I have been raising the question lately about why it seems that Greensboro has more than it's fair share of dissention when it comes to major proposals such as FedEx, new stadiums, and the like.
I am pretty sure that our water is laced only with chlorine and flouride so that is not the culprit. What is it about Greensboro's political climate that creates such vociferous divisions among it's Citizens? I am making the discussion, and the remedy, a campaign issue.
If you scroll down a bit under this linked topic at the Greensboro Sports forum, inflammatory moderator Bruce Bullington has an opinion, " While Greensboro doesn't have any more stupid people than anywhere else, the mass exodus of people with any sense gives the idiots the run of the room. In other cities, there are enough intelligent people to keep CAVE (Citizens Against Virtually Everything) people on the fringe."
My opinion is that Bruce is full of himself. The problem is that "the powers that be" haven't felt the need to obtain grass-roots buy-in before they plow ahead. That type of old-style politics and arrogance cost the pro-stadium guys over $250,000 in promotional and legal costs according one of the principal boosters.
For one-quarter of that amount they could have had one helluva love-in at the Coliseum at the first sign of organized dissention.
There is a better way to get important things done in this town, we can start with me.
10:33:07 AM  