A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
 Tuesday, February 12, 2002

Web Services: Top 10 FAQs by Ethan Cerami
[Via SJL's Radio Weblog  

Bryan Elliot of PingID.org, has released a high-level architectural overview. The Digital Identity Infrastructure outlined, closely resembles the Public Identity Infrastructure which has been the thinking within Ascio. Wow, ces gars la font un progrès rapide et intelligent: définitivement sous mon radar...
[Via the Digital Identity weblog]


Critical Internet Explorer 6.0 Update Finally Available (Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-005) [Via ActiveWin  

JoDI announces a Special Issue on Metadata: Selected papers from the Dublin Core 2001 Conference
This issue evolved in cooperation with the organizers and the program committee of DC-2001, the International conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications held in Tokyo, Japan. The papers are freely available online. J'aime ces mots!
[Via the DCMI  

New Tool: IllumiNet Corpus
Corpus is a search engine written in Java that index content, context and metadata in documents on the network or on the local file system. It is used as a "distributed relational database" for document-oriented solutions with metadata as indexed keys. J'avais rencontré un gars pas mal intéressant lors de ma dernière conférence à Québec pour l'ASTED, un étudiant qui effectuait des recherches pas mal poussées sur RDF et les metas-donnée.. c'était la première fois que je rencontrais quelqu'un live pour discuter de ce sujet techniquésotérique... Il y a Michel Dion qui m'avait envoyé un courriel à ce propos il y a quelque temps... mais je ne retrouve plus son adresse... Michel tu me lis encore (ou quiconque aurait son adresse de courriel)?
[Via the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)  

Sun pushes scalable messaging for the enterprise [Via IDG InfoWorld  

More details from Matt Goyer on the new MBET
the Masters of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Technology program at the University of Waterloo.
Pas mal intéressant, il faut que j'en parle à Lynda des HEC...
[Via Matt Goyer - Weblog  

Re: XML protocols and SOAP are BaaaaaD! [Via the decentralization list]   

Monetizing Web services

...Google used to support the syntax: http://google.com/xml?q=wsdl

Now, of course, that request 403's and refers you to the Terms of Service page. For a long time, I've thought that Amazon and now Google ought to offer, and monetize, programmatic access to their info. Why not? Return small/infrequently-requested XML datasets for free, and larger/oft-requested XML datasets for a fee.

Maybe because there is no easy/cost effective way to manage usage and payment?

[Via Jon's Radio  

Towards an Internet-Scale Operating System [Via Slashdot  

Niutopia supporte la Blogger API (un peu)

Bravo Biz!

Nous en avions discuté via courriel il y a quelque temps... Si je peux me trouver un peu de temps je vais enfin pouvoir livrer les hack Radio pour pinger Niutopia et y poster!

[Via Daypop Top 40  

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols : The Woes of Web Services

If you're a developer you have to love web services. They provide an easy, standard way to create network programs that hide the complexities of both server and client interactions from both users and programmers. Web services provide an easy to use and universal middleware for network applications — what's not to like?

Well, a lot if you're a network administrator. But, no matter whether your web services are based on .NET or Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), they all bring three network problems with them. This trouble trilogy is made up of: poor security; high server loads; and fat, bandwidth-eating protocols...

Excellent! En tant que développeur et gestionnaire, la problématique de l'implémentation et de la gestion (sans parler de la facturation) des services déployés est un axe de réflexion crucial.

[Via Aaronland  

REST has too many verbs
Simon St. Laurent thinks that REST has too many verbs, specifically that HTTP is too complex. He later posted a vision of a very simple messaging system. J'aime bien Simon, il aborde les problèmes du bon angle selon moi.
[Via Eclectic  

XML Spy 4.3 Suite Released [Via Eclectic  

Michel Dumais dans le Devoir
Si après avoir expérimenté avec quelque temps avec Blogger, vous vous apercevez que ses fonctions sont limitées pour vos besoins, vous voici prêt alors à faire le saut vers Radio, l'application de blogue la plus puissante actuellement
[Via Dave Winer qui se permet de me scooper sur un article en français paru par un journal qui a ses bureaux à un coin de rue des mien!!!]   

Will anonymous email become a casualty of war?
Ever wonder how to trace the trail of that spam, track its source, and shut it down once and for all? These days, so does the U.S. government. E-mail messages yielded a few clues to the location of abducted Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl. But investigators complain the search for Pearl is hampered by difficulties pinpointing where the e-mail originated. Authorities have released few details, but apparently the e-mail was prepared and sent in a way that made it difficult to track. In at least one case, investigators were able to identify three Pakistanis who allegedly had links to a particular PC used to send photos and messages about Pearl.
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News  

A conversation with Gaël Duval, founder of Mandrake.
Duval relates the history of Mandrake, explains what makes Mandrake unique, discusses the company's market focus, describes Mandrake's philosophy with respect to open source, and offers his vision of the future of the Desktop Linux Market and what will help its success
[Via NewsForge: Open Source News  

Jason Kottke wants to build a taxonomy presumably for his website.

Here is my take on this fascinating subject:
I would add from experience that the hardest part is not the base schema (altought it's a daunting task) but the possibility to start small, grow, cross-link, add categories and re-categorize...

If haven't found a system that does that well... Super categorized systems creates too much empty branches and are almost always conceived from a machine standpoint. What I am looking for is a system, that places the editor (or better, a group of editors) at the center of the process... Everything2 is close but is a bit chaotic.

I will be watching this thread, but I think it could be worthwhile to create a mailing list on this topic.
[Via Scripting News  

Reading DTDs with JavaScript
In addition to formally declaring the structure of XML data, DTDs can also be used to define replacement values for entity references. In part 8 of our Web Services in JavaScript series, we learn that you can access those references through the DOMDocument object - provided you know where to look.
[Via WebReference News  

OK, pas mal de courriels en arrière-plan... je voudrais annoncer une nouvelle section sur mon blog mais j'ai un un track record pas mal poche pour ce qui est de la livraison de ce que j'annoce ici... (j'ai quand même une famille et une compagnie qui requièrent toute mon attention, il ne reste que des bribes pour ce qui se passe ici)... Alors disons que je n'ai rien dit et que ça n'a rien à voir avec Radio et les CSS...   

Well, lot's of cascadingly stylish things are coming around... I want to announce a new feature story/section on my blog, but I have a pretty bad track record of announcing things I will do here and then getting stuck in something else (like my company or my family for example, takes most of the hours in a week!) that has a higher priority... So let's just say I didn't write anything about it and it has nothing to do with CSS or Radio...   

February 2002
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02/12/2002; 9:30:16 PM

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