harm to ABC News, and therefore, that upon any such breach or threat thereof, ABC News shall be entitled to injunctions and other appropriate equitable relief in addition to whatever remedies it may have at law.
5. PUBLICITY. ABC News may use your name in releases, customer lists, marketing and other materials. Unless otherwise expressly permitted by ABC News, you may not create, publish, or distribute any items that reference ABC News without first submitting those items to ABC News and receiving ABC News's written consent.
Get that? You have to sign onto a confidentiality agreement in order to read the RSS feeds at ABC! And sign away your publicity rights. And agree not to forward on any ABC stories without permission.
Luckily, I didn't agree to any of that. I deleted everything in the text field containing the agreement, substituted some rude text of my own and found myself a nice list of all of ABC's XML feeds. If you'd like to directly subscribe to ABC's RSS without selling your soul by clicking through their one-sided adhesion contract, here are the direct URLs:
World Headlines:
US Headlines:
Politics Headines:
MONEYScope Headlines:
Scitech Headlines:
Health Headlines:
Entertainment Headlines:
Travel Headlines:
Relationships Headlines:
WNT Headlines:
20/20 Headlines:
Primetime Headlines:
Nightline Headlines:
This Week Headlines:
GMA Headlines:
Link |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Riches for retired Apple CFO (SiliconValley.com). SiliconValley.com - Fred Anderson began his retirement from Apple Computer by picking up almost $6 million from exercising options and selling shares in the Cupertino computer maker's stock. |
3. |
Prices of flat-panel TVs, monitors could drop more (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Supply of flat-panel TV sets and computer monitors is finally catching up with demand - which could mean big price drops. |
4. |
Hackers seed Web sites to infiltrate PCs (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - In a new type of Web attack that could begin to spread, security experts estimate hundreds of thousands of Internet users unwittingly got their PCs compromised last week simply by clicking on a favorite Web page. |
The Register
5. |
Mobile phones rot your balls. Hello Moto. Goodbye Mojo By Lucy Sherriff . |
6. |
Intel preps i925XE chipset with gigahertz FSB. Pitched at Pentium 4 Extreme Edition By Tony Smith . |
7. |
Singaporean sets SMS world speed record. 26 words in 43 seconds By Lester Haines . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Vulnerability Assessment Keeps Airline Flying |
9. |
Phishing Attacks Target Banks and eBay |
7:22:53 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
Inverse graffiti: use cleaning solvent, not paint. A Yorkshire graffiti writer has come up with a really clever writing technique: he lays a template with his tag over a dirty wall, then sprays the template with solvent, leaving behind a clean patch bearing his message. It's inverse graffiti -- he's selectively cleaning up dirty walls.
He decided to commercialize the process and tagged Smirnoff ads in Leeds, and that's where he got into trouble: he's been ordered to "remove" the clean patch of wall and get rid of the ad.
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 4.4551E-109; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2299
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
(via /.) |
2. |
Top-ten untranslateables. Here's a great census of the ten most untranslateable foreign and English words:
1 plenipotentiary
2 gobbledegook
3 serendipity
4 poppycock
5 googly
6 Spam
7 whimsy
8 bumf
9 chuffed
10 kitsch
(Thanks, Gerry!) |
Yahoo! News - Technology
3. |
Wireless Services tunes into $8.5M (TheDeal.com). TheDeal.com - The messaging systems developer hopes to improve its data infrastructure through its second-round funding. |
4. |
Drilling Under the Sea |
The Register
5. |
MS expands WinCE 5.0 'shared' source licence. Commercial code derivatives can stay closed By Tony Smith . |
6. |
EC suspends Microsoft sanctions. Pending appeal By John Oates . |
7. |
Intel shaves a buck off certain Centrinos. Generous or what? By Tony Smith . |
Wired News
8. |
Your Phone: Mobile Mickey Mouse?. Companies such as Disney and Time Warner already ply their wares in cinemas, on TV and over the Internet. Now they are considering full mobile phone services with help from existing network operators. |
9. |
Patriotic PC Maker: No Outsource. A U.S. PC maker is using the backlash against outsourcing jobs as a marketing campaign. Claiming it won't export jobs to save money, the company's red-white-and-blue website urges customers to support America by buying from them. |
10. |
Ethical Hacking Is No Oxymoron. Students at a southern California college pay nearly $4,000 to attend 'hacker college,' a computer boot camp showing how people break into networks. They graduate as 'certified ethical hackers' who can protect corporate IT systems. |
11. |
The Trillion-Barrel Tar Pit. Who needs 'oil independence'? Our friendly neighbor to the north is sitting on a black gold mine. By Brendan I. Koerner from Wired magazine. |
12. |
Sun Dabbles in Open Source. The company will make Project Looking Glass, a 3-D desktop and application interface development tool, available under the GNU General Public License. By Michelle Delio. |
13. |
Huge Gaps in Europe's ITunes. By all accounts, iTunes had a fantastic debut in Europe, but the service is missing tons of music from independent labels. Music fans are expressing their displeasure through the service itself. Robert Andrews reports from Cardiff, Wales. |
14. |
Forget Radio, Tune In to Net. Internet radio services keep getting better and attracting bigger audiences. Digital features like personalization and variety blow away anything on the airwaves. But some of the services are better than others. Katie Dean reviews a few top choices. |
15. |
Better Science Through Gaming. Software for analyzing genomic data has been woefully inadequate, leaving scientists in a DOS-like wasteland. One company is solving the problem with a video-game sensibility. By Kristen Philipkoski. |
16. |
Pursuing the Libido's Dark Side. The massively multiplayer Sociolotron is strictly an adult-themed role-playing game that indulges many sexual taboos -- including rape. By Daniel Terdiman. |
6:22:33 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
1895 8th grade test. Here's a Grade Eight test from a 1895 Kansas schoolhouse:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 8.80261E-095; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2298
