Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:13 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Saturday, 16 March 2002

Rankings - Note to self: feel good - you rank higher in Google than Victor Chang - and he actually did something! 9:02:53 PM    Comments ()  

What - no links! - Some people don't provide a mechanism to link to their blog. That's a bit silly, don't you think? I wanted to link to wrongwaygoback's wetlog's comments about the Howard government's jokefest - but I don't think I will now... 7:59:39 PM    Comments ()  

Pretentious - There are some books I like and others I don't like - and there are many that I am luke warm about. Dori Smith and Tom Negrino supplemented their income with a great little tome called "JaveScript for the World Wide Web." We use it as our text in our training courses, and have bought hundreds of copies. I also went to a session by Dori at a really lousy conference in New Orleans. And was impressed enough with her presentation to begin using her book for our classes.

When some students in my most recent class visited the associated web site for the book they discovered a lot of really pretentious and tacky commentary about Dori's engagement ring. You can read the whole sordid story - and view the nauseating pictures here. They also blog.

Ladies and gentlemen - can I have your attention please - just because you can publish to a world wide platform - doesn't mean you have to. Thank you. Please feel free to resume what you were doing when I was forced to interrupt you.

7:48:59 PM    Comments ()  

So it's his fault - Now I know it's true - Jonathon Delacour is the cause of the world's gratuitous rise in blogging. I know that's why I'm here - and I know that's why Linda dabbled - but here's proof from a third party: Rob very clearly blames Jonathon for his entry into the world of blogging. 11:17:17 AM    Comments ()  

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