A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Tuesday, February 05, 2002

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Laissez-faire, ça fait du bien.   

Glass2k: transparencies for windows in w2k or xp. Cool. [Via micro.info a la télé (parfois intelligents, parfois imbéciles, comme leur commentaire sur Trillian qui est voué à l'instinction, ils utilisent tous Messenger...]   

A Busy Developer's Guide to Manila-RPC
I'm hoping this gets some more development going... Manila-RPC isn't hard, just rich. I love Manila. Good timing, I am also writing a BDG to the API of our own platform, Messajinn (sorry no link yet, it's a newsletter type web application that manages contacts, content, format and languages, schedules, distribution, stats and a simple workflow). I read the Blogger API and SOAP BDG yesterday to get in the mood... Can't wait offer it from Radio thru SOAP or XML-RPC!
[Via Archipelago  

Mozilla: It's kind of the Apache of desktop software [Via an informed poster on Slashdot]   

SVG - Open for Business
Just how difficult is it to create great looking images using SVG? Give us just a few minutes and we'll show you how to create an animated, 3D bar graph in this quick SVG introduction.
[Via WebReference News  

Aaron Cope points to ReefKnot, a Perl toolkit for iCalendar/RFC2445 compliant calendaring.
[Via Scripting News  

Major privacy hole in Windows/MSN Messenger
Yawn. What's new pussycat? 
[Via ActiveWin  

Gaspar Torriero gone verbose
C'est le premier blog italien qui link mon site (a ma connaissance), pas si difficile à lire que ça l'italien, vive nos racines latines communes (et mes notions d'espagnol ne nuisent pas)!

Un extrait: L'accesso alla comunicazione e alle informazioni diventeranno gratuite molto presto, e comunque entro questo secolo. Si passerà quindi da una democrazia rappresentativa a una democrazia diretta. Lo stato ci sarà ancora, ma come una specie di ebay del sociale. Il passo successivo sarà la scoperta di nuove forme di energia: rinnovabile, inesauribile, sicura. Allora la nuova età dell'oro non sarà più il frutto di pesanti tasse imposte ai vicini, come per Atene, ma porterà prosperità e benessere a tutti.

Ça pense fort par là!

[Via mes referer logs]   

Krysalis is a GPL'd Cocoon-like product implemented in PHP, supporting XML/XSLT processing pipelines and database connections.

Cocoon 2.0.1, an update to last year's release of Cocoon 2. A full changelist is available, includes both enhancements and bug fixes.

DIME and SOAP in DIME specs submitted as IETF Internet Drafts. DIME appears to be an alternative to the MIME encapsulation scheme. It is implemented in .NET.

[Via xmlhack editor's newswire  

The opportnity here is to create a scheduling network that is open to all, controlled by none, and perhaps even standardized enought to connect to those poor .NET people... C'est une des avenues les plus brillantes des web services, remplacer exchange par quelque chose d'autre, ouvert a tous et décentralisé...
[Via Adam Curry: CurryDotCom  

Red Hat CEO says Linux won't rule desktop
In a conversation with ZDNet UK, Red Hat Chairman Bob Young explains why converting Unix customers is easy; why open source will win the day on the Internet; and why Linux will never replace Windows on the desktop.Ca fait du sens.
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News  

ASP.NET Sample: Extending WebServices for SOAP Security Secutiry. Of course!
[Via ActiveWin  

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02/05/2002; 1:44:34 PM

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