A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Thursday, February 14, 2002

IBM has published a couple of articles on how electronic payments are handled in the WebSphere products. Also, here's a good article on Wireless/SMS. And another on implementing single-sign-on.
[Via SJL's Radio Weblog  

Journée de fou. Heureusement un souper avec mes amours en perpective, ma douce moitiée et mes trois petites grenouilles... J'ai encore des trucs a terminer avant demain matin, mais je vais attendre que tout le monde soit endormi avant de me rebrancher!


Mark's non-moralistic ($$$) argument for CSS [Via Archipelago  

M-Business: M Is for Moribund
M-Business magazine, a readable and insightful view of the wireless industry, is ceasing publication. What does this mean for the wireless sector? There is no television business magazine or radio business mag neither... As my loft neighbours say Cloudraker: "The Internet changes everything, except business"... you get the point.
[Wired News  

Message Patterns and Interoperability :XML Schemas: Best Practices [Via Roland Tanglao's Weblog citing xmldeviant, talk about propagation of news!]   

Windows Messenger Virus Alert!
Déjà deux de mes contacts ont tenté involontairement de m'infecter mais... j'utilise Trillian!
[Via ActiveWin  

February 2002
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02/14/2002; 10:27:52 PM

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