Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
Pixel Interpreter: injecting common sense into technology and life.


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  Monday, April 15, 2002

Tax Day - Rest Day: I'm taking off more time today to rest. The meds are kicking in and one of the side-effects is fatigue. So I'm napping and waiting for the Vet to call back with the results on Andy's Xrays.
12:54:40 PM    

 How Radio Works in My Mind--

For me I've recently had a change of mind on how Radio actually works best for me. I'm sharing this all of you to see if it helps anyone out there in Blog-land. Feel free to comment away. Radio is a very powerful tool and while it does have its warts, it does offer anyone an opportunity to publish their thoughts online with a relatively simple interface. Customizing it however isn't as easy as I'd like it to be.

Many of us in Blog-land have used Radio for journal-type reporting from our various points of view. (I call it collective blogging.) However, I'm beginning to see Radio as a way for me to publically have several Projects-in-Process and receive direct comments from others, while I am continuing to develop them. In my mind I am beginning to see each category become a specific project area of which I give a portion of my time to developing further.

At the moment that's where my head is at-- feel free to comment and add to this. It's also a work in progress.

*For those of you who can't get DSL or any highspeed connection-- Read Cringely's latest Pulpit Article. God love ya Rob' you're on target, but I still want the damn speed.

1:29:00 AM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mary Wehmeier.
Last update: 4/15/02; 1:29:20 AM.

April 2002
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