Mary Wehmeier's Blog Du Jour
Pixel Interpreter: injecting common sense into technology and life.


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  Sunday, April 14, 2002

I'm back.  Nothing so wrong that a good dose of antibotics won't cure. However I'm staying home tonight to get some rest.

I'm taking today off for myself. Everyone play nice. Vegas wore me out and I'm heading over to ER in the AM for a little discussion with our friendly ER Doc. Everyone get your taxes or extentions finished and mailed on time.

3:36:10 AM    

Getting Closer to 10K Hits - As of tonight 9998 hits. Wow!

2:38:26 AM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mary Wehmeier.
Last update: 4/14/02; 2:38:52 AM.

April 2002
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