Tuesday, October 28, 2003
the current topic of discussion within our company

This article talks about their experience using outsourced development to offload some work.

It's pretty much the story I expected.

This concerns me because the company I work for (which will remain nameless) is currently making noises to start outsourcing work.

With many unemployed friends that are good at what they do, I can't say I'm sympathetic to the idea.

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blogging rule of thumb

I never know what's going to get people to link to my weblog. Most of the time I don't worry about it, but then I get a traffic spike and I spend my time wonderig why.

The conclusion I've come to is this: Write what you're going to write. People will link to whatever interests them, and the links will come from locations that you don't expect.

(I've been thinking about this because I got a traffic spike when MacSurfer linked to my Panther installation entry.)

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