Updated: 2/15/2006; 7:22:08 AM.

   Hogg's Blog

            David Hoggard's take on local politics and life in general from Greensboro, NC

Monday, August 29, 2005

I am blushing.  No, really... looky here... I am blushing like a little school girl.

Yesterday I went over to virtually visit long-time N&R reporter and newly-minted blogger Jim Schlosser's Architecture, Antiques and Artifacts blog and welcomed him to the local blogging scene.  He put up a very informative post about the looming re-contentiousness between the Fisher Park Neighborhood and First Presbyterian Church over yet another historic house that the church wants to turn into, yet, another parking lot, and I wanted him to know I liked the post and the fact that he is blogging.  What I received in return was an unexpected and humbling post at his place that... well... here's Jim...

"...I've known David several years, and I've never encountered anyone who who can soak up the who, what, when, why and where of a city better than him....

But that's not the part that made me blush... at least not very much.  It was this part, as he continued....

"...Many years ago, I remember asking the late Greensboro civil rights leader Dr. George Simkins who he calls when he wants to find out what's going on in Greensboro. Without a pause, he declared, "Jim Melvin, and he always returns my calls...." ...Hoggard reminds me of a poor man's Jim Melvin..."

Well now, how do I take being characterized as... "...a poor man's Jim Melvin"?  I take it is as a the very high compliment that Jim intended it to be.

Might I suggest that everyone go over and leave a nice comment at Jim's place about something or another.  It sure worked for me.  You might get characterized as a "...poor man's Billy Yow" or somesuch.

Kidding.  Thanks Jim, you are too kind.

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Yesterday, the title of this post from ThatsWhatzUp intrugued me when it showed up on Greensboro101 so went to read it.  A link provided carried me to an earlier post that was just as cryptic.  So I followed the link in that post that took me to an even earlier post entitled "I hear you Roch" which had some accusations in it.  The whole thing confused me, so I went in to the original post to confess that the whole thing was cryptic to me.

Having signed up for a Triadblogs account some time ago, I tried to login under my own name.  But after several attempts I couldn't get my user name or password to work, so I simply made my comment under the 'anonymous' banner. 

Today, because I inadvertantly neglected to manually add my name to the anon post as I normally do with such 'login' systems, I got called out for making a, supposedly, anonymous comment.

 "then you would know what I know...we can't have that .....you want even tell me you name...stranger.....That's OK... I know who you are ...It's you...yes you...the one  that's looking all dumb in the face...because he doesn't know his name.....I know you have  your name  written down somewhere....Now who's  confused? ......ALOL..."

The implication here is that an anonymous post to ThatsWhatzUp, and perhaps by extention all Triadblog weblogs, are not truly anonymous.  Since the owner obviously knew it was me that was attempting to log on to the system to comment - repeatedly and unsuccessfully - what other conclusion can I take from this?

To those of you in the know... how can an anonymous commenter know that he/she is truly being anonymous?  Do other weblog providers allow the owner to know who is attempting to log on to their commenting systems?  Do all Triadblogs webloggers have this capability?  Or... does one have to be an 'administrator' to be privy to such information? 

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