Updated: 29/11/2002; 7:50:05 AM.
Victor Echo Zulu
A city slicker moves to the bush

Thursday, 7 March 2002

Hmmm - why do software developers create really wide dialog boxes?

5:37:12 PM    Comments ()  

It gets worse - Thinking that there may have been some system changes going on, after reading toms comment in my blog, I decided to update the Radio root.

Silly me! This is the error I received:

A picture named bad.gif

1:46:56 PM    Comments ()  

Radio Userland Cloud - Evaporating Fast - Is it true that Radio has been hit by a cataclysmic systems failure today?

Evidence that says yes:

Evidence that says no

  • I can still post

What's the deal Jerry?

11:00:08 AM    Comments ()  

Page Rank - For those of you that are following my quest to build The Stand Out Training Company's web presence, you may be interested to know we now have a pagerank of 5. Slowly, slowly...

Individual pages within the site vary in their rank according to their level in the "structure". For example all the level 2 pages (options from the top-of-page menu) have a pagerank of 4 (for example News and Sitemap).

Level 3 pages have a page rank of 3 (for exmaple the Dreamweaver and Flash course descriptions).

Yet some pages (like our certification page, referrenced only from the site map and the front page) has a page rank of 0. Yet another page similarly referrenced (In house Training) has a page rank of 4.

Go figure...

10:55:24 AM    Comments ()  

Blogging - Mike Sanders emailed my yesterday about my piece on meta-blogging. He wrote (reproduced with permission)

The reason that metablogging sometimes works as a vehicle for exploration is that blogging is new to many people and most people seem to ask themselves why they are doing it. That opens a door to introspection on other things.

It is a point well taken. I am interested in a slightly different angle to that. What fascinates me is that blogging provides an insight into the mind, heart and soul of the blogger.

At the end of the day I really don't care about your cat - but I do care that you care about your cat. Does that make sense. I love the opportunity to connect with people.
This is a major step forward for me.

Being a "self contained" kind of guy, introverted in the sense that I recharge in isolation, yet extroverted in the sense that I am a great speaker and presenter, I never really found the need to connect with people one to one. I have always been gifted at connecting with a group or a crowd - but playing 1on1 was not a strength.

Building my relationship with Sue and participating in Tony Robbins' Date with Destiny program, and now blogging has [/is] changed that.

6:50:27 AM    Comments ()  

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