Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:01 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Sunday, 3 March 2002

Google Conspiracy - Is there a conspiracy between Google and the cult of The Church of Scientology? You be the judge.

4:58:30 PM    Comments ()  

Can anything save the Governor-General? - from The Australian letters page:

The Governor General has committed three sins. He is a man, which outrages the feminists, he represents the Queen, which outrages the republicans, and worst of all he is a churchman, which outrages the atheists. He has been vilified on hearsay and innuendo, and been tried and found guilty by a sanctimonious media baying for blood in an unprecedented manner.

If this is the price we pay for freedom of speech, then it is too high.
David K. Fletcher
Glendalough, WA

6:54:28 AM    Comments ()  

Don't go meta - at the risk of voiding my own argument, I feel the need to contribute to the blogging about blogging debate.

Guys - that's not what it's about.

It appears, to me - a newbie, that bloggers go through three phases

  1. blogging - writing about stuff that happens to or interests them
  2. meta blogging - writing about the process of blogging
  3. imperial blogging - writing about what people are allowed to blog about

I imagine that there may be more "layers" - but I won't know about those until I'm "older and wiser."

The moment you pass from level 1 [blogging] to level 2 [meta blogging] you cease to be a blogger. Rather you become an opinionated and largely pious commentator on a process without actually engaging on the process at all. Rather like the crusty academic who has never stepped into the real world and participated in real life, except for that six week block that they served coffee in a milk bar...

If blogging is about self expression - express
If blogging is about social comment - comment
If blogging is about community - build community

If blogging is about commenting on blogging and damming to hell all those who don't agree with your particular doctrinal stance - then that's ok - but just don't expect the whole world to join you.

Tell me about you and your life,
   your thoughts,
      your dreams and your plans.

Tell me how you want to change the world,
   how you can make a better widget,
      how the very act of a beating heart inside your mortal frame makes this world a better place.

That's what I want to know.

6:29:46 AM    Comments ()  

Note to self: you are not alone -

From: DBANNISTER Feb-25 11:33 am PC_MAGAZINE unread

We hired a consultant who gave me a copy of the Cluetrain Manifesto.  I'm completely in agreement with your [Dvorak] assessment.  It was the most nonsensical thing I've ever read and had such a pinko socialist flavor I wanted to wash afterwards.

We fired the consultant shortly after that.

6:19:37 AM    Comments ()  

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