Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
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  Wednesday, April 17, 2002

A picture named rain_tiny2.gif

AURORAS TODAY: A coronal mass ejection swept past Earth this morning and triggered a moderate geomagnetic storm. The disturbance began at 1100UT on April 17th was still happening 12 hours later when this alert was issued. High-latitude sky watchers -- i.e., those in northern Europe, Canada and the northern tier of US states -- should   remain alert for auroras after sunset on Wednesday. AND LATER THIS WEEK.... Twisted magnetic fields above sunspot 9906 erupted and hurled a lopsided coronal mass ejection toward Earth on April 17th.

The expanding cloud could ignite Northern Lights when it sweeps past our planet on April 19th or 20th. [thanks to]

Time to Fire Up the Telescope: AP Wire- Yahoo's Reporting 

"The five brightest planets visible from Earth have lined up in plain sight to form a spectacular celestial array that won't be seen again until 2040. Through the next four weeks, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Venus will appear tightly clustered in the Western sky. They will be visible in the evening with the naked eye...."

11:20:52 PM    

Living With the Nuts in the California Legislature

California showing another wave of braindead legislation has passed Senate Bill 1520, called The California Soda Tax, in the Senate today. This brainchild was the work of California Senator Deborah Ortiz (D-Sacramento) who thinks another tax on all ready over-taxed Californian's will solve the problem of childhood obesity. Ortiz's Bill will tax every soda 2 cents per 12 oz. container. (This is an addition to the California Recycling Value Tax and Sales Tax we pay all ready.) This would include sweetened iced tea and cranberry beverages.

The only exemptions would be for DIET Soda and those containing 50% or more in fruit juice.
[Excuse me? Does anyone up in Sacramento know how dangerous DIET drinks are? 'Especially to kids?]

According to the LA Times:

"The excise tax, which would be imposed on beverage distributors but would probably be passed on to consumers, would raise about $340 million a year, according to projections. Some of the revenue would be devoted to programs aimed at preventing childhood obesity, educating kids about their teeth and paying dental bills. But most of the money would be used to help get schools out of the business of selling soda and junk food, which they now depend on to fund activities."

A picture named coke.jpgSENATOR DEBBIE:


When in the hell did it become acceptable for schools to have soda pop machine in school in the first place? Thirty years ago, we were unable to have a pop machine in school because of the federal milk program prohibited soda sales during school hours. Why did that change?

Furthermore why is the responsibility of the SCHOOLS and the GOVERNMENT to teach our children good dietary and hygiene habits, and provide medical/dental care?  Isn't it the School's responsibility to EDUCATE the children of this State first? And when did it not become the responsibility of the parents of these children to feed and provide care for them? There are all ready enough programs in California to provide needy families with care for those unable to pay.

Senator, you have your priorities screwed up! It's the State's responsibility to provide a good education in the basics of a literate society. The State is doing a very poor job educating the children of this State. The level of education attained by today's California high school graduate is obscene. Most teens have problems writing a basic one page business letter or filling out a resume clearly. Nine out of 10 can not make change without a computerized cash register.  

It is not the responsibility of the State to take over the position of the parent, nor to circumvent their authority to educate their offspring with proper life skills and a sound fundamental background of ethics, honor and respect for themselves and others. This includes learning from their parents good healthcare habits about diet and weight. None of this is the governments business.

As a taxpayer who has just given the State and Federal government well over 30% of my income in taxes-- find something productive to do and stop over taxing Californians, Or more of us are going to leave.

Sign the Petition to Repeal The Soda Tax here.

And now the LA County Board of Supervisiors is going to pay a lobbyist to support the Tax Bill.

7:24:57 PM    


[Editors note: Reposted with a little clean up. mlw]
Gateway's Olympia the Cow on Digital MusicWhile I was trying to catch-up on my rest,
Gateway Computers launched their own campaign to combat the CBDTPA and other issues surrounding the digital music game and customer rights last week while I was still at NAB2002. Ted Waitt and Gateway are doing what they know is right and are willing to literally stick their neck out to tell the facts.

one-minute television spot,  featuring Ted and Olympia the Cow began airing last Wednesday night, ends with this message: "Gateway supports your right to enjoy digital music legally." [ya!]

"Digital technology allows consumers to enjoy music in new and exciting ways, but illegal piracy and government intervention both threaten to stop the music," said Ted Waitt, Gateway chairman and CEO. "Our customers are telling us clearly that they value digital music technology and they want to keep using it legally. This campaign is intended to show we support their right to do so while giving them the tools and information they need to understand and use digital music technology in ways that don't harm copyright holders."  [Snagged from Press Release]

Knowing Ted--  I knew that he had done his homework (he always did,) and this statement wasn't going to be the end of it. He can be as stubborn as a bull when he believes something's right.  So I went over to the website to see Gateway is telling people how to rip and burn legal MP3s (thru Gateway and emusic,) doing in-store demos, giving away CDRs, legal MP3s, telling people what in legal and what's not, how to send letters of protest to Congress and providing products and services (including reselling broadband connections,) to Gateway and non-Gateway customers.

While Gateway isn't the first to teach the world about Rip'nBurn it's one of the first PC companies to come out publically and take a stand on what they believe is right for everyone.  Don't let that farmer-friendly outfit surprise you. They have a pitchfork in their hand and-- it's aimed firmly at Hollings hindquarters. [targeting....]

It appears that Gateway isn't the only one upset with Senator Hollings - Breaking News

2:11:10 AM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mary Wehmeier.
Last update: 4/17/02; 2:34:30 AM.

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