A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Monday, February 25, 2002

L ’ergonomie, la convivialité et l'efficacité des sites web destinés aux consommateurs
C'est le titre d'un des principaux projets de recherche La Chaire de commerce électronique des HEC. Nous sommes impatients de voir les résultats! Toujours intéressant les nouvelles d'Idéactif... en passant je scrape leur blog en RSS de façon artisanale avec rssDistiller présentement, avec 1-2 petite modifs de template Blogger je pourrais avoir un résultat presque parfait... que ceux qui ont des oreilles pour entendre entendent!
[Via le weblog d'Ideactif  

DoubleClick Gets Into Spam
Bonne discussion et certains commentaires très instructifs...
[Via Slashdot  

Converging on the truth
Web communication wants to make things transparent. Some people find that scary. I find it exciting.
[Via Jon Udell's Radio  

Have Online Shoppers Acquired a Taste for Cookies?
Just a few years ago, the use of cookies was controversial. Press coverage painted Big Brother scenarios, and legislators rushed to introduce largely uninformed regulations that languished and then died. Should businesses and consumers be worried about cookies anymore?
[Via osOpinion  

DoubleClick Offers Improved Way. to Target Email Ads
DoubleClick will unveil Monday a new software product for sending e-mail advertisements, that will help companies target specific customer segments. The company said its new DartMail 3.5 will help advertisers segment and analyze their customers according to demographics and shopping habits. Rien de bien excitant de ce côté là...
[Via Privacy Digest  

Krysalis: Cocoon in PHP
an XSLT application server in the mold of Coocon II, but written in PHP. Now at version 0.8.3 which includes an IDE.
[Via More Like This WebLog  

Netscape 4-compatible, tableless, CSS-based, liquid, three-column layout. Whoou! Nice. Candidat à l'adoption!
[via diveintomark  

Comment ratings and bias
I find that when I read a comment, I already have a built-in prejudice for or against it based on the rating other users have given it. I think it would be a great feature to be able to hide comment ratings until you've already rated it yourself.
Un point qui fut discuté et vivement supporté lors de la première réunion du Madrid Project... à suivre.
[Via kuro5hin.org  

sg3000 on Slashdot:
As soon as Mac users can figure out how to make money playing Quake III as opposed to using Photoshop, I'm sure they'll be willing to switch their performance metrics. Hehehe.
[Via Hack the Planet  

Control & Creativity - The future of ideas is in the balance By Lawrence Lessig.
To reestablish a balance between control and creativity, our aim should be to give artists enough incentive to produce, while leaving free as much as we can for others to build upon and create. Ca vaut le détour, plusieurs argments dans ce débat entre les droits et les lois...
[Via Privacy Digest  

The Cult of Google
Google is a prodigious Web phenomenon, having achieved a level of impact rivaling that of the browser itself. Ultimately, Google may in fact alter the way we think about information more than any other single aspect of the Web (beyond the Web and Internet themselves). [Via The Paul Wall  

Structuring a .NET Application For Easy Deployment [Via ActiveWin  

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02/25/2002; 9:11:54 AM

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