Be Sure to Set Your Clocks Ahead Tonight. [muttering: Spring ahead, Fall back. uh huh.]
Near Packed. Thank God. It's amazing what I have to take to cover this show. I might need a pack mule.
Doc's really gone off on Arnold Kling's article about Corante: Creation vs. Distribution in the Front-Loaded Economy: Information Wants to be Free, but People Still Need to Get Paid. I hate to sound like a bobbing head but Doc's right. Kling doesn't get it. I'll be the first one out there to support people protecting their intellectual property. Hell I even have my name on a couple marks and copyrites. But when in the hell did pirating software compare to competitively priced generic drugs?
I know way too much about the pharmaceutical business, and how generic drugs are licensed to secondary generic manufacturers "swallow" that licenses are not paid to the patent holder. And Kling's comparison of generic drugs to software piracy is way out in left field.
But Kling keeps thinking anyone wanting to reformat what they all ready own is a theif. Wrong-o! Don't paying customers have Rights to be able to use something in a manner that works for them? We paying stiffs did pay up the first time, or so my checkbook balance tells me.
4:59:04 AM