Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:09 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Monday, 11 March 2002

"Working together" - Why is it when some people say "Can we get together to see if we can work together" they really mean "Can I come and sell you"

Why don't people just come out and say what they have to say?

I first heard this principle enunciated by Tad James. He called it high probability selling. In short, you call a list of prospects and come right out and say what you want to say.

For example I might say "Hi, my name is Victor Zalakos and I am with The Stand Out Training Company. We run great training programs is Macromedia development tools. Is this something that is of interest to you?"

And they say yes or no. If they say no - you've both saved time - if yes - an opportunity exists to do business.

I hate the slimey, suck-in style of marketing that tricks you into wasting your time with some bozo...

5:14:08 PM    Comments ()  

Certainty - What if there was certainty in life. You know what I mean - if you could be absolutely certain that when you do x then y would happen.

We get glimpses of certainty in our lives now. For example if you were take a hammer in your right hand, and hid your left forefinger really hard - it would hurt. You can be almost certain about that. There does exist some degree of uncertainty with this example though - you could miss, someone could stop you, the hammer could fly from your hand, the hammer might turn into a feather. Lots of things "could" happen.

Uncertainty abounds - take these for example:

  • will you take your next breath
  • will the cat die today
  • will it rain
  • has the chicken in the refrigerator gone off
  • dis the light in the refrigerator go off, this time
  • will you be run over by a car today
  • will you win lotto
  • will you meet a long lost friends
  • will your girlfriend say yes
  • will you say yes
  • will the light turn on
  • will the chair hold me
  • is the rapture going to happen today

The list is endless and yet, for the most part, we are really happy to continue living our lives with huge uncertainty going on all around us. Some major issues in life, and some monotonous details of life.

The natural tension between certainty and uncertainty is what makes life interesting and increases the passion we experience. To much uncertainty and you become depressed or manic, fearful and immobilised. Too much certainty and you become bored and careless, pompous and quarrelsome.

So how do we balance certainty and uncertainty?
Can we?
Should we?

How would your life be different if you could have complete certainty in any given situation - when you wanted it?

1:24:51 PM    Comments ()  

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