Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
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  Sunday, April 21, 2002

When the phone rings early Sunday AM and it's family-- it's normally not good news.  Just got off the phone with a family member in Illinois who is going to undergo bypass surgery later this week. This is her second in the past 6 months. Not good news. But her doctors exercising a lot of care and caution not seen in many physicians today. Her Doctor's a first rate guy, I knew when he was doing his residency in Detroit. It appears I am going to be standing by to see what's happening on remote, because I'm having surgery on Monday.  Looks like it's going to be a long week before the week gets started.

11:28:36 AM    

A picture named parkbench.gifHas anyone around here ever assembled one of the park bench kits like this or a 12 slat? We're considering buying and assembling one for Doug's folks as a Mothers Day & Anniversary gift. We're very handy, but have never done a preassembled kit in years, because they have always fallen far below our standards of good construction. (Doug's anal retentive and I'm pretty fussy.)  Any ideas comments or thoughts?


We're taking Sunday off to get things done around the house and clean up the yard where the concrete is no longer here.

3:00:37 AM    

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Last update: 4/21/02; 3:01:42 AM.

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