bcE -- burn day
We have (had) a pile of brush and wood in the back corner of the yard for years, ever since a 40 foot pine tree fell in our yard.
I've been burning the wood in a steel incinerator (trash can) once in a while, but the pile never seemed to diminish.
This year ,we had about three weeks of dry weather at the end of February and the start of March. I covered the pile for a rainy day or two, and yesterday was the right day: rained for a day or two before, but the pile covered and dry; forecast for a dry Saturday but rain on Sunday. So, after burning stuff in the incinerator much of the day Saturday, I built a six foot high teepee in the middle of the woodpile, and transferred several of the burning logs into the middle of it, and we had a fine backyard bonfire.
Deb brought out some wine & hors d'oeuvres, and we had a nice evening looking at Orion, the Big Dipper, and the fire.
When we retired for the evening, it was mostly down to some coals and one big chunk -- the largest part of the remains of the stump of that 40-foot pine.
The rain started late at night, and put out most of the rest of the stuff, but the one big chunk (now down to about a cubic foot) was still smoldering.
2:02:30 PM