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
1. What is meant by the following: Alphabet, phonetic, orthography, etymology, syllabication?
2. What are elementary sounds? How classified?
3. What are the following, and give examples of each: Trigraph, subvocals, diphthong, cognate letters, linguals?
4. Give four substitutes for caret 'u'.
5. Give two rules for spelling words with final 'e'. Name two exceptions under each rule.
6. Give two uses of silent letters in spelling. Illustrate each.
7. Define the following prefixes and use in connection with a word: Bi, dis, mis, pre, semi, post, non, inter, mono,super.
8. Mark diacritically and divide into syllables the following, and name the sign that indicates the sound: Card, ball, mercy, sir, odd,cell, rise, blood, fare, last.
9. Use the following correctly in sentences, Cite, site, sight, fane,fain, feign, vane, vain, vein, raze, raise, rays.
10. Write 10 words frequently mispronounced andindicate pronunciation by use of diacritical marks and by syllabication.
(via Kottke)
Update: If you're thinking of writing to me about Snopes saying that this is false, go re-read the Snopes entry. They don't dispute the authenticity of this document, only the conclusions drawn in the modern introductory text. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
2. |
Busting the Biggest PC Myths (PC World). PC World - We expose the bad advice that wastes your time and money. |
3. |
Gates Says Microsoft Cutting Virus Combat Time (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp is cutting the time it
takes to blitz viruses but needs personal computer users to
turn on their auto-updating features to help it combat
potentially dangerous attacks, Bill Gates said on Monday. |
The Register
4. |
Kids, cancer and mobile phones. It was five years ago today... 28 June 1999 By Team Register . |
5. |
Egg attracts interest from Capital One. E-bank sale drags on By Tim Richardson . |
6. |
Sony may test hybrid DVD/CDs in UK. DualDisc trial to follow broader US roll-out By Tony Smith . |
7. |
Sun open sources Looking Glass. and updates Java tools and platform By Andrew Orlowski . |
NewsIsFree: Security
8. |
Gates Says Microsoft Cutting Virus Combat Time (Reuters) |
5:22:13 AM
1. |
Dilbert for 28 Jun 2004.  |
BBC News | Technology | UK Edition
2. |
Virgin Mobile 'to announce float'. Virgin Mobile is set to announce plans for its London market flotation next week, according to reports. |
3. |
EU suspends Microsoft sanctions. The European Commission puts sanctions on hold as an interim measure while Microsoft appeals the ruling. |
4. |
Boy inspires cancer video game. A nine-year-old boy with leukaemia has inspired a video game to help children understand and deal with cancer. |
NewsIsFree: Security
5. |
6. |
Windows Magazine: Firewall Permissions Code for XP SP2 |
4:21:54 AM
3:51:42 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
I got two turntables and a right to vote. My DJ buddy Michael Donaldson, aka Q-Burns Abstract Message, pauses his world tour for a show in L.A. this Wednesday -- and shares word on a project he's organizing with fellow turntablists and fans thereof:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 0; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2295
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As you know I'm politically concerned... I've been trying to figure out how, in my pseudo-lofty position of DJ dude, I can make some difference. After much thought, I've come up with an idea.
I've collaborated with my friend Laurin Fedora to come up with a t-shirt design -- basically the word "VOTE!" in a replicated stencil. I'm having a number of these shirts made in different color combinations and then will wear one at each of my US DJ gigs from August until the election. I will also have photos of myself wearing a shirt on my web site (along with a concept explanation) and in any pictures that are used for magazines/flyers/etc.
The idea is this: I know that the age demographic that I am mainly playing to (people in their 20's) are traditionally the ones that do not vote. This is a shame as the actions of the current administration will resonate strongly in their futures. I don't know if wearing a t-shirt with this design at my gigs will inspire any of these potential voters, but I can hope and have some optimism. Perhaps seeing a DJ in the supposedly apolitical world of dance music caring enough to send a message will inspire a few people.... I wanted to keep the message non-partisan... the simple message of 'VOTE!' also states my feelings accurately: if more of us voted, then maybe we will find more candidates who truly represent us.
