Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:07 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Saturday, 9 March 2002

Fix - Nice to see the referrers link fixed. 8:39:21 AM    Comments ()  

Warning, warningWarning, warning - I thought this was a more emotionally charged image to represent the presence of meta-blogging content...

I strikes me as interesting, watching and reading a variety of weblogs, that there are obviously a number of differing camps. Some use the blog to store stuff that they will forget and need to find again later. Some use the blog to push ideology (like all those inane Mac sites). Some use the blog to blatantly build an audience with the hope of exploiting them at some later date. And there are those that write what they like - not caring about readers or what they think.

So the two fairy tale questions remain to be answered - who is the fairest of them all and who is the bravest of them all.

To be the fairest of them all, you need to serve no higher purpose, but you do need to be true to yourself. You do need an audience - or there would be no point being "fairest", would there. The problem with many of the weblogs I've seen that fit into the fairest category - is that they have a tendency to become pretentious, prattling on about this and that, arguing why this form of blah is better than that form.

Unfortunately being true to oneself can be mistaken as "find some ridiculous cause and pump the life out of it"

Now this is an interesting category. To be the bravest of all, you need to comment boldly on any and all issues that come your way. Not allowing the interests of your readers to get in the way of a good comment, yet still presenting a holistic and logically consistent set of arguments that remain so over time.

Most newspapers and current affairs programs tend to go for the "fairest" award. A very few for the bravest. The ABC in Australia boasts a few "bravest" brands: "The 7:30 Report" and "MediaWatch" are two examples.

There is a natural tension and attraction between the fairest and the bravest. Each publicly despising the other, yet privately attracted to the other.

So what is this all about then, not sure really - but there's something lurking in the depths of my subconscious that is trying to get out...

7:50:46 AM    Comments ()  

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