Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:15 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Monday, 18 March 2002

20 minutes...if only! - AKMA links to a NY Times editorial provided by Chris Locke that provides this gem [italics are mine]

"However problematic those undefined other actions may be, there's nothing questionable about using sermons that appear on Internet services designed precisely to help ministers who would otherwise be faced with writing a new 20-minute composition every week of their preaching lives. "

I'm sure the only twenty minute sermon I would be lucky enough to sit through would be a 40-60 minute one that was interrupted by the rapture!

5:13:25 PM    Comments ()  

Seinfeld Observations - available here

Why do people give each other flowers? To celebrate various important occasions, they're killing living creatures? Why restrict it to plants? "Sweetheart, let's make up. Have this deceased squirrel."

If airline seat cushions are such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see anyone take one to the beach?

Why do they call it a "building"? It looks like they're finished. Why isn't it called a "built"?

4:37:34 PM    Comments ()  

Neville Wran, Former Premier of NSW - In an interview broadcast on Friday.

"The rumblings of Woomera could be heard long before the 'Tampa' ever entered our national waters.

And the meanness of spirit and vision, the cynicism, the willingness to exploit our fears -- all now trademarks of the Government without principle, were visible, not to mention successful, long before the attacks on the World Trade Centre.

One day Australians will regret the stand that was taken on the 'Tampa' and the way, with apparently approval of the majority of Australians, the Howard Government was allowed to treat the persecuted and the persecutors, the refugee as a wrongdoer.

We allowed compassion and concern for the rights of others, for which Australia prides itself, to evaporate in the isolation of Nauru and the heat of the desert." [ABC]

6:56:50 AM    Comments ()  

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