I'm wondering if you'd like a piece of the action. Laurin is offering to make more of these shirts. Would you like one (or more than one in different colors)? (...) Laurin has donated his time to help me with this. I'm paying for the materials for the shirts that he's making for me. If you'd like a shirt or shirts, I would need you to pay for the cost of the materials as well. It's not much ... just the price of the shirt and an extra buck for the ink and screening. Let me know as soon as possible if you'd be interested in this as Laurin wants to screen a bunch in the next day or two.
If you're interested, e-mail Mr. Q-Burns at this Link. Send name, e-mail address, shirt size, and color preference -- someone will respond with cost, payment, and shipping details. |
CNET News.com
2. |
Overture fine tunes local wheels. The commercial search arm of Yahoo expands services for local advertisers in a bid to capture greater share of regional marketing dollars. |
3. |
Sun opens some Java source code. The company plans to share a modest chunk of code, an experimental user interface called Project Looking Glass. |
4. |
Microsoft to release next version of CE. The software giant will announce at its developer's conference that the next version of its operating system for embedded devices will be available on July 9. |
5. |
Briefly: Java gets ready for 3G. roundup Plus: Microsoft to release next version of CE...Overture fine tunes local wheels...Start-up catalyses $3 million. |
6. |
Java gets ready for 3G. Vodafone is expected to use Sun's software to sell its next generation of cell phone downloads.
Yahoo! News - Technology
7. |
Microsoft, Fujitsu to jointly develop next-generation Windows servers (AFP). AFP - Microsoft Corp. and Japan's top computer maker Fujitsu Ltd. have agreed to jointly develop next-generation Windows-based servers for release from 2005. |
8. |
Microsoft to Let Partners Own CE Changes (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp will for the first time
permit any party that licenses its latest Windows CE operating
system for electronic devices to own innovations they make to
the software, the firm said on Monday. |
9. |
Credit Cards Enter the Micropayment Game (AP). AP - If your image of a typical video-game arcade customer is a teenager emptying quarter-filled pockets into a machine to do battle with space aliens, think again. |
10. |
Sun Micro to Roll Out Major Java Software Advances (Reuters). Reuters - Sun Microsystems Inc. will roll
out major enhancements to its developer tools for the Java
programming language and will contribute next-generation
computing desktop technologies to the open-source community,
the computer maker said on Sunday. |
11. |
Microsoft to Let Partners Own CE Innovations (Reuters). Reuters - Microsoft Corp will for the first time
permit any party that licenses its latest Windows CE operating
system for electronic devices to own innovations they make to
the software, the firm said on Monday. |
NewsIsFree: Security
12. |
GAO: Fed Data Mining Extensive |
13. |
EU Agrees to U.S. Flight Demand |
2:20:43 AM
Boing Boing
1. |
I got two turntables and the right to vote. Boing Boing DJ buddy Michael Donaldson, aka Q-Burns Abstract Message, is in LA playing a show this Wednesday -- catch it! -- and shares word on a project he's organizing with fellow turntablists and fans thereof:
X-NAS-Bayes: #0: 2.08125E-167; #1: 1
X-NAS-Classification: 0
X-NAS-MessageID: 2294
X-NAS-Validation: {E681C936-E9F0-4DDC-9901-74301AF33E67}
As you know I'm politically concerned... I've been trying to figure out how, in my pseudo-lofty position of DJ dude, I can make some difference. After much thought, I've come up with an idea.
I've collaborated with my friend Laurin Fedora to come up with a t-shirt design -- basically the word "VOTE!" in a replicated stencil. I'm having a number of these shirts made in different color combinations and then will wear one at each of my US DJ gigs from August until the election. I will also have photos of myself wearing a shirt on my web site (along with a concept explanation) and in any pictures that are used for magazines/flyers/etc.
The idea is this: I know that the age demographic that I am mainly playing to (people in their 20's) are traditionally the ones that do not vote. This is a shame as the actions of the current administration will resonate strongly in their futures. I don't know if wearing a t-shirt with this design at my gigs will inspire any of these potential voters, but I can hope and have some optimism. Perhaps seeing a DJ in the supposedly apolitical world of dance music caring enough to send a message will inspire a few people.... I wanted to keep the message non-partisan... the simple message of 'VOTE!' also states my feelings accurately: if more of us voted, then maybe we will find more candidates who truly represent us.
I'm wondering if you'd like a piece of the action. Laurin is offering to make more of these shirts. Would you like one (or more than one in different colors)? (...) Laurin has donated his time to help me with this. I'm paying for the materials for the shirts that he's making for me. If you'd like a shirt or shirts, I would need you to pay for the cost of the materials as well. It's not much ... just the price of the shirt and an extra buck for the ink and screening. Let me know as soon as possible if you'd be interested in this as Laurin wants to screen a bunch in the next day or two.
If you're interested, e-mail Mr. Q-Burns at this Link. Send name, e-mail address, size, and color preference -- someone will respond with price, payment, and shipping details. |
2. |
Reverse Graffiti |
12:29:13 AM
© Copyright
Gregg Doherty.
Last update:
7/1/2004; 2:25:03 AM.
This theme is based on the SoundWaves
(blue) Manila theme. |