Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
Pixel Interpreter: injecting common sense into technology and life.


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  Saturday, April 13, 2002

A picture named rose-in-hand.jpgHalley Suitt's  "Top Ten Reasons To Witness Your Dad's Demise" is an intimate glimpse into life. My sympathies go to Halley and her family, but I also want to thank her for the courage to share her most personal feeling with all of us. Her Dad sounds like he was a wonderful man.

About two years ago I was in the same situtation with my Dad-- and ten years before that my Mom. It's never easy. The mind plays and replays moments in time which are captured in your mind's eye of them doing something or saying something. So while they are physically gone-- they're still within your memory. It gives us comfort. In reflection we come to understand the time before their death was the hardest. This time gives the living the ability to say "I love you" and "good bye."  Time helps us understand this time was as much for us as it was for them. Be thankful if you get it. Some of us don't.

4:36:06 AM    

Arnold Palmer Masters 2002Arnold Palmer is Retiring From PGA Play. 

"I said I'm not going to make a big announcement about anything that I do playing golf," Palmer said. "I'm just going to fade away, and this is the time."  And with that Arnold Palmer, golf legend, who has been playing PGA golf all my life is retiring today once he finishes his 18 holes of golf that were delayed today due to rain on the Master's course.

I've had the pleasure of meeting Arnie several times, when he used to visit my parents place during the local QC Open and through my uncle who's been in the golf business over 50 years. Arnold Palmer is a unique sports figure in American Golf history. Every time I had the pleasure of spending time with him and his family I was amazed at how well grounded he is. Being a celebrity meant little to him, because as he explained once-- "Being a good golfer and the celebrity status it brings is temporary." He told me. " It's an enjoyable way to earn a living, but staying on top is the hardest part." Arnie always played golf on his own terms. It appears he's leaving the Master's and golf the same way. Thanks for the memories Arnie. You're going to be missed.

4:01:07 AM    

Need a Little Help on CBDTPA and CARP Sources: Folks, I am in the process of assembling all of the recent articles and blogs on the CBDTPA and the Library of Congress CARP Action. These links will go into a specific category here within the blog to organize what is being said in the media and within online sources.  Help out if you can my emailing them to me or clicking the comments link.  Thanks!

3:11:43 AM    

The Acme AwardsThe Acme Award  or Abort-Retry-Fail Award #

Have a neighbor who's new computer is emitting enough RF to set your cordless phones into Vtac? Well here's a suggestion: Build yourself a Klingon disruptor for about $300 out of spare Radio Shack parts.  The features are described in this article. [Thanks to Mike for sending me on a URL clicking frenzy.]

Speaking of Mike Jardeen of Radio Free Beowulf-- You have got to read his account of the Business 2.0 article called: The 101 Dumbest Moments in Business. I'd swear the Cluetrain authors had their fingers in this article.

2:44:47 AM    

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Last update: 4/13/02; 2:45:12 AM.

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