A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Anders Heljsberg on what's next for C#
A couple of scattered comments from Anders of interest that appeared in The Register. Especially liked the comment: ...learning the API now takes up 97 per cent of the programmer's craft: learning the language takes up three per cent.Of course, 97% of all statistics are made up on the fly.
[Via Lambda the Ultimate  

Spam Attack Cripples WorldNet Servers
UPDATE: AT&T WorldNet officials confirm a blizzard of emails to their servers has essentially halted e-mail traffic since Monday morning.
[Via internetnews.com: Top News  

AltaVista Shuttering Free E-Mail
More than 400,000 users will be out of luck at noon P.S.T. March 31st, as the CMGI-company will no longer support free e-mail.
[Via internetnews.com: Top News  

Three CSS3 Working Drafts Published
Si vous voulez regarder encore plus loin...
[Via The W3C  

Command Prompt from JavaScript... Aye caramba![Via Geeknews  

Microsoft, Sun, Sony and Linux
In his book Charles Ferguson tells the story of his start up Vermeer, how they saw the opportunity for FrontPage, and then sold the company to Microsoft. He gives a compelling account of the Web industry in 94, 95, 96 and 97... (he) predicts Sun will be out of business by 2006. At first I was flabbergasted by this conclusion, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. I like bold views like that!
[Via Advogato  

PostNuke wins 'CMS Survey' at linuxlookup.com
Not only did www.PostNuke.com's community driven CMS pull ahead of the pack of the other CMS systems on the survey, but PostNuke was also the only of the 'competitors' that did not link back to the survey.
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News  

Linux a l'universite [Sur pssst!  

Motorola And Nokia Select Macromedia Flash Player. Motorola Broadband and Nokia have integrated Macromedia Flash Player into their Enhanced TV Viewer and Mediaterminal (an infotainment device) respectively to enhance the online experiences of their users. Is Flash becoming a defacto standard for animation, on any device?
[Via internetnews.com: Top News  

3GSM - MS debuts Smartphones, Wireless Pocket PCs [Via IDG InfoWorld  

Excerpt: Chapter 12: Weblogs as community
The year 2000 saw the rebirth of a very old web idea...
[Via Design for Community  

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02/19/2002; 12:08:54 AM